

+ (Add) operator, KQL, 169

/ (Divide) operator, KQL, 169

-- (Equals) operator, KQL, 169170

> (Greater) operator, KQL, 169

>- (Greater or Equal) operator, KQL, 169170

< (Less) operator, KQL, 169

<- (Less or Equal) operator, KQL, 169

% (Modulo) operator, KQL, 169

* (Multiply) operator, KQL, 169

!- (Not equals) operator, KQL, 169

!in (Not equals to any of the elements) operator, KQL, 169

− (Subtract) operator, KQL, 169


AAD user, Logic Apps, 115

access control, 15

Activity Workbook, 133137

Add (+) operator, KQL, 169

adversaries, knowledge of, 8

aggregation reference, KQL (Kusto Query Language), 172


and bookmarks, 97

listing in dashboard, 5661


“single pane of glass,” 7

SOC (security operations center), 5

analytic rules

configuring, 3844

creating, 4549

types, 4445

validating, 4950


component, 15

justification for usage, 3334

Analytics dashboard, accessing, 3437

any() function, KQL, 172

Apache Struts, vulnerability in, 2

architecture, Azure Sentinel, 1315

arg_max() function, KQL, 172

arg_min() function, KQL, 172

“assume breach” mindset, 23

attack timeline with alerts, 61

attrib tool, use with WannaCry, 34

Audit Logs hunting queries, 70


post-incident, 125130

real-time, 110125

avg() function, KQL, 172

AWS (Amazon Web Services), connecting with, 151157

AWS CloudTrail hunting queries, 70

Azure Active Directory Identity Protection, 2529

Azure Activity hunting queries, 70

Azure Activity Log, 2223. See also log data

Azure Logic Apps, 43

Azure Notebooks, 8487

Azure Security Center, connecting to, 2325

Azure Sentinel

accessing in Azure Portal, 52

accessing ingested data, 2932

addressing SecOps challenges, 11

adoption considerations, 1516

analytics, 15

architecture, 1315

cases, 14

Community, 15, 45

components, 14

connecting to, 8894

core capabilities, 12

dashboards, 14

data collection, 12

data connectors, 14

data ingestion, 1929

documentation, 11

enabling, 1619

GitHub repository, 56, 107

hunting, 14

incidents page, 53

investigation of threats, 12

Log Analytics workspace, 1516

notebooks, 14

overview, 1

Playbooks, 14

querying data, 8794

rapid response, 12

security incidents, 5255

Technical Community blogs, 107

threat detection, 12


Base64-encoded contents, decoding, 103

Bitcoin ransom

coin-mining malware, 4

paying via Petya, 1

black box rules, 44

bokeh library, 99

bookmarks. See also queries

and alerts, 97

and hunting queries, 7378

using with incidents, 56, 6769

bool type, KQL, 166

buildschema() function, KQL, 172


cases, 14

CDF collector, installing, 146147

CDOC (Cyber Defense Operations Center), 6

CEF (Common Event Format), 20, 160

CISOs (Chief Information Security Officers), 1, 7

cloud-native SIEM, 1112, 21

clustering, finding outliers with, 103104

coin-mining malware, 4

Collection, ATT&CK Matrix, 66

columns, adding and removing in KQL, 172173

Command And Control, ATT&CK Matrix, 66

comments, using with incidents, 56

Community page, 15, 45

community-based hunting queries, 7778

comparison operators, KQL (Kusto Query Language), 169


with AWS (Amazon Web Services), 151157

to Azure Sentinel, 8894

with Fortinet, 145151

with Palo Alto, 158162

Consumer Interview System, 3

Containment, incident management, 5152

count() function, KQL, 172

countif() function, KQL, 172

Credential Access, ATT&CK Matrix, 66

CTI (cyberthreat intelligence), 8

Custom Deployment blade, post-incident automation, 126

CVE-2017-0145 critical vulnerability, 33

CVE-2017-5638 critical vulnerability, 23

cyberattacks in Europe, 1

cyberdefense operations, fusion center model, 6


DART (Detection and Response Team), Microsoft, 35

