
In this chapter, we discussed the out-of-the-box workflows included in SharePoint Server 2007 and considerations for deploying and using these workflows. We highlighted best practices for security when deploying multiple workflows to a document library, such as removing workflow columns from a library’s default view and locking down permissions on workflow history and task lists. Additionally, we pinpointed issues involved in configuring the out-of-the-box workflows, such as the need to have configured content approval on a document library before choosing to update the approval status as part of a workflow’s post-completion workflow activities. We also discussed how the built-in publishing workflow works on publishing pages as well as best practices for configuring publishing workflow on publishing templates that don’t include this functionality by default.

We presented the two main methods for applying and working with workflows throughout document libraries and lists, including workflows set on an entire document library as opposed to a content type workflow, which can follow content throughout an entire site collection.

We examined custom workflows created in SharePoint Designer 2007 and design considerations for configuring and deploying those workflows to document libraries and lists throughout sites. Specifically, we discussed non-portability as a major limitation of workflows created in SharePoint Designer 2007 and how workflows are unique to a single document library or list to which they are deployed.

Finally, we touched on extending workflows within SharePoint Server 2007 using Visual Studio 2005 and presented an example of how other people use custom code to enhance out-of-the-box workflow functionality.

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