
3D-tracking area AF mode, 43

9 points area AF mode, 42

21 points area AF mode, 4243

39 points area AF mode, 43


action photography

panning, 197198

preparing shots, 196197

using Speedlights, 199200

Active D-Lighting option, 8485, 291

AE (Auto-Exposure), 291

AF fine tune option, 111113

AF point illumination option, 90

AF-area modes, 185186

AF-assist illuminator, 291

AF-C priority selection option, 89

AF-S priority selection option, 89

ambient lighting, 291

angle of view, 291

animal photography, 264265

aperture, 143145, 164, 233, 291

Aperture Priority (A) exposure mode, 28, 291

aspect ratio, 292

Assign AE-L/AF-L button option, 103

Assign Fn button option, 100103

Assign MB-D11 AE-L/AF-L button option, 104105

Assign preview button option, 103

Auto (AF-A) focus mode, 40

Auto Aperture exposure mode, 170

Auto bracketing set option, 100

Auto distortion control option, 83

Auto flash mode, 170

Auto FP High-Speed Sync option, 173

Auto image rotation option, 108

Auto ISO feature, 45

Auto meter-off delay option, 9394

Auto modes, 30


Auto-area AF area mode, 4344

contrast detection mode, 39

defined, 292

Dynamic-area AF area mode, 4243

phase detection mode, 39

Single-point AF area mode, 4142

Autofocus menu

AF point illumination option, 90

AF-C priority selection option, 89

AF-S priority selection option, 89

Built-in AF-assist illuminator option, 91

Focus point wrap-around option, 90

Focus tracking with lock-on option, 90

Live view/movie AF option, 91

Number of focus points option, 90

Autumn colors scene mode, 34


backgrounds, 254256

backlighting, 292

barrel distortion, 292

Battery info option, 109

Battery order option, 98

Beach/snow scene mode, 33

Beep option, 95

bit depth, 6264

Blossom scene mode, 34

bounce flash, 168169, 292

bracketing exposure, 152156, 292

Bracketing/flash menu

Auto bracketing set option, 100

Bracketing order option, 100

Flash cntrl for built-in flash option, 99

Flash shutter speed option, 99

Flash sync speed option, 9899

Modeling flash option, 99

broad lighting, 292

Built-in AF-assist illuminator option, 91

built-in flash, 178180

buttons on camera, 213


camera buttons, 213

camera shake, 292

Candlelight scene mode, 33

catchlight, 292

Center-weighted area option, 93

Center-weighted metering mode, 3637, 292

Child scene mode, 32

CL mode shooting speed option, 96

Clean image sensor option, 106107

close-up filters, 223

Close-up scene mode, 32

codes in lenses, 117118

color balance option, 281

color checkers, 290

Color outline feature, 285

Color sketch option, 285

Color space option, 8384

color temperatures, 47, 78

colored gel filters, 292

compensation of exposure, 146147


of portraits, 247249

for still-life, product, and food photography, 256257

compression, 292

concert photography, 209214

Continuous (AF-C) focus mode, 3940, 292

continuous light fluorescent, 162

HMI (Hydrargyrum Medium-Arc Iodide), 162

incandescent and halogen, 160161

contrast, 292

Contrast detection autofocus mode, 39

Control Panel, 1620

Controls menu

Assign AE-L/AF-L button option, 103

Assign Fn button option, 100103

Assign MB-D11 AE-L/AF-L button option, 104105

Assign preview button option, 103

Customize command dials option, 103104

OK button (Shooting mode) option, 100

Release button to use dial option, 104

Reverse indicators option, 104

Slot empty release lock option, 104

Switch option, 100

Copy image(s) option, 69

Copyright information option, 109110

Creative Lighting System (CLS), 177178

creative stock photography animals, 264265

lifestyle photography, 262263

product/still-life, 264

crop factor, 119120

current events photography, 266

Custom Settings menu (CSM)