dashboards, 14


exporting to Excel, 143

summarizing in KQL, 170172

suspicious signs in, 101103

data collection, 12, 20

data connectors, 14

data ingestion, 1929

data sets, linking/displaying, 105

data sources, considering, 16

data types, KQL, 166167

data visualization

Azure Sentinel workbooks, 131132

built-in workbooks, 133137

custom workbooks, 138140

Excel, 143

PowerBI, 141142

DataFrame, using with pandas, 92, 95, 105

datetime type, KQL, 166

DBScan algorithm, using to cluster processes, 104

dcount() function, KQL, 172

decimal type, KQL, 166

decoding obfuscated data, Notebooks, 103

Defender Advanced Threat Protection, Microsoft, 34

Defense Evasion, ATT&CK Matrix, 66

deployment considerations, 16

Detection and Analysis, incident management, 5152

Discovery, ATT&CK Matrix, 66

Divide (/) operator, KQL, 169

DNS Events hunting queries, 71

DNS Proxies incident, 56

documentation, Azure Sentinel, 11

DSVM (Data Science Virtual Machine), 87

dynamic type, KQL, 166


Edit API Connection blade, post-incident automation, 127

Edit Template blade, post-incident automation, 126

email messages, scanning by Office 365, 4

entities, using with incidents, 56, 59

Enumeration of users and groups, hunting query, 68

Equals (--) operator, KQL, 169170

Equals to one of the elements (in) operator, KQL, 169

Equifax network, 3

Eradication, incident management, 5152

Europe, cyberattacks in, 1

evaluate operator, KQL (Kusto Query Language), 175176

event timelines, Notebooks, 99100. See also Timeline

evidence, 14

Excel, exporting data to, 143

Execution, ATT&CK Matrix, 65

Exfiltration, ATT&CK Matrix, 66

Exploration Notebooks, 94

exploration queries, 61. See also queries

exporting data to Microsoft Excel, 143

extend, KQL (Kusto Query Language), 173


finding outliers with clustering, Notebooks, 103104

forensics analysts, 5

Fortinet, connecting with, 145151

fullouter join, KQL, 175

fusion center model, cyberdefense operations, 6


geomapping IP addresses, Notebooks, 106

GitHub repository, 70, 8586, 107

Greater (>) operator, KQL, 169

Greater or Equal (>-) operator, KQL, 169170

guid type, KQL, 166167


Hellen, Ian, 79

HTTP Data Collector API, 20

hunting, 14

hunting and investigation, notebooks, 94106

Hunting dashboard, accessing, 6468

hunting queries. See also threat hunting

availability, 7073

and bookmarks, 7378

community-based, 7778


identity protection, 2729

Impact, ATT&CK Matrix, 66

in (Equals to one of the elements) operator, KQL, 169

!in (Not equals to any of the elements) operator, KQL, 169

incident management. See also security incidents

Azure Sentinel, 5255

investigation, 5661

overview, 5152

ingesting data, 1932

Initial Access, ATT&CK Matrix, 65

inner join, KQL, 175

innerunique join, KQL, 175

int type, KQL, 166

integration costs, reducing, 21

IntelliSense capability, using, 31


graph, 5761

of threats, 12

Tier 2, 5

IOA (indicators of attack), 34

IOCs (indicators of compromise), 33, 101102

IP addresses

geomapping, 106

looking up, 102

IPython, 79, 96

ipywidgets, Jupyter Notebooks, 98, 105


join, KQL (Kusto Query Language), 174175

Jupyter Notebooks. See also Notebooks

audiences, 83

complexity guidelines, 8081

data persistence, repeatability, backtracking, 81

data processing, 82

environments, 8384

interactive display environment, 8182

ipywidgets, 98

joining to external data, 82

machine learning, 82

magic command, 8990

overview, 7984

scripting and programming, 81

use cases, 83

visualization, 82

Jupyter server options, Azure Notebooks, 8687

JupyterHub, 87


Kassis, Mike, 163

Koren, Koby, 110

KQL (Kusto Query Language)

