Side Effects of JAD

Aside from its impact on development speed, JAD has many side effects, all of them positive:

  • It results in a higher-quality user interface from the end-user's point of view. Prototypes make the software's design tangible, and participants are better able to contribute to a hot prototype than a cold paper spec.

  • It results in higher end-user satisfaction because of the end-users' participation in the software's design.

  • It results in systems that have greater business value, for the same reason.

  • It helps developers gain appreciation for the practical business needs and concerns of executives and end-users.

  • It cuts across organizational barriers and reduces the effects of politics. When the mission is clear, the group dynamics during the JAD session will expose hidden agendas, conflicting needs, and politics that might otherwise cripple a project or result in an unsatisfactory product.

  • It keeps developers from being trapped in the middle of political conflicts between different departments and end-users.

  • It helps to educate end-users about software development through their participation in JAD sessions.

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