
Aarva, P. 99

acquaintances, exchanges with 114, 127, 136139, 141142, 149, 151158, 159, 161, 198

Agranovich, M. 95

Albania: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4244; informal employment 109111

Alexeev, M. 15

alternative economy thesis 36, 5051, 55, 119120, 194, 201204

Anderson, J. 61

anti-corruption legislation, universities 98

‘anti-modern economies’ 12

Arab countries, transition support 13

Armenia: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4244, 4548

Ashwin, S. 15, 17

Ǻslund, A. 21, 22, 23

Babb, S. 39

Bartlett, B. 17

Bayat, A. 31

Becker, K. 51, 80

Belarus, formal market penetration 4548

Bennholdt-Thomsen, V. 180

Berliner, J. 14

Beveridge, W. 38

‘big bang’ 2122

Bloch, J. 41

Block, S. 37, 41

Blyzniuk, V. 2, 171

book structure 78

Bosnia/Herzegovina: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4245

Braithwaite, J. 15

bribes, willingness to give 104

Brodersen, S. 180, 188

Brooke, C. 67

Brown, D. 139

Bruff, I. 39

Buckner, L. 135

‘budget’ students 9697

Budlender, D. 181

Bulgaria: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4245; informal employment 109113; quasi-formal employment 8188

Burawoy, M. 12, 18, 21, 22

Burki, S. 26

Burova, N. 95

Butler, J. 49, 57

by-product thesis 4950, 120, 121, 194, 200202, 203

Carrier, J. 29

Carroll, T. 38

Carruthers, B. 39

Central and Southeastern Europe (EU) states: informal employment 111113; quasi-formal employment 8188

Central and Southeastern Europe (non-EU) states: formal market penetration 4248; informal employment 109111; participation in formal employment 7879

‘chaotic capitalism’ 12, 22

Chen, C. 163

Chen, M. 201

Cherneyshev, I. 60

Chicago, informal practices 31

China, economic reforms 3435

choice, informal work as 5051, 114, 116117, 120, 129, 131, 132, 139, 142, 159, 178, 181, 184, 188, 197, 199

Chowdhury, S. 55, 194

Christiansen, T. 19

Ciscel, D. 34

civil society 162165

Clarke, S. 67, 68, 99100, 117, 139, 190

‘closed’ labour markets 99100; entering and surviving 100104

Colton, T. 14

Comelieau, C. 35, 3738

command economy 1418; failure of 1822

commodification, blockages to 41

Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS): formal market penetration 4248; informal employment 109113; participation in formal employment 7879

community labour: definition of 60; Moscow 7074; Ukraine 6267

consumer shortages 1516, 17, 18

‘contract’ students 9697

Cook, L.J. 164

corporate social responsibility (CSR) 79

corruption: formal economy 91106; post-Soviet economy 2425; Ukraine 61

Cowling, K. 26

Cox, R. 129

creative freedom 3233

creativity perspective, self-provisioning 181185, 187188

credit access, impact of illicit wage payments 8990

Cremin, C. 35, 36

crime, formal economy 91106

Crisp, B. 21

Croatia: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4245; informal employment 109111

Crotty, J. 163, 164

Crouch, C. 34

‘cultural turn’ 185, 188

Czech Republic: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4245; informal employment 109113; quasi-formal employment 8188

dacha, role in household economies 188191

Davies, R.W. 14

Davis, M. 50

De Certeau, M. 122123

De Paolis, F. 26

de Ruijter, E. 188

De Soto, H. 35, 51

‘decent work’ approach 32, 50

‘dependency’ culture 51

Derrida, J. 30, 52, 57

Dicken, P. 3435

direct evaluation methods: formal market penetration 4448; informal employment measurement 6162, 111113

diverse economies perspective 5154, 179180; beyond the formal–informal economy dichotomy 5657; Moscow 6774; total social organisation of labour approach 5760; Ukraine 6067

domestic services provision: formal unpaid labour 167, 168169, 172; informal unpaid labour 173; labour provision 65, 66, 72, 73; one-to-one unpaid labour 137, 140141; paid favours 149151, 153156, 158; reimbursed family labour 144145, 147

domestic services tasks 62, 70

Dzvinka, R. 61

‘economic involution’ 12, 22

economic necessity, informal work as 50, 81, 117118, 120, 121, 129, 131132, 138139, 158, 180, 181, 183, 184188, 192

economic rationale, paid favours 151154, 156158

economic re-figuring, in post-Soviet societies 5455

economic stagnation 17

education legislation, exploitation of loopholes in 98

Eikenberry, A. 34

emotional investments 40

employment, finding through connections 99104

employment legislation 68; difficulties upholding 102; lack of knowledge of 174176