accessing ingested data, 2932

adding and removing columns, 172173

aggregation reference, 172

comparison operators, 169

data types, 166167

evaluate operator, 175176

extend, 173

filtering data, 169170

getting data, 167168

join, 174175

joining tables, 173175

learning resources, 177

let statements, 176177

limiting data, 168

numerical operators, 169

PowerShell, 164166

project and project-away statements, 172173

sorting data, 168

SQL, 164

string operators, 169170

structure, 163166

summarizing data, 170172

take operator, 168

union, 174

workspace data, 3940

KQL queries

Palo Alto Networks firewalls, 161162

substituting Python variables in, 9394

Kqlmagic. See also queries

and QueryProvider, 96

using to query data, 8794


Lateral Movement, ATT&CK Matrix, 66

leftanti join, KQL, 175

leftouter join, KQL, 175

leftsemi join, KQL, 175

Less (<) operator, KQL, 169

Less or Equal (<-) operator, KQL, 169

let statements, KQL, 176177

linking/displaying related data sets, Notebooks, 105

Log Analytics workspace, 1516, 157

log data ingestion time, 49

log data, sending to workspaces, 20. See also Azure Activity Log

Logic Apps, 109, 111115, 121

logon information, querying, 9899

long type, KQL, 166


magic command, Jupyter, 8990

make_bag() function, KQL, 172

make_list() function, KQL, 172

make_set() function, KQL, 172

malicious URL STIX object, 910


coin-mining, 4

Petya and NotPetya, 12

max() function, KQL, 172

Maxmind GeoLite, 106

M.E.Doc tax accounting software, 2

Microsoft Excel, exporting data to, 143


black box rules, 44

Defender Advanced Threat Protection, 34

Detection and Response Team (DART), 35

GitHub repository, 70, 8586

Security Intelligence Report, 35

services, 20

solutions, 4445

vendors/partners’ connectors, 20

min() function, KQL, 172

Mitre, definition of SOC, 5

MITRE ATT&CK knowledge base, 34, 6566

ML (machine learning) technique, 103

Modulo (%) operator, KQL, 169

MSTIC (Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center), Notebooks, 95

msticpy query library, Notebooks, 9597

Multiple Data Sources hunting queries, 71

Multiply (*) operator, KQL, 169


NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), 51

Not equals (!-) operator, KQL, 169

Not equals to any of the elements (!in) operator, KQL, 169

Notebooks. See also Jupyter Notebooks

alerts and bookmarks, 97

benefits, 107

decoding obfuscated data, 103

diagram, 14

event timelines, 99100

finding outliers with clustering, 103104

geomapping IP addresses, 106

hunting and investigation, 94106

IoCs and threat intelligence, 101102

linking/displaying related data sets, 105

MSTIC (Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center), 95

msticpy query library, 9597

msticpy query library, 9597

querying process/logon information, 9899

suspicious signs in data, 101103

types, 94

NotPetya malware, 12

NSG (Network Security Group), 145

numerical operators, KQL (Kusto Query Language), 169


obfuscated data, decoding, 103

Office 365 action, adding for Playbook, 116

Office 365 Activity hunting queries, 71

Office 365, email messages scanned by, 4

Operation WilySupply, 3

operational CTI, 8

order operator, KQL (Kusto Query Language), 168


Palo Alto Networks firewalls, connecting with, 158162

pandas dataframes, 92, 105

percentiles() function, KQL, 172

permissions, considering, 15

Persistence, ATT&CK Matrix, 66

Petya ransomware, 1

phishing, 4

pie charts, adding to Workbooks, 139


diagram, 14

post-incident automation, 125128

real-time automation, 110125

SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation and Response), 109110

