Further Reading

Tracz, Will. Confessions of a Used Program Salesman. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1995. This book contains a series of columns that Tracz wrote for IEEE Computer and additional material, all of which is written from a practitioner's perspective. It covers management, technical, and a few philosophical issues. A few of the essays are pure entertainment. The writing is lighthearted, and readers who don't enjoy word games should be advised that Tracz' writing is exceptionally punishing.

Freeman, Peter, ed. Tutorial: Software Reusability. Washington, D.C.: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1987. This collection of seminal papers on reuse describes fundamental reuse concepts, techniques, and ongoing research circa 1987.

IEEE Software, September 1994. This issue focuses on planned reuse. It includes 10 articles on the topic, including a case study of reuse and several other articles that describe real-world experiences with reuse programs.

Udell, John. "Component Software," Byte, May 1994, 45–55. This article describes the rapid adoption of VBXs and surveys competing industrywide reusable-component strategies.

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