Autofocus menu, 8991

Bracketing/flash menu, 98100

Controls menu, 100105

Metering/exposure menu, 9193

Reset custom settings option, 88

Shooting/display menu, 9598

Timers/AE Lock menu, 9394

Customize command dials option, 103104


dedicated flash, 293

Delete option, 6667, 70

depth of field (DOF), 124, 293

detachable lenses, 120121

diffuse lighting, 293

diffusers, 167

direct measurements, 7980

display menu. See Shooting/display menu

Display mode option, 6869

distance, 164

Distortion control option, 284

D-Lighting option, 276277, 293

documentary photography, 265266

DOF (depth of field), 124, 293

downloading images, 274

Dusk/dawn scene mode, 33

DX crop factor, 119120, 293

Dynamic-area AF autofocus area mode

3D-tracking, 43

9 points, 42

21 points, 4243

39 points, 43


Easy exposure compensation option, 92

Edit movie option, 286287

editing images

color balance option, 281

Color outline feature, 285

Color sketch option, 285

Distortion control option, 284

D-Lighting option, 276277

Edit movie option, 286287

Filter effects, 279281

Fisheye option, 285

Image Overlay option, 281282

Miniature effect, 285286

Monochrome option, 278279

NEF (RAW) processing option, 282283

Perspective control effect, 285

Quick retouch option, 284

Red-eye correction option, 277

Resize option, 283284

Side by side comparison option, 287

Straighten feature, 284

Trim option, 277278

editorial stock photography, 265266

entertainment photography, 266

equivalent focal length, 293

EV steps for exposure cntrl. option, 92

event photography, 202214


aperture, 143145, 164

Aperture Priority (A) mode, 28

Auto mode, 30

Autumn colors mode, 34

Beach/snow mode, 33

Blossom mode, 34

bracketing, 152156

Candlelight mode, 33

Child mode, 32

Close-up mode, 32

compensation of, 146147, 293

defined, 293

defined mode, 293

distance, 164

Dusk/dawn mode, 33

Food mode, 34

Guide Number (GN), 163164

High key mode, 34

histograms, 147151

ISO, 141143

Landscape mode, 31

Low key mode, 34

Manual (M) mode, 29

Night landscape mode, 33

Night portrait mode, 32

overview, 139140

Party/indoor mode, 33

Pet portrait mode, 33

Portrait mode, 31

Programmed Auto (P) mode, 2627

Shutter Priority (S) mode, 2829

shutter speed, 140141

Silhouette mode, 34

Sports mode, 32

Sunset mode, 33

Exposure delay mode option, 97

extension tubes, 223

Eye-Fi upload option, 113


FEC (Flash Exposure Compensation), 165, 293

File naming option, 74

File number sequence option, 97

fill flash, 165167, 293

fill lighting, 293

Filter effects, 279281

filters, close-up, 223

Fine tune optimal exposure option, 93

Firmware version option, 113

fisheye lenses, 135136

Fisheye option, 285


achieving proper exposures, 163164

in action and sports photography, 199200

Auto Aperture exposure mode, 170

Auto exposure mode, 170

bounce, 168169, 292

built-in, 178180

dedicated, 293

defined, 293

diffusers, 167

fill, 165167

Flash Exposure Compensation (FEC), 165

Front-Curtain Sync mode, 173174

Guide Number distance priority exposure mode, 171

i-TTL and i-TTL BL exposure mode, 169170

for macro photography, 225

Manual exposure mode, 170

output level of, 294

Rear-Curtain Sync mode, 176

Red-Eye Reduction mode, 175

Repeating flash exposure mode, 171172

Slow Sync mode, 175176

Speedlights, 296

Sync speed mode, 172173

Flash cntrl for built-in flash option, 99

Flash Exposure Compensation (FEC), 165, 293

flash menu. See Bracketing/flash menu

Flash shutter speed option, 99

Flash sync speed option, 9899

Flash warning option, 97

Flicker reduction option, 108

fluorescent light, 162

focus modes

Auto (AF-A), 40

Continuous (AF-C), 3940

Full-time-servo AF (AF-F), 185

Manual (M), 4041

overview, 3839

Single (AF-S), 40

Single-servo AF (AF-S), 184185

Focus point wrap-around option, 90

Focus tracking with lock-on option, 90

food photography, 253260

Food scene mode, 34

Format memory card option, 105

frame rates, 188

Front-Curtain Sync mode, 173174, 294

frontlighting, 294

f-stops, 294

Full-time-servo AF (AF-F) focus mode, 185


GN (Guide Number), 163164

GPS option, 110

gray cards, 289290

