Inside the Creed

Throughout the manifesto, you found the core tenants of the Awakened Millionaire: “The Awakened Millionaire's Creed.”

At the heart of everything you do as an Awakened Millionaire is the creed. Every action you take, every intuitive direction you follow, every intention you set, and every decision you make lies the creed. Your passion, your purpose, and your mission are in direct alignment with the creed. It is the bedrock of your entire journey. And while you will be a unique expression of the Awakened Millionaire, we all use this creed to guide us and unite us.

So it's important you understand what each element of the creed is, what it stands for, and how to translate it into reality.

Let's begin.

Awakened Millionaires Are Driven First by Their Passion, Purpose, and Mission

There is no Awakened Millionaire without passion, purpose, and mission. It is, and will always be, your source of direction, strength, and light. If you anchor yourself deeply within your passion, purpose, and mission, you will never stray far from your path. It is due north for your internal compass.

As you traveled with me through this manifesto, you experienced exciting aspects and opportunities waiting for you. Perhaps it's the thrill of a transformed relationship with money. Perhaps it's activating the fundamental power of your intuition. Perhaps it's the idea of money and soul working together in harmony to lift you and your mission to the level of resonance it's capable of becoming.

But unless you are crystal clear on your mission, guided by your passion, and anchored in your purpose, you will be wandering aimlessly through this adventure. This is not an option.

Your passion is the resonance of your soul, the immense pull that guides your heart, and the candy for your imagination. Where you find your greatest loves in life is where you find your passion. Where you would spend all your time and money if you had no barriers is where you find your passion. Find your passion and don't let go.

Your purpose is the articulation of your passion into the real world. This is how you put your passion into action. How do you find your purpose? You listen deeply to your soul's calling. You cannot force it. You cannot sculpt it with your intellect. You must find the internal point of pure resonance that speaks to you. And until you find this purpose, this expression of your passion, you do not move forward. Instead, you turn inward, you open up your soul's ears and listen for the voice that points you where you must go. You will find it if it's not already obvious. Remain patient and vigilant, as we all have purpose swelling within us. We simply must remain open.

Combine your passion and purpose, and you have your mission as an Awakened Millionaire. This becomes your unshakable foundation. Life throws many twists and turns at you. But you have spread your roots with your mission, and you will be able to bend with the wind without losing your grounding. Perhaps your mission is evident in everything you do. Perhaps it's simply an understanding that only you need to know. But whatever it is, it can be seen in everything you do.

Find your passion. Find your purpose. Find your mission. This is the way of the Awakened Millionaire.

The Awakened Millionaire Uses Money as a Soulful Tool to Make a Positive Impact

The Awakened Millionaire walks with a transformed relationship with money. There is no gray area here. There are no doubts about the neutral nature of money. The thought of money holding any control of you is distant. It is the old you.

Money is now at your disposal to express your mission and direct the intentions of your soul. You fill it with your calling, with your soulful purpose, and let it support your mission. You always use it as a tool for creating an impact in this world. It is only through this evolved relationship with money that you can become the Awakened Millionaire that makes a difference in the world around you.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying the luxuries that money offers you. This is not a call to give all your money away. This is not a call to live an ascetic's lifestyle. Enjoy the benefits of money. Enjoy the tastes of luxury. Treat yourself to the rewards that money can bring you.

But never lose sight in the ultimate purpose of money: to help translate your mission into an impact the world will feel for generations to come.

The Awakened Millionaire Is Persistently Empowered, Believing in Themselves Absolutely

You are a shining example of power to all those who encounter you. In a world suffering from the mentality of victimhood, you have transcended these old bonds and attained true empowerment. You have claimed responsibility for your life, in all aspects. You understand that the fundamental nature of empowerment does not come from trying to control everything that happens to you. You understand that empowerment comes from taking responsibility for how you respond to every situation you encounter, every challenge you face, and every roadblock that might stand in front of you.

Carry this torch of empowerment, and you will naturally believe in yourself. They go hand in hand. You cannot be empowered without believing in yourself, as with the empowerment comes a simple understanding: no matter what you face, you are ready, willing, and very capable of handling anything and everything, no matter how challenging or monumental.

The Awakened Millionaire Is Committed to Grow, Improve, Reinvent, and Always Discover

You understand implicitly that there is no stagnation found in the life of an Awakened Millionaire. Becoming an Awakened Millionaire is not an unmoving point you reach. Becoming an Awakened Millionaire is a space, a mindset, and a flow that is constantly shifting with the whims of life. If you stand still and refuse change, you will return to a stagnant lifestyle, and your mission will suffer.

That's why you are always, now and forever, committed to growth. You are committed to pushing yourself to learn new skills, improve your gifts, reinvent yourself as a perpetually evolving soul, and discover the hidden treasures of life you only find when you embrace the spirit of adventure. You are never stagnant. You are always growing.

The Awakened Millionaire Is Unshakably Bold, Takes Risks, and Does Not Hesitate

While others cower at the thought of risk and bold action, you embrace it with every aspect of your being. While others feel fear, you feel joy and adventure. You are bold. You are always bold. You thrive on bold action.

You take risks because you understand it is the only way to uncover new opportunity. You take risks because you understand that what others call failure is actually simple feedback and opportunity for growth. You feel no fear in the thought of failure. You embrace it. You embody this fearlessness.

