18.1.2. Catching an Exception

The exception declaration in a catch clause looks like a function parameter list with exactly one parameter. As in a parameter list, we can omit the name of the catch parameter if the catch has no need to access the thrown expression.

The type of the declaration determines what kinds of exceptions the handler can catch. The type must be a complete type (§ 7.3.3, p. 278). The type can be an lvalue reference but may not be an rvalue reference (§ 13.6.1, p. 532).

When a catch is entered, the parameter in its exception declaration is initialized by the exception object. As with function parameters, if the catch parameter has a nonreference type, then the parameter in the catch is a copy of the exception object; changes made to the parameter inside the catch are made to a local copy, not to the exception object itself. If the parameter has a reference type, then like any reference parameter, the catch parameter is just another name for the exception object. Changes made to the parameter are made to the exception object.

Also like a function parameter, a catch parameter that has a base-class type can be initialized by an exception object that has a type derived from the parameter type. If the catch parameter has a nonreference type, then the exception object will be sliced down (§ 15.2.3, p. 603), just as it would be if such an object were passed to an ordinary function by value. On the other hand, if the parameter is a reference to a base-class type, then the parameter is bound to the exception object in the usual way.

Again, as with a function parameter, the static type of the exception declaration determines the actions that the catch may perform. If the catch parameter has a base-class type, then the catch cannot use any members that are unique to the derived type.

Image Best Practices

Ordinarily, a catch that takes an exception of a type related by inheritance ought to define its parameter as a reference.

Finding a Matching Handler

During the search for a matching catch, the catch that is found is not necessarily the one that matches the exception best. Instead, the selected catch is the first one that matches the exception at all. As a consequence, in a list of catch clauses, the most specialized catch must appear first.

Because catch clauses are matched in the order in which they appear, programs that use exceptions from an inheritance hierarchy must order their catch clauses so that handlers for a derived type occur before a catch for its base type.

The rules for when an exception matches a catch exception declaration are much more restrictive than the rules used for matching arguments with parameter types. Most conversions are not allowed—the types of the exception and the catch declaration must match exactly with only a few possible differences:

• Conversions from nonconst to const are allowed. That is, a throw of a nonconst object can match a catch specified to take a reference to const.

• Conversions from derived type to base type are allowed.

• An array is converted to a pointer to the type of the array; a function is converted to the appropriate pointer to function type.

No other conversions are allowed to match a catch. In particular, neither the standard arithmetic conversions nor conversions defined for class types are permitted.

Image Note

Multiple catch clauses with types related by inheritance must be ordered from most derived type to least derived.


Sometimes a single catch cannot completely handle an exception. After some corrective actions, a catch may decide that the exception must be handled by a function further up the call chain. A catch passes its exception out to another catch by rethrowing the exception. A rethrow is a throw that is not followed by an expression:


An empty throw can appear only in a catch or in a function called (directly or indirectly) from a catch. If an empty throw is encountered when a handler is not active, terminate is called.

A rethrow does not specify an expression; the (current) exception object is passed up the chain.

In general, a catch might change the contents of its parameter. If, after changing its parameter, the catch rethrows the exception, then those changes will be propagated only if the catch’s exception declaration is a reference:

catch (my_error &eObj) {     // specifier is a reference type
    eObj.status = errCodes::severeErr; // modifies the exception object
    throw; // the status member of the exception object is severeErr
} catch (other_error eObj) { // specifier is a nonreference type
    eObj.status = errCodes::badErr;    // modifies the local copy only
    throw; // the status member of the exception object is unchanged

The Catch-All Handler

Sometimes we want to catch any exception that might occur, regardless of type. Catching every possible exception can be a problem: Sometimes we don’t know what types might be thrown. Even when we do know all the types, it may be tedious to provide a specific catch clause for every possible exception. To catch all exceptions, we use an ellipsis for the exception declaration. Such handlers, sometimes known as catch-all handlers, have the form catch(...). A catch-all clause matches any type of exception.

A catch(...) is often used in combination with a rethrow expression. The catch does whatever local work can be done and then rethrows the exception:

void manip() {
    try {
        // actions that cause an exception to be thrown
    catch (...) {
        // work to partially handle the exception

A catch(...) clause can be used by itself or as one of several catch clauses.

Image Note

If a catch(...) is used in combination with other catch clauses, it must be last. Any catch that follows a catch-all can never be matched.

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