Chapter 7

Using Functions in Excel


check Understanding the difference between functions and formulas

check Tracking down the right function for the job

check Identifying the functions you need for financial modeling

check Considering more advanced functions

The power of Microsoft Excel lies in its ability to do math for you. (Shh! Don’t tell your high school algebra teacher!) Of course, in order for Excel to work its magic, you need to be able to tell it what you need. And you do that by using formulas and functions. So, actually, you’re not totally off the hook when it comes to knowing math — you have to understand math in order to know which formula or function to use.

In this chapter, I start by telling you the difference between a formula and a function. Then I explain how to find the function you need, when you’re not quite sure what it’s called. Finally, as a financial modeler, you’ll be expected to have a firm grasp on the most commonly used functions in Excel, at the very least; this chapter covers the functions that are absolutely critical for you to know.

Identifying the Difference between a Formula and a Function

In Excel, functions and formulas both help you calculate an answer. You may hear the two words used interchangeably, but they’re not technically the same. So, what’s the difference? A formula is an expression that uses cell references or hard-coded numbers to calculate the value of a cell. For example, =A1+A2 and =923*12 are formulas. Sometimes a simple formula is all you need to get the right answer, but you can do so much more using functions. A function is a predefined formula already available in Excel. Functions streamline the process of creating a calculation. To date, Excel has more than 400 functions. Every time Microsoft releases a new version of Excel, more functions are added.

Functions can do complicated calculations that would be time-consuming to build manually. For example, if you wanted to add up a range of cells without using a function, you’d need to write something like =A1+A2+A3+A4+A5 instead of =SUM(A1:A5). Now, for five cells, writing it manually isn’t such a big deal. But what if you’re adding a range of hundreds of cells? Or thousands? Functions make calculations a lot easier.

remember There’s a lot more to being a good financial modeler than simply knowing lots and lots of Excel functions. But the more functions you know, the more likely you are to choose the one that’s most appropriate for the job at hand. As with many things in life, there are usually several ways to achieve the same result, but the best option is the one that’s the clearest and easiest for others to understand, as well as the simplest to audit (see Chapter 5 for more on formula auditing).

Finding the Function You Need

If you’re trying to perform a calculation in Excel and you aren’t sure what the function you want is called, don’t worry! Just follow these steps:

  1. Click the Formulas tab.
  2. Click the Insert Function button.

    The Insert Function dialog box, shown in Figure 7-1, appears.

    tip You can also access the Insert Function dialog box by clicking the fx button to the left of the Formula Bar or by using the shortcut Shift+F3.

  3. In the Search for a Function text box, type a brief description of what you want to do, and then click Go.

    A list of functions appears in the Select a Function box.

  4. If you’re still not finding the function you’re looking for, select a category of functions from the Select a Category drop-down list to narrow the list.
  5. When you’ve found the function you think might be right, select it from the Select a Function box and click OK.

    tip The Insert Function dialog box appears. Click the Help on This Function link to get even more help on the function you’ve selected.


FIGURE 7-1: The Insert Function dialog box.

Getting Familiar with the Most Important Functions

You’ve arrived at the meaty part of the chapter. This is where things get interesting! In this section, I fill you in on all the functions you’ll rely on most often and give you some examples of how and why to use them.


As its name implies, the SUM function is used to add a series of numbers. Normally, SUM is used to add a contiguous range of cells, as shown in Figure 7-2, but it can also be used to add cells in a noncontiguous range (in other words, cells that aren’t adjacent to each other).


FIGURE 7-2: Using the SUM function to add up a column.

Figure 7-2 shows an example of adding a column of numbers. To try this out for yourself, select a cell either at the bottom or the far right of a range of cells, and click the Σ AutoSum button on the Home tab or Formulas tab.

When you click the Σ AutoSum button, the SUM function tries to automatically determine the figures that you want to add up — and it usually gets it right. If it hasn’t selected quite the right range you need to sum, you can fix it by doing any of the following:

  • Manually edit the range by retyping the references in the Formula Bar.
  • Select the correct range of cells with the mouse.
  • Drag the plus sign (+) in the corner of the summed range cell to add to the range of cells selected. To do this in the example in Figure 7-2, you would hover the mouse above the upper-right corner of cell B2.

Figure 7-3 shows an example of summing up a specific set of cells in a noncontiguous range. Because rows 8 and 15 already contain subtotals, you can’t simply add up the entire column for the full year total — it would include the subtotals as well at the values, so you’d end up with double the number. In the Formula Bar, enter the cell address of each cell that you want added together, so the formula in cell B16 is =SUM(B8,B15). Note that you need to enter a comma to separate each cell (or range of cells) from the others.


