9.2.4. Defining and Initializing a Container


Every container type defines a default constructor (§ 7.1.4, p. 263). With the exception of array, the default constructor creates an empty container of the specified type. Again excepting array, the other constructors take arguments that specify the size of the container and initial values for the elements.

Initializing a Container as a Copy of Another Container

There are two ways to create a new container as a copy of another one: We can directly copy the container, or (excepting array) we can copy a range of elements denoted by a pair of iterators.

To create a container as a copy of another container, the container and element types must match. When we pass iterators, there is no requirement that the container types be identical. Moreover, the element types in the new and original containers can differ as long as it is possible to convert (§ 4.11, p. 159) the elements we’re copying to the element type of the container we are initializing:

// each container has three elements, initialized from the given initializers
list<string> authors = {"Milton", "Shakespeare", "Austen"};
vector<const char*> articles = {"a", "an", "the"};
list<string> list2(authors);     // ok: types match
deque<string> authList(authors); // error: container types don't match
vector<string> words(articles);  // error: element types must match
// ok: converts const char* elements to string
forward_list<string> words(articles.begin(), articles.end());

Image Note

When we initialize a container as a copy of another container, the container type and element type of both containers must be identical.

The constructor that takes two iterators uses them to denote a range of elements that we want to copy. As usual, the iterators mark the first and one past the last element to be copied. The new container has the same size as the number of elements in the range. Each element in the new container is initialized by the value of the corresponding element in the range.

Because the iterators denote a range, we can use this constructor to copy a subsequence of a container. For example, assuming it is an iterator denoting an element in authors, we can write

// copies up to but not including the element denoted by it
deque<string> authList(authors.begin(), it);

List Initialization

Under the new standard, we can list initialize (§ 3.3.1, p. 98) a container:

// each container has three elements, initialized from the given initializers
list<string> authors = {"Milton", "Shakespeare", "Austen"};
vector<const char*> articles = {"a", "an", "the"};

When we do so, we explicitly specify values for each element in the container. For types other than array, the initializer list also implicitly specifies the size of the container: The container will have as many elements as there are initializers.

Sequential Container Size-Related Constructors

In addition to the constructors that sequential containers have in common with associative containers, we can also initialize the sequential containers (other than array) from a size and an (optional) element initializer. If we do not supply an element initializer, the library creates a value-initialized one for us § 3.3.1 (p. 98):

vector<int> ivec(10, -1);        // ten int elements, each initialized to -1
list<string> svec(10, "hi!");    // ten strings; each element is  "hi!"
forward_list<int> ivec(10);      // ten elements, each initialized to 0
deque<string> svec(10);          // ten elements, each an empty string

We can use the constructor that takes a size argument if the element type is a built-in type or a class type that has a default constructor (§ 9.2, p. 329). If the element type does not have a default constructor, then we must specify an explicit element initializer along with the size.

Image Note

The constructors that take a size are valid only for sequential containers; they are not supported for the associative containers.

Library arrays Have Fixed Size

Just as the size of a built-in array is part of its type, the size of a library array is part of its type. When we define an array, in addition to specifying the element type, we also specify the container size:

array<int, 42>    // type is: array that holds 42 ints
array<string, 10> // type is: array that holds 10 strings

To use an array type we must specify both the element type and the size:

array<int, 10>::size_type i; // array type includes element type and size
array<int>::size_type j;     // error: array<int> is not a type

Because the size is part of the array’s type, array does not support the normal container constructors. Those constructors, implicitly or explicitly, determine the size of the container. It would be redundant (at best) and error-prone to allow users to pass a size argument to an array constructor.

The fixed-size nature of arrays also affects the behavior of the constructors that array does define. Unlike the other containers, a default-constructed array is not empty: It has as many elements as its size. These elements are default initialized (§ 2.2.1, p. 43) just as are elements in a built-in array (§ 3.5.1, p. 114). If we list initialize the array, the number of the initializers must be equal to or less than the size of the array. If there are fewer initializers than the size of the array, the initializers are used for the first elements and any remaining elements are value initialized (§ 3.3.1, p. 98). In both cases, if the element type is a class type, the class must have a default constructor in order to permit value initialization:

array<int, 10> ia1;  // ten default-initialized ints
array<int, 10> ia2 = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};  // list initialization
array<int, 10> ia3 = {42};  // ia3[0] is 42, remaining elements are 0

It is worth noting that although we cannot copy or assign objects of built-in array types (§ 3.5.1, p. 114), there is no such restriction on array:

int digs[10] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
int cpy[10] = digs;  // error: no copy or assignment for built-in arrays
array<int, 10> digits = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
array<int, 10> copy = digits;  // ok: so long as array types match

As with any container, the initializer must have the same type as the container we are creating. For arrays, the element type and the size must be the same, because the size of an array is part of its type.

Exercises Section 9.2.4

Exercise 9.11: Show an example of each of the six ways to create and initialize a vector. Explain what values each vector contains.

Exercise 9.12: Explain the differences between the constructor that takes a container to copy and the constructor that takes two iterators.

Exercise 9.13: How would you initialize a vector<double> from a list<int>? From a vector<int>? Write code to check your answers.

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