2.4.3. Top-Level const


As we’ve seen, a pointer is an object that can point to a different object. As a result, we can talk independently about whether a pointer is const and whether the objects to which it can point are const. We use the term top-level const to indicate that the pointer itself is a const. When a pointer can point to a const object, we refer to that const as a low-level const.

Exercises Section 2.4.2

Exercise 2.27: Which of the following initializations are legal? Explain why.

(a) int i = -1, &r = 0;

(b) int *const p2 = &i2;

(c) const int i = -1, &r = 0;

(d) const int *const p3 = &i2;

(e) const int *p1 = &i2;

(f) const int &const r2;

(g) const int i2 = i, &r = i;

Exercise 2.28: Explain the following definitions. Identify any that are illegal.

(a) int i, *const cp;

(b) int *p1, *const p2;

(c) const int ic, &r = ic;

(d) const int *const p3;

(e) const int *p;

Exercise 2.29: Uing the variables in the previous exercise, which of the following assignments are legal? Explain why.

(a) i = ic;

(b) p1 = p3;

(c) p1 = ⁣

(d) p3 = ⁣

(e) p2 = p1;

(f) ic = *p3;

More generally, top-level const indicates that an object itself is const. Top-level const can appear in any object type, i.e., one of the built-in arithmetic types, a class type, or a pointer type. Low-level const appears in the base type of compound types such as pointers or references. Note that pointer types, unlike most other types, can have both top-level and low-level const independently:

int i = 0;
int *const p1 = &i;  // we can't change the value of p1; const is top-level
const int ci = 42;   // we cannot change ci; const is top-level
const int *p2 = &ci; // we can change p2; const is low-level
const int *const p3 = p2; // right-most const is top-level, left-most is not
const int &r = ci;  // const in reference types is always low-level


The distinction between top-level and low-level matters when we copy an object. When we copy an object, top-level consts are ignored:

i = ci;  // ok: copying the value of ci; top-level const in ci is ignored
p2 = p3; // ok: pointed-to type matches; top-level const in p3 is ignored

Copying an object doesn’t change the copied object. As a result, it is immaterial whether the object copied from or copied into is const.

On the other hand, low-level const is never ignored. When we copy an object, both objects must have the same low-level const qualification or there must be a conversion between the types of the two objects. In general, we can convert a nonconst to const but not the other way round:

int *p = p3; // error: p3 has a low-level const but p doesn't
p2 = p3;     // ok: p2 has the same low-level const qualification as p3
p2 = &i;     // ok: we can convert int* to const int*
int &r = ci; // error: can't bind an ordinary int& to a const int object
const int &r2 = i; // ok: can bind const int& to plain int

p3 has both a top-level and low-level const. When we copy p3, we can ignore its top-level const but not the fact that it points to a const type. Hence, we cannot use p3 to initialize p, which points to a plain (nonconst) int. On the other hand, we can assign p3 to p2. Both pointers have the same (low-level const) type. The fact that p3 is a const pointer (i.e., that it has a top-level const) doesn’t matter.

Exercises Section 2.4.3

Exercise 2.30: For each of the following declarations indicate whether the object being declared has top-level or low-level const.

const int v2 = 0;    int v1 = v2;
int *p1 = &v1, &r1 = v1;
const int *p2 = &v2, *const p3 = &i, &r2 = v2;

Exercise 2.31: Given the declarations in the previous exercise determine whether the following assignments are legal. Explain how the top-level or low-level const applies in each case.

r1 = v2;
p1 = p2;    p2 = p1;
p1 = p3;    p2 = p3;

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