
action button

An icon or shape to which an action is attached.


A small program or utility that extends the functionality of a program.

adjustment handle

The yellow diamond you use to change the form of a shape without changing its size.

animated clip

A moving picture in GIF format or video file that you can add to slide.


A simulation of movement added to graphics or text.

animation scheme

A set of animations that you can apply to the text and graphics on your slides to keep your audience focused and to reinforce the message of a presentation.


A feature that corrects common capitalization and spelling errors (such as changing as teh to the) as you type them.


The underlying scheme, including colors, shading, texture, and graphics, that appears behind the text and objects on a slide.

bullet point

An item in a list in which each list entry is preceded by a symbol, rather than by a number.


The capitalization (uppercase or lowercase) of a word or phrase. In title case, the first letter of all important words is capitalized. In sentence case, only the first letter of the first word is capitalized.


The intersection of a row and a column in a table or worksheet.


A diagram that plots the values in a table or worksheet.

clip art

Professionally designed images that can be incorporated into PowerPoint presentations.


To assemble or print in sequential order.

color scheme

A set of 12 complementary colors used for different elements of a PowerPoint slide. A color scheme consists of a background color, a color for lines and text, and additional colors balanced to provide a professional look.


Text embedded in a presentation for documentation or reviewing purposes.


To reduce the size of a set of data, such as a picture, so that it can be stored in less space or transmitted with less bandwidth.

connection point

A small blue handle on each side of a shape that can anchor a connection line with another shape.

content placeholder

See placeholder

contextual tab

A tab containing groups of buttons that represent commands for customizing and formatting the selected object.

See Also tab


To cut off part of an image, such as unneeded sections of a graphic or extra white space around its borders.

custom slide show

A set of slides extracted from a presentation to create a slide show for an audience that doesn’t need to see the entire presentation.

data marker

In a chart, a graphical representation of each data point in a data series.

data point

A value in a data series.

data series

A set of related data points.

design template

A presentation file containing only design elements that can be used as a basis for creating new presentations.


A drawing that depicts processes, hierarchies, or other relationships.

Dialog Box Launcher

A button in the lower-right corner of some groups on the Ribbon that you can click to display a dialog box containing less-common options related to the group.

digital signature

A security mechanism used on the Internet that relies on two keys, one public and one private, that are used to encrypt messages before transmission and to decrypt them on receipt.

document workspace

A temporary space, usually on a SharePoint site, dedicated to a single document. It provides a forum where people can work on a presentation from a single location.

embedded object

An object created in another program and added to a slide in such a way that it maintains a direct connection to its originating program.


To encode (scramble) information in such a way that it is unreadable to people who don’t have a key to the code.

file name extension

A set of characters appended to the end of a file name to identify the file’s format.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

A fast, application-level protocol widely used for copying files to and from remote computer systems on a network using TCP/IP, such as the Internet.

First Line Indent marker

The small upper triangle on the horizontal ruler that controls the position of the first line of the paragraph.


See File Transfer Protocol (FTP)


A set of thumbnails that show visually the effect of each option.


Any image, such as a picture, photograph, drawing, illustration, or shape, that can be placed as an object on a slide.


A black and white rendering that displays shades and gradations of gray.

group (of objects)

A set of shapes that has been grouped into a single unit so that they can all be handled or changed at the same time.

See Also regroupungroup

group (on a tab)

A set of buttons on a tab that all relate to the same type of object or task.


A small circle, square, or set of dots on the frame of various objects, which you can drag to change the size and shape of the object.

Handout Master

The part of a presentation that controls the look of audience handouts.

Handout Master view

The view from which you can change the overall look of audience handouts.

Hanging Indent marker

The small, lower triangle on the horizontal ruler that controls the left edge of the second and subsequent lines of the paragraph.


To pause the pointer over an object for a second or two to display information such as a submenu or ScreenTip.


See Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)


A linked object, such as a word, phrase, symbol, or image, that you can click to move to a different place in the same document, another document, or a Web site; or to open an e-mail message window.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

The coding system used to create pages that can be viewed on the Web.

indent marker

A marker on the horizontal ruler that controls how far text is indented from the left or right margin.

insertion point

The blinking vertical line that shows you where text will appear when you type or where objects will be inserted.

Left Indent marker

The small square on the horizontal ruler that controls how far text is indented from the left margin.


A key for identifying each data series in the table or worksheet.

linked object

A representation of an object created in another program and still stored in the original file, or source.

live preview

A feature that shows you what the presentation would look like if you applied the option to which you are pointing.


A mini-program that performs a specific task in a presentation.


A pattern containing the basic design for all the slides in a presentation. If you want to make changes to the basic design, you must change the master.


To combine cells to create one cell that spans two or more columns or rows.

Microsoft Clip Organizer

A tool with which you can collect and organize clip art images, pictures, sounds, and motion clips.

Microsoft Office Button

A button that displays a menu listing commands related to managing PowerPoint and PowerPoint presentations as a whole (rather than presentation content).

Microsoft Office PowerPoint Help button

The button that displays the PowerPoint Help window.

