
ABCP see asset-backed commercial paper

ABCP conduits 9, 82, 197

ABSs see asset-backed securities

accounting standards 967, 41921, 5423

see also FAS …; IAS …

accruals accounting 5423

accrued interest 1323, 41019, 47591

acronym mysteries 8

adverse selection 79, 256

‘affine correlation’ 222, 3401

AFS see available for sale assets

AIG see American International Group

aircraft leases 8

Akerlof, G.A. 79

ALM see asset–liability management

American Home Mortgage Investment Corp. 3

American International Group (AIG) 6, 35, 367

American options 11213

amortizing swaps 2818, 2936, 3712, 3758, 51837

amount dimension, taxonomy of cash flows 11113, 11841

analytical approximations for ELoP 2969, 3013, 37381

arbitrage 27, 401, 47, 589, 801, 834, 31920, 47683, 4929

arbitrage-free pricing, derivatives 47683, 4929

arctangent function 278

Aristotle 396

ASF see available stable funding

Asian equity markets 45

asset markets 2132, 389, 4950, 7581, 11115, 11934, 14498, 42571, 477537, 539

asset separation resolution tools 42

asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP) 3, 6, 9, 26, 612, 824, 99, 1036, 1978

definition 9, 823

asset-backed securities (ABSs) 4, 6, 8, 15, 612, 645, 678, 769, 824, 99, 1036, 1267, 1978

see also mortgage-backed …; securitizations

collateral pledges 126

definition 8

asset–liability management (ALM) 88, 278337, 389423, 42531, 45671, 53945

see also long-term …

conclusions and future prospects 5435

funding costs 45671, 5445

roles 5435

skills' requirements 5435

treasury roles 5435

asset–liability maturity mismatch 25, 389, 47, 4850, 523, 638, 945, 99, 105, 107, 1223, 14568, 1745, 1978, 31617, 46871

asset–swap spreads (ASWs) 5445

ASWs see asset–swap spreads

asymmetric information 79, 246, 29, 312, 3345, 69, 714, 756, 186, 5425

at-the-money options 5089

auctions, refi rates 18

automobile loans 6, 8, 910

autoregression 32137

available liquidity (AVL) 14569, 17285, 5234, 533, 535

available for sale assets (AFS) 12534

definition 1257

TSAA 12734, 13541

available stable funding (ASF) 668

available unencumbered assets, definition 689

backward recursion 47791, 51213

Bagehot's view 30

bailin instruments 423

bAJD see basic affine jump diffusion model

balance sheet liquidity (BSL) 1245, 12734, 141, 144, 22447, 5435

‘balance sheet neutral’ repo transactions 1247

balance sheets 2732, 389, 434, 4874, 7597, 115, 11941, 14498, 22447, 3227, 389401, 40423, 42571, 53945

see also liquidity generation capacity

DVAs 389401, 40421, 4567

expansion/shrinkage tools 12434, 15862

FTP 42571, 545

mark-to-market valuations 278, 1978, 3748, 38997, 401, 40719, 4213, 4567, 543

securitizations 28, 824

Balkanization 58

bank activity benefits 245, 4312

Bank of America 6, 34

Bank of Canada 15

Bank of England 11, 15, 41, 68

Bank of Finland 42

bank franchises, DVA replication 41519

bank incentives 28

Bank of Japan 15

bank lending channel, securitizations 84

bank loans 6, 18, 246, 3345, 11215, 11923, 1623, 1924, 2234, 25770, 33770, 386423, 42571, 477537, 5425

behavioural models 33770, 545

funding costs included in loan pricing 44656

OBSs 1924

bank runs 67, 256, 29, 312, 445, 501, 923, 319, 3347

definition 26

deposit volumes 3347

banking books 1257, 141, 5425

conclusions and future prospects 5425

TSLGC 1257

bankruptcies 3, 67, 9, 256, 29, 3445, 1467, 1528, 16970, 21922, 2234, 2267, 2301, 3869, 414, 43846, 52837


see also central …

activities 1108, 4312, 4526, 53945

conclusions and future prospects 5425

confidence restoration needs 734, 85

derivatives-trading conclusions 423

end of bank activities 3856

going concern principle 412, 4850, 915, 3856, 4834, 525

as lemons 715

profit aims 3856, 42631, 4526

responses to the global financial crisis from 2007 915, 2930, 3545, 4850, 6374, 75, 4312

roles 756, 824, 3856, 387, 38990, 423, 53945

stockholders 3856, 387, 38990, 42831, 4578

too-big-to-fail banks 7, 3345

Banque de France 20, 64

Barclays 34

barrier options 48891

see also options

base money (M0) 1819, 29

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) 22, 40, 42, 4850, 54, 5762, 6774, 869, 1948, 421, 4689

