Part III. A Worked Example

One of our goals in writing this book was to convey the whole experience of test-driven software development. We want to show how the techniques fit together over a larger scale than the examples usually presented in books. We make a point of including external components, in this case Swing and messaging infrastructure, since the stress points of this kind of approach are usually at the boundaries between code that we own and code that we have to work with. The application that we build includes such complexities as event-based design, multiple threads, and distribution.

Another goal was to tell a realistic story, so we include episodes where we have to backtrack on decisions that turn out to be wrong. This happens in any software development that we’ve seen. Even the best people misunderstand requirements and technologies or, sometimes, just miss the point. A resilient process allows for mistakes and includes techniques for discovering and recovering from errors as early as possible. After all, the only alternative is to leave the problems in the code where, generally, they will cause more expensive damage later.

Finally, we wanted to emphasize our culture of very incremental development. Experienced teams can learn to make substantial changes to their code in small, safe steps. To those not used to it, incremental change can feel as if it takes too long. But we’ve been burned too often by large restructurings that lose their way and end up taking longer—unpredictably so. By keeping the system always clean and always working, we can focus on just the immediate change at hand (instead of having to maintain a mental model of all the code at once), and merging changes back in is never a crisis.

On formatting


Some of the code and output layout in this example looks a bit odd. We’ve had to trim and wrap the long lines to make them fit on the printed page. In our development environments we use a longer line length, which (we think) makes for more readable layout of the code.

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