Enste, D. 61

Escobar, A. 53

Estonia: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4244; informal employment 109113; quasi-formal employment 8188

Eurobarometer survey (2007) 8188, 111113

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) 13, 2326

European Union, membership of 24

European Values Survey (2008) 164165

Evans, A.B. 162, 163

examination systems, corruption in 94, 96, 9798

exclusion, formal economy 113123, 125129

family breakdowns 143

family labour: definition of 60; Moscow 7074; Ukraine 6267

favours: Moscow 7074; Ukraine 6267; under Soviet system 1617, 18

Fernandez-Kelly, P. 50

Fine, B. 13

Fish, S. 163

Fitoussi, J.-P. 27

Flavin, P. 3334

food production 189191

food shortages 1516

Fordism 50

formal employment: definition of 5960; Moscow 7074; post-Soviet/socialist economies 7879; Ukraine 6267

formal market economy: crime and corruption in 91106; as delusion 3941; evaluation of shift to 4148; exclusion from 113123, 125129; informal economy as alternative to 5051; informal economy as by-product of 4950; informal economy as residue of 4849; as natural/constructed 3839; transition to 131132; voluntary exit from 113123, 125129

formal market status: achievement of 2326; direct measures of 4448; positive/negative aspects of 3738; proxy measurement of 4244

formal unpaid employment: lived experiences 169172; Moscow 167169; private and public sector 162; third sector 162165; Ukraine 166167

formalisation, illusion of 8091

formalisation thesis 28, 2933, 40, 4849, 5253

Fotaki, M. 104, 105

Foucault, M. 53, 57

Freeland, C. 22

friends, exchanges with 4041, 46, 60, 93, 127, 136139, 141142, 149, 151158

Fukuyama, F. 18

full(er) employment, evaluating shift towards 4244

Gabrisch, H. 19

Gaddy, C. 12, 22, 99, 163, 164

gender inequality 101

gender and informal self-employment 118119, 124125, 129

geographical variations, command economy 14

Georgia: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4244, 4548; informal employment 109111

Gibson-Graham, J.K. 52, 53, 57

Giddens, A. 28

gifts 41, 60, 92, 94, 136, 138, 144, 145, 148149, 155156, 159

Gilman, M. 25, 26

Gimpelson, V. 100, 102

global financial crisis 13, 3637

globalisation and informalisation 3233

Glucksmann, M. 5758

Gradkova, Y. 92, 93

graduate labour market 99104

Granovetter, M. 99, 100

Gray, C. 61

Gregory, C. 17, 41

Grishina, K. 97

Grossman, G. 17

Guariglia, A. 119

Gudeman, S. 39

Günther, I. 31

Güven, A. 27

Hanson, P. 12, 22

Harrison, M. 17

Harvey, D. 34, 36

healthcare system, informality in 104106

Heath, J. 34

‘hegemonic left-liberalism’ 3537

Helmsing, A. 30

Henderson, S.L. 163, 164

Henry, L.A. 163

Heyneman, S. 95

Hickel, J. 35, 49

hierarchical sequencing 3033, 52, 5657

Hochschild, A.R. 188

Hoffman, D. 22, 25

Hollander, M.J. 136

Holmes, L. 99

Horn, L. 39

Höslscher, J. 19

household income: formal unpaid employment by 166169; informal employment by 113118, 120121, 122123, 127128, 130131; informal unpaid employment by 173; labour participation rates by 6367, 6874; one-to-one unpaid labour by 136141; paid favours by 149158; reimbursed family labour by 143149; role of formal/informal work cultures 200201; self-provisioning by 181185, 186188

housing costs 15

Howard, M.M. 162

Hungary: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4245; informal employment 109113; quasi-formal employment 8188

‘hybrid capitalism’ 12

hyperinflation 2122, 25

Ickes, B. 12, 22

illicit wage payments 6768, 77, 8091, 162, 171172

in-kind payments 58, 60, 131, 136, 138, 139, 143146, 148149, 152, 155156

independent external assessment (IEA) scheme, universities 98

indirect methods, informal employment measurement 108111

individuality perspective, self-provisioning 181185, 187188

informal economies: as alternative to formal economy 5051; as by-product of formal economy 4950; in formalisation thesis 2933; in marketisation thesis 3337; role in post-Soviet societies 4854; role in post-Soviet world 199204; role in Soviet Union 1418

informal employment: definition of 5960, 107; Moscow 7074, 123132; post-Soviet/socialist societies 108114; in transition to formal economy 131132; typology of 133134; Ukraine 6267, 113123

