
Use only one space after a period in both printed and online content.

When a colon introduces a bulleted list, use a period after each list element if each element completes the introduction to the list or if at least one element is a complete sentence. Do not end the entries with periods if they are all short phrases (three words or fewer), even if together with the introduction to the list, they form a complete sentence. For more information, see Lists (Chapter 7).

In general, format periods in the same font style in which the main content is formatted. This is especially important for a period after an element that receives different formatting to avoid the impression that the punctuation is part of the syntax. Examples are commands, options, keywords, placeholders, hyperlinks, pop-up text, and user input. However, if the period is part of the syntax of an element, such as a period that a user must type, use the formatting that is appropriate for the element. This practice may cause inappropriate line breaks online, so try to avoid the problem by rewriting as necessary.

Microsoft style

On the Insert menu, point to Picture, and then click From File.

Not Microsoft style

On the Insert menu, point to Picture, and then click From File.

When referring to a file name extension, precede it with a period, as in “.prd extension” or “an .exe file.” For more information, see File names and extensions (Chapter 6).

If a file name appears at the end of a sentence, end the sentence with a period as usual. If ending the sentence with a period could cause confusion, rewrite the sentence so that the file name appears elsewhere in the sentence. See also Key names (Chapter 5), and The Chicago Manual of Style.

Microsoft style

To view the answer key for this lab exercise, open Answer_key.doc.

Open Answer_key.doc to view the answer key for this lab exercise.

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