Basel I 734

Basel II 47, 56

Basel III 3940, 5274, 1948

see also liquidity coverage ratio; monitoring tools; net stable funding ratio

concepts 5274, 1948

critique 52, 567, 71

LBs 1948

basic affine jump diffusion model (bAJD) 21112, 341

see also jump diffusion models

basis definition 14

basis risk 5435

basis swaps 1415, 51517

BCBS see Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

Bear Stearns 4, 6, 10, 36

behavioural cash flows, taxonomy of cash flows 11113, 1213, 136

behavioural models 869, 11113, 1213, 136, 277382, 42831, 45771, 5435

see also credit lines; non-maturing liabilities; prepayments; sight deposits

concepts 277382, 428, 5435

definition 277

Benelux 7, 10, 14, 57, 71

Bernanke, Ben 367

best practices, costs of funding 432, 46871, 545

bid–ask spreads 4, 57, 1267, 483

bilateral CVAs 4745, 5289

binomial model 47583


BIS 56

bisection numerical procedure 2301, 2379

bivariate normal distributions 3045

Black '76 approximations 21617

Black and Cox structural (endogenous) credit risk model 21920

Black–Scholes option pricing model 220, 2923, 2979, 48691, 4969, 501

BNP Paribas 3

bonds 1011, 236, 41, 45, 5264, 6774, 84, 905, 103, 11113, 116, 11923, 12434, 14569, 18691, 195276, 2926, 31737, 401, 40519, 42571, 4919, 51837, 53945

deposits 31719

ex post reform measures 41

expected and minimum LGC of available bonds 22456

going long in a bank's own bonds 40919, 525

illiquid bond values 25676

options 2057, 21011

portfolios 224, 22876, 31719

prices 20113, 21519, 22476, 2926

TSAA 12734

booms, investment banks 7982

Bradford & Bingley 7

bridge banks, resolution tools 42

British Banker's Association (BBA) 801

broad markets, definition 23

brokerage businesses, CEBS liquidity identity card 107

brokers 37, 107

Brownian motion 199201, 2078, 21112, 21519, 220, 273, 341, 382

see also jump diffusion models; Wiener processes

BSL see balance sheet liquidity

bubbles 5

budget figure definition 869

bullet mortgages 2858, 4502

Bundesbank 20

burnout variables, prepayments 27788

buy/sellback transactions 12734, 40914, 41723, 4912

call options 2001, 2057, 21011, 220, 2868, 2979, 3045, 36670, 372, 37981, 42831, 47791, 5035

see also options

Canada 15

capital adequacy requirements 1112, 17, 278, 3940, 50, 5574, 779, 834

capital ratios 3940, 478, 834

capital's roles in LCR and NSFR 734

caplets 2067, 494, 51213

caps 13841, 2067, 211, 21519, 2926, 306, 30916, 494, 51213

Carlyle Capital 10

cash, LCR requirements 5666, 14751, 15363, 1825, 1958

cash flow analysis 212, 4850, 513, 869, 905, 99108, 11141, 14768, 1958, 199276, 277382, 386423, 45071, 473537, 5415

see also maturity ladders; term structure …

taxonomy of cash flows 11115, 11841

cash flow constraints, definition 212

cash flow mapping 869

cash flows at risk (cfaR)

see also negative …; positive …; term structure of cash flows

definitions 13641

cash management 17, 5228

see also funding liquidity

Cassandra's warnings 5

causes of liquidity, definition 118

CBC see counterbalancing capacity

CBs see central banks

CCSs see cross-currency swaps

CDOs see collateralized debt obligations

CDOs squared 4, 8

CDS Itraxx Financial spread 11617

CDS spreads 95, 5445

CDSs see credit default swaps

CEBS see Confederation of European Banking Supervisors

central bank liquidity 17, 1819, 2432, 3945, 646

see also base money; monetary policy; net autonomous factors; reserve …

central bank liquidity risk, definition 19

central banks 315, 17, 1832, 3345, 4850, 5674, 75, 925, 967, 99108, 1978, 4312

see also individual central banks; open market operations; standing facilities; targeted liquidity assistance

