Part I. Introduction

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a deceptively simple idea: Write the tests for your code before writing the code itself. We say “deceptively simple” because this transforms the role testing plays in the development process and challenges our industry’s assumptions about what testing is for. Testing is no longer just about keeping defects from the users; instead, it’s about helping the team to understand the features that the users need and to deliver those features reliably and predictably. When followed to its conclusions, TDD radically changes the way we develop software and, in our experience, dramatically improves the quality of the systems we build, in particular their reliability and their flexibility in response to new requirements.

Test-driven development is widely used in “agile” software development approaches. It is a core practice of Extreme Programming (XP) [Beck99], is recommended by Crystal Clear [Cockburn04], and is often used in Scrum projects [Schwaber01]. We’ve used TDD on every agile project we’ve been involved in, and have found uses for it in non-agile projects. We’ve even found that it helps us make progress in pure research projects, where the motivation is to explore ideas rather than deliver features.

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