Figures and Tables

Figure 1.1 Definition of integration 13
Figure 1.2 Evolution of integration technology and management practices 15
Figure 1.3 Diminishing returns and economies of scale 19
Figure 2.1 Manufacturing management system chronology 25
Figure 2.2 Toyota “House” of Lean 31
Figure 2.3 Lean Enterprise Management System 32
Figure 2.4 Value stream mapping 37
Figure 2.5 Lean Enterprise Management System problem-solving process 38
Figure 2.6 Applying Lean to nonmanufacturing business functions 41
Figure 3.1 Four flow types in an Integration Factory 49
Figure 3.2 Example factory process 56
Figure 3.3 Integration team interactions 58
Figure 3.4 Development factory information flow tools and repository 63
Figure 3.5 ICC organizational models 64
Table 5.1 Integration Development Cost Projections Based on Custom Project Silo Approach 95
Table 5.2 Integration Development Cost Projections Based on Integration Factory 95
Table 5.3 Business Case Results after Three Years of Integration Factory Operation 100
Figure 6.1 Model for team development and performance 107
Figure 6.2 ICC organizational structure 121
Figure 6.3 Data quality dimensions 126
Figure 7.1 Value stream map for an integration change request 137
Figure 7.2 An alternative value stream map for an integration change request 138
Figure 9.1 Integration problem tickets closed by month 172
Table 9.1 Before and After Metrics for HUD Review of FHA-Insured Loans 177
Figure 10.1 Good Energy enterprise subject area model 200
Table 11.1 Financial Management Maturity Levels 206
Figure 11.1 Demand and supply mismatch 210
Figure 11.2 Business case development steps 217
Figure 11.3 Sample factory business case graph 227
Table 11.2 Industry Cost Benefits Metrics 228
Figure 11.4 Sample MBF charts 239
Table 11.3 MBF Action Plan for EDW Rationalization Project 240
Figure 11.5 Economic framework 242
Figure 11.6 Chargeback models 244
Table 11.4 Project-Based Direct Purchase 245
Table 11.5 Tiered Flat Rate Chargeback for Enterprise License Scenario 245
Table 12.1 Integration Methodology Maturity Model 255
Figure 12.1 Integration methodology activities 256
Table 12.2 Sample 120-Day ICC Implementation Plan 259
Table 12.3 Agile Principles Compared to Lean Principles 264
Figure 12.2 Procure-to-pay process 277
Table 13.1 Metadata Management Maturity Model 283
Figure 13.1 Metadata dimensions 284
Figure 13.2 Metadata context diagram 285
Figure 13.3 Information architecture framework 287
Table 13.2 Objection Handling with Metadata Management 291
Figure 13.4 Metadata management implementation steps 295
Table 14.1 Information Architecture Maturity Model 302
Figure 14.1 Information architecture within a data governance methodology 311
Figure 14.2 Information architecture models 313
Figure 14.3 Data-at-rest models 317
Figure 14.4 Information architecture team interactions 320
Table 15.1 Business Process Management Maturity 322
Figure 15.1 Data-in-motion models 325
Figure 15.2 BPM architecture for channel integration or straight-through processing 329
Table 16.1 Modeling Management Maturity Model 335
Figure 16.1 Services in an SOA creating a new integration hairball 337
Figure 16.2 Canonical models and data services in an SOA 338
Table 16.2 Loose Coupling Practices and Their Cost Implications 341
Figure 16.3 Coupling and cohesion relationship 344
Figure 16.4 Canonical techniques in relation to the coupling-cohesion framework 347
Figure 16.5 Modeling management required for data services support 351
Figure 16.6 Modeling management 11-step process 354
Figure 16.7 Graphical representation of the European Interoperability Framework 358
Figure 16.8 Semantic example of object-relational impedance mismatch 360
Figure 17.1 Conceptual view of information exchange between business systems 363
Figure 17.2 Example of a “simple” integration system 364
Figure 17.3 Example of a complex integration system including a variety of components 365
Figure 17.4 Taxonomy of integration systems 366
Table 17.1 Integration Systems Maturity Model 368
Figure 17.5 Steps to establish a sustaining integration systems capability 371
Figure 17.6 ICC functional scope framework 374
Figure 17.7 Example ICC functional scope 376
Figure 17.8 Seven-step portfolio rationalization methodology 380
Table 17.2 Application Rationalization Table 382
Figure 17.9 Infrastructure migration road map 383
Figure A.1 MBF template 390
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