Using a Class to Manage union Members

Because of the complexities involved in constructing and destroying members of class type, unions with class-type members ordinarily are embedded inside another class. That way the class can manage the state transitions to and from the member of class type. As an example, we’ll add a string member to our union. We’ll define our union as an anonymous union and make it a member of a class named Token. The Token class will manage the union’s members.

To keep track of what type of value the union holds, we usually define a separate object known as a discriminant. A discriminant lets us discriminate among the values that the union can hold. In order to keep the union and its discriminant in sync, we’ll make the discriminant a member of Token as well. Our class will define a member of an enumeration type (§ 19.3, p. 832) to keep track of the state of its union member.

The only functions our class will define are the default constructor, the copy-control members, and a set of assignment operators that can assign a value of one of our union’s types to the union member:

class Token {
    // copy control needed because our class has a union with a string member
    // defining the move constructor and move-assignment operator is left as an exercise
    Token(): tok(INT), ival{0} { }
    Token(const Token &t): tok(t.tok) { copyUnion(t); }
    Token &operator=(const Token&);
    // if the union holds a string, we must destroy it; see § 19.1.2 (p. 824)
    ~Token() { if (tok == STR) sval.~string(); }
    // assignment operators to set the differing members of the union
    Token &operator=(const std::string&);
    Token &operator=(char);
    Token &operator=(int);
    Token &operator=(double);
    enum {INT, CHAR, DBL, STR} tok; // discriminant
    union {                         // anonymous union
        char   cval;
        int    ival;
        double dval;
        std::string sval;
    }; // each Token object has an unnamed member of this unnamed union type
    // check the discriminant and copy the union member as appropriate
    void copyUnion(const Token&);

Our class defines a nested, unnamed, unscoped enumeration (§ 19.3, p. 832) that we use as the type for the member named tok. We defined tok following the close curly and before the semicolon that ends the definition of the enum, which defines tok to have this unnamed enum type (§ 2.6.1, p. 73).

We’ll use tok as our discriminant. When the union holds an int value, tok will have the value INT; if the union has a string, tok will be STR; and so on.

The default constructor initializes the discriminant and the union member to hold an int value of 0.

Because our union has a member with a destructor, we must define our own destructor to (conditionally) destroy the string member. Unlike ordinary members of a class type, class members that are part of a union are not automatically destroyed. The destructor has no way to know which type the union holds, so it cannot know which member to destroy.

Our destructor checks whether the object being destroyed holds a string. If so, the destructor explicitly calls the string destructor (§ 19.1.2, p. 824) to free the memory used by that string. The destructor has no work to do if the union holds a member of any of the built-in types.

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