informal employment tasks 124

informal sector as residue 4849

informal self-employment: Moscow 130131; Ukraine 118123

informal unpaid employment: character of 173176; definition of 5660; extent of 173

informal waged employment: Moscow 129; Ukraine 117118

informality: former Soviet Union 1618; healthcare system 104106; kindergartens 9293; recruitment practices 99104; school system 9395; university system 9598

integrative conceptual framework 202204

inter-generational transfers 143145, 146, 147148, 149, 159

International Labor Organisation (ILO) 32, 50

international lending agencies 11, 1314, 19, 2526

International Monetary Fund (IMF) 1314, 19, 26

internationalisation 2021, 22

internships 59, 101, 160, 161, 162, 167, 168, 170171, 175176

Jessop, B. 34, 36

Kazakhstan: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4244, 4548; informal employment 109111

Kelly, M. 21

Kesseli, K. 95

Khan, A. 35, 49

Kharkhodin, O. 163, 164

Kiblitskaya, M. 17

Kim, B.-Y. 17, 119

kindergartens, informality in 9293

kinship exchanges 137139, 141142, 151154, 156158

Kiseldeva, L. 106

Kitchin, R. 62, 68

Klimova, A. 101

Klugman, J. 15

Knuuttila, T. 13

Koen, V. 22

Korchinsky, V. 97

Kostera, M. 54, 199

Kosterina, E. 15, 61

Krantz-Kent, R. 181

Kuhlbrandt, C. 104105

Kulikov, G. 2

Kulcsar, L. 139

Kuzio, T. 24

Kuznetsov, A. 15

Kuznetsova, O. 15

Kyrgyzstan: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4244, 4548; informal employment 109111

labour markets, ‘closed’ nature of 99104

labour turnover 17

Lane, D. 12, 22, 23, 99

Latouche, S. 30, 31, 49

Latvia: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4244; informal employment 109113; quasi-formal employment 8188

Launov, A. 31

Ledeneva, A. 14, 1617, 67, 156, 163

Lefebvre, H. 122

Lemaitre, A. 30

Lerche, J. 32

Levin, M. 25

Lewis, A. 31

liberalisation 20, 2122

life expectancy 21, 104

Lithuania: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4244; informal employment 109113; quasi-formal employment 8188

lived experiences: formal unpaid employment 169172; quasi-formal employment 8891; transition 195199

locality: formal unpaid employment by 166169; informal employment by 113118, 120121, 122123, 127128, 130131; informal unpaid employment by 173; labour participation rates by 6367, 6874; one-to-one unpaid labour by 136141; paid favours by 149158; reimbursed family labour by 143149; role of formal/informal work cultures 200201; self-provisioning by 181185, 186188

Low, N. 59, 160

Lyon, D. 58

McAuley, A. 14

McCarthy, D.J. 99

McCleery, R. 26

Macedonia: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4245; informal employment 109111

McFarlane, C. 30

Maier, P. 13, 26

market economy, Soviet transition to 1822

market institutions 1920, 2526

market-led reforms, durability of transition theory 1113

marketisation thesis 28, 3337, 40, 5253

‘marriage market’ 40

Martin, R. 40

Marxism 37

Matthews, K. 14, 15, 16

Mayorova, O. 99, 100

medicines, access to 105

Mendelson, S.E. 163, 164

Miller, D. 29

Milonakis, D. 13

Mishler, W. 163

Mitchell, T. 121122

modernisation theory 4849, 179, 183, 186, 192

Moldova: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4244, 4548; informal employment 109111

Morgan, M. 13

Morton, H. 16

Moscow: evaluating diverse economies 6774; evaluating self-provisioning 185188; formal unpaid employment 167169; informal unpaid employment 173176; informal self-employment 130131; informal waged employment 129; lived experiences of formal unpaid employment 169172; lived experiences of quasi-formal employment 8891; mapping plurality of labour practices 7074; motives for self-provisioning 187188; nature of one-to-one unpaid labour 141142; nature of paid favours 156158; paid favours 154156; prevalence and nature of formal employment 123132; prevalence of one-to-one unpaid labour 139141; reimbursed family labour 147149; transition to formal economy 131132

multiple indicators, multiple causes (MIMIC) approach 108111

Myant, M. 24

neighbourly exchanges 114, 127, 136139, 141142, 149, 151158, 159, 161, 198

neo-liberal economic model 1314, 3537; Soviet transition to 1820

neo-liberal theory 5051, 8088, 113118, 125126, 127128

New Democracies Barometer (NDB) surveys 45, 61

Nikitina, I. 94

Nordhaus, W. 16

O’Hearn, D. 17

official declared wage 6768, 77, 8091

oligarchy 20, 22, 25

one-to-one oral examinations 9798

one-to-one unpaid labour 60, 6566; definition of 136; Moscow 7074, 136137, 139141; Ukraine 6267, 137139, 141142