CEBS liquidity identity card 99108

monetary policy operations 18, 2932

regulatory/supervisory roles 2832, 33, 3745

rescues 47, 915, 2930, 334, 3545, 68, 734

responses to the global financial crisis from 2007 915, 2930, 3545, 4850, 6374, 75, 4312

roles 2832, 33, 3745

central clearing (CC) 99, 5425

certificates of deposit (CDs) 769, 905, 43346, 4536, 459–671

CFPs see contingency funding plans

Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings 6, 345

characteristic function 342, 382

CHF 80, 202

chi-squared distributions 2057, 4416, 527

CIR see Cox, Ingersoll and Ross interest-rate model

CIR++ model 20912, 22547, 2506, 26274, 32037

see also Cox, Ingersoll and Ross …

concepts 20912, 22547, 2506, 320, 3256

definition 20910

expected and minimum LGC of available bonds 22547

Citigroup 5, 6

clearing houses 39, 18691, 4735, 5425

clearing membership (CM) 99, 107

clearing and settlement business, CEBS liquidity identity card 99

CLOs see collateralized loan obligations

closeout risk 34, 35

CME 80

collateral 415, 18, 2132, 345, 39, 4850, 5674, 7982, 98108, 1267, 18691, 1948, 2278, 23956, 406, 473537, 53945

acceptable types 30, 24950

banking/trading books 5423

conclusions and future prospects 53945

definition 30, 24950, 4803

collateral accounts 473511, 53945

definition 4803

collateral agreements

definition 4735

derivatives 18691, 473537, 5405

collateral desks, conclusions and future prospects 53941

collateral margining, LBs 18691

collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) 45, 6, 8, 35, 82

collateralized loan obligations (CLOs) 6, 8, 82

collateralized loans 45, 6, 8, 35, 82, 227, 23956

commercial banks, investment banks 67, 824

commercial mortgages, CEBS liquidity identity card 105

commercial paper (CP) 3, 6, 9, 13, 23, 26, 37, 39, 4950, 5762, 769, 824, 905, 99, 1036, 1978

Commercial Paper Funding Facility 37

commitment fees 3379, 36270

committed credit lines, OBSs 1924

commodities 199, 405, 4213, 48691

communication strategies 925

compound interest 206, 223, 3602, 5327

concentration of funding, definition 678

conclusions and future prospects 3945, 53945

conditional selling probabilities, illiquid bond values 26670

conduits 9, 28, 824, 106, 197

Confederation of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) 55, 63, 645, 88, 94108

liquidity identity card 94, 95108

qualitative information set 967

quantitative information set 94, 967

confidence levels

unexpected funding cost measures 5268, 5337

VaR 3003, 30916, 432, 43846, 5268, 5337

confidence restoration needs, banks 734, 85

Constâncio, Vítor 44

constant prepayment rates (CPRs) 27888

see also empirical prepayment models

definition 2789

contagion problems 13, 28, 29, 3545, 723

contingency funding plans (CFPs) 8995, 967

definition 901

good CFPs 923

stress-testing 8995

contingent funding capacity 4953, 62, 69, 8695, 1968

contingent liability claims 4750, 62, 723, 869, 945, 96108, 1968, 278, 40619, 45768, 475537

contingent outflows 4950, 869, 1968

continuous time replicating portfolios, derivatives pricing 4803

convertible debt proposals 423

convexity 4934

copulas 339

corporate bonds 6, 523, 5762, 6774, 84, 905, 11113, 116, 1247, 1958

correlated firms, multiple defaults 222, 225

correlation matrices, prepayments 31016

costs 2932, 35, 53, 779, 889, 11618, 143, 144, 14998, 25770, 30537, 3602, 36770, 385423, 42571, 473537, 5415

definitions 116, 3878, 4023, 419, 4213, 42931

deposits 31637, 43271

LBs 143, 144, 14998, 42831

mortgage pricing including prepayment costs 30816

TPCs 30516

costs of funding 2932, 35, 53, 779, 889, 11618, 143, 144, 14998, 25770, 3602, 36770, 385423, 42571, 473537, 5415

see also debit value adjustments; funding cost risk; funding curves

ALM 45671

best practices and regulations 432, 46871, 545

credit risk links 385423, 42531, 483

definition 116, 3878, 4023, 419, 423, 42931

derivatives 473537, 5415

funding costs included in loan pricing 44656

funding policies 452, 46571

costs of liquidity 2932, 35, 53, 779, 889, 11618, 143, 144, 14998, 25770, 3602, 36770, 385423, 42571, 473537, 5415

concepts 42571, 545

FTP 42571, 545

counterbalancing capacity (CBC) 1434

see also liquidity buffers; liquidity generation capacity

counterparty credit risk 7, 13, 19, 25, 359, 47, 859, 905, 105, 1213, 1528, 168, 18691, 195, 2234, 23956, 3357, 36470, 3738, 385423, 47480, 48391, 5025, 519, 52837, 5423

see also credit default swaps

DVAs 385423

IRSs 519, 52837

counterparty losses 7, 905, 385423

country risk 250

Countryside Financial Corp. 3

coupons 12734, 22547, 278316, 3712

covariance matrices 21519, 22931, 26376

covariances 25, 21519, 22931, 26376, 3045

Cox, Ingersoll and Ross interest-rate model (CIR) 1389, 20213, 2212, 2234, 22547, 25874, 28890, 2979, 32037, 3417, 36670, 37982, 43346, 4536, 5278

