Major Milestone 3: Operational Readiness

Once you have built your system, verified functionality against your requirements, completed pilot testing, fixed bugs, and completed system refinements, you are ready for an Operational Readiness Review (ORR). Be prepared to show the final design, how that design maps to functional requirements, refinements, bug fixes, risks, issues, and lesson learned during your pilot user testing. The ORR is when you get the final approval to proceed with an operational deployment. Do not proceed if the stakeholders do not agree it is ready, or if you have risks, issues, or bugs that will significantly impact your deployment.

Disaster Recovery Testing

You should always perform a disaster recovery test before production deployment. We have never seen a disaster recovery plan work as initially designed. They always require refinements that you cannot foresee and design for. Your disaster recovery test should be real-world, using identical hardware and software being used in your production environment. If possible, include the dependencies such as Active Directory and SQL Server in your disaster recovery test. Additionally, involve your stakeholders and pilot users in the disaster recovery testing scenario.

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