Managing the Risks of User-Interface Prototyping

User-Interface Prototyping is usually successful. It will have many of the same risks as either Throwaway Prototyping or Evolutionary Prototyping, depending on whether you develop the user-interface prototype as a throwaway or as an evolutionary prototype.


For more details on the risks of Throwaway Prototyping, see Managing the Risks of Throwaway Prototyping, Managing the Risks of Throwaway Prototyping.

If you develop the user-interface prototype as a throwaway, beware of these risks:

  • Keeping a throwaway prototype

  • Inefficient use of prototyping time

  • Unrealistic schedule and budget expectations


For more details on the risks of Evolutionary Prototyping, see Managing the Risks of Evolutionary Prototyping, Managing the Risks of Evolutionary Prototyping.

If you develop the user-interface prototype as part of an evolutionary prototype, beware of these risks:

  • Unrealistic schedule and budget expectations

  • Diminished project control

  • Poor end-user or customer feedback

  • Poor product performance

  • Unrealistic performance expectations

  • Poor design

  • Poor maintainability

  • Feature creep

  • Inefficient use of prototyping time

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