Abbreviations and acronyms

ABCP Asset Backed Commercial Paper
ABS Asset Backed Security
AFS Available For Sale
AIG American International Group
ALM Asset Liability Management
ASF Available Stable Funding
bAJD basic Affine Jump Diffusion
BBA British Bankers' Association
BCBS Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
BSL Balance Sheet Liquidity
c.l. confidence level
CBC CounterBalancing Capacity
CC Central Clearing
CCS Cross Currency Swap
CD Certificate of Deposit
CDO Collateralized Debt Obligation
CDS Credit Default Swap
CEBS Committee of European Banking Supervisors
cfAR cash Flow At Risk
CFP Contingency Funding Plan
CIR Cox, Ingersoll and Ross (model)
CM Clearing Membership
CMBS Commercial Mortgage Backed Security
CME Chicago Mercantile Exchange
CP Commercial Paper
CPR Constant Prepayment Rate
CRT Credit Risk Transfer
CSA Credit Support Annex
CVA Credit Value Adjustment
DF Discount Factor
DVA Debit Value Adjustment
EAD Exposure At Default
EBF European Banking Federation
EC Economic Capital
EEA European Economic Area
EFC Expected Funding Cost
EL Expected Loss
ELoP Expected Loss on Prepayment
EM Empirical Model
ENE Expected Negative Exposure
Eonia Euro overnight index average
FAS Financial Accounting Standards
FASB Financial Accounting Standards Board
FC Funding Cost
FCAVL Forward Cumulated A Vailable Liquidity
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
FO Financial Option
forex, FX Foreign eXchange
FRA Forward Rate Agreement
FSA Financial Services Authority
FSB Federation of Small Businesses
FSB Financial Stability Board
FTO Fine-Tuning Operations
FTP Fund Transfer Pricing
FVA Funding Value Adjustment
FX Foreign eXchange
(G)CDS Global Credit Default Swap
G-SIFI Global-Systemically Important Financial Institution
GDP Gross Domestic Product
HLA High Liquidity Asset
HQLA High Quality Liquid Asset
IAS International Accounting Standards
IASC International Accounting Standards Committee
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
ILAA Individual Liquidity Adequacy Assessment
ILAS Individual Liquidity Adequacy Standard
ILG Individual Liquidity Guidance
IMF International Monetary Fund
IRS Interest Rate Swap
ISP Intesa SanPaolo
ITA ITAlian Treasury
LA Liquidity Adjustment
LB Liquidity Buffer
LBC Liquidity Buffer Cost
LCH London Clearing House
LCR Liquidity Coverage Ratio
LEA Liquid Equivalent Adjustment
LGC Liquidity Generation Capacity
Liffe London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange
LLR Lender of Last Resort
LMM Libor Market Model
LO Liquidity (Behavioural) Option
LTRO Long Term Refinancing Operation
LVA Liquidity Value Adjustment
LVA Liquidity Value Adjustment
MBS Mortgage Backed Security
MRO Main Refinancing Operation
MTA Minimum Transfer Amount
MTM Mark To Market
MTN Medium Term Note
MVAR Market Value At Risk
NCB National Central Bank
NCO Net Cash Outflow
NINJA No Income No Job (or) Asset
NML Non-Maturing Liability
NPV Net Present Value
NSFR Net Stable Funding Ratio
OAS Option Adjusted Spread
OBS Off Balance Sheet
ODE Ordinary Differential Equation
OIS Overnight Indexed Swap
OLS Orthogonal Least Square
OMO Open Market Operation
OMT Outright Monetary Transaction
ON Over Night
OTC Over The Counter
OTD Originate To Distribute
P&L Profit and Loss
PD Probability of Default
PDCF Primary Dealer Credit Facility
PDE Partial Differential Equation
PDF Probability Density Function
PFE Potential Future Exposure
PL Probability of Loss
PSE Public Sector Entity
PVA Price Volatility Adjustment
PVECF Present Value of the sum of Expected Capital Cash Flow
RFV Recovery of Face Value
RAROC Risk-Adjusted Return On Capital
RBS Royal Bank of Scotland
RI Refinance Incentive
RMBS Residential Mortgage Backed Security
RMV Recovery of Market Value
ROE Return On Equity
RPM Rational Prepayment Models
RSF Required Stable Funding
RTGS Real Time Gross Settlement
SDE Stochastic Differential Equation
SF Standing Facility
SF Stochastic Factor
SIFI Systemically Important Financial Institution
SIV Structured Investment Vehicle
SLRP Supervisory Liquidity Review Process
SMP Securities Market Programme
SP Survival Probability
SPV Special Purpose Vehicle
TA Total Asset
TAF Term Auction Facility
TARGET2 Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross-settlement Express Transfer
TARP Troubled Asset Relief Program
TLA Targeted Liquidity Assistance
TN TurNover
TPC Total Prepayment Cost
TRS Total Return Swap
TSECCF Term Structure of Cumulated Expected Cash Flow
TSECF Term Structure of Expected Cash Flow
TSFCFu Term Structure of Forward Cumulated Funding
TSFu Term Structure of available Funding
TSL_e Term Structure of expected Liquidity
TSLaR Term Structure of Liquidity at Risk
USG USaGe metric
VA Value Added
VaR Value at Risk
ZC Zero Coupon
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