FIGURE 7-3: Using the SUM function to add noncontiguous cells.

tip Instead of pressing Σ AutoSum, you can use the shortcut Alt+=. Try selecting a cell either at the bottom or the far right of a range of cells, and press Alt+=. The SUM function is inserted, exactly as though you had pressed the Σ AutoSum button. Learning and using shortcuts like this one can save a lot of time when you’re building financial models. See Chapter 6 for more on using shortcuts.


The MAX function helps identify the maximum value. The syntax for this function is the same as for the SUM function — you can enter a range of cells, individual cells separated by commas, or a combination of both. The MAX function returns an error if the cells you need to analyze have some text that can’t be converted to numerical values.

For example, if you wanted to determine the maximum sales dollars for a year, you could use the MAX function to do so. In the example shown in Figure 7-4, the MAX function has been used to calculate the highest inventory level for the entire year with the function =MAX(B2:B13). Select cell B14 and you can complete this function in several different ways:

  • Type =MAX( and select the range with the mouse or the arrow keys.
  • Access the Insert Function dialog box (see “Finding the Function You Need,” earlier in this chapter), and search for MAX.
  • Find the Σ AutoSum button on the Home tab or the Formulas tab (refer to Figure 7-2) and instead of clicking it, select Max from the drop-down box next to the button.

FIGURE 7-4: Using the MAX function to calculate the maximum value.

The MIN function is the opposite of the MAX function: It calculates the lowest value in the column. The MIN function can also use any combination of ranged series and individual cells. The restrictions on what you enter and the results you get are similar to the MAX function. For example, if you wanted to determine the minimum inventory level for a year, you could use the MIN function, as shown in Figure 7-5 with the function =MIN(B2:B13).


FIGURE 7-5: Using the MIN function to calculate the minimum value.

Now that you’ve determined both the minimum and maximum values, you can use these formulas to calculate the spread, or variance, of the inventory levels between minimum and maximum values. Maybe your investors want to know how volatile your stock levels are. This calculation will give you some idea of the volatility of inventory.

For a practical example of how to use the MAX and MIN functions together, follow these steps:

  1. Download File 0701.xlsx at, open it, and select the tab labeled 7-6, or open a new Excel file and enter and format the data as shown in Figure 7-6.
  2. In cell B16, enter the function =MAX(B2:B13) to calculate the maximum inventory level for the first year.
  3. Copy that function across the row — in cells C16 and D16 — so that it calculates for all three years.

    tip Because you want the cell referencing to change as you copy it across, no anchoring or dollar signs are required on the cell references.

  4. In cell B17, enter the function =MIN(B2:B13) to calculate the minimum inventory level for the first year.
  5. Copy that function across the row — in cells C17 and D17 — so that it calculates for all three years.
  6. In cell B18, enter the formula =B16-B17 to calculate the spread by deducting the minimum value from the maximum value.
  7. Enter the titles “Maximum,” “Minimum,” and “Spread” in cells A16:A18, as shown in Figure 7-7.
  8. Copy that formula across the row — in cells C18 and D18 — so that it calculates for all three years.

    The completed model is shown in Figure 7-7. Note that the second year has the widest range, with a spread of 5,836.


FIGURE 7-6: Three years of inventory levels.


FIGURE 7-7: Inventory Spread over three years.

tip This calculation could also have been done in a single row, using the formula =MAX(B2:B13)-MIN(B2:B13), but using this approach to building simple formulas first in separate cells makes your model easy to follow and it’s sometimes necessary before attempting to build complex formulas. You can always put them together later, after you figure out what intermediary calculations you need.


What if you have several hundred cells in a single spreadsheet column, each with a numerical value, and you want to find the average, or mean, value? Using ordinary formulas, you would have to sum all the numbers up, count the number of rows, and then divide the sum by the number of rows. Fortunately, Excel has an AVERAGE function, which makes this calculation a lot easier.

In the example shown in Figure 7-8, I quickly and easily calculated the average value of 7,019 with the AVERAGE function.


FIGURE 7-8: Using the AVERAGE function to calculate the average value.

warning The AVERAGE function only uses the cells with values. Make sure that this is what you intend with your calculation. In most situations, there isn’t a lot of difference between a blank cell and a cell containing a zero value — and most functions treat a blank cell as though it contains a zero. When using the AVERAGE function, however, this is not the case. The AVERAGE function counts the cells with value zero, but it ignores empty cells and doesn’t include them in the calculation. If you want those cells to be counted, you need to enter a value of zero in the cells.

In the example shown in Figure 7-9, I don’t have any data yet for December, so cell B13 has been deliberately left blank. Although cell B13 has been included in the AVERAGE function’s range, the function ignores it, and calculates the correct average for January to November as 6,780.


