Part I. Social Media, Digital Media, and Personal Communication Tactics

Web 1.0 offered consumers the ability to access information and opened the door to ecommerce as users embraced the convenience and depth of products and services offered on the Internet. Consumers learned to trust making transactions online and for many people, this became their preferred way to browse, compare, and purchase products and services.

Web 2.0 evolved into a much more robust and interactive experience. The Internet facilitates a very effective and efficient way to communicate with customers, prospects, employees, channel partners, investors, and a variety of other stakeholders. For marketers, the Internet became an inbound and outbound sales channel, as well as a distribution channel for marketing, replacing more expensive methods of marketing communication like direct mail.

The evolution to Web 3.0 is driven by mobility, live streaming video, virtual apps, cloud computing, social media, and other technologies that can be accessed from anywhere in the world through a growing variety of devices. A globally connected work force and society drives an intense need for virtual connectivity and collaboration.

Digital experiences create customer affinity and top line revenue growth. 64 percent of consumers say they made their first purchase from a brand because of the digital experience they have with it.1 Digital experiences have a dramatic influence on purchases. According to the 2009 Razorfish Digital Brand Experience Study, 97 percent said a digital brand experience influenced whether or not they bought a product or service.2

Marketers who use a combination of digital media can move customers much faster through the sales cycle (awareness, trial, purchase, recommend) as a result of brand interaction and experience. The chapters in this section will show you how.

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