

A3, 32, 35, 388, 390

Agile BPM, 344–347

Agile compared with Lean, 263–268

Agile Manifesto, 263–264

Agility, 4, 9, 45, 50, 201, 323

Andon, 34, 47, 185, 190–191, 265–266

API (application program interface), 399, 401


Application integration, 121, 254, 366, 373

Architecture, 328–330

Architecture governance, 62

Armstrong, Lance, 132, 140


Assembly cells, 59–60

Assembly lines, 25–29, 48

Automate processes (principle), 67

change management, 172–173

data profiling, 170–171

integration deployment, 172–173

life-cycle, 173–174

pitfalls, 164–167

testing, 171

time-based competition (TBC), 168–169

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage case study, 174–179

Automation. See Autonomation (jidoka)

Autonomation (jidoka), 31–32, 46–47, 197–198, 265, 267, 388–389


Batch and queue system, 73, 120

B2B (business to business), 53, 352, 399

B2C (business to consumer), 399

BEST (Business Event State Transition), 330–332

BI Business intelligence, 166, 318, 399

BICC (Business Intelligence Competency Center), 404

Big Bank case study, 70, 85–87

BIGCO case study, 236–240

Break dependencies, 146–150

Brooks, Frederick P., Jr., 7, 253, 333–334

Budget horizon, 214

Build quality in (principle), 67

case study, 198–201

data quality, 182–192

integration quality, 192–198

Business activity monitoring (BAM), 323, 328

Business case development, 216–235

Business context diagram, 287, 313–314

Business event model, 324–325

Business glossary, 284–287, 318–320, 401, 403

Business object, 401

Business process, 401

Business Process Execution Language (BPEL), 399

Business process management (BPM), 321, 399

activities, 326–328

Agile, 344–347

architecture, 328–330

BEST architecture case study, 330–332

data in motion models, 324–326

integration aspects, 322

maturity model, 322–323

Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN), 327, 400

Business view, 287–288, 313–314, 318, 324


Canonical data model, 195, 303, 343, 346, 348, 355, 401

Canonical interchange modeling, 343, 346–349, 355–356

Canonical mapping, 60

Canonical model, 78, 287, 313, 317, 318, 336–350, 401–402

Canonical physical formats, 318, 343, 349–350, 355–356

Capacity-based sourcing, 242–243

Capital vs. operating costs, 223

Case studies

bank (Big Bank), 70, 85–87

bank (Wells Fargo), 174–179, 330–332

BIGCO, 236–240

BPM (BEST architecture), 330–332

chargebacks, 250–252

decentralized enterprise, 274–279

enterprise data warehouse, 238–240

European Interoperability Framework, 357–359

LEAN-BANK financial management, 250–252

mass customization, 159–161

medical products (Smith & Nephew), 122–130

object-relational impedance mismatch, 359–360

REST and SOA, 269–271

retail (Clicks-and-Bricks), 70, 81–85, 91–101

utility company (Good Energy), 198–201

“Catch ball,” 32, 35

CDC Changed data capture, 46, 157, 400

Centralization, 211–212, 274–275

Change, fear of, 115

Change agents, 113–117

Change management, 114, 172–173

Channel integration, 324, 329

Chaos, 5–9, 212

Chargeback accounting, 240–252

Check sheet, 28

Chief engineer (ICC), 121–122

CMM (Capability Maturity Model), 8, 390

Coach (leadership role), 113

COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Technology), 8

Code reviews, 196–197

Cohesion, 332, 343–348, 402

Cohesion and coupling, 343–345

Common business definitions, 323

Common data definitions, 78, 195, 318, 323

Compliance, 188

Consolidated enterprise view, 155–156, 199–200

Continuous improvement. See Kaizen

Continuous improvement case study, 91–101

CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture), 400

Cost allocation chargeback, 244–246

Cost reduction, and data quality, 187–188

Costs, 222–226

Coupling, 343–345, 402. See also Loose coupling

Cow path, 156, 315

Current-state map, 36–37

Custom-built integrations, 51

Customer, 69–74, 117–118

Customer demand rate, 35

Customer pull, 52, 63

Customer service, 43

Customer survey, 140–142

Customer value, 33


Dashboards, 128–129, 191–192, 198, 378

Data, mass customization, 153–156

Data analysts, 65, 319–320, 353, 355

Data at rest, 286–290, 313, 317–320, 325, 351