FIGURE 7-9: The AVERAGE function ignores blank cells.

In the example shown in Figure 7-10, the user has entered a zero value in cell B13 instead of leaving it blank. The AVERAGE function includes this zero value when calculating the average, giving the value of 6,215.


FIGURE 7-10: The AVERAGE function includes zero values in its calculation.


The COUNT function, as the name suggests, counts. Although this sounds pretty straightforward, it’s actually not as simple as it seems and, for this reason, the COUNT function is not as commonly used as the very closely related COUNTA function.

warning The COUNT function only counts the number of cells that contain numerical values in a range. It will completely ignore blank cells and any cells within the range that don’t contain numerical values, such as text. For this reason, the COUNT function is used only if you specifically want to count the numbers only.

In the example shown in Figure 7-11, I’m in the preliminary stages of planning for a wedding, and I need to calculate a couple different numbers from the data. I need to know the number of guests to be invited in order to figure out the maximum capacity for the venue. I also need to know the number of invitations to send, so I can order them from the printers. I’m not sure yet how many people are in the Fleming family, so I’ve inserted a question mark for now. The number of guests can be easily calculated using the SUM function; if I update the numbers in the future, the sum will automatically change without a problem. I can use the COUNT function to calculate the number of invitations, with the formula =COUNT(B3:B13), but it will entirely ignore the cell containing the question mark and lead me to only order 10 invitations instead of 11.


FIGURE 7-11: The COUNT function ignores cells without numerical values.

The COUNTA function would be a much better solution to the problem shown in Figure 7-11. In fact, COUNTA is often used instead of COUNT. This is because the COUNTA function will count all cells containing data, not just numerical values, including error values and empty text (“”), but it will still ignore cells that are completely empty.

In the wedding-planning example, I could use the formula =COUNTA(B3:B13) instead, and this will give the correct result. Remember: The COUNTA function ignores blank cells, so if you were to remove the question mark from cell B7 and leave it blank, the answer would be incorrect again. A better solution would be to count the number of names in column A, using the formula =COUNTA(A3:A13), as shown in Figure 7-12.


FIGURE 7-12: The COUNTA function only ignores empty cells.

Calculating a full-year projection using COUNT functions

Let’s try calculating a full-year projection using the COUNT and COUNTA functions. For example, say you have only ten months of data, and you want to do a full-year projection for your monthly budget meeting. As shown in Figure 7-13, you can calculate how many months’ worth of data you have by using the formula =COUNT(B2:B13), which will give you the correct number of elapsed months (10).


FIGURE 7-13: Using the COUNT function to count the number of values in a range.

tip To insert the function, you can either type out the formula in cell B15 (as shown in Figure 7-13), or select Count Numbers from the drop-down list next to the Σ AutoSum button on the Home tab or the Formulas tab.

Note that the COUNTA function would work just as well in this case, but you particularly want to count only numbers, so you should stick with the COUNT function this time.

Try adding a number in for November, and notice that the elapsed months changes to 11. This is exactly what you want to happen because it will automatically update whenever you add new data.

In cell B16, calculate the average monthly amount of inventory for the months that have already elapsed. You can do this using the formula =B14/B15. Then you can convert this number to an annual amount by multiplying it by 12. So, the entire formula is =B14/B15*12, which yields the result of 81,520, as shown in Figure 7-14.


FIGURE 7-14: A completed 12-month forecast.

tip You can achieve exactly the same result using the formula =AVERAGE(B2:B13)*12. Which function you choose to use in your model is up to you, but the AVERAGE function does not require you to calculate the elapsed number of months as shown in row 15 in Figure 7-14. My personal preference is to see the number of months shown on the page so I can make sure the formula is working correctly.

Calculating headcount costs with the COUNT function

Let’s take a look at another example where the COUNT function can be useful. I often use the COUNT function to calculate headcount in a budget as it’s entered. For a practical example of how to use the COUNT function as part of a financial model, follow these steps:

  1. Download File 0701.xlsx from, open it, and select the tab labeled 7-15 or enter and format the data as shown in Figure 7-15.
  2. In cell B17, enter the formula =COUNT(B3:B14) to count the number of staff in the budget.

    You get the result of 9.


FIGURE 7-15: Using a COUNT function to calculate headcount.

remember Again, the COUNTA function would’ve worked in this situation, but I specifically wanted to add up only the number of staff for which I have a budget.

Try entering TBD in one of the blank cells in the range. What happens? The COUNT function doesn’t change its value because it only counts cells with numerical values. Try using the COUNTA function instead (with TBD still in place in one of the formerly blank cells). The result changes from 9 to 10, which may or may not be what you want to happen.

