How Much Is Enough?

I've got all the money I'll ever need if I die by four o'clock.

—Henny Youngman

How much is enough?

At some point the Awakened Millionaire must come to grips with the idea of scarcity versus abundance. In the old view of looking at the world, scarcity is what drives people. They work to pay the bills. Because of issues with beliefs about money and success and worthiness, it is always a struggle. Rarely does one stop fighting through life to get to a place that one trusts enough to rest—most have to keep working.

In the new view of the world, there is more than enough. There is abundance. It's basically the same world, but the Awakened Millionaire sees opportunities where before he or she saw none. They realize that money, in one form or another, is available for all. It need not to be governed or restricted or dealt out. It's available, and following your passion is how you profit and receive your share.

But how much of a share do you need? How much is enough? Do you stop receiving money when you hit a specific number? Do you stop working when you achieve a particular dream?

The Awakened Millionaire realizes there isn't a cut-off number or a deadline for passion. As long as money comes in, they receive it and become a steward for it. As long as passion pumps through their veins, they continue doing work that feels like energetic play.

And as long as people are willing to pay for the service or product the Awakened Millionaire provides, then receiving it is the right corollary. Few respect anything given to them for free, so continuing to charge and to profit is the way of right business. Certainly the Awakened Millionaire may at times offer pro bono service. But it isn't given as a way to give back, as the Awakened Millionaire knows he or she didn't take anything to have to give back! If they give, it is out of an open heart and a willingness to share in certain situations.

But what about the spending and buying of things? The Awakened Millionaire knows that spending and buying are ways to keep the economy moving and giving work to all. When anyone buys a single dinner, they are contributing to about 70 people who helped make it. Not just the restaurant owner, but everyone from the wait staff to the cook to the farmers to the drivers who helped get the food where it needed to go to be prepared. A dinner becomes a stimulus to the economy—and so does every other purchase.

Giving has no limits, either. Giving is good for the soul of the one giving, and can be life changing for the one who receives. Without the giving of tycoons such as Andrew Carnegie, libraries may never have been available to awaken the lives of millions. Without the giving of others, good causes may never have been funded.

Programs such as Kickstarter, an online way to crowdsource funds for individual projects, are the new wave. A regular person maybe without education, experience, or enough funds, posts a request on Kickstarter. They tell their story and ask for money and offer something, such as a signed album, in return. The public responds and donates money. The people behind Kickstarter get a percentage of it. It's a win–win–win. The person seeking funds gets money, the people giving funds get something for helping, and Kickstarter makes a profit. No one should put a ceiling on what the company should profit as a result of such spectacular service.

I often hear from people who think everything I offer should be free. They never seem to realize that their request reveals their limiting beliefs about money. Or that their limiting beliefs are the very reason they are struggling and wanting everything given to them. After all, when I offer a program such as The Zero Point, and I put a price on it, it's because it wasn't free for me to make it.

The reality is that the people involved want to be paid.

  • Audio engineers want to be paid.
  • Graphic artists want to be paid.
  • Credit card merchants want to be paid.
  • Manufacturers want to be paid.
  • Warehouse owners want to be paid.
  • Shippers want to be paid.
  • My staff want to be paid.

And why do they want to be paid? For the same reason you do: Because they have their own bills, too.

So is it really reasonable to ask for a program like The Zero Point (www.thezeropoint.info) to be sent to you for nothing in return? Does that make any sense? Is that fair? Plus, most people don't value what is given to them as a handout.

I give away my book Attract Money Now at www.attractmoneynow.com. Have you read it? Have you implemented the seven steps in it? Be honest.

I also give away all three volumes of The Miracles Manual (www.miraclesmanual.com).

Did you go get them? Did you read them? Did you implement what you read? Tell the truth.

If you are serious about making a difference in your life, then stop asking for freebies and invest in your own awakening. It's the difference between free and freedom.

There will always be critics. Some in the world will say the Awakened Millionaire has too much. Critics will say that of anyone, of course, who has more than the critic. In truth, anyone can attract whatever amount they wish, and distribute it as they wish. There is no ceiling to income except mental ones. There is no limit to spending or saving or giving except mental ones. The Awakened Millionaire has to answer to his or her own peace of mind, not the peace of a critic.

Following passion, profit comes; by sharing the profit however one wishes, balance is created in the world. Since this formula is not limited to any one person or group of people, anyone can grasp the basics of living the Awakened Millionaire lifestyle and do with their money as they please. Then, instead of condemning those who have, they, too, can clean up their relationship with money and themselves and become an Awakened Millionaire, as well.

There is never too much wealth; there is only not enough awareness in how to receive and distribute the flow that comes in.

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