Data governance, 61, 130, 187–188, 309–312, 402

Data in motion, 286–290, 313–314

Data integration (DI), 121, 150, 160, 226, 320, 400, 402

Data integration hubs, 61

Data models, 166–167, 199–201

Data profiling, 170–171

Data quality, 122, 182, 376

books, 183

business drivers, 186–189

and cost reduction, 187–188

dimensions, 126

golden elements of business, 190

lean principles and, 122–130

prioritizing, 190

process steps, 127

scorecards, 124, 127–128, 191

Data Quality: The Accuracy Dimension (Olson), 183

Data semantics, 339–340

Data standardization, 323

Data stewards, 201, 283, 297, 299, 319–320

Data synchronization, 65, 156, 375

Data warehousing, 53, 157–158, 402

DBMS Database management system, 400

Death phase (life-cycle), 80

Decentralized enterprise case studies, 274–279

Decide as late as possible, 146

“Defects = 0” concept (poka-yoke), 28

“Defer commitment,” 146

Dell Computers, 47

Demand-based sourcing, 242–243

Deming, W. Edwards, 25–28, 90, 184

TQM, 25–28

Deployment, 172–173

Deployment teams, 60

Developing Superior Work Teams (Kinlaw), 104

Development factory, 48, 62–63

Differentiating the whole, 147

Direct cost chargeback, 244–246

Direct vs. indirect costs, 223

Diseconomies of scale, 211–212

DQCC (Data Quality Competency Center), 404

Drucker, Peter, 25


Early adopters (change agents), 113–114

Economies of scale, 9–10, 16–20, 211

Einstein, Albert, 145, 361

Employees, 24, 27, 33–34, 119, 388

Empower the team. See Team empowerment (principle)

English, Larry P., 183

Enterprise application integration (EAI), 370, 400, 402

Enterprise cost center, 242–243

Enterprise data models, 154, 316

Enterprise data warehouse (EDW), 238–240

Enterprise information integration (EII), 400

Enterprise Integration Patterns: The Canonical Data Model (Hohpe), 340

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) architecture, 8, 154, 277, 345, 371

Enterprise view, 155–156, 199, 287–288, 312–313

Entity relation diagram, 318

Error-proofing (poka-yoke), 28, 32, 45, 184, 265–266, 388

ESB (enterprise service bus), 61, 216, 330, 343, 400, 403

ETL (extract, transform, load), 250, 365–366, 370, 400

ETL COE production support chargeback, 250–251

European Interoperability Framework, 357–359

Event-driven architecture (EDA), 330, 344–345, 400, 403

Event-driven process chains, 327

Exception-based processing (EBP), 178–179, 330–331

Exception messages, 176

Excess capacity, 111


Factory knowledge base, 62–64

Factory tools, 62–64

Fear of change, 115

Fielding, Roy, 269–270

Financial management, 205

activities, 214–215

business case development, 216–235

case study (BIGCO), 236–240

case study (chargebacks), 250–252

case study (enterprise data warehouse), 238–240

case study (LEAN-BANK), 250–252

chargeback accounting, 240–249

maturity levels, 206–207

First-in first-out, 82

Fishbone diagrams, 25, 28

5 Whys, 38–39, 118, 387–388, 390

5S, 31–32, 44, 193–195, 387

Fixed-price chargeback, 244–246

Fixed vs. variable costs, 223

Flow, 49, 52, 265

Flow of information, 47, 58

Flow of materials, 47, 58

Focus on the customer (principle), 67, 70–74

Ford, Henry, 25–29

Ford automobiles, 51

Ford production system, 26–27

Four core values of lean, 33

Function/information matrix, 287, 310, 313–314

Future-state map, 36–37


Gemba, 265–266

General Motors, 26

Gilbreth, Frank Bunker, Sr., 24–26

Gilbreth, Lillian, 26

Global teams, 120

“Go see” (genchi genbutsu), 32, 34, 265–266

Gold-plating, 11, 69, 75–77

Golden elements, 190–191

Good Energy case study, 198–201

Google, 111, 284

Governance committees, 61–62, 122, 125, 298, 310. See also Data governance


Hanna, Julia, 43

Hansson, David Heinemeier, 258, 260

Health care, 43–45, 122, 159

Heijunka (production leveling), 31–32, 45, 265–266

Histogram, 28

Hohpe, Gregor, 340

Holistic approach, 11, 22, 147, 315

Hoshin kanri (policy deployment), 32, 34–36, 40, 392

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 270, 400

Human motion study, 26


Impedance mismatch, 359–360

Implementing Lean Software Development: From Concept to Cash (M. Poppendieck and T. Poppendieck), 74–75