Onikov, L. 15

organic view of capitalism 3839

Osipian, A. 93, 95, 96

outward migration 103104

overtime work, illicit wage payments 81, 83, 84, 88

Ozmidova, E. 95

paid favours: Moscow 154158; nature of 151154, 156158; Ukraine 149154

Parker, M. 54, 199

Parry, M. 41

paternalistic state–society relations, legacy of 162164

Patico, J. 94

Peck, J. 29

pensions 12, 22, 4547, 65, 67, 83, 88, 89, 121, 129, 131

Perry, G. 26

petty corruption 17

Pfau-Effinger, B. 129

Phillips, N. 31

Phillips, S. 22

Pickles, J. 12

Poland: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4245; informal employment 109113; marketisation 1920; quasi-formal employment 8188

Polanyi, K. 28, 39, 45

policy approaches, informal work 203

Popov, V. 14

Popovich, L. 104, 105

post-modernist approach 184, 185, 188

post-structuralist theory 5154, 56, 8088, 113118, 127128, 134, 197

post-Washington Consensus 26, 38

poverty: post-Soviet economy 24; Ukraine 61; under Soviet command system 1418

Poznanski, K. 163

preschool education provision 9293

price liberalisation 2122

private lessons, state schools 9495

private sector: formal unpaid employment 162, 166169; informal unpaid employment 174175; lived experiences of formal unpaid employment 169172; in marketisation thesis 3337

privatisation 20, 22, 2324, 25

profit maximisation 3337, 79

proxy measures: formal market penetration 4244; informal employment 61

public sector: formal unpaid employment 162, 166169; informal unpaid employment 175176; lived experiences of formal unpaid employment 169172; in marketisation thesis 3337; Moscow 7274; Ukraine 6267

quasi-formal employment: extent of 8283; lived experiences 8891; relationship between national tax rates and 8385; relationship with state intervention 8588

queuing 1516, 1718

rational economic calculation, self-provisioning 180185, 187188

Rechel, B. 104

reciprocal relationships 41, 60, 136, 138143, 145146, 148149; see also paid favours

recruitment practices, informality in 99104

redistributive rationale: informal employment 116117; paid favours 151154, 156158

registered enterprises: Moscow 130131; Ukraine 118123

regular work, illicit wage payments 81, 83, 84, 88

reimbursed family labour 142144; Moscow 147149; Ukraine 144146

relationships, consolidation of 137138, 141142

reluctant self-provisioning 181185, 187188

residue thesis 4849, 179, 192, 200, 201202, 203

Riach, K. 101, 102

Rifkin, J. 39, 179

Rimashevskaya, N. 15

Rivkin-Fish, M. 104

Roberts, K. 103

Rodrik, D. 19

Romania: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4244; informal employment 109113; quasi-formal employment 8188

Rose, R. 12, 61, 162, 163, 164

Ross, R. 101

Rotkirch, A. 95

Round, J. 6, 14, 15, 61, 6768, 88

Roy, A. 32

Russia: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4244, 4548; informal employment 109111

Rutland, P. 14

Saif, I. 13

Samers, M. 52, 203

Sampson, S. 17, 18

Saraceno, F. 27

Sarkisyan, S. 15

Sassen, S. 32

Satarov, G. 25

Sauvy, A. 51

Schneider, F. 2, 61

school system, informality in 9395

self-employment: Moscow 130131; Ukraine 118123

self-provisioning: definition of 178179; explaining 180181; Moscow 7074, 185188; motives for 183185, 187188; role of dachas 188191; Ukraine 6267, 181185; views on prevalence of 179180

Serbia and Montenegro: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4245

service sector, use of bribery 101

Settersten, R.A. 135

Shafik, N. 13

Sharafutdinova, G. 99

Shevchenko, O. 59, 67, 162

Shmelev, N. 14

Sil, P. 163

skilled labour shortages 17

Slater, D. 38, 181

Slovakia: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4245; informal employment 109113; quasi-formal employment 8188

Slovenia: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4245; informal employment 109113; quasi-formal employment 8188

