Atomic 212 had another employee on hand to watch
out for Lucy and initially charge her at a nearby McDonald’s,
but having endeared herself to so many standing in line,
it was clear that her new fans would keep an eye on her.
“I met thousands of people and made some really
good friends,” Kelly said. “Someone would be watch-
ing a movie on their phone and want to share it, or I
would tell them about the show I was watching on TV.
If I was getting an interview, one of my friends would
say, ‘Are you OK Lucy, do you need a break?’ There
were a lot of people asking so many questions.”
It rained most of the time, so Kelly was happy to be
waiting for her new iPhone at home. She wished she could
use the robot for future waits outside the Apple Store.
Dooris said the exercise put the agency “on the
map.” Indeed, even though he believed the marketing
gambit would pay off, no one at the agency anticipated
the publicity and awards that followed. The company
was named “agency of the year” by a number of market-
ing organizations and won eight Shorty Awards, which
honor the best brands and influencers in social media.
“When it comes to Apple, people are really passionate.
It is a cult,” Dooris said. “We wanted to move up and down
the queue to make connections with people. When a robot
comes up to you and says ‘hello,’ it’s an uplifting experience.”
Kelly operated the robot from nine in the morning until
nine at night. When it was time for her to sleep and for the
robot to recharge, the accompanying staff member hung a sign
on the machine saying, “Even robots need rest sometimes.”
Lucy Kelly’s purchase of an iPhone 6s at the
Sydney Apple Store was a global news story.
PHOTO: Atomic 212
Kelly was a hit and was more than happy to pose
for pictures with her fellow line sitters.
PHOTO: Atomic 212
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