As a result, you never hesitate. You may slow down to consider your options, but you never hesitate out of fear. You are fearless. You are bold. You understand there is only reward found in decisive action, because failure is no longer a reality. There is only growth.

The Awakened Millionaire Is Guided by the Soulful Resonance of Their Intuition

While others battle with indecision, you smoothly flow through your adventure, step by step. While others experience the paralysis of over-analysis, you are equipped with the Awakened Millionaire's secret weapon: your intuition.

The intuition is a direct conduit to your soulful purpose. It is an expression of your divine nature. It understands what to do faster and more thoroughly than your conscious, logical mind could ever fathom. It is the bedrock of your decision-making.

While others marvel at your ability to choose the best path for your journey, you understand that you are actually taking the easy road. You are simply trusting your intuition, for your intuition will always lead you wherever you must go, even if your conscious mind cannot understand the reasons why. You have complete faith in your intuition, so you never falter.

The Awakened Millionaire Knows Wealth Is Everything They Have, Not Just Money

You, as the Awakened Millionaire, are the embodiment of wealth. You understand that wealth is everything you have, not just your money. If you lose all your money, you will still be wealthy. In this understanding of wealth, you find the full arsenal of tools at your disposal. Yes, money can give you great power to make an impact. It can be a mighty and soulful tool to actualize your mission. But it is only one tool among many.

Your wealth is made up of your skills, your talents, your passion, your purpose, your mission, your flexibility, your resources, your circles, your support, and your personal power.

And as you elevate yourself as an Awakened Millionaire, you always elevate your wealth at the same time.

The Awakened Millionaire Holds a Deep Gratitude for All They Have and Achieve

The Awakened Millionaire takes nothing for granted. You understand that every aspect of your life, your success, and your path is a gift, and you radiate that gratitude in everything you do. Gratitude is not only the evolved way of living—it is a powerful tool in the hands of the Awakened Millionaire. Others gravitate towards the expression of gratitude. It is a magnet for people who will support you, help elevate you, and ultimately move you forward.

The gratitude always travels to your core. It is your constant companion. Life is precious. Your wealth is precious. Your mission is precious—and you never forget this.

The Awakened Millionaire Is Permanently Connected to Universal Abundance

The Awakened Millionaire never thinks there's not enough. You see that all around you, every day, are opportunities to bring prosperous abundance into your life. The amount of money in circulation is in the trillions at any moment. There is never a shortage.

You become a master of tapping into this universal abundance. Where you go, abundance follows. You are not full of tricks to create abundance. You do not seek shortcuts or quick fixes. You are simply in touch, permanently connected to the overwhelming abundance waiting for all of us.

The Awakened Millionaire Is Generous, Ethical, and Focuses on the Good of Others

The Awakened Millionaire is never selfish, self-centered, or greedy. All of your personal and entrepreneurial efforts are rooted in solid ethical principles and are always focused on the good of others. You do not think about taking advantage of situations. You do not think about yourself over the well-being of others. Your generosity and spirit of giving is around you, emanating outward for all to see.

At the same time, you understand that this philosophy of action, rooted in the betterment of others, is in fact one of the secrets to abundance itself. While some are trapped in a cycle of greed and self-interest, they are blind to the fact that, while they may have short-term gains, they will never achieve the level of success and fulfillment available to those who are rooted in generosity and ethical action.

The Awakened Millionaire Champions the Win–Win–Win

The win–win relationship is a step up from a greed perspective on gain, but the Awakened Millionaire always strives to take it one step further. You champion the win–win–win relationship: you win, your partner or customer wins, and the world around you wins as a result.

The win–win–win relationship is an expression of understanding about the world's inherent interconnectedness. Every aspect of our actions ripples out and affects everything in our path. So we are not only responsible for the effect of our actions, but we understand that in this natural order there is opportunity to expand our impact and make a great difference.

The Awakened Millionaire always asks, “How many people can win by this decision? How can I multiply the impact I can make?”

The Awakened Millionaire Soulfully Shares Their Entrepreneurial Gifts

The Awakened Millionaire is the entrepreneur. It is how you transform your passion into profit, and your mission into soulful money. At the same time, the Awakened Millionaire infuses soulful purpose and mission in every entrepreneurial venture. Your business is an expression of your soul. Your products or services are an expression of your mission. There is no disconnect between who you are and what you offer to the customers you serve. There is no separation.

Your business is an extension of yourself. It is a representation of yourself. You always respect the power that you have as an entrepreneur and treat every business decision with the appropriate gravity.

The Awakened Millionaire Leads by Example as the Catalyst for Transformation in Others

No matter what your individual mission is, the transformation of others is a mission found in every Awakened Millionaire. You lead by example. You transform others by example. At the core of it is an understanding: the more people who follow the “Awakened Millionaire's Creed,” the more people who are dedicated to making a difference, to elevating themselves and their relationship with money, and to championing the transcendence of all souls…the more we all benefit, the more we all transform, the more we all become shining beacons of a soulful existence.

You understand that we live in a world that's in trouble. Whether it's the suffering of others, injustice, poverty, sickness, or an environment on the brink of disaster, you know that we need all hands on deck. You know that every person you bring to live through this creed is another person empowered and committed to helping all of us improve our station in life.

You do not preach, you do not proselytize. You lead by example. Others will watch you, learn, wonder, and be inspired.

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