Improve continuously (principle), 67, 89–101

Improvement types (kaikaku and kaizen), 114

Improving Data Warehouse and Business Information Quality: Methods for Reducing Costs and Increasing Profits (English), 183

Industrial development, 24

Industrial revolution, 25

Industry data models, 166–167

Informatica Analytic Applications, 158

Information architecture, 301–303

activities, 309

challenges, 304–308

data at rest, 317–320

maturity model, 302–303

methodology, 310–312

models, 312–320

prerequisites, 308–309

team interactions, 320

Information life-cycle management (ILM), 81

Information management task, 71, 94, 362

Information models, 287, 313, 317–318, 325, 351

Infrastructure, sharing, 369

Initiation document, 53

Initiator role, 112

Integration, definition, 12–14, 403–404

Integration architect, 122, 157, 159–160, 330

Integration-as-a-service, 65, 70

Integration aspects, 322

Integration Center of Excellence (Integration COE), 404

Integration Competency Center: An Implementation Methodology (Schmidt and Lyle), 293n, 294, 339, 367

Integration Competency Center (ICC), 15–16, 404

case studies, 82–85, 198–201

chargeback accounting, 240–252

formal standards, 377

functional scope, 376

and the integration factory, 49, 52–55, 64–66

launching ICC, Inc., 109–113

objectives, 378–379

organizational models, 64

organizational structure, 121

portfolio rationalization, 380–385

sample implementation plan, 259

self-funding ICC chargeback, 251–252

self-service ICCs, 64–66

Integration Definition (IDEF), 327

Integration deployment, 172–173

Integration development, 95–100, 168

Integration factory, 404

agility, 50

automation (jidoka), 15, 46–47

Factory Tools, 62–64

flow types, 49

project workflow scenario, 55–57

as self-service ICCs, 64–66

traditional compared with modern, 46–49

variants, 53–55

work-group integrations, 58–62

Integration laws, 90, 339–340, 395–397

Integration methodology, 253–254

activities, 256–263

Agile compared with Lean, 263–268

decentralized enterprise case study, 274–279

engagement services, 271–274

maturity model, 255

REST and SOA case study, 269–271

Integration patterns, 78–79

Integration quality, 183, 192–198

Integration Solutions Group (ISG), 404

Integration systems, 361–364

activities, 371–378

challenges, 369–370

complex, 365

data management, 375–377

industry practices, 370–371

maturity model, 368

portfolio rationalization, 369, 378–385

simple, 364

steps, 371

taxonomy, 364–368

Integration testing, 182

Integration value chain, 87–88

Integration wastes, 74–81

Interaction models, 287, 313, 317, 325

Interchangeable parts, 23–25

Interface specifications, 326, 368

Internal vs. external costs, 223

Interoperability, 357–359

Inventory excesses, 30

IS (information systems) organizational unit, 400

Ishikawa, Kaoru (fishbone diagrams), 25, 28

IT (information technology) organizational unit, 400

ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library), 8, 370–371


Japanese adoption of American systems, 26, 27, 29

Japanese Manufacturing Techniques (Schonberger), 25, 28

Jidoka (autonomation), 31–32, 47, 197–198, 265, 267, 388–389

JIT (just-in-time) techniques, 26–27, 31, 50, 389

Job security (layoffs), 112

Jones, Daniel T., 25, 29, 52n, 71–72, 94, 114, 139n, 163

Juran, Joseph (TQM), 25–27


Kaikaku, 114

Kaizen, 31–32, 34, 43, 89–91, 99, 114, 153, 389

Kaizen events, 389

Kanban, 28, 31–32, 34, 47, 389, 391

Kinlaw, Dennis, 104, 106

Knowledge base repository, 62–64

Knowledge workers, 134

KPIs key performance indicators, 124, 128


Labor unions, 27, 30

Lamport, Leslie, 281

Late adopters (change agents), 113

Layered audit system, 389

Layoffs (job security), 112

Leadership, 21, 93, 112–117


application trends, 41–44

compared with Agile, 263–267

consumption, 139–140

four core values, 32–33

practices, 32, 34–41, 49, 90, 302

principles, 32, 34–35, 67–68

production system, 389

