Pure Virtual Functions

Thinking about the question in this detail reveals that our problem is not just that we don’t know how to define net_price. In practice, we’d like to prevent users from creating Disc_quote objects at all. This class represents the general concept of a discounted book, not a concrete discount strategy.

We can enforce this design intent—and make it clear that there is no meaning for net_price—by defining net_price as a pure virtual function. Unlike ordinary virtuals, a pure virtual function does not have to be defined. We specify that a virtual function is a pure virtual by writing = 0 in place of a function body (i.e., just before the semicolon that ends the declaration). The = 0 may appear only on the declaration of a virtual function in the class body:

// class to hold the discount rate and quantity
// derived classes will implement pricing strategies using these data
class Disc_quote : public Quote {
    Disc_quote() = default;
    Disc_quote(const std::string& book, double price,
              std::size_t qty, double disc):
                 Quote(book, price),
                 quantity(qty), discount(disc) { }
    double net_price(std::size_t) const = 0;
    std::size_t quantity = 0; //  purchase size for the discount to apply
    double discount = 0.0;    //  fractional discount to apply

Like our earlier Bulk_item class, Disc_quote defines a default constructor and a constructor that takes four parameters. Although we cannot define objects of this type directly, constructors in classes derived from Disc_quote will use the Disc_quote constructors to construct the Disc_quote part of their objects. The constructor that has four parameters passes its first two to the Quote constructor and directly initializes its own members, discount and quantity. The default constructor default initializes those members.

It is worth noting that we can provide a definition for a pure virtual. However, the function body must be defined outside the class. That is, we cannot provide a function body inside the class for a function that is = 0.

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