How to use abbreviations of measurements

Follow these guidelines when abbreviating measurements:

  • As a general rule, do not abbreviate units of measure except as noted in the Table of abbreviations of measurements. However, if space is limited, as it might be in a table, the abbreviations in this table are all right to use without restrictions.

  • Abbreviations of units of measure are identical, whether singular or plural. For example, use in. for both 1 in. and 2 in.

  • When units of measure are not abbreviated, use the singular for quantities of one or less, except with zero, which takes the plural (0 inches).

  • Insert a space between the number and the unit of measure for all abbreviations.


    Close up 35mm when used in a photographic context, as in “35mm film.”

  • Do not insert periods after abbreviations of measurements except for in. (inch), which always takes a period to distinguish it from the preposition in.

Microsoft style

1 point

1 pt

10 points

10 pt

1 centimeter

1 cm

1 inch

1 in.

0.1 inch

0.1 in.

0 inches

0 in.

International considerations

In machine-translated content, use abbreviations of measurement with great care. Realize that abbreviations may be either mistranslated or not translated at all. For example, if you abbreviate points as pt, a Japanese version of the machine-translated content may have pt among all the Japanese characters, which may be confusing to the Japanese audience.

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