After you’ve calculated the headcount, you can incorporate this information into your technology budget. Each of the costs in the budget is a variable cost driven by headcount. Follow these steps:

  1. In cell F3, enter the formula =E3*B17.

    This formula automatically calculates the total cost of all laptops based on the headcount numbers.

    Because you want to copy this formula down, you need to anchor the cell reference to the headcount.

  2. Change the formula to =E3*$B$17 by using the F4 shortcut key or typing in the dollar signs manually.
  3. Copy the formula down the range, and add a total at the bottom, as shown in Figure 7-16.

FIGURE 7-16: The completed budget.


Several Excel functions round off numbers. The ones that are the most useful for financial modelers are ROUND, ROUNDUP, and ROWNDOWN. The ROUND function rounds to the nearest specified value — whether it’s up or down. The ROUNDUP function rounds up to the nearest specified value. And — you guessed it — the ROUNDDOWN function rounds down to the nearest specified value.

To understand how this particular function works, try it out for yourself by following these steps:

  1. Open a new file in Excel.
  2. In cell A1, enter the number 45215754.575.
  3. On the Home tab, in the Numbers section, click the comma button once to format the cell.

    The formatting changes so the number now looks like this: 45,215,754.58. Note that the number remains the same; the third decimal place is still there but it’s just not showing due to the way the cell is formatted.

  4. Select the blank cell A2, enter the formula =ROUND(A1,1).

    The 1 in the last part of the formula means that you only want one decimal place. The decimal places are reduced to only one so that cell A2 contains the value 45,215,754.60. Note that the number really does only contain one decimal place; the extra decimal places are not being suppressed by formatting as they are in cell A1.

  5. Now select the blank cell A3, and enter the formula =ROUND(A1,0) to remove all decimal places completely.

    The result is 45,215,755.00. Now the cell value contains no decimal places at all.

  6. In the blank cell A4, enter the formula =ROUND(A1,-1) to round the number to the nearest ten.

    The result is 45,215,750.00

  7. In cell A5, enter the formula =ROUND(A1,-3) to round the number to the nearest thousand.

    The result is 45,216,000.00.

  8. In cell A6, enter the formula =ROUND(A1,-6) to round to the nearest million.

    The result is 45,000,000.00, as shown in Figure 7-17.


FIGURE 7-17: Using the ROUND function.

For a practical example of how the ROUNDUP and ROUNDDOWN functions are used in a financial model, see the Corkscrew Cash Flow case study in Chapter 11.

Now let’s look at an example of how to use the ROUNDUP function as part of a financial model. Let’s say you’re building a five-year plan for a call center. Each call operator can handle 40 customers. In the first year, you have 500 customers, and you expect that to increase by 20 percent per year. You have fixed costs of $250,000. The variable overheads are $100 per customer. Each call operator costs $65,000 per year. And all costs increase by inflation of 3 percent. How many call operators will you need each year? (Hint: Don’t forget to round up!)

technicalstuff This exercise demonstrates the difference between fixed, variable, and stepped costs, which are important concepts in management accounting and budget modeling. As shown in Figure 7-18, fixed costs do not change as the number of units produced increases. Variable costs change directly in line with the number of units produced, and are also very simple to model. Stepped costs, however, do not increase in a linear fashion; instead, they increase in increments or “steps,” and these can be modeled using the ROUNDUP function.


FIGURE 7-18: Fixed, variable, and stepped costs.

This exercise also demonstrates a common escalation technique for increasing amounts by a growth rate, or inflation amount. You’ll often need to be able to include escalation in your models for the purpose of forecasting, as you do in this exercise. In this exercise, you need to increase your number of customers by 20 percent each year. The number of customers in the first year is 500. When you add the 20 percent growth to this number, it becomes 600. Then you calculate the customer number in the third year based on this number (600) not the first year (500). This effect, whereby the growth increases exponentially, is called compounding.

tip To calculate growth, use the following formula:

Base Amount × (1 + Growth)

You’re adding 1 (effectively 100 percent) to the growth rate (which is 20 percent) because you want the capital sum returned along with the accrued interest. Multiplying an amount by (1 + Growth) is a very common calculation in financial modeling.

Okay, finally, to answer the question posed earlier — “How many call operators will you need each year?” — follow these steps:

  1. Download File 0701.xlsx from, open it, and select the tab labeled 7-19 or enter and format the data as shown in Figure 7-19.
  2. In cell C12, enter the formula =B12*(1+$B$4) to calculate the number of customers expected in Year 2.

    remember Don’t forget to use the F4 shortcut to anchor the cell reference.

