7. Working with Links and Buttons

No changes need to be made to complete Lesson 7 in the Adobe Muse third-quarter update. There is, however, a new type of linking feature added that allows you to link to a file. The states located in the States panel are now accessible in the Control panel, the Hyperlink field can be resized, and in the section “Editing link properties” starting on page 173, you will see the reference to Title. Titles in Muse are now referred to as Tooltips. Everywhere in the lesson that you see Title is now a reference to Tooltip.

Resize the Hyperlink Field

This is a simple, but very useful new feature when it comes to hyperlinks. You can now resize, by dragging, the Hyperlink field to see more of what you type in. On page 172, at the top of the page in step 2, after typing the maps.google.com, click and drag the gripper bar just to the right of the field to the right to increase the width of the field.


Styling Links

On page 174, in the section “Styling your text links,” nothing has changed in functionality when accessing the Site Properties dialog box (as in step 1 on page 174). The change is with the layout of the Site Property dialog box. In the Lesson, you can follow the same steps; just know that the dialog box now looks like the following:


Creating Anchors

On page 178, in the section “Creating Anchors,” when an anchor is placed in the page area, it now has an “X” in each corner to indicate that it cannot (and does not need to be) resized. In general, when a page item cannot be resized in a specific direction, an “X” is now shown instead of a missing or non-functioning handle.


Editing States

In previous lessons, we discussed that states for selected objects are now accessible in the Control panel—to the right of the Selection Indicator on the left end. On page 184, step 2, after selecting the text frame, you can instead choose the Rollover state from the states menu to the right of the word “Text Frame” in the Control panel. This is the same as choosing states in the States panel.


Link To File

We often want to make a file, such as a .PDF or .zip file, available for users to download. The Muse update now includes an option to link to a file that you supply.

1. In Plan mode, double-click the ABOUT page thumbnail to open the page in Design mode (if not already open).

2. On the ABOUT page, select the Text tool and insert the cursor after the text “Learn more about our story and all of the exciting things coming to Kevin’s Koffee Kart!” Press Enter or Return and type “Download our product catalog (PDF–1MB).” You may need to resize the text frame with the Selection tool, making it taller.


It can be helpful to indicate the file format and the file size when users download a file.


3. With the Text tool, select the text you just typed.

4. Choose Link To File from the menu to the right of the word Hyperlink in the Control panel. You may need to scroll down in the menu to see the Link To File option.


5. In the Import dialog box that appears, select the brochure.pdf from the Lessons > update > Lesson07 folder and click Open.

The link is created, and the linked file appears as “brochure.pdf” in the field to the right of the Hyperlink text in the Control panel.


6. Open the Assets panel (Window > Assets) and you will see brochure.pdf listed. That means the PDF file will be uploaded to the server when the site is published.


A paperclip and blue arrow appear to the right of the name in the Assets panel, and the word “Upload” appears in the Page column indicating that the file will be uploaded.

7. Click the Preview mode link and click the text “Download our product catalog (PDF–1MB)” to test the link. Some browsers will open the PDF within the browser window. Users can choose to download the PDF at that point.

8. Click the Design mode link and close the PRODUCTS page to return to Plan mode.

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