post-incident automation, 125130

Power BI, visualizations, 141142

PowerShell and KQL, 164166

Privilege Escalation, ATT&CK Matrix, 66

process information, querying, 9899

procedures. See Playbooks

project and project-away statements, KQL (Kusto Query Language), 172173

protection, automating, 12

Python, 8283, 9294


queries. See also bookmarks; exploration queries; KQL (Kusto Query Language); Kqlmagic

and bookmarks, 67

process and logon information, 9899

validating data sources, 3132

Query Language Reference, 40

querying process/logon information, Notebooks, 9899

QueryProvider library, msticpy, 9596



Petya, 1

WannaCry, 3334

RBAC (Role-Based Access Control), 1516

real type, KQL, 166

real-time automation, 110125

reference operational model, SOC (Security Operations Center), 9

Remediation, incident management, 5152

remediation analysts, 5

reports. See Workbooks

resources, freeing up, 21

REST API client, 20

rightanti join, KQL, 175

rightouter join, KQL, 175

rightsemi join, KQL, 175

Rule Templates tab, 36


Sample Notebooks, 94

SecOps (Security Operations)

addressing challenges, 11

cloud-native SIEM, 1112

intelligence report, 35

resource challenges, 7

security challenges, 58

threat intelligence, 810

threat landscape, 13

Security Alert hunting queries, 71

security data challenges, 78

Security Event hunting queries, 72

security incidents, 5255. See also incident management

Security Intelligence Report, Microsoft, 35

Shezaf, Ofer, 21

SIEM (Security Incident and Event Management), 1

cloud-native, 1112, 21

Logs hunting queries, 7273

“single pane of glass,” analysts, 7

SMB (Server Message Block), 2

SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation and Response), 11

overview, 109110

SOC (Security Operations Center), 1

reference operational model, 9

resource challenges, 7

and SecOps, 56

threat hunting, 6364

software supply chains, targeting, 3

SQL and KQL, 164

stdev() function, KQL, 172

STIX object, malicious URL, 910

strategic CTI, 8

string operators, KQL (Kusto Query Language), 169

string type, KQL, 166

Subtract (−) operator, KQL, 169

sum() function, KQL, 172

summarize statement, KQL, 170172

support engineers, SOC (security operations center), 6

suspicious signs in data, Notebooks, 101103

SYSLOG CEF messages, 145, 159

Syslog Common Event Format, 20

Syslog daemon, configuring for Palo Alto, 158159

Syslog hunting queries, 73


tables, joining in KQL, 173175

tactical CTI, 8

take operator, KQL (Kusto Query Language), 168

TAXII (Trusted Automated Exchange of Intelligence Information), 10

Technical Community blogs, 107

threat collection, 12

threat hunting. See also hunting queries

implementing, 6473

overview, 6364

queries and bookmarks, 7378

threat intelligence, 810, 73

threat landscape, 15

TI (Threat Intelligence) indicators, 101102

Tier 1-Tier 3 analysts, SecOps, 57

time charts, adding to Workbooks, 140

Timeline, listing for incident alerts, 5960. See also event timelines

timespan type, KQL, 166167

TTPs (tactics, techniques, procedures), 1, 8


Ukraine, infections in, 12

union, KQL (Kusto Query Language), 174

URL. See malicious URL STIX object


variance() function, KQL, 172

visualizations, Power BI, 141142

VM (virtual machine)

isolating, 52

Palo Alto Networks firewalls, 159

for testing real-time automation, 122125

vulnerabilities, targeting, 2


W3C IIS Log hunting queries, 73

WannaCry ransomware, 3334

“web shells,” dropping, 3

where operator, KQL (Kusto Query Language), 169170

Wire Data hunting queries, 73


action menu, 136

customizing, 138140

editing, 138

pie charts, 139

templates, 132, 134135

time charts, 140

using, 131, 133137

workspace design consideration, 1618

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