K, K byte, Kbyte

Do not use as abbreviations for kilobyte. Use KB instead. Do not use K to refer to $1,000. It’s slang. See also KB.


Abbreviation for kilobyte. Use the abbreviation only as a measurement with numerals. Do not use the abbreviation in text without a numeral. Insert a space between KB and the numeral, or hyphenate if the measure is used as an adjective. Spell out as kilobyte on first mention unless you are positive that your audience is familiar with the term. See also kilobyte.

Microsoft style

Download size: 512 KB

500-KB hard disk space


Do not use as an abbreviation for kilobit. Always spell out.

KBps, Kbps

KBps is the abbreviation for kilobytes per second. Kbps is the abbreviation for kilobits per second. Use the abbreviations only as a measurement with numerals. Do not use in text without a numeral. Spell out on first mention.

Kerberos protocol

Always use Kerberos as an adjective (“Kerberos protocol”), not as a noun (“includes Kerberos”).

Always make clear on first mention what version or versions of the Kerberos protocol you are referring to. For example, the Kerberos version 5 protocol is the default authentication protocol for Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows XP Professional, and Windows 2000.

Microsoft style

Windows 7 includes support for the Kerberos version 5 protocol.

Not Microsoft style

Windows 7 includes support for Kerberos.

Windows 7 includes support for Kerberos version 5.

key combination

Do not use key combination in content for a general audience. Use keyboard shortcut instead.

Key combination is all right to use in content for a technical audience when you must distinguish between a key combination, in which two or more keys are pressed simultaneously (such as Ctrl+P), and a key sequence, in which two or more keys are pressed sequentially. In such cases, provide a definition for key combination. See also keyboard shortcut, Key names (Chapter 5), key sequence.

key sequence

Do not use key sequence in content for a general audience. Use keyboard shortcut instead.

Key sequence is all right to use in content for a technical audience when you must distinguish between a key sequence, in which two or more keys are pressed sequentially, and a key combination, in which two or more keys are pressed simultaneously (such as Ctrl+P). In such cases, provide a definition for key sequence. See also access key, key combination, Key names (Chapter 5), keyboard shortcut.

keyboard shortcut

Use to describe any combination of keystrokes that can be used to perform a task that would otherwise require a mouse or other pointing device. In content for software developers and in content about customizing the user interface, it is all right to use access key or shortcut key when you must distinguish between the two. In such cases, use access key to denote a key sequence used to access a menu item, and provide a definition. Use shortcut key to denote a key combination used to perform a command, and provide a definition. See also access key, Key names (Chapter 5), key sequence, key combination, shortcut key.


Always use numeric keypad on first mention. Do not use keypad by itself unless the context has been established and there is no possibility of confusion with the keyboard. When in doubt, continue to use numeric keypad.

In general, do not make a distinction between the keyboard and the numeric keypad. When the user can press two keys that look the same, be specific in directing the user to the correct key. For example, say “Press the Minus Sign on the numeric keypad, not the Hyphen key on the keyboard.” Each group must resolve any problems that this approach may cause because of the way certain keyboards and keypads function.


Do not use. Use keystroke instead.


One word. Use instead of keypress.


Abbreviation for kilohertz. Spell out on first mention and use the abbreviation kHz in parentheses. Use the abbreviation only as a measurement with numerals. Do not use the abbreviation in text without a numeral. Insert a space between kHz and the numeral, or hyphenate if the measure is used as an adjective. See also kilohertz.

Microsoft style

The top range of human hearing is 20 kilohertz (kHz).

8-kHz sampling rate


Always spell out. Do not use the abbreviation Kbit.

kilobits per second

Spell out on first mention. On subsequent mention, use the abbreviation Kbps.


One kilobyte is equal to 1,024 bytes.

Abbreviate as KB, not K, K byte, or Kbyte. Use the abbreviation only as a measurement with numerals. Do not use the abbreviation in text without a numeral. Insert a space between KB and the numeral, or hyphenate if the measure is used as an adjective. Spell out as kilobyte on first mention, unless you are positive that your audience is familiar with the term. See also Measurements and units of measure (Chapter 7).

Microsoft style

Download size: 512 KB

Windows Vista supports up to 4-KB sector sizes.

When used as a noun in measurements, add of to form a prepositional phrase.

Microsoft style

A connection profile that includes the Connection Manager software uses about 800 KB of disk space

kilobytes per second

Spell out on first mention. On subsequent mention, use the abbreviation KBps.


A kilohertz is a unit of frequency equal to 1,000 cycles per second.

Spell out on first mention and use the abbreviation kHz in parentheses. Use the abbreviation only as a measurement with numerals. Do not use the abbreviation in text without a numeral. Insert a space between kHz and the numeral, or hyphenate if the measure is used as an adjective. See also Measurements and units of measure (Chapter 7).

Microsoft style

The top range of human hearing is 20 kilohertz (kHz).

8-kHz sampling rate

kludge, kludgy

Do not use to refer to a band-aid fix or poorly designed program or system. It is slang.

knowledge base, Knowledge Base

Use all lowercase for generic references to the “expert system” database type. Use title capitalization when referring to the Microsoft Knowledge Base. You do not have to precede Knowledge Base with the company name.

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