Smith, A. 12, 21, 52

Smolar, A. 162

social connections (blat) 1617, 156, 163, 170171; finding employment through 99104; in higher education 9597

social costs, market reforms 12, 2122, 2425

social justice, lack of 102103

social mores 4041

social networks, expansion of 117, 122123, 137139, 141142, 159

social protection expenditure and quasi-formal employment 81, 83, 8588

social rationales, informal employment 113118, 125129

social relations, effects of commodification 3741

social security entitlement, impact of illicit wage payments 89, 90

social transfers 15, 21, 65, 82, 87, 89, 90

socially constructed capitalism 3839

Southworth, C. 189

Soviet Union: collapse of 1822; informal economies 1418

spatial sequencing, formal/informal work 3033

stabilisation 20

Standing, G. 2, 32

state, ‘over-withdrawal’ of 163164

state control and monitoring 1618

state intervention, relationship with quasi-formal employment 81, 8588

state weakness 2526, 164

statutory and legal responsibilities 174176

Stebbins, R.A. 119

Stenning, A. 19, 21

Stiglitz, J. 19, 2526

Strayer, R. 18

structuralist theory 4950, 8088, 113118

Sundstrom, L.M. 163

Sunley, P. 40

Sutela, P. 26

Swain, A. 21

Syrinov, A. 21

Tajikistan: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4244; informal employment 109111

Tate, N. 62, 68

tax rates, relationship with quasi-formal employment 81, 8385

tax regime, Russia 6768

Taylor, R.F. 58

Teague, E. 12, 22

textbook economies 1112, 1314, 18, 29

Thatcherism 37

third sector: formal unpaid employment 162165, 166169; informal unpaid employment 173174; lived experiences of formal unpaid employment 172; Moscow 7274; Ukraine 6267

Thrift, N. 35

time-budget studies 4445, 180

Tomlinson, P. 26

Tonkiss, F. 38

total social organisation of labour (TSOL) approach 56, 5760

transition: achievement of 2326; ‘four pillars’ of 2022; lived experiences 195199; re-theorising 193195; starting points 1418, 1920, 26

transition economies, (re) theorizing 193195

transition theory, durability of 1114

Transparency International (2005) survey 61

trial periods 160, 161, 162, 169170

trust/reliability perspective, self-provisioning 181185, 187188

Turbine, V. 101, 102

Turkey, informal employment 109111

Turkmenistan: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4244

Ukraine: evaluating diverse economies of 6067; evaluating self-provisioning 181185; formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4244, 4548; formal unpaid employment 166167; informal employment 109111; informal self-employment 118123; informal unpaid employment 172176; informal waged employment 117118; lived experiences of formal unpaid employment 169172; lived experiences of quasi-formal employment 8891; motives for self-provisioning 183185; nature of one-to-one unpaid labour 137139; nature of paid favours 151154; paid favours 149151; participation in one-to-one unpaid labour 136137; prevalence and nature of informal employment 113123; reimbursed family labour 144146

‘under provisioning’ 15

university system, informality in 9598

unofficial undeclared ‘envelope’ wage 6768, 77, 8091, 162, 171172

unpaid employment: Moscow 7074; Ukraine 6267; see also formal unpaid labour; one-to-one unpaid labour

unregistered enterprises: Moscow 130131; Ukraine 118123

unwilling self-provisioning 181185

Urlanis, B. 15

Uzbekistan: formal employment participation rates 7879; formal market penetration 4244

varieties of capitalism 1114, 2223, 39

Venkatesh, S. 31

Verdery, K. 21

Vinogradova, E. 164

‘virtual economies’ 12, 22, 2930

voluntary exit, formal economy 113123, 125129

volunteering see third sector

voucher privatisation 24, 25

Wacquant, L. 2930

wage differentials 14

wages, non-payment of 9091, 162, 171172

Waibel, M. 30

Walker, C. 99

Walling, D. 35

Washington Consensus 29, 36; criticisms of 2526; rise of 1822

Watts, M. 3536, 40, 179

Wedel, J. 18, 20, 22, 25

Weesie, J. 188

Weinberg, E. 16

‘welfare capitalist’ countries, and quasi-formal employment 81, 83, 8588

White, R. 31

whole economy perspective 2, 34, 179180

Williams, C.C. 31, 46, 59, 88, 107, 137, 151, 166, 179180, 181, 203

Williams, J.C. 149, 152

Williamson, J. 19

willing self-provisioning 181185, 187188

Wilson, A. 21, 25

work practices, typology of 5860

World Bank 19, 2526; ‘Doing Business 2009’ survey 61

World Giving Index (2011) 164

World Trade Organisation (WTO) 24

Yeandle, S. 135

Zelizer, V.A. 149, 152

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