Microsoft Office PowerPoint Viewer

A viewer with which you can display presentations on a computer that does not have PowerPoint installed.

Mini toolbar

A small contextual toolbar containing options for formatting that appears when you select text on either the Outline tab or the slide.

navigation frame

A graphical panel used for navigating from slide to slide in a PowerPoint presentation on the Web.

Normal view

A view that displays three panes: Overview, Slide, and Notes.

Notes Master

The part of a presentation that controls the look of speaker notes.

Notes Master view

The view from which you can change the overall look of notes pages.

Notes Page view

The view in which you can add speaker notes that contain objects such as tables, charts, and graphics.

Notes pane

The area in Normal view where you can add simple text notes about the current slide.

Office menu

A menu that displays commands related to managing presentations, such as creating, saving, and printing them.

Outline tab

The tab in the Overview pane on the left side of the program window that shows all the text on the slides displayed as an outline.

Overview pane

The pane in Normal view that contains the Slides and Outline tabs.

Package for CD

A feature to help you gather all the components of a presentation and store them to a CD or another type of removable media so that they can be transported to a different computer.

parent folder

The folder that is up one level in the file storage hierarchy.


The string of characters that must be entered to open a password-protected presentation for editing.


Restrictions that can be set to determine who can change, print, or copy a presentation.

photo album

A specific kind of presentation into which you can insert and arrange collections of digital images.


An area on a slide into which you should enter a specific type of content.

PowerPoint Viewer

See Microsoft Office PowerPoint Viewer


An item of information attached to a file, such as its title, author, size, and creation date.

pure black and white

An image that displays only black and white (no gray).

Quick Access Toolbar

A toolbar located to the right of the Microsoft Office Button, which displays the Save, Undo, and Repeat buttons by default but can be customized to include any command.


The designation of a file that can be viewed but not altered.


To quickly restore a group of objects that were temporarily ungrouped for a specific task.

See Also group (of objects)ungroup


An area at the top of the PowerPoint window where almost all the capabilities of PowerPoint are available so that you can work efficiently with the program.

Rich Text Format (RTF)

A text format that can be opened by many programs and that is used to export presentation content as an outline.

rotating handle

A small green handle that you can use to adjust the angle of rotation of a shape.


Information displayed about a button, icon, or other item on the screen when you point to the item.


To make an object, graphic, or text active, usually by clicking it with the mouse, so that it can be moved or modified.


An object that can be drawn free-form or created by using tools provided by PowerPoint. Shapes can be sized, moved, copied, and formatted in a variety of ways.

sizing handle

A small white circle on the border of an object that you can drag to increase or decrease the object’s size.

slide library

A place on a SharePoint site where co-workers store slides that other people can use.

Slide Master

A set of layout patterns that control the basic design of all the slides in a presentation—the theme, text placement, background graphics, and so on.

Slide Master view

The view from which you make changes to the master slide layouts.

Slide pane

The area in Normal view that shows the currently selected slide as it will appear in the presentation.

Slide Show view

The view in which each slide fills the entire screen, the way it will when you deliver an electronic presentation to an audience. You use this view to preview the presentation.

Slide Sorter view

The view in which the slides of the presentation are displayed as thumbnails so that you can easily reorganize them.

slide timing

The time a slide will be displayed on the screen before PowerPoint moves to the next slide.

Slides tab

The tab in the Overview pane that displays thumbnails of all the slides in the presentation.

smart tag

A flag that identifies a certain type of information, such as date and time, names, street addresses, or telephone numbers, so that you can perform actions associated with that type of information.

source document

A document that contains an object to which a link has been inserted on a slide.

source program

The program that created the source document.


To separate a single cell into two or more cells.


Overlapped, as in stacked graphics.

status bar

The bar at the bottom of the presentation window that gives you information about the current presentation.


A subordinate item below a bullet point in a list.


An organizational element of the Ribbon that displays related groups of buttons.


An object used to present information in a highly structured row and column format so that identifying categories or individual items and making comparisons is easier.


A code that identifies an element in a document, such as a heading or a paragraph, for the purposes of formatting, indexing, and linking information in the document.


A pattern used as the basis for creating the slides, handouts, and speaker notes in a PowerPoint presentation.

text box

A box drawn independently on a slide to contain text that is not part of any placeholder.


A feature that looks up alternative words, or synonyms, for a word.


A miniature representation of a graphic, slide, or formatting option.

tick-mark label

In a chart, a label along an axis that identifies the data markers.


A name you designate for a slide in the Title placeholder.

title bar

The area of the program window that displays the name of the active presentation.

title slide

The introductory slide in a presentation.


A special effect that marks how one slide moves off and the next slide moves onto the screen.


To disassemble a grouped object so that its components can be handled independently.

See Also group (of objects)regroup

View toolbar

The toolbar at the right end of the status bar with tools you can use to change the view of the open presentation.

Web browser

A program with which you can view HTML files and access Web pages.


Stylized text for enhancing titles and headings.


The horizontal plane in a chart; also called the category axis.


The vertical plane in a chart; also called the value axis.


The plane that represents depth in a chart; also called the series axis.

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