Abrams, Alexis, 162163

Adams, Ansel, 9293

Adobe Photoshop, see Photoshop®

American Concentration Camps, 8289

Americans, The, 234


camera obscura, 113

definition, 109

depth of field control, 110, 344345

increments, 110

pinhole camera, 114

whole numbers, 344

Archaeology of a Life, 136139

Ascorbic Acid, 179

At Rest, 19

Awakening to a Dream, 292295


Barrett, Terry, 74

Barth, Uta, 124

Bates, Michelle, 125, 140143

Beckerman, David, 913, 117119, 167, 169, 175

Become Your Dream, 11

Belcher, Alyson, 192195

Bellows, 120123

Bethesda Passage, 175

Black and White Magic of St. Petersburg, 204

Blossfeldt, Karl, 173

Blurred time

darkroom techniques, 180182

exercise, 182

overview, 166, 168

painting with light, 170, 172

panning, 172173

tools, 168

Bob, 4851

Bone-Yard Series, 170171


darkroom techniques

borderless, 17

exercises, 25

fine black border, 1718, 308309

overview, 1617

vignetted border, 18, 21, 309313

definition, 1516

digital photos, 2122, 308315

Botanical Portraits, 206211

Box of Ku, A, 240

Bromide emulsion, 237

Buckley, Angie, 3235

Buildings No., 12, 17

Bunny, 144147


Camera obscura

calculations, 113

historical perspective, 112113

Camera shake, avoidance, 346

Carnevale, 163

Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 162163

Casabelle, A. Becquer, 222223

Celebrations and Competitions, 164

Character Recognition, 230, 266269

Cherimoya, 173

Children at Play, 16

Chloride emulsion, 236237

Chloro-bromide emulsion, 237

Christiansen, Joy, 300303

City of Shadows, 200203

Cityscape Panorama Project, 4247

Coaker, Tom, 5255

Cochran, Tony, 110, 160

Collage, definition, 339

Constructed photography, definition, 339

Contact sheet

frame selection, 14

image generation, 7174

Contemplating Peace, 102105


definition, 4

versus subject, 5

Cropping, framing, 1415

Crossing the Brooklyn Bridge, 12

Crowley, Phyllis, 148151

Curtis, Shawn Marie, 116, 166


Daguerreotype, 109

Danehey, John, 226229

Davidhazy, Andrew, 218225

Davidson, Michael W., 179

Day's End, 2, 98101

Declaration of Independence, as physical object, 232

Depth of field


aperture, 110, 344345

camera to subject distance, 111, 345

lens focal length, 111, 344

definition, 110

exercise, 129130

pinhole camera, 114

preview, 124

Dharma in a Paisley Field, 21

Diagonal picture planes, 11, 25

Dialogue, The, 300301

Diana, 125

Diarama, definition, 339

Diffusion filter

digital effects

camera diffusion effect, 322324

darkroom diffusion effect, 321322

overview, 128129, 319

overview, 125126

Dobbs, Todd, 1718

Dod Sign, 121

Doubt, 6065


Eagleson, Dennie, 114115, 136139

Eating Rituals, 300, 303

Edgerton, Harold, 178

Emerson, P.H., 109

Equivalent exposure, 346

Erie Train Car, 18

Erwitt, Elliott, 10

Eschbaugh, Mark, 2, 98101


bracketing, 349

definition, 341


amount of light, 341342

aperture, 344345

ISO speed, 342344

shutter speed, 345

digital cameras, 349

equivalent exposure, 346

law of reciprocity, 346347

light meter use, 347348

normal exposure, 346

overexposure, 346

tonal relationship


average scene, 349350

high-key scene, 350352

low-key scene, 352353

overview, 348

underexposure, 346


Faris Belt, Angela, 2123, 68, 70, 111, 125, 127, 234, 237, 256259, 304, 306, 315, 336, 350352

