The Awakened Millionaire's Prayer
(Based on The Secret Prayer by Joe Vitale)

Thank you. Thank you for all I see and do not see that supports me. Thank you for my life, being, mind, soul, and intention to do good in the world. Thank you for my place to live, for my income, for my ideas and energy and willingness to succeed. Thank you for the planet that sustains life in and around me. Thank you for my relatives and ancestors who contributed to all that is good in me. I am grateful beyond words. I feel this gratitude deep in my being, and I give thanks for all that has made up me.

I request money and consciousness so I can contribute my passion to the world in a way that makes profit while making a difference. I request that I be shown the ways to achieve my noble goals and ask for the clarity and willingness to act on them. I ask that my health and wealth not only help me and my family and friends, but the community and the world. I ask for this or something better to enter my life now and transform all of us for the highest good of all.

I promise to act on the ideas and opportunities that come to me, paying attention to my inspiration and intuition as well as my intellect, knowing that doing my part in the world will help cocreate the results I want to see for myself and others. I will listen and act, reflect and proceed, knowing that each step along the way is the journey as well as the destination.

As an Awakened Millionaire, I uphold the ideals that create a working world based on love and peace and passion.

So be it. So it is. Thank you. Amen.

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