LEAN-BANK case study, 250–252

Lean Enterprise Institute, 25, 69n

Lean Enterprise Management System, 23, 31–33, 38

Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit (Poppendieck), 132n

Lean Solutions: How Companies and Customers Can Create Value and Wealth Together (Womack and Jones), 139

Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation (Womack and Jones), 52, 71–72, 94, 114

Learning to See: Value-Stream Mapping to Create Value and Eliminate Muda (Rother and Shook), 69

Legacy integration, 344–345, 347

Level scheduling, 389

Levine, Michael K., 77, 103, 107, 266–267

Life-cycle automation, 173–174

Life-cycle phases, 80–81

Live documentation, 151–152, 173

Logical data map, 287, 313, 325–326

Logical data models, 287, 313, 318, 320

Login process, 85–87

Loose coupling, 148–149, 155–156, 323, 331, 340–342

Loosely coupled systems, 340–342


MacArthur, Douglas, 26–27

Machine That Changed the World, The (Womack and Jones), 29

Maier, Mark W., 301

Maintain live documentation, 146–147, 151–152

Make decisions reversible, 146, 150

Manual testing, 171

Manual work queue, 176

Mass customization

case studies, 159–161

compared with mass production, 152–153

of data, 153–156

integration logic, 156–159

Mass production, 24, 29, 152–153

Master data list, 287, 313–314

Material delivery, 30, 32, 74, 200

Maturity levels, 16

Maturity model

business process, 322–323

information architecture, 302–303

integration methodology, 255

integration systems, 367–368

metadata management, 282–283

modeling management, 335

Maxwell, John C., 67

MDM (master data management), 53, 123–125, 158, 304, 338, 400

ME&C (mutually exclusive and comprehensive), 400

Mergers and acquisitions, 188–189

Message queue (MQ), 82–85, 87–88, 366

Metadata management, 151–152, 173

accountability, 292

activities, 295–300

challenges, 289–292

context diagram, 285

framework, 285–289

maturity model, 282–283

practices, 293–295

prerequisites, 292–293

scope, 284–285

team, 61

Metrics, 32, 40

for increasing speed, 141–142

for reducing costs, 142–143

Middleware, 14–15, 50–51, 61, 77–78, 87, 400

Migration road map, 378

Mistake-proofing. See Poka-yoke

MMO metadata management office, 297–298

Model layers, 351–352

Model (leadership role), 113

Model T, 26, 51

Modeling management, 333

activities, 352–356

best practices, 356

canonical models, 340–350

coupling and cohesion framework, 343–345

European Interoperability Framework case study, 357–359

loosely coupled systems, 340–342

maturity model, 335

model layers, 351–352

object-relational impedance mismatch case study, 359–360

semantics, 339–340

step by step process, 354

Modular integration process, 149–150

MOM (message-oriented middleware), 400

Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization (MISMO), 314, 352–353

Motion study, 26

MRP Crusade, 25

Muda. See Waste

Musket manufacturing, 24

Mythical Man-Month, The (Brooks), 7


Net Promoter Score (NPS), 140–141

Non-value-added, 33, 71–74, 135, 137–138

Nontransparent transformations, 342, 350

Not invented here syndrome, 18, 115, 397


Obeya, 390

Object-relational impedance mismatch, 359–360

ODS (operational data store), 400, 405

Off-shoring, 116

Ohno, Taiichi, 23–31, 33, 39–41, 392

Olson, Jack E., 183

One-time vs. ongoing costs, 224

Open Source community, 107–108

Operation level agreement (OLA), 377–378

Operational Capacity from New Initiatives (OCNI), 252

Operational workflow model, 325

Operations factory, 48–49

Operations governance, 62, 403

Optimize the whole (principle), 67, 131–143

Orlicky, Joe, 25

Out of the Crisis (Deming), 25, 28

Outsourcing, 116, 189, 273

Overorganization, 120

Overproduction (waste), 30, 69, 74–75, 393


Pacemaker process, 32, 390

Pareto chart, 28

Park Nicolett Health Services, 44

Partnering, 189

PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, and Act), 7, 26, 38, 90, 207, 390

