Verbs and verb forms

A sentence can do without almost anything, but no expression is a complete sentence without a verb.

In technical writing, present tense is easier to read than past or future tense. Simple verbs are easier to read and understand than complex verbs, such as verbs in the progressive or perfect tense. One-word verbs, such as remove, are easier for non-native English speakers than verb phrases, such as take away.

Don’t vary voice and mood for the sake of variety. Active voice, which is generally clearer than passive voice, should predominate. Indicative mood should predominate, except in procedures, where imperative mood should predominate.

Put the action of the sentence in the verb, not in the nouns. Do not bury the action in an infinitive phrase. Do not use weak, vague verbs such as be, have, make, and do. Such verbs are sometimes necessary, but use a more descriptive verb whenever you can.

Microsoft style

By using Windows 7, you can easily organize your digital photos and create slide shows.

You can create a new folder.

If you cannot view the Security log, your user account does not have sufficient user rights.

Back up your files as part of your regular routine.

Not Microsoft style

Windows 7 enables you to easily organize your digital photos and create slide shows.

You can make a new folder.

If you are not able to view the Security log, your user account does not have sufficient user rights.

Do a backup of your files as part of your regular routine.

Do not use verbs that mean different things in different contexts. The different meanings can be a problem for non-native English speakers. Use more specific verbs instead.

Microsoft style

To solve this problem ….

When you speak to an audience, PowerPoint can help make your presentation more effective.

The issue you must resolve is the calling routine’s request for additional user rights.

Not Microsoft style

To address this problem ….

When you address an audience, PowerPoint can help make your presentation more effective.

The issue you must address is the calling routine’s request for additional user rights.

For information about verbs in procedures and commands, see Procedures (Chapter 6).

Transitive and intransitive verbs

Unlike an intransitive verb, a transitive verb must have a direct object to indicate the receiver of the action. Do not use a transitive verb without a direct object. Either supply a direct object or use an intransitive verb instead. If you are not sure whether a verb is transitive or intransitive, check the American Heritage Dictionary.

The following transitive verbs are often used erroneously without objects: complete, configure, display, install, print, authenticate, and process.

Microsoft style

The screen displays information.

A dialog box appears.

The printer cannot print your document.

To complete Setup, restart your computer.

Like user accounts, computer accounts provide a way to authenticate requests for access to the network and to domain resources.

Not Microsoft style

A dialog box displays.

Your document will not print.

After you restart your computer, Setup completes.

Like user accounts, computer accounts provide a way for the network to authenticate.

For related information, see Mood, Voice.

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