Guide Number distance priority flash exposure mode, 171

Guide Number (GN), 163164


halogen light, 160161

HDMI option, 107

HDTV view, 273274

Hide image option, 68

High ISO NR menu options, 8586

High ISO NR noise reduction mode, 4647

High key scene mode, 34

histograms, 147151, 294

HMI (Hydrargyrum Medium-Arc Iodide) light, 162

hot shoes, 294


Image comment option, 108

Image Dust Off ref photo option, 108109

Image Overlay option, 281282

Image quality option, 75

Image review option, 70

Image size option, 7576

images. See also editing images quality of, 60

rights-managed, 267268, 296

royalty-free, 267, 296

setting presets from, 8081

size of, 5960

viewing, 272274

incandescent light, 160161

indoor macro photography, 225227

indoor photography, 236237

indoor portraits, 240242

Info Display Settings option, 114

Information Display, 2024

Information display option, 97

interlaced resolution, 188

Interval timer shooting option, 87

ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

Auto ISO feature, 45

noise reduction (NR) feature, 4647

overview, 141143

ISO display and adjustment option, 9596

ISO sensitivity settings option, 86, 294

ISO sensitivity step value option, 92

i-TTL BL flash exposure mode, 169170

i-TTL flash exposure mode, 169170


jello effect, 189

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), 5859, 6364, 294

JPEG compression option, 76


Kelvin scale, 4748, 294


lag time, 294

landscape photography, 216219

Landscape scene mode, 31

Language option, 108

LCD brightness option, 106

LCD illumination option, 97

leading line, 294


codes, 117118

compatibility of, 116117

detachable, 120121

DX crop factor, 119120

fisheye, 135136

from kits, 121122

lens flare, 294

macro, 133135

for macro photography, 222223

overview, 115116

prime, 125126

standard or midrange, 129130

super-zoom, 132

telephoto, 130133

third-party, 137138

Vibration Reduction (VR), 136137

for weddings, 207

wide-angle and ultrawide-angle, 126129

zoom, 123124


rights-managed, 267268

royalty-free, 267

lifestyle photography, 262263


ambient, 291

backlighting, 292

broad, 292

built-in flash, 178180

catchlight, 292

continuous, 159162

Creative Lighting System (CLS), 177178

diffuse, 293

diffusers, 167

fill, 293

flash, 163169

flash exposure modes, 169172

flash sync modes, 172176

frontlighting, 294

low-light photography, 233237

modifiers of, 180181

natural, 158159

overview, 157

portrait patterns of, 244247

quality of light, 243

ratio of, 294

short, 296

sidelighting, 296

still-life, product, and food photography, 258260

Live View mode

AF-area modes, 185186

Full-time-servo AF (AF-F) focus mode, 185

Single-servo AF (AF-S) focus mode, 184185

Live view/movie AF option, 91

Lock mirror up for cleaning option, 107

Long exposure NR noise reduction mode, 46, 85

long shutter speeds, 233

Low key scene mode, 34

low-light photography, 233237


macro photography

close-up filters, 223

extension tubes, 223

flash, 225

indoor, 225227

lenses, 133135, 222223, 295

outdoor, 227229

preparing shots, 222

reversing rings, 223224

tripods, 225

Manage Picture Control option, 8283

Manual (M) exposure mode, 29, 295

Manual (M) focus mode, 4041

Manual flash exposure mode, 170

marketing, 268270

Matrix metering mode, 3536, 295

Max. continuous release option, 96

MB-D11 battery type option, 98


accessing, 66

Autofocus, 8991

Bracketing/flash, 98100

Controls, 100105

Custom Settings menu (CSM), 88105

Metering/exposure, 9193

Playback, 6672

Retouch, 113114, 274287

Setup, 105113

Shooting, 7287

Shooting/display, 9598

Timers/AE Lock, 9394

metering, 295

metering modes

Center-weighted, 3637

Matrix, 3536

Spot, 3738

Metering/exposure menu

Center-weighted area option, 93

Easy exposure compensation option, 92

EV steps for exposure cntrl. option, 92

Fine tune optimal exposure option, 93

ISO sensitivity step value option, 92

midrange lenses, 129130

Miniature effect, 285286

Modeling flash option, 99


focus, 184185

Live View, 184186

Video, 186193

modifiers of light, 180181

Monitor off delay option, 94

Monochrome option, 278279

