The Three

O Gold! I still prefer thee unto paper,

Which makes bank credit like a bark of vapour.

—Lord Byron

The Light of Three

Where do you channel this power? Free of victimhood, becoming empowered—now what?

Like the Tai Chi master, internal power is stored as potential energy. The Awakened Millionaire understands this energy is kept until the moments when it's most needed. Your power is fuel, primed and ready to drive the three potent forces backing your Awakened Millionaire journey: passion, purpose, and mission.

Deep love of something or profound desire—passion.

A simple goal all the way to your reason for existence—purpose.

Your calling or vocation is passion and purpose combined—mission.

Where does your passion lie? It lies where your heart is. It lies where you love what you're doing. It lies where you love what you're studying. It lies where you love what you're thinking about. It lies where you love what you're talking about. It's what makes you happy. It's what you would do if you had all the time, money, and freedom in the world.

There is passion behind the Awakened Millionaire. Every action you take is passionate. Every intention you set is passionate. Every dream you concoct is passionate.

Cars, cooking, electronics, ceramics, golf, healing, travel, cats, dogs, lizards, pink flamingos, lawn care, castles, gardening, airplanes—it doesn't matter—for inside every passion is a path for the Awakened Millionaire to walk.

How do you find that path? You let the path find you. You open yourself, empty yourself, and listen to your intuition. You sit still and feel where your mind, heart, and soul wander. You go where you keep returning to.

Where you find sheer joy, you find passion. Where you find excitement, you find passion. Where you find enthusiasm, you find passion.

There is no mission without passion. There is no Awakened Millionaire without passion. It is the work of your soul, the expression of your spirituality, and the embodiment of your true purpose. Your purpose is found where your passion leads.

As you explore your passions, you discover curious gaps. You find places where there is something missing in the expression of your passion. You find a gap in the marketplace. An aspect of your passion unexplored…a book waiting to be written. A lack of community around your passion…a website. A need or desire for others who are passionate…a business. Your passion is there to fill the gap.

Or you find a flaw in the expression of your passion. You find that information is lacking, education is poor, access is difficult, and needs are unmet. You are there with your passion to fix those flaws.

Or you find stagnation. Your passion lacks innovation in the world. Your passion lacks enthusiasm or advocacy. Your passion lacks action. You are there with your passion to pump new life into the mix.

Your purpose is defined by these opportunities. All you have to do is ask, what if? What if there is a better way? What if more people knew about this? What if there is easier access? What if there is a solution missing?

These what-if questions breed a goal for you to follow, a purpose where you place your passion. Follow the what if and you have your business, you have your cause…You have your mission.

Combine your passion with the purpose that emerges, and you can be off to make your impact.

You have your business grounded in a mission. You have your efforts grounded in a mission. You have your gifts for the world grounded in a mission.

Channel your passion, find your purpose, and build your mission.

You have arrived equipped as all Awakened Millionaires are equipped…with their passion, their purpose, and their mission.

This is the soul of the Awakened Millionaire. This is your soul brought to life.

Now combine it with money.…

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