Where to Begin

We need to make a game out of earning money. There is so much good we can do with money. Without it, we are bound and shackled and our choices become limited.

—Bob Proctor

Begin in the Movement

We have reached the final chapter in this journey, yet the adventure has only begun.

I want to entrust you with a unique mission. A mission that can only succeed in the hands of an Awakened Millionaire. A mission that is both a soulful weight and an immense joy. It is a mission of urgency.

I leave you with the mission to build a movement with me. A movement that is larger than you and larger than me, one that is desperately needed in a world aching for change.

Like most, you opened this book with a thought, and this thought was the deciding factor for whether you kept reading or put it down: “What's in it for me?”

There's nothing wrong with that thought. As you've seen, there's plenty in it for you. There is a transformed relationship with money waiting for you. There is a spiritual power united with financial prosperity waiting for you. There is empowerment and evolution waiting for you. There is the transformation of passion into profit. There is the activation of your intuition as your ultimate guiding force. There is an awakening waiting for you.

These, by themselves, are riches and rewards that can carry you as far as you'll allow them to take you, but, as you've traveled with me to this point, I've revealed levels of suffering and challenges in your own life that perhaps surprised you, and as an evolved soul you can't ignore them.

You discovered the schizophrenic battle taking place in your own head. You discovered the rotting relationship you've had with money. You discovered the immense damage victimhood has wrought on your life. You discovered the inherited beliefs from your family, friends, and society that are holding you back. You discovered the rupture between your soulful purpose and your practical survival.

This world that I paint for you is sickened with lack, victimhood, and suffering at the hands of imaginary enemies, like evil money, wreaking havoc with real consequences.

You came to this book wanting to transform your passion into profit. You came to this book wanting to experience the wealth of a millionaire. You came to this book wanting to awaken and evolve. You came to this book wanting to understand spiritual wealth, and I have planted the seeds within you to take you there, and beyond.

But there is one last seed I want to plant—the seed of the Awakened Millionaire movement.

In this movement, it's no longer “What's in it for me?” In this movement, it's “What's in it for us?”

Take this moment, stand back, and look at yourself where you are now. I have given you the keys to the Awakened Millionaire's power. If you take that power, cherish it, nurture it, and run with it, all the passion, prosperity, and profit you could muster can be yours.

The truth is that I didn't do it for you. I didn't give you this path for your benefit alone—I did it for us. As you learned through shedding yourself of victimhood, taking responsibility is the empowerment that awakens you. With this great responsibility comes great power, but with great power also comes great responsibility.

You now have the power of impact. You hold the power of transformation. You can will the power of evolution. You wield the power of transcendence. You embody the power of awakening.

While I want you to use that power to elevate your own life, to experience your own wealth and spiritual abundance, I did not give it to you to keep to yourself. I gave it to you to spread to others. I gave it to you so you can help heal a world that is sickened by victimhood, has a poisoned relationship with money, and has a disconnect between the spiritual nature of our lives and everyday living. I gave it to you so you can become an agent of change.

Look at the world around you. Stretch your imagination to embrace the realities of the thousands of lives surrounding you right now. There is such profound need for someone with your powers, the powers of the Awakened Millionaire. Your impact can elevate all of us. Your impact must elevate all of us. That is the calling of the Awakened Millionaire.

Why is it that we so often go about our lives turning a blind eye to our own suffering and the suffering of others? Why have you lived so long haunted by the evil specter of money? Why have you remained trapped in the subconscious victimhood without fighting back?

We turn a blind eye because we feel powerless. We feel like we have no control. We feel like nothing we could do could change the realities on the ground. Do you feel that way now?

If you do, I have not accomplished my mission. Because you should be filled with a new sense of power, an awe-inspiring grasp on soulful purpose and mission, and a transformed relationship with money—once an enemy, now an ally.

And more than anything else, you should have a new set of eyes, in full light, seeing the reality in front of you and not just the shadows dancing on the walls.

Let me take it farther. Imagine for a moment that you had the magical ability to see, experience, and soak in the lives of everyone in your small town or big city. Imagine moving through their everyday lives. Imagine witnessing the fights about money, the stress on their faces, and the overwhelming feeling of being trapped. Imagine how their everyday lives are wrapped in the victimhood experience, radiating with their every step. See this money struggle, life stress, victimhood, and caged conflict as an energetic aura surrounding them. It is with them everywhere they go.

Imagine that this aura leaves a thick film everywhere they go. Everyone is painting everywhere they go with this victimhood, this stress, this struggle, and this silent conflict with money.

This little imaginary adventure you just went on is strikingly close to reality, and you were one of those people. The problem is that we think of our lives as if we were in our own autonomous bubbles. What we feel, think, see, and do is ours. It affects us. Yes, it affects our friends, family, and loved ones as well. But its concentrated impact is on us.

This is an illusion. It is a myopic, self-centered way of looking at ourselves. It's not even close to reality. We are such powerful beings by nature that we are indeed spreading everything that we feel, think, and see everywhere we go. We have been spreading our victimhood. We have been spreading our struggle. We have been spreading our everyday stresses. We don't mean to, but we do.

The evil we face is not money; you know that now. The real evil we face is the pervasive suffering we've tainted our entire surroundings with.

There is hope. You are the hope. We, as Awakened Millionaires, are the hope.

I want you to fulfill your role as that hope…and I want to paint one last picture.

I want you to imagine that you have become the Awakened Millionaire. I want you to imagine that you're reborn with the power of passion, purpose, and mission. I want you to imagine that you radiate this power from every fiber of your being. I want you to imagine that this power is more contagious than any suffering you once held.

What would happen if you walked through your life, through your community and the world around you, spreading this power of the Awakened Millionaire?

What transformations would we all experience? If you began making money awakened with soul and mission, what impact could you really have? How many lives could you transform?

But it goes deeper than that.

How many people could you help awaken? How many people could you show the true nature of empowerment and responsibility? How many people could you lift up to join you as Awakened Millionaires…not by preaching or proselytizing, but by the simple impact of your actions? What kind of force for good are you capable of becoming?

I say you can become a force of untold magnitude, and now that you've had the smallest taste of this power, I say that you have a responsibility to share it, transform with it, and spread prosperity with it. That is the calling of the Awakened Millionaire. That is the greater mission that coexists with your own personal mission. That is the movement that is growing and that I champion here today.

I want you to be prosperous. I want you to have all the money you could ever want. I want you to make that money with the power of your passion and soul. I want you to experience whatever adventure or luxury you choose. I want you to enjoy, through and through, the freedom this prosperity can offer you.

But I want you to ask, “What's in it for us?”

I want you to become a leader who is dedicated to eradicating this evil of suffering. I want you to live by the “Awakened Millionaire's Creed” so you can make the impact only an Awakened Millionaire can make.

I want you to join me, not just in soulful prosperity, but in profound impact. My friend, I am here waiting for you. Will you join me? It's your move.

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