
aacPlus, 69, 70

performance, 90

amplitude panning, 7

audio coding, 12

lossless, 13

parametric, 16

perceptual, 15

sub-band, 15

audio signal representation, 13

auditory object, 23

azimuth, 28, 30

distance, 39

elevation, 31

lateralization, 28

width, 33, 39

auditory periphery, 23, 49

auditory spatial image, 23

auditory system

physiology, 23

spectro-temporal decomposition, 44

backward compatibility, 55

MPEG Surround, 94

binaural audio playback, 9, 127

in MPEG Surround, 147

binaural cue coding, 55, 57, 72

binaural masking level difference, 44

binaural parameters, 140

MPEG Surround, 147

multiple sound sources, 143

single sound source, 140

synthesis, 145

binaural processor, 50

binaural room impulse response, 42

coloration, 37

complex listening scenarios, 47

cue selection model, 47


Lauridsen, 82

MPEG Surround, 109

parametric stereo, 82

delay panning, 9

distance perception, 39

down-mix, 58

equalization, 58

MPEG Surround, 100

parametric stereo, 76

spatial audio object coding, 155

echo threshold, 36

equivalent rectangular bandwidth, 44

estimation of spatial cues, 62

flexible rendering, 155

head-related transfer function, 27, 42, 127

linear phase approximation, 136

spatial cues, 128

headphone audio playback, 9

higher stages of the auditory system, 51

integer filterbank, 13

intensity stereo coding, 18, 57

interaural coherence, 29

interaural cross-correlation coefficient, 41, 42

interaural level difference, 28

interaural time difference, 28

joint-coding of audio sources, 155

just-noticeable difference, 43

late lateral fraction, 41

lateral fraction, 39

lateralization, 28

limitations of the human auditory system, 43

linear predictive coding, 18

listener envelopment, 40


accuracy (concurrent sources), 46

accuracy (single sources), 46

accuracy (when reflections are present), 46

complex listening scenarios, 47

sound source, 30

summing, 32

lossless audio coding, 13

low-frequency effects audio channel, 67

masked threshold, 15

matrix surround, 19

in MPEG Surround, 102

matrix systems, 19


spatial audio object coding, 157

stereo, 9

surround sound, 12

modified discrete cosine transform, 15

MPEG Surround, 93

binaural coding, 147

building blocks, 95

concept, 94

decoder, 106

decorrelators, 109

down-mix, 100

encoder, 96, 98

enhanced matrix mode, 116

external down-mix, 104

matrix surround compatibility, 102

performance, 119

performance (binaural decoding), 150

residual coding, 105

residual signal, 100, 101

SAOC transcoding, 165

standardization, 93

time–frequency processing, 97

tree structures, 98

multi-channel audio playback, 11, 93

multi-channel stereo, 167

multi-loudspeaker playback of stereo signals, 167

parameter band

for HRTF analysis, 128

MPEG Surround, 98

parametric stereo, 74

parametric audio coding, 16

parametric stereo, 69

decoder, 80

decorrelator, 82

encoder, 73

performance, 90

QMF filterbank, 80

standardization, 69

time–frequency processing, 73, 80

perceptual audio coding, 15

precedence effect, 36

pseudostereophonic processes, 56

pseudostereophony, 56


stereo, 7

surround sound, 12

room impulse response, 42

side information, 56

MPEG Surround, 94

parametric stereo, 74

spatial audio object coding, 161

sinusoidal modeling, 18

sound source

localization, 30

spatial audio

playback, 5

spatial audio coding, 55

basics, 55

MPEG Surround, 94

spatial audio object coding, 155, 165

spatial cues, 60

analysis, 99

analysis of auditory scenes, 139

binaural parameters, 140

bitrate, 78

estimation, 62, 74

estimation from HRTFs, 128

frequency resolution, 74

HRTF synthesis, 130

in MPEG Surround, 98

multiple sound sources, 143

quantization and coding, 77, 105

single sound source, 140

spatial audio object coding, 159

synthesis, 64, 80, 82, 84, 106, 145

time resolution, 61, 73

spatial decomposition of stereo signals, 168

spatial hearing, 23

in rooms, 36

limitations, 43

one sound source, 27

precedence effect, 36

spatial impression, 23, 37

spectral bandwidth replication, 19, 70

speech coding, 18


headphone playback, 9

loudspeaker playback, 6

recording, 7

sub-band audio coding, 15

summing localization, 32

superposition of sound source signals, 34


matrix, 19

surround sound

5.1 Surround, 11

loudspeaker playback, 11

recording, 12

synthesis of spatial cues, 64

time–frequency processing, 57

MPEG Surround, 97

QMF filterbank, 80, 97

using STFTs, 73


stereo to surround, 179

stereo to wave field synthesis, 179

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