Obstacle Gold

Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.

—Ayn Rand

Your Greatest Obstacle Hides Your Greatest Opportunity

Anchor yourself in the power of money, and you make progress. But the greatest obstacle to an empowered relationship with money lies in your head. It's not the thought that money is evil, bad, or corrupting that holds the most power over you. It's the subconscious might of victimhood.

For years, you have felt victimized by money. If you don't have enough money, you are the victim of your job, your bills, or the economy at large. It's money's fault. It's the government's fault. It's the system's fault. It's the bank's fault, or the bill collector's fault, or your spouse's fault.

You have trapped yourself as the powerless victim for years. Not by choice, but by the example of others, by the power we've given money over us, and by the idea that money holds the keys to our personal freedom.

But you are not the victim—you know that now. You are not the victim of money or the government. You are not the victim of your bills, your debts, or your spouse's willful spending.

This is progress. But simply acknowledging this is not enough. You can begin to transform your conscious understanding of this false victimhood, but this won't take you where you must go.


Because your victim mentality extends beyond your relationship with money. In fact, the victim mentality is so ferocious in its persistence that many people sadly go to their deaths feeling like they have been the victim from start to finish.

Do you ever blame others for your problems in life? Victimhood.

Do you ever complain about the situation you're in? Victimhood.

Do you ever complain about your friends, your family, your neighbors, or even strangers? Victimhood.

To redesign our relationship with money, we must relinquish our victim mentality. While it's not as simple as willing it away, it is easier than you might think. In fact, the solution lies in a critical transformation you make as an Awakened Millionaire: You take responsibility. You replace victimhood with acceptance of your own power.

You are the only one responsible for your life. Never forget it. There is not one single situation where you can justify remaining the victim. Not one, for you are in control.

Yes, life happens. Events happen. Sickness happens. Surprises happen. Sadness happens. Challenges happen, and these events outside of ourselves are not always in our control. But how you choose to respond is.

You control your attitude to whatever life brings you. You control the relationship you have with your struggles. You control what you do next. You control how you move forward and respond. That is responsibility, and there is power in taking responsibility.

Do not relate to responsibility as if it were a burden. See it as a powerful opportunity. For control is one trait that few people ever champion. For many, the thought of having responsibility for every action you take, and every response you have, can be daunting. It can be frightening—it can make us want to hide.

But you, as the Awakened Millionaire, never hide. You don't want to hide. Because in responsibility lies your power, and that power is joyful. The moment you stand firm and champion your responsibility is the moment you are free.

Your subconscious mind, where victimhood has bred and thrived, will fight back. But its claws are weak and trimmed when you take back control. They are no match for the thrill of responsibility.

You are not perfect.…You might catch yourself beginning to complain. You might catch yourself beginning to blame others. You might catch yourself assuming you have no power over what happens next. But you will catch yourself. Once you see the light, you cannot unsee it. Responsibility empowers you. You will have more power than you ever realized.

Inspired by this? Good. Run with it. Intimidated by this? No problem. Face your fear and sit with your awakened power. Sit with your power. Acknowledge it. Feel it course through you. It will begin to feel good. It will begin to feel right. You will feel like you've come home.

Welcome home.

Most people are oblivious to how much power they have over their own lives, but you are now aware.

You've found freedom in your responsibility. Take responsibility. Drown your victimhood in your own power. See the complaints, excuses, or blame crumble inwards.

Feel the excitement of a life free of victimhood. Feel the rush of a life where you're in control of what you do next. Feel the love of freedom swirl inside you. Feel the gratitude for what you can now bring to life.

Now collect those feelings into a whirling ball of energy. Let them resonate with your very being and become the embodiment of excitement, the rush, the love and gratitude. Take these emotions and pour them into this power of responsibility and control over your own life.

Your power is now anchored in that excitement. Your power is now anchored in that rush. Your power is now anchored in that love. Your power is now anchored in that gratitude. When you add the fiery power of emotion into an idea, an intention, or a passion, it tends to become a reality.

Anchor your new awareness of power in these emotions that already feel so good and your power will stay with you.

Anchor yourself in the excitement. Anchor yourself in the rush. Anchor yourself in the love. Anchor yourself in the gratitude, and your power will come to life.

Whether it feels like a miracle, magic, or an act of the Divine, the reality is much simpler: you have awakened.

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