Your Inner Guide

The best way for a person to have happy thoughts is to count his blessings and not his cash.

—Author Unknown

Your Guide

Money. Soul. Power. Passion. Purpose. Mission. Business. Improvement. Reinvention. Discovery. To many, just one of these is enough to overwhelm them, but not to you, the Awakened Millionaire.


Because you have your secret weapon. Before rationality, before critical thinking, before planning and scheming, before the juggling act, lies the simple solution that gives you the power to wield all these forces—your intuition.

Your intuition is your guide, your compass, and your decision-maker. It is conviction in action and it requires no special skill. It simply requires you to listen and act.

Your intuition is speaking to you, right now, in this moment. Do you hear it? As you see the peak you strive to reach, as you see the fruits of your passion, and as you imagine the impact your mission will usher forward, your intuition is already working to find the best path to follow.

That's why you don't need maps or plans. There are times to write it down and draw out your options, but only to empower your intuition to guide you. In the light of your intuition, money can be found, soul can be nurtured, power can be wielded, passion can be forged, purpose can be divined, mission can be divined, business can be run, improvement can be natural, reinvention can be effortless, and discovery can be second nature.

Your intuition is your guide, so let it be your guide. Never fall for the idea of the right way. There is no soul, spirit, or adventure in the right way. And there is no need for the right way. Your intuition has taken care of it.

All you must do is embrace all that is in front of you and listen to what to do next—then act. Take one step forward, your intuition knows the next step. Reach a crossroads, your intuition will point your way. Face a challenge, your intuition will guide you safely through.

You do not reach for your intuition. You do not try and activate your intuition. You simply get out of the way. You listen to what your intuition is already telling you. You look at what's in front of you, and the next step will pop out. Your intuition is guiding you.

You sit quietly and allow your mind to wander, and the brilliant idea will be found. Your intuition is supporting you. Embrace your passion as you look out to the world, and your mission will become defined. Your intuition is inspiring you.

If you feel you can't reach your intuition, it's not because it isn't there. Your intuition is alive, well, and active. All you must do is quiet yourself, still yourself, and listen.

Take time to rest, to lie and think, to enrich yourself, to meditate, and to let your mind wander. Your intuition will emerge.

You are not shutting down your logical mind. You are not stopping the process of consideration and examination. You are not blocking out your critical thinking. There are important times for logic, consideration, examination, and critical thinking. But you're letting your intuition make the final decision. Your intuition is taking into account every fiber of your mind, your soul, your thoughts, your emotions, your passions, and your efforts. Your intuition is there with the answer. Listen to it, and when you hear the answer, act.

Act with the conviction of the master improviser. Improvisation is always the expression of your intuition's decision. Improvisation is the movement of your intuition. Improvisation is more than making it up on the spot. Improvisation is articulating what your intuition has decided.

You already know this improvisational spirit. When you have a conversation, you are improvising. When you are exploring a new part of town, you turn left or right based on your improvisational instincts. The more you embrace this trance found in constant improvisation, the more movement you will have and the faster you will go.

Follow your intuition. Follow this pure expression of your soul's intent. Follow the articulation of your mind's cunning. Let go, and simply follow. Your intuition will give you your decision, and your improvisation will put one foot in front of the other.

There is a special confidence that emerges when you follow your intuition, and it emerges when you see the results of your actions. When you see how your intuition has guided you right, you exude a new conviction that only empowers your intuition to sing stronger.

What if you empty, you quiet, and you listen…and you hear no voice from your intuition?

Then simply take a step, any step, one foot in front of the other, with no thought of where you're going or how. In that moment, your intuition will kick in not only because it's needed, but because it's free of a restrictive direction. You have no idea of the next step because you do not know where you're going. Embrace that and your intuition will be there.

But it is not simply direction you find within your intuition. You find a bravery you've never known: you can now take on any wild challenge. You can now do what no one else will do. You can now do what others might consider crazy or dangerous.

You find this bravery because you have the conviction of knowing your intuition will guide you through.

There is no challenge your intuition cannot face. It doesn't mean every challenge will be easy. It doesn't mean you will go unscathed. But it does mean that if there is a way through, you will find it—and there is almost always a way through.

Act boldly. Act bravely. Act quickly. Act loudly. Act with intention. Act without hesitation. Take risks. Do what no one else will do.

And follow your intuition, the awakened millionaire's secret weapon, to find the answers you seek.

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