
Voice refers to the relationship between the grammatical subject of a sentence and the verb. In active voice, the person or thing performing the action of the verb is the grammatical subject. In passive voice, the receiver of the action is the grammatical subject.

In general, active voice should predominate. Passive voice is not a grammatical error, but it has the greatest impact when you use it sparingly.

International considerations

International considerations

Passive voice can be a problem for localization. Some languages use passive voice rarely, if at all, so the translation can end up sounding stilted or unnatural.

It is all right to use passive voice in the following situations:

  • To avoid a wordy or awkward construction.

  • When the subject is unknown or the emphasis is on the receiver of the action.

  • If casting the user as the subject might sound blaming or condescending, especially in error messages and troubleshooting content.

Passive voice is more common and acceptable in programmer documentation, but active voice should still predominate.

Microsoft style (active voice)

You can divide your documents into as many sections as you want.

Data hiding provides a number of benefits.

Windows 7 includes many multimedia features.

Microsoft style (acceptable use of passive voice)

The website cannot be found. Verify that the page address is spelled correctly in the Address bar.

When the user clicks OK, the transaction is committed. (In content for software developers.)

Not Microsoft style (unnecessary passive voice)

Your document can be divided into as many sections as you want.

A number of benefits are provided by data hiding.

Many multimedia features are included in Windows 7.

Use active voice for column headings in tables that list user actions.

Microsoft style

To do this

Press this


For more information, see Tables (Chapter 7), Verbs and verb forms.

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