Fine black border, 1718, 308309

Finke, Tom, 164 Fish, Alida, 260265

Focal length

camera obscura, 113

depth of field control, 111, 344

frozen time, 166

lens types

normal focal length, 116117, 119

wide angle, 119

telephoto, 119

pinhole camera, 115


digital darkroom focus effects

diffusion effects

camera diffusion effect, 322324

darkroom diffusion effect, 321322

overview, 128129, 319

plastic camera, 127, 315318

out-of-focus images, 123124, 130

Photorealism, 108

plane of focus, 120, 130


definition, 4

elements, 5

Foucalt, Michael, 83


conscious framing, 68, 24

contact sheets in editing, 14

cropping, 1415

juxtaposition, 910

multiple frames, see Multiple frames picture planes, 1011, 13

vantage point, 89

France in Passing, 226229

Frank, Robert, 234

From the Cabinet of Curiosities, 260265

Frozen time, 164166, 183

F-stop, see Aperture

Furniture, 300303


Gellage, 270275

Genry, Lindsay, 128129, 319

George, Amy Holmes, 292295

Girl with Pail, 167

Goldberg, Jim, 234

Golemboski, Carol, 181, 184187

Gordin, Misha, 6065

Grainy effect, 238, 332335

Greene, Myra, 230, 266269

Greenfield, Lois, 164

Greig, Cynthia, 152155, 280283


Hands, 239, 332335

Hanson, David T., 244251

Hardman, Jennifer, 239, 332

Hasselblad ArcBody, 120

Hayashi, Masumi, 8289

Head in Hands, 117

Heinecken, Robert, 231

Hidden Secrets, 300, 302

Holga, 125

Hughes, T. John, 4247

Hum, David, 4


In-between, The, 3235

Insidious Charms, 296299

Installation, definition, 340

ISO speed

attributes, 343

exposure, 342344


Jahiel, Adam, 212217

Journal in Progress, 284287

Juvan, Darko, 124


frame organization, 910

Living on Benson Highway, 53


Kellner, Thomas, 7682

Kiwi, 173

Klett, Mark, 74, 9095

Kreisher, Katharine, 102105

Kulinski, Nicole, 158, 165


Labate, 288291

Landscapes, 288291

Lartigue, Jacques Henri, 164

Last Cowboy, The, 212217

Laveris, Jason, 72

Lavine, Joe, 67, 172173, 325

Law of reciprocity, 346347

Lens, see also Focal length

advantages, 116

quality, 124125


normal focal length, 116117, 119

telephoto, 119

wide angle, 119

Lensbaby™, 122123

Life-Size, 152155

Light meter, use, 347348

Lippert, Kathy, 174

Living on Benson Highway, 5255

Looking for the Quetzal, 162

Luna Moth, 237


Macku, Michal, 270275

Madigan, Martha, 206211

Man and Woman, 10

Manhattan Hall, 13

Materials and processes

case study of effects, 240

gallery display materials, 240242

overview, 232

technical considerations and visual outcomes

digital grainy and sepia effect, 238, 332335

grain structure, 233235

size and scale, 238, 240

surface structure, 235238

Meatyard, Ralph Eugene, 166

Media plane, 120

Mendoza, Tony, 4851

Mercado, Melissa, 19

Metabiotics, 2631

Metropolitan Museum, 118

Mixed media, definition, 339

Montage, definition, 339

Morell, Abelardo, 112

Multimedia, definition, 339

Multiple frames

contact sheet images, generation, 7174

gestalt, 66


generation, 69, 73, 313315

single frame division, 6970

rationale, 6667

Muybridge, Eadweard, 93, 96, 178


Narrative, definition, 339

Negative carrier, customization, 307308

Neutral density filter, blurred time, 168

Normal exposure, 346

Norton, Anna, 252255


Off Peak, 148151

On Longing: Narratives on the Miniature, the Gigantic, the Souvenir, 238

Orion, Alexandre, 10, 2631

O'Sullivan, Timothy, 95