  3. Copy this formula all the way across the row.

    The calculated result in Year 5 is 1,037.

  4. In cell B13, you need to work out how many call operators you need each year, so divide the number of customers by the customers per operator with the formula =B12/$B$3.

    remember Don’t forget to use the F4 shortcut to anchor the cell reference.

    The calculated result is 12.50.

    Huh? That doesn’t make sense. You can’t employ a fraction of a person! You need to round up to the nearest whole person with the formula by wrapping a ROUNDUP function around the existing formula.

  5. In cell B13, change the formula to =ROUNDUP(B12/$B$3,0).
  6. Copy that formula all the way across the row.

    The calculated result in Year 5 is 26. Compare your results to Figure 7-20.


FIGURE 7-19: Calculating number of call operators required with ROUNDUP.


FIGURE 7-20: Calculating number of call operators required with ROUNDUP.

You’ve now calculated the number of staff required. You can use this information later on in row 20 to work out their costs. For now, let’s continue working down the page.

In row 14, you need to calculate the overhead amounts for each year. There are two parts to this calculation: First, you need to apply inflation, and second, you need to multiply it by the number of customers. You could do the entire calculation in a single row, but the formula would be difficult to follow.

remember When it comes to formula layout in a financial model, simple is best! It’s far better to lay out the calculation step by step instead of trying to do the whole thing in one row.

Follow these steps to work out how much the staff will cost each year:

  1. In cell B14, enter =B7 to link this to the overhead assumption.
  2. In cell C14, enter the formula =B14*(1+$B$5) to add inflation.

    This technique is exactly the same as the one you used when increasing the number of customers, but you’re picking up the inflation assumption instead of the growth assumption.

    remember Don’t forget to use the F4 shortcut to anchor the cell reference.

  3. Copy the formula all the way across the row.

    The calculated result in Year 5 is 113.

Note that you have different formulas in cells B14 and C14. Ordinarily, you should try to have consistent formulas wherever possible, to reduce the number of formulas in the model, but in this case, it’s just not practical.

In row 15, you need to calculate the staff costs per operator for each year. This works in exactly the same way as the overhead costs. You’ll increase the per-operator costs by inflation each year and multiply it by the number of operators later on. Follow these steps:

  1. In cell B15, enter =B8 to link this cell to the cost per operator.
  2. In cell C15, enter =B15*(1+$B$5) to add inflation to this number.

    remember Don’t forget to use the F4 shortcut to anchor the cell reference.

  3. Copy the formula all the way across the row.

    The calculated result in Year 5 is $73,158.

    You’ve finished the workings block, so you can start to calculate the costs below in row 18.

  4. In cell B18, enter =B6 to link this cell to the fixed cost assumption with the formula.
  5. In cell C18, enter the formula =B18*(1+$B$5) to add inflation to this number.
  6. Copy the formula all the way across the row.

    The calculated result in Year 5 is $281,377.

  7. In cell B19, enter the formula =B14*B12 to calculate the total overhead costs by multiplying the overhead cost per customer per year by the number of customers in that year.

    No need to lock the cell referencing, because you want this to copy across the row.

  8. Copy the formula all the way across the row.

    The calculated result in Year 5 is $116,693.

  9. In cell B20, enter the formula =B15*B13 to calculate the total call staff costs by multiplying the cost per operator by the number of operators.
  10. Copy the formula all the way across the row.

    The calculated result in Year 5 is $1,902,110.

  11. In cell B21, enter the formula =SUM(B18:B20) to sum the total costs.

    Another option is to select cell B21 and use the shortcut Alt+=.

  12. Copy the formula all the way across the row.

    The calculated result in Year 5 is $2,300,180. Compare your results to Figure 7-21.


FIGURE 7-21: The completed five-year strategic forecast.


The IF function is very commonly used in financial models because it allows you to test certain conditions in your model and change outcomes or results depending on what the user inserts into the model. It’s especially useful when building scenarios, because you can build the model so that the user can turn certain conditions on and off.

Type =IF and then use the Ctrl+A shortcut. The IF Function Arguments dialog box appears. There are three fields you need to fill in:

  • The logical statement that is evaluated: For example, is the weather sunny today? The answer to this will either be true or false.
  • The result if the statement is true: In this case, it might be “Go to the beach.”
  • The result if the statement is false: In this case, it might be “Stay home.”

The syntax looks like this:

=IF(statement being tested, value if true, value if false),

So, for this example, in plain language, the syntax looks like this:

=IF(the weather is sunny,go to the beach,stay home),

Written in an Excel formula, if the weather has been put into cell A1, the formula would look like this (see Figure 7-22):

=IF(A1=“Sunny”,”go to the beach”,”stay home”)


FIGURE 7-22: Inserting an IF function using the Function Arguments dialog box.

tip When using text within a formula, as you’re doing in this example, you must put quotation marks (““) around any text. However, if you use the IF Function Arguments dialog box, as shown in Figure 7-22, there is no need to put the quotation marks in manually — the dialog box will do it for you.