Movie settings option, 87

Multiple exposure option, 8687

My Menu tab, 114


natural light, 158159

nature photography, 219220

NEF (Nikon Electronic File), 6061, 295

NEF (RAW) processing option, 282283

NEF (RAW) recording option, 76

Night landscape scene mode, 33

night photography, 233237

Night portrait scene mode, 32

Nikon Electronic File (NEF), 6061, 295

9 points area AF mode, 42

noise, 295

noise reduction (NR) mode defined, 295

high ISO NR, 4647

long exposure NR, 46

Non-CPU lens data option, 110111

Number of focus points option, 90


OK button (Shooting mode) option, 100

outdoor macro photography, 227229

outdoor portraits, 249250

overview, 115116


panning, 197198

Party/indoor scene mode, 33

Perspective control effect, 285

Pet portrait scene mode, 33

Phase detection autofocus mode, 39


action and sports, 195200

events, 201214

indoors, 236237

landscape and nature, 215220

macro, 221229

night, 233237

night and low-light, 231237

portraits, 239251

still-life, product, and food, 253260

stock, 261270

wedding, 202209

wildlife, 217

Picture Controls System, 5158

pincushion distortion, 295

playback, 193

Playback folder option, 6768

Playback menu

After delete option, 70

Copy image(s) option, 69

Delete option, 6667

Display mode option, 6869

Hide image option, 68

Image review option, 70

Playback folder option, 6768

Print set (DPOF) option, 7172

Rotate tall option, 70

Slide show option, 7071

portrait photography

indoor portraits, 240242

outdoor portraits, 249250

portrait lighting patterns, 244247

posing and composition considerations, 247249

settings for, 240

studio portraits, 242244

tips, 250251

Portrait scene mode, 31


setting direct measurements, 7980

setting from existing photographs, 8081

prime lenses, 125126

Print set (DPOF) option, 7172

product photography backgrounds, 254256

composition, 256257

lighting, 258260

overview, 253254, 264

Programmed Auto (P) exposure mode, 2627, 295

progressive resolution, 188


quality of images, 60

Quick retouch option, 284


RAW files, 6061, 6364, 295

Rear-Curtain Sync mode, 176, 295

Recent settings, 114

recording video, 191192

red-eye, 295296

Red-eye correction option, 277

Red-Eye Reduction flash sync mode, 175, 296

Release button to use dial option, 104

Remote control mode, 88

Remote on duration option, 94

Repeating flash exposure mode, 171172

Reset custom settings option, 88

Reset shooting menu option, 72

Reset user settings option, 106

Resize option, 283284

Retouch menu

color balance option, 281

Color outline feature, 285

Color sketch option, 285

Distortion control option, 284

D-Lighting option, 276277

Edit movie option, 286287

Filter effects, 279281

Fisheye option, 285

Image Overlay option, 281282

Miniature effect, 285286

Monochrome option, 278279

NEF (RAW) processing option, 282283

overview, 113114, 274276

Perspective control effect, 285

Quick retouch option, 284

Red-eye correction option, 277

Resize option, 283284

Side by side comparison option, 287

Straighten feature, 284

Trim option, 277278

Reverse indicators option, 104

reversing rings, 223224

rights-managed images, 267268, 296

Role played by card in Slot 2 option, 74

Rotate tall option, 70

royalty-free images, 267, 296


Save user settings option, 106

Save/load settings option, 110

scene modes

Autumn colors, 34

Beach/snow, 33

Blossom, 34

Candlelight, 33

Child, 32

Close-up, 32

Dusk/dawn, 33

Food, 34

High key, 34

Landscape, 31

Low key, 34

Night landscape, 33

Night portrait, 32

Party/indoor, 33

Pet portrait, 33

Portrait, 31

Silhouette, 34

Sports, 32

Sunset, 33

Screen tips option, 96

Self-timer option, 94, 296

Set Picture Control option, 8182

Setup menu

AF fine tune option, 111113

Auto image rotation option, 108

Battery info option, 109

Clean image sensor option, 106107

Copyright information option, 109110

Eye-Fi upload option, 113

Firmware version option, 113

Flicker reduction option, 108

Format memory card option, 105

GPS option, 110

HDMI option, 107

Image comment option, 108

Image Dust Off ref photo option, 108109

Language option, 108

LCD brightness option, 106