Overexposure, 346

Overlapped time

darkroom techniques, 180182

examples, 176, 178180

Overlapping picture planes, 11, 13, 25


Painted border, 18, 21, 309313

Painting with light, 170, 172, 325332

Panning, blurred time, 172173


generation, 69, 73, 313315

single frame division, 6970

Parallel picture planes, 1011, 25

Phillips, Lincoln, 120121

Photorealism, 108


focus effects

diffusion effects, 128129, 319324

plastic camera, 127, 315318

grainy and sepia effect, 238, 332335

painting with light, 325332

shutter speed effects, 159160

Picture planes, frame organization, 1011, 13

diagonal picture planes, 11, 25

exercises, 2425

overlapping picture planes, 11, 13, 25

parallel picture planes, 1011, 25

Pinhole camera

construction, 113, 130131

technical considerations, 114115

Plane of focus

manipulation exercise, 130

overview, 120

Plastic lens camera

overview, 125

simulation, 126127, 315318

Price, Mary, 5

Psychometry, 184187


Rain Leaves, 125

Raised by Wolves, 234

Red Rocks Crux, 121

Referent, 276279

Representations, 280283

Road to Stillmore, The, 252255


Self Portraits, 192195

Sepia effect, 238

Sequence, definition, 339

Series, definition, 339

Shore, Stephen, 78


focal-plane (curtain) shutter, 159

leaf shutter, 159

Shutter speed

camera shake avoidance, 346

digital effects, 159160

frozen time, 165166

overview, 158159

visual quality and photographic meaning, 160164

whole-stop speeds, 159, 345

Simons, Chip, 144147

Skinning Birds, 181

Something More and Less, 156, 188191

Spaces, 111

Spray Booth, 115

Stacey Plott Contact Sheet Image, 72

Stars, 196199

Static time, 173174, 176

Stephenson, David, 178, 196199

Steps of the Met, 9

Stevens, Jane Alden, 3641

Stewart, Susan, 238

Stivers, Robert, 124

String Theory, 218221

Sub–version, 5659


versus content, 5

definition, 4

Swan, Sylvia de, 5659

Szarkowski, John, 160

Szucs, Suzanne E., 284287


Tableau, definition, 339

Tears of Stone: World War I Remembered, 3641

Teemer, Jack, 1516, 240

Telephoto lens, 119


changing exercise, 242243

image materials, 237238

Time delineation

blurred time

darkroom techniques, 180182

exercise, 182

overview, 166, 168

painting with light, 170, 172

panning, 172173

tools, 168

frozen time, 164166, 183

overlapped time

darkroom techniques, 180182

examples, 176, 178180

static time, 173174, 176

Time Standing Still, 205

Tint, substrate, 236

Tintype process, 260

Titarenko, Alexey, 200205


bromide emulsion, 237

chloride emulsion, 236237

chloro-bromide emulsion, 237

exposure tonal relationship


average scene, 349350

high-key scene, 350352

low-key scene, 352353

overview, 348

Traces, 124, 132134, 256259

“Treasure State, The”: Montana, 1889–1989, 244251

Turnstile, 169


Uelksmann, Jerry, 178

Underexposure, 346


Vantage point, frame organization, 89

Vignetted border, 18, 21, 309313


Wade, Cara Lee, 296299

Wall Street Shapes, 119

Watkins, Carleton E., 92, 94

Weinrauch, Paul, 176177

Weston, Edward, 93, 173

Whitaker, Joel, 276279

Wide angle lens, 119

Wilkinson, Sean, 106, 124, 132134, 156, 188191

Winogrand, Garry, 3

Wolfe, Byron, 74, 9095

Woodman Francesca, 166

Wyoming Landscape, 68


Yamamoto, Masao, 240

Yosemite in Time, 9697


Zoromski, Anna T., 170171

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