The Secret Ally Inside

Money is humankind's greatest invention. Money doesn't discriminate. Money doesn't care whether a person is poor, whether a person comes from a good family, or what his skin color is. Anybody can make money.

—Takafumi Horie

Intuition is our secret weapon.

While most believe rationality and critical thinking alone will propel them forward, the Awakened Millionaire dances their way to their objectives possessed with the spirit of intuitive improvisation.

We don't believe in the one way, or the correct way. We know that our path to success is carved in and of the moment, champions of inspired adaptation. We see the peak we strive to reach.

We see the fruits of our passions. We visualize the impact we will usher forward.

We do not travel blind, but we do not draw rigid maps. We do not build our empires with an instruction booklet, whether written in our hand or by the hands of others. There is no soul in the right way. There is no spirit in the only way. There is no adventure in the planned way.

Adventure is not just about the joy of it. Adventure is the embodiment of the intuitive dance, the flexible trailblazing of inspired improvisation.

Won't we become paralyzed by the need to make constant choices? At every fork in the road, must we sit down and weigh pros and cons?

No. Awakened Millionaires have a guiding light inside themselves. Because the Awakened Millionaire's journey begins with a passion, that passion serves as a lighthouse within us. It holds all the answers we need when the answers are not apparent in the exterior world.

Having this grounding center within Awakened Millionaires makes us the champions of speed. The soul likes speed. Money likes speed.

Going with the flow is an understatement. Thriving in the flow is the truth. The flow is constant. The speed is inspired, and improvisational intuition is our ride.

While consideration and reflection have their important place, they are not used in moments of indecision. They are carried out in the act of movement. When the moment of decision comes, when the fork in the road is presented to us, our intuition will have weighed the options consciously, understood the implications subconsciously, and made its decision superconsciously.

Stare at a list of potential ideas, one will pop out. That is our intuition guiding us. Sit quietly in the moment and allow our minds to wander. An idea will emerge. This is our intuition supporting us. Hold our passion close to us and look out into the world. Solutions and opportunities will seem to peel off in front of us. This is our intuition inspiring us.

Intuition is merely the inner decision maker that has a greater viewpoint than our conscious, thinking minds. Our conscious minds will slow us down. In a world that reveres the rigor of conscious thought, this might seem a rejection of what is sensical, even what is fundamentally us.

But this is a relatively new phenomenon championed in the West. In new and ancient traditions in the far reaches of our world, intuition has long been the guide, and we its progeny. Too many people worship intellect, not realizing intellect is never always right. Intellect is based on limited, available knowledge. It can't see all the options available for any one decision or desire.

Those who feel they know little of their intuitions when they embark on this inspired path are simply mistaken. Our intuitions have been alive, well, and active since our earliest moments of decision. We just have to listen. This is one of the reasons that we must allow ourselves time to enrich ourselves, to rest, to meditate, to think: so we can hear what our souls have to tell us.

This is not saying that we simply no longer think or no longer weigh options. Intuition is more holistically understood as the all-encompassing decision maker. Our intuitions consult every fiber of us, from what's inside us to the invisible antennae we have that read our environments every moment we're awake. Intuition is the governing body deciding the Awakened Millionaire's path. Improvisation is the expression of our intuition's decisions.

When we are in a state of action, our improvisational spirits show us what moves where, what words are spoken, and what vision is embraced. It is a conscious trance. It is enlightened progress.

Empires have been built on the shoulders of intuition. Famous entrepreneurs, investors, and leaders let their intuitions have the last say. Many times months of research, careful consideration, and logical decision making are scrapped at the last minute because of an intuitive hunch that rejects the whole notion.

Two jazz musicians sit down at their instruments together, an upright bass and a piano. They have no score. They have no chart. They have no rigid roadmap. They set off on an improvisational conversation. In the most awakened and inspired moments of this improvised music, we see a curious and awe-inspiring phenomenon.

In the exact same moment the rhythm of the bass shifts radically and the rhythm of the piano shifts radically in synchronous harmony. There is no score. There is no chart. There is no roadmap. There is no logical explanation of how one musician would know the improvised whims of the other. There is no logical explanation of how these two individuals, with all their individual quirks and tendencies, are locked in such a perfect articulation of shared intuition.

The music that emerges is not reactive, but reciprocal. Their conversation floats in between a dialogue and a shared monologue.

I do not know how this happens. I only know that it does. And it is the expression of our intuitions stretching beyond ourselves, building the in-tune paths we will follow and the inspired decisions we will make.

Even everyday conversation is based on trust and improvisation. When you speak over lunch, you have to listen and respond. There isn't a script. Their words trigger words in you. Your words trigger words in them. Where is the script? If you can make it through a talkative lunch, why not survive a day of moment-by-moment improvisation?

If we follow our intuitions, we follow the purity of our soul, as there is no greater expression of our soul's intrinsic, evolving shape than our intuition.

We do not access our full range of intuitive powers by trying to turn them on. We access these powers by letting go and giving in to the flow. We need not try. We need only be present. Our intuition will do the rest.

Yet, there are ways to amplify our connection with our intuitions. Our intuitions thrive on confidence and conviction, for in these states we find a bold silence and stability. When we make bold decisions, take bold risks, and throw in the spirit of adventure, our intuitions are empowered to stretch more, activate easier, and flow naturally through the curves of our lives.

Break your routines, and your intuitions kick in. Vary your route, and the flow kicks in. Engage your five senses, and your inner guide perks up.

But perhaps more than anything, the most fruitful activation occurs when we simply take a step, one foot in front of the other, without a thought of where we are going, or how. If you add an intention, such as being an Awakened Millionaire, then the radar in your brain kicks on and your intuition seeks out everything relevant to your goal.

Our intuitions kick in because we are purposefully devoid of too restrictive direction. We have no ideas to shape our next step, so our intuitions fill the void and flourish.

This may seem a bit like closing our eyes and jumping off a cliff. That's not entirely untrue—and it certainly beats stagnation.

We live boldly and bravely. We take risks. And we act quickly, without hesitation. We cannot succeed as Awakened Millionaires if we don't have the bravery to take on wild challenges. Do what no one else will do. What others may think crazy or dangerous.

We cannot succeed as Awakened Millionaires if we don't step boldly and act loudly.

We cannot succeed as Awakened Millionaires if we don't act with speed and consistency.

To the Awakened Millionaire, it is all part of the risks that are worth taking.

Never let those who don't understand get in our way. If they knew what we know, they would be right there beside us. But we cannot judge those who are not there yet, and we certainly can't let them slow us down. Be bold. Be brave. Take risks. And never hesitate.

Listen to yourself. Look around, and we see plenty of people offering step-by-step guides, this right way or that right way. There's nothing wrong with this, however, it usually only scratches the surface.

We don't find the translation of passion into profit through simple brainstorming alone. Yes, that is a part of it. But Awakened Millionaires leverage their secret weapon: their intuition. Buried in our minds, our souls, and our guts, are the answers we seek.

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