Perfection, 29, 31–32, 34, 89, 388

Personal performance vs. group performance, 119

Peters, Tom, 203

Physical data models, 287, 313, 319–320

Physical transformation tasks, 71, 362

Pine, B. Joseph, II, 152

Plan for change (principle), 67

break dependencies, 146–150

maintain live documentation, 151–152

make decisions reversible, 150

mass customization, 152–161

Plant flow layout, 32

Plossl, George, 25

POC (proof of concept), 400

Poka-yoke, 28, 32, 45, 184, 265–266, 388

Poppendieck, Mary, 74–75, 89, 118, 132, 181

Poppendieck, Tom, 74–75, 89, 118, 132, 181

Porter, Michael (Value Chain), 25

Portfolio rationalization, 378–385

Practice of Management, The (Drucker), 25

Practices, 32, 34–41, 49, 90, 302

Principles, 32, 34–35, 67–68

Problem-solving process, 38–39

Problem-solving task, 71, 362

Procedural adaptation, 358

Procedural interoperability, 357–359

Process charts, 25–26

Process decomposition, 395–396

Process efficiency, 391

Process models, 283, 287, 313, 317, 324–328, 351

Process stability, 32

Procure to Pay, 124, 276–277

Production lead time, 391

Production operations teams, 60–61

Production quotas, 24

Profiling and data quality, 126, 191

Project document, 52, 296, 398

Project governance, 62

Project methodology, 257, 261, 267

Project teams, 60

Project workflow scenario, 55–57

Protocol, 326, 406

Protocol conversion, 357–358

Protocol definitions, 326

Pull, 52, 63, 185, 190, 264, 266, 389

Pull signals, 35, 60


Quality, 31–32, 391. See also Build quality in (principle); Data quality; Integration quality

Quality circles, 27–28

Quality control, 28

Quality metrics, 140–141

Quality testing, 197–198


Rechtin, Eberhardt, 301

Refactoring, 59, 76–77, 108, 146, 207, 303

Reference models, 287, 310–317, 366–367

Regulatory compliance, 188

Reichheld, Fred, 141

Reinventing the wheel, 78–79, 254

Requirements definition, 181–182

Requirements tool, 63

Resource usage chargeback, 244–246

Respect, trust, and commitment (motivators), 108–109

REST (representational state transfer), 260, 269–270, 400

REST and SOA case studies, 269–271

RESTful Web Services (Richardson and Ruby), 258

Retail (Clicks-and-Bricks) case study, 70, 81–85, 91–101

Retirement planning (life-cycle phase), 80–81, 380–384

Reusable objects, 59, 77, 299

Revenue, and data quality, 187

Reversible decisions, 150

Reviews, 196–197, 234–235

Richardson, Leonard, 258

Risk assessment, 230–232

Rother, Mike, 69

Ruby, Sam, 258


Safety, 32, 40

Satisficing, 134

Scatter diagram, 28

Scheduler tool, 63–64

Schonberger, Richard, 25, 28

Scorecards, 124–129, 191

Self-funding ICC chargeback, 251–252

Self-service ICCs, 64–66

Semantic interoperability, 357–359

Semantic models, 318–320, 324

Semantic transposition, 357–358

Semantics, 339–340

Sequence diagrams, 287, 313, 325

Service-based chargeback, 244–246

Service definitions, 271–274

Service offerings, 274

SharePoint, 124, 173

Shewhart, Walter, 25–26

Shine (seiso), 5S, 193–195

Shingo, Shigeo, 25, 27–28

Shook, John, 69

Simon, Herbert, 134

Single-piece flow and pull, 33–34

Singletary, Lester, 12

Six Sigma, 8, 26, 32, 124, 390

SKUs, 123, 125–126, 129

SLA (service level agreement), 326, 370, 377–378, 400, 407

Sloan, Alfred P, 26

SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die), 25, 28, 32

Smith & Nephew case studies, 122–130

SOA COE (SOA Center of Expertise), 404

SOA (service-oriented architecture), 165–166, 269–271, 331, 340, 353, 376, 400, 404, 407