The IF function can be used to automatically calculate whether a set of numbers meets certain conditions. For example, you can create a variance alert when comparing actual costs to budget — if the variance is greater than 10 percent, you want the formula to automatically alert us. For a practical example of how to use the IF function as part of a financial model, follow these steps:

  1. Download File 0701.xlsx from and select the tab labeled 7-23-blank or enter and format the data in columns A through D, as shown in Figure 7-23.
  2. In cell E3, enter the formula =D3-C3 to calculate the variance.

    tip When preparing an actual versus budget report, you should always show the variance as a positive if it’s “better” than budget or a negative if it’s “worse” than budget. This report shows expenses, so an actual amount higher than budget is a bad thing and should be shown as a negative value. For an expense report, the variance calculation is budget minus actual; for a revenue report, the variance calculation is actual minus budget.

    If you’re showing an income or profit and loss statement with revenue at the top part of the report and expenses at the bottom, the formula can’t be exactly the same all the way down the page. Although the consistency of formulas is an important part of financial modeling best practice, it’s not always practical!

  3. Copy this formula down the column.

    tip When copying down a column, you can select the cell you want to copy, hover the mouse over the lower-left corner until the cross-hairs appear, and double-click. The formula is copied all the way down to the bottom.

  4. Select cell E13 and use the shortcut Alt+=, and then press enter to sum the column.

    The calculated value is $1,555.

  5. In cell F3, enter the formula =E3/D3 to calculate the variance percentage.
  6. Copy this formula down the column.

    You will notice an error value in row 11. This is because there was no budget for Other IT Costs and the formula can’t divide by zero, so it shows an error value.

  7. Select cell F3 and suppress this error by editing the formula to =IFERROR(E3/D3,0).

    Any formula errors will show a zero value instead of the error.

  8. Copy this formula down the column.

    remember Go back to the first cell (E13) to make the change and then copy it down, instead of making the change only where the error shows (E11). This way, if the numbers change in the future, the errors will always be suppressed.

  9. Ensure that the variance formula also copies all the way down to cell F13 and edit the formatting if necessary.

    Now that you’ve set up the actual versus budget report, you can add an IF function to alert you when the variance is too high. First, you need to determine what you mean by “too high.”

  10. In cell G1, enter the value –10%.

    You’ll link to this cell because this is the maximum variance to budget you can tolerate.

    remember Don’t forget to press F4 after referring to G1 to lock the cell reference so that you can copy it down.

  11. In cell G3, type =IF( and press Ctrl+A.

    The Function Arguments dialog box appears.

  12. Enter the formula =IF(F3<$G$1,”Over budget”,0), as shown in Figure 7-23.
  13. Ensure that the variance formula also copies all the way down to cell G13 and edit the formatting if necessary.

FIGURE 7-23: Building a variance alert formula.

Your actual versus budget variance report is complete!

tip The zero values in the G column appear as a dash because of the way the cells have been formatted. This was done using the Comma Style in the Numbers section on the Home tab in the Ribbon. It looks much neater than showing a zero.


COUNTIF and SUMIF are very handy functions to know for modeling. They add or count ranges of data, and are among some of my favorite, most frequently used functions.

Tallying sales with COUNTIF

COUNTIF is used to count the number of cells that match specified criteria. For example, you have a list of sales made by salesperson by region, as shown in Figure 7-24. You’d like to know how many sales were made in each region. To solve this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Download File 0701.xlsx from, open it, and select the tab labeled 7-24.
  2. Copy column B in its entirety to column E, as shown in Figure 7-24.
  3. Leave column E selected, and on the Data tab, in the Data Tools section, click the Remove Duplicates button.
  4. Click OK.

    A message box displays how many duplicate values are to be removed.

  5. Click OK.

    The duplicate values are removed, leaving you with a unique list of regions, as shown in Figure 7-25.

  6. In cell F1, type No. Sales and format if necessary.
  7. In cell F2, type =COUNTIF( and press Ctrl+A.

    The Function Arguments dialog box appears. The Range field shows the range containing the original data.

  8. Put your cursor in the Range field and then highlight the cells B2:B22; press the F4 shortcut key to lock the cell references.
  9. Tab to the Criteria field, and select the first cell in the table you’re building (cell E2 as shown in Figure 7-25).

    Note that you don’t need to lock this reference because you want the cell reference to change as you copy it down the column.