Lock mirror up for cleaning option, 107

Non-CPU lens data option, 110111

Reset user settings option, 106

Save user settings option, 106

Save/load settings option, 110

Time zone and date option, 108

Video mode option, 107

Virtual horizon option, 110

Wireless transmitter option, 109

Shooting menu

Active D-Lighting option, 8485

Auto distortion control option, 83

Color space option, 8384

File naming option, 74

High ISO NR option, 8586

Image quality option, 75

Image size option, 7576

Interval timer shooting option, 87

ISO sensitivity settings option, 86

JPEG compression option, 76

Long exp. NR option, 85

Manage Picture Control option, 8283

Movie settings option, 87

Multiple exposure option, 8687

NEF (RAW) recording option, 76

Reset shooting menu option, 72

Role played by card in Slot 2 option, 74

Set Picture Control option, 8182

Storage folder option, 7273

white balance (WB) options, 7781

Shooting/display menu Battery order option, 98

Beep option, 95

CL mode shooting speed option, 96

Exposure delay mode option, 97

File number sequence option, 97

Flash warning option, 97

Information display option, 97

ISO display and adjustment option, 9596

LCD illumination option, 97

Max. continuous release option, 96

MB-D11 battery type option, 98

Screen tips option, 96

Viewfinder grid display option, 95

Viewfinder warning display option, 96

short lighting, 296

Shutter Priority (S) exposure mode, 2829, 296

shutter speeds, 140141, 233, 296

Shutter-release button AE-L option, 93

shutters, 188190, 296

Side by side comparison option, 287

sidelighting, 296

Silhouette scene mode, 34

Single (AF-S) focus mode, 40

Single-point AF autofocus area mode, 4142

Single-servo AF (AF-S) focus mode, 184185

size of images, 5960

Slide show option, 7071

Slot empty release lock option, 104

Slow Sync mode, 175176, 296

sound, 192193

Speedlights. See flash

sports photography panning, 197198

preparing shots, 196197

using Speedlights, 199200

Sports scene mode, 32

Spot metering mode, 3738, 296

standard lenses, 129130

standard TV view, 272273

still-life photography

backgrounds, 254256

composition, 256257

lighting, 258260

overview, 253254, 264

stock photography animals, 264265

current events and entertainment, 266

documentary, 265266

licensing, 266268

lifestyle photography, 262263

marketing, 268270

product/still-life, 264

Storage folder option, 7273

Straighten feature, 284

studio portraits, 242244

Sunset scene mode, 33

super-zoom lenses, 132

Switch option, 100

Sync speed flash sync mode, 172173


telephoto lenses, 130133

third-party lenses, 137138

39 points area AF mode, 43

3D-tracking area AF mode, 43

Through-the-Lens (TTL), 296

Time zone and date option, 108

Timers/AE Lock menu

Auto meter-off delay option, 9394

Monitor off delay option, 94

Remote on duration option, 94

Self-timer option, 94

Shutter-release button AE-L option, 93

Trim option, 277278

tripods, 225

TTL (Through-the-Lens), 296

TV view, 272273

21 points area AF mode, 4243


ultrawide-angle lenses

limitations of, 128129

overview, 126127

when to use, 127128


vanishing point, 296

variable aperture, 123124

Vibration Reduction(VR) lenses, 136137, 296

Video mode

frame rates, 188

overview, 186188

playback, 193

progressive versus interlaced, 188

recording, 191192

setting up for, 190191

shutters, 188190

sound, 192193

Video mode option, 107

viewfinder display, 1316

Viewfinder grid display option, 95

Viewfinder warning display option, 96

viewing images

downloading images, 274

HDTV, 273274

standard TV, 272273

Virtual horizon option, 110


wedding photography, 202209

white balance

defined, 296

Kelvin scale, 4748

white balance settings, 4850

white balance (WB) options

color temperature, 78

overview, 4850

setting presets, 7981

using standard settings, 7778

wide-angle lenses

limitations of, 128129

overview, 126127

when to use, 127128

wildlife photography, 217

Wireless transmitter option, 109


zoom lenses

depth of field, 124

quality of, 124

variable aperture, 123124

zooming, 234

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