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 270, 331, 400

Software start-up companies, 109–111

Solution view, 287–288, 313, 318, 325

SOR (system of record), 297, 303, 400, 407

Sorensen, Charles E, 26

Sort (seiri), 5S, 193–195

Source quality, 32, 391

SQL (Structured Query Language), 400

Stalk, George, 45

Standard work, 31–32, 40, 44, 387, 389, 391

Standardize (seiketsu), 5S, 193–195

Standards, 39–40, 90, 195–196, 248, 396–397

Statement of work (SOW), 56–57

Statistical process control, 25–26

Stenzel, Joe, 3, 89, 115, 119, 131, 205, 241, 247

STP (straight through processing), 53, 175–179, 329–330

Straighten (seiton), 5S, 193–195

Strategic demands, 241–242

Sub-optimizing, 134

Supermarket, 32, 391

Supply and demand mismatch, 210

Supply Chain Council (SCC), 314

Supply-Chain Operations Reference (SCOR), 314

Sustain (shitsuke), 5S, 193–195

Sustainable approach, 8–9, 11

Sustainable integration infrastructure, 155–156, 199, 397

Sustaining knowledge, 90

Synchronized manufacturing, 26–27

System complexity estimator, 44

Systems families, 367

Systems framework, 366, 371–372


Tactical demands, 241–242

Takt time, 32, 35, 59, 265–266, 392

Tale of Two Systems, A: Lean and Agile Software Development for Business Leaders (Levine), 77, 266

Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 24–25

Team empowerment (principle), 67, 103

ICC, Inc, 109–111

leadership roles, 112–117

organizational structure, 120–122

practices, 117–120

software team examples, 107–109

team characteristics, 105–107

team makeup, 104–105

Technical interoperability, 357–359

Technology decision tree, 377

Technology view, 287–288, 313, 319, 326

Telephone, 25

Test cycles, 181–182

Testing automation, 171

There is no end state (integration law), 115, 396

Tiered flat rate chargeback, 244–246

Time-based competition (TBC), 168–169

Time study, 24–26

TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework), 8

Tour de France, 132, 140

Toyoda, Eiji, 25

Toyota House of Lean, 30–31

Toyota Motor Company, 29

TPI (total process integration), 276–278

TPM (total productive maintenance), 31–32, 392

TPS (Toyota Production System), 23, 27–31, 392

TQM (Total Quality Management), 25–26, 28

Transformation models, 287, 313, 317, 325–326

Transformation rules, 325–326, 337

True north, 32, 33, 35


Ultimate Question, The: Driving Good Profits and True Growth (Reichheld), 141

Unnecessary complexity (waste), 79–80

U.S. adoption of Japanese techniques, 28–29

Usage-based chargeback, 242–243


Value, 70

Value-added/non-value-added, 33, 71–74, 135

Value chain, 15–16, 25, 85–88, 132, 139, 167

Value proposition, 213, 271–274, 295–296, 379

Value stream, 32–39, 71, 392

Value stream mapping, 36–38, 41, 44, 72, 134–139

Value stream optimization, 265

Value stream view, 32

Values, 32–33

Variable staffing model, 168–169

Variation, 79–80

Versioning, 59

Victor, Bart, 152

Visio, 160, 283, 335

Visual management, 31, 32, 34, 36, 38–40, 190–193, 198, 392


Waste, 393

manufacturing and production, 74–87

and 5S programs, 193–195

software development, 74–75

types and eliminating (principle), 30, 67, 74–87

Web architecture, 269–270

Web Services Description Language (WSDL), 331, 407

Weill, Peter, 321

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, 174–179, 330–332

Whitney, Eli, 23–25

Wight, Ollie, 25

Wikipedia, 108–109

Wipro, 43–44

Womack, James, 25, 29, 52n, 71–72, 94, 114, 139, 163

Work cell design, 32, 36, 59, 393

Work-group integrations, 58–62

Workflow, 408


X-matrix, 35

XML (eXtensible Markup Language), 368, 400, 407

XQuery, 336


Zero defects, 28

Zero waste, 34

Zuse, Konrad, 25

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