  10. Click OK.

    The resulting formula will be =COUNTIF($B$2:$B$22,E2) with the calculated value of 5.

  11. Copy the formula down the column.
  12. Click cell F6, use the shortcut Alt+=, and press Enter to add the sum total.

    The calculated value is 21.

  13. Format as necessary.
  14. In cell F7, enter the formula =COUNTA(B2:B22)-F6 to make sure the totals are the same.
  15. Format the zero to a dash by clicking the comma button from the Number section of the Home tab.
  16. Check your numbers against Figure 7-26.

FIGURE 7-24: The Remove Duplicates dialog box.


FIGURE 7-25: The COUNTIF Function Arguments dialog box.


FIGURE 7-26: The completed number of sales table with error check.


SUMIF is similar to COUNTIF, but it sums rather than counts the values of cells in a range that meet given criteria. Following on from the last example, let’s say you want to know how much (in terms of dollar value) in sales were made in each region. To solve this problem, follow these steps:

  1. In cell F1, type “No. Sales” and format if necessary.
  2. In cell F2, type =SUMIF( and press Ctrl+A.

    The Function Arguments dialog box appears.

  3. In the Range field, enter the items you’re adding together (B2:B22), and then press F4.
  4. In the Criteria field, enter the criteria you’re looking for in that range (E2).

    You don’t press the F4 key here, because you want to copy it down the column.

  5. In the Sum_range field, enter the numbers you want to sum together (C2:C22), and then press F4.

    Figure 7-27 shows what this should look like.

  6. Click OK.

    The resulting formula will be =SUMIF($B$2:$B$22,E2,$C$2:$C$22) with the calculated value of $99,310.

  7. Copy the formula down the column.
  8. Click cell G6, use the shortcut Alt+=, and press Enter to add the sum total.

    The calculated value is $384,805.

  9. Format as necessary.
  10. In cell G7, enter the formula =SUM(C2:C22)-G6 to make sure the totals are the same.
  11. Format the zero to a dash by clicking the comma button in the Number section of the Home tab.
  12. Check your numbers against Figure 7-28.

FIGURE 7-27: The SUMIF Function Arguments dialog box.


FIGURE 7-28: The completed sales total table.

You’ve now got a summary report at the bottom, showing you how much you’ve sold in terms of number and dollar value.


The lookup functions — VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP — are very often used in building financial models and are often the “go to” function for many modelers and analysts.

Despite its popularity, the humble VLOOKUP is often misused and overused because many users — especially when they’re just starting out — don’t understand exactly how it works. VLOOKUP stands for vertical lookup. It can be used any time you have a list of data with a unique lookup field in the leftmost column. The VLOOKUP function searches through a data set and returns a corresponding match from a specified row and column.

HLOOKUP works in exactly the same way, except that the data is horizontally orientated instead of vertically oriented.

Mapping Data with VLOOKUP

Using the previous example from the last section, you have a list of sales and regions. Let’s say you want to abbreviate the region names from “North West” to “N/W,” because that’s what your team is used to seeing.

If you followed along with the last example, simply insert an extra column before column D to enter the abbreviation as shown in Figure 7-28. Right-click column D, and select Insert. Or you can download File 0701.xlsx at Open it and select the tab labeled 7-29.

To solve this problem, follow these steps:

  1. In cell G2, start to enter the abbreviations for each region.

    This is the mapping table you’re using to map the regions to their abbreviated names. If you’re using Excel 2013 or later, Flash Fill will begin to automatically populate the data for you as shown in Figure 7-29. Very cool.

  2. Select cell C2 and then click the Insert Function command on the Formulas tab (or just press Shift+F3).
  3. In the Select a Function box, scroll down until you see the VLOOKUP function; select VLOOKUP and click OK.
  4. The first parameter is the criteria you’re testing — in this case, the first region you need the abbreviation for, North East — so enter B2 in the Lookup_value field.

    The next field is the table array, which contains the data you want to reference. This is where it gets tricky. The criteria you’re looking for must always be in the far-left column of the data table you’re referencing in the table array.

  5. In the Table_array field, enter F2:G5, because in this case, the data you’re referencing will be in that range.

    remember Press the F4 shortcut key to lock the cell reference.

    In the Col_index_num field, you need to enter which column the value is found in. You need to tell the function which column in the table array you want it to return. In this case, you want it to tell you the abbreviation for the region. So, counting from the far-left side of the table array (starting in column F), you want it to return to the second column.

  6. Enter a number 2 in the Col_index_num field, as shown in Figure 7-30.

    The optional fourth field, Range_lookup, is where you specify whether a close match is okay.

