
Money is usually attracted, not pursued.

—Jim Rohn


If you will step one foot in, and then the other, you must then lower your center of gravity and dig your heels into the dirt. It is time to make a decision.

For you, as the Awakened Millionaire, are a decisive creature. You do not prolong decisions that must be made. You make your decisions with conviction, for there is power in decision.

While fear holds others back from making certain decisions, you plow through. The fear will not disappear simply because you wish it. Fear, in whatever shape, will be there. But you are not slowed down by fear, and if you are, not for long—for there are decisions to be made, actions to be taken, and abundance to be achieved.

Fear is the Great Feedback. Fear lets you know you're on the right path. If you do not feel that fear, it might mean you are not pushing yourself close enough to your true potential as an Awakened Millionaire.

The transformations before you can be uncomfortable, especially with the screaming of your subconscious that doesn't want to change. Our subconscious minds are quite content where they are; they cherish their control. But ultimately, we must reshape our consciousness to embrace change, embrace fear, and become our cherished ally.

You will make mistakes. You will stumble. You might suffer. You might quickly realize there was a better way—but you are not shaken in these moments. Challenges are opportunities to learn.

There are no bad decisions when made with earnest conviction and full intention. There are only opportunities to learn and grow. We will always do our best to make the best decisions possible, whether through our empowered intuitions or through the moments where careful consideration is called for.

Others become trapped in moments when many options lay in front of them. Others feel the paralysis of the analysis, perpetually wondering whether they will regret their decision once it's made. You do not. You may feel the weight of the decision at hand, but you will not let that weight or any fear stop you from moving forward.

And now you make a weighty decision: Are you ready to set off? Are you ready to transform yourself, bit by bit, day by day, into an Awakened Millionaire?

I would call it your destiny as a soulful person with a desire to usher prosperity into your own life, and the lives of those around you. But I cannot tell you what song your soul is singing right now. Are you an Awakened Millionaire to be? Are you ready to walk the path?

Will you join me?

You Begin

Here we stand, you and me. We stand at a crossroads, a point where the decision is real. You walked with me as we traversed the new landscape of the Awakened Millionaire. You heard the rallying cry, you saw the far-reaching vision, and you felt the urgency, both for us and for those we help.

Now you must decide whether you will join this movement. You must decide whether you are ready and willing to set off on the quest to transform yourself.

The beauty of adventures like this is that you see your own transformation every day. You will notice the changes in your thinking, in your attitude, in your very nature. You will notice how these changes ripple out into your immediate surroundings. You will notice how others stop and notice a new, quiet radiance. You will notice the way money comes to you differently, faster, and with more ease.

But the journey to attaining the true rewards of the Awakened Millionaire will not happen overnight. It will not be a magical transformation. It will not come wrapped with a pretty bow.

You must stay true to your vision, to your passion, to your purpose, and your mission. If you do, you will own a level of achievement that is impossible to describe, as it will be uniquely yours. I cannot promise you what your new life will look like, how much newly awakened money you will make, or how great your impact will be. But I can promise an adventure you will cherish the rest of your life. I can promise you will remember the day you said, “I'm ready,” and took your first step.

There will be trials and tribulations. There will be the demands of life that ask for your attention. There will be resistance from others who are wary of change. There will be ingrained parts of your subconscious stubbornly holding on for the dominance they once had, making a racket as they go out kicking and screaming.

You might slip from your convictions. You might grow restless or impatient. You might wander off your path. But you can always find your way back. The adventure of the Awakened Millionaire does not dissipate with time. The benefits do not fade with distance. They will always be there with you, beside you, working to elevate you further.

But if you choose to join us, if you choose to make that commitment to yourself, then stay the course to your greatest ability. Stand strong and firm with your convictions and your actions. If you waver, if you fall off the wagon, do nothing but get back on and carry forward.

We do falter. We do doubt. We do have moments of weakness. We are only human. But Awakened Millionaires do not guilt themselves, chide themselves, or whip themselves into a frenzy. We simply acknowledge when we falter, get back on course, and continue moving towards our awakening.

If you are ready to join me, then let us move forward together. Let us acknowledge the commitment you give to yourself. And let us celebrate, for the journey forward will be unlike any you've known. It will awe you. If you've made your decision to begin this adventure, then anchor it in your soul, acknowledge the opportunity, and let's begin.

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