  7. If you want an exact match, enter zero in the Range_lookup field; otherwise, leave it blank.

    You may also enter TRUE or FALSE, but typing a zero or leaving it blank is quicker.

    warning Make sure to enter a zero or FALSE in the last field. If you leave it blank, it will search for a “close” match and return an incorrect result. There are very few instances where you want a close match.

  8. Click OK to complete the formula.

    The completed formula will be =VLOOKUP(B2,$F$2:$G$5,2,0) with a returned result of “N/E.”

  9. Copy cell C2 all the way down the column and compare your results to Figure 7-31.
  10. Go to the mapping table and adjust the abbreviated names.

    For example, change “N/E” to “NE,” and you’ll notice the abbreviations in column C also automatically change. In this way, you can save time in building your reports.


FIGURE 7-29: Using Flash Fill.


FIGURE 7-30: The VLOOKUP Function Arguments dialog box.


FIGURE 7-31: The completed report with region abbreviations.

Breaking a VLOOKUP

If you’ve created a VLOOKUP in a model such as the one in the preceding section, this should work well … until someone enters or deletes a column in your source data! A formula such as the following specifically asks for the second column, so it won’t work if someone inserts a column range within the Regions range:


It won’t work because your required column becomes the third column, but the VLOOKUP is still asking for the second.

warning VLOOKUPs are not very robust formulas — you can see how easy they are to break! Here’s what you can do to avoid this problem and make your VLOOKUP more robust:

  • Protect the sheet to stop people from inserting or deleting rows or columns.
  • Use a “helper” row where the column number needs to be manually updated, or automatically calculated with a COLUMN function.
  • Insert an error to alert the user if this mistake has occurred.
  • Replace the hard-coded number 2 with a dynamic function such as a COLUMN or MATCH function that will automatically update.

Using the HLOOKUP function

The HLOOKUP works in exactly the same way as the VLOOKUP, except that the data is arranged horizontally instead of vertically. The HLOOKUP function is subject to exactly the same issues as VLOOKUP and it works in exactly the same way, except for the orientation. If your source data in the range is orientated vertically, use VLOOKUP, and if it’s orientated horizontally, use HLOOKUP. See the nearby sidebar for a practical example of using an HLOOKUP nested formula in a financial modeling context.

Being Aware of Advanced Functions and Functionality

In this chapter, I cover the functions that are most commonly used in financial modeling. If you master this handful of functions, you’ll be able to get started with building and using financial models. As your skills progress, however, you may find that you’re trying to do something that’s difficult to achieve with your existing repertoire of functions. If you find yourself building long and complicated formulas, or it feels like there must be an easier way to do what you’re trying to do, there probably is an easier way to do it. I recommend stopping what you’re doing and if you have access to a mentor or a more experienced modeler, explain what you’re trying to do and see if she can recommend a better way of approaching the problem. If you don’t have access to someone you can ask, try to explain your problem in plain English to your favorite search engine and, chances are, you’ll find what you need. If you don’t have any success the first time, try explaining the problem a different way.

Say, for example, that you have a list of names, regions, products, and sales as shown in Figure 7-32. You’d like to summarize these numbers to show both regions and products on a dashboard. You think a SUMIF might do the trick, but you’re limited to only one input range.


FIGURE 7-32: Trying to use the SUMIF function to aggregate with multiple criteria.

So, you open your favorite search engine and search for SUMIF with two ranges. You see a reference to the SUMIFS function. On further research, you discover some online tutorials that you work through carefully, and you discover that this might actually do the trick, as shown in Figure 7-33.


FIGURE 7-33: The completed SUMIFS function.

So now, the SUMIFS function is added to your repertoire of functions you can use if and when the situation requires. This is an example of how you can “learn on the job.” By doing a little research, you can learn more advanced tools and functions.

If you’re interested in learning more advanced functions than what I have the space for in this book, I recommend looking into the following functions as a next step:

  • COUNTIFS, which is very similar to SUMIFS
  • Nesting an INDEX and two MATCH functions to create a more robust lookup than either a VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP
  • Payment calculation functions, such as IPMT and PPMT (see Chapter 8 for more on PMT)
  • Date functions such as EDATE and EOMONTH (see Chapter 9 for more on TODAY)
  • The OFFSET function, which can be tricky to follow and audit but seems popular among some modelers
  • The INDIRECT function, which is similarly difficult to follow, but can be useful in certain situations
  • Array formulas, particularly TRANSPOSE

Finally, to learn more advanced functions, check out Using Excel for Business Analysis: A Guide to Financial Modeling Fundamentals by yours truly or Microsoft Excel 2016 All-in-One For Dummies by Greg Harvey (both published by Wiley).

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