bAJD 21112

CIR++ model 20911, 22547, 2506, 26274, 32037

concepts 20213, 2212, 2234, 22547, 25874, 28890, 2979, 3417, 379, 382, 4334

credit lines 3417, 36670

critique 209

default intensities 2212, 225, 23347, 26270, 28890, 2979, 36670, 52137

definition 2023

discrete version 21214

expected and minimum LGC of available bonds 22547

Kálmán filter estimations 2089, 2319, 2536, 326

Monte Carlo simulations 212, 214, 37981

multiple defaults of correlated firms 222

multiplication by a constant 208

numerical methods 21214, 2301, 2379

prepayments 28890

probability distributions 2057, 34270

reduced-form (exogenous) credit risk models 2212, 22547, 28996, 43846

RMV 2234

sight deposits 32037

the sum of two CIR processes 2078

zero-coupon bonds 2034, 2359

CPRs see constant prepayment rates

credit cards 6, 8

credit default swaps (CDSs) 35, 379, 945, 100, 106, 11617, 3357, 4089, 4201, 43846, 5445

see also counterparty credit risk

credit derivatives 35, 379, 945, 100, 106, 11617, 3357, 4089, 4201, 43846, 5445

credit events 11213, 1456, 23956, 34070, 40719

credit lines 256, 28, 37, 656, 712, 925, 989, 104, 11113, 115, 1217, 141, 1924, 277, 33770, 386423, 545

see also bank loans; behavioural models

adding default events 35460, 36470

CIR modelling 3417, 36670

commitment fees 3379, 36270

concepts 33770, 545

incremental pricing 36870

joint distributions of usage of more than one line 34770

jumps over 100 3467

LBs 36070

liquidity management 3379, 34160, 36570, 545

marginal distributions of usage 3508, 36570

models 33770

monitoring tools 33741, 545

OBSs 1924

PD 3379, 3412, 35460, 36470

portfolio of credit line liquidity management results 342, 34760, 36870

prices 3379, 36070, 3879

single credit line liquidity management results 34260, 36370

spread options 3379, 36570

term structure of usage 35270

withdrawal intensity 3379, 3401, 3427, 36270, 545

credit rating agencies 4, 6, 13, 38, 47, 52, 5674, 834, 8595, 1968, 2278, 2467, 406

critique 4, 6, 47, 57, 834

credit ratings 4, 6, 13, 38, 47, 49, 52, 5674, 834, 8595, 1968, 2278, 2467, 406

critique 4, 6, 47, 567, 834

downgrades 49, 52, 56, 58, 61, 8595, 100, 106, 1967

credit risk 7, 13, 19, 258, 378, 4950, 5662, 7989, 967, 1023, 108, 11213, 1213, 136, 145, 149, 1528, 168, 18699, 21924, 2313, 23970, 277, 2946, 3013, 33578, 385423, 42531, 43346, 45671, 4745, 48399, 5025, 51928, 5423

see also debit value adjustments; probability of default

concepts 21924, 25070, 2946, 3738, 385423, 42531, 4745

definition 250

funding cost links 385423, 42531, 483

mortgage credit risk 2946

reduced-form (exogenous) models 219, 2202, 22547, 28999, 3013, 31016, 43846

structural (endogenous) models 21920

credit risk transfers (CRTs) 4950, 824

see also securitizations

critique 834

definition 824

credit spreads 1528, 199, 2234, 22547, 24956, 25870, 277, 2802, 2956, 3357, 36470, 42931, 45771, 52437, 5435

see also loss given default; probability of default

concepts 2234, 3357, 36470, 42931, 5435

credit support annex to the ISDA Master Agreement (CSA) 186, 188, 4735, 4923, 496, 50911, 528, 5412

credit value adjustments (CVAs) 385, 387423, 42731, 4745, 51819, 52837

see also loss given default

definition 385, 387, 390, 397, 4012, 419, 4223, 518

derivatives 397401, 4745, 51819, 52837

credit VaR (CVaR) 42631, 44752

see also unexpected losses

definition 4267, 4289

credit-related cash flows, taxonomy of cash flows 11113, 136


see also Eurozone debt …; global financial …

early-warning indicators 75, 905

cross-currency swaps (CCSs) 499, 50911, 51417

CRTs see credit risk transfers

CSA see credit support annex to the ISDA Master Agreement

cubic splines 3427

cumulative density functions 3307

cumulative funding requirement (CFR) 4950, 5962, 8695

currencies see FX …

current account deficits 20

CVaR see credit VaR

CVAs see credit value adjustments

dark clouds 34

data aggregation capabilities 41

dealing rooms 23, 33, 423, 53941

debit value adjustments (DVAs) 385423, 4567, 51819, 528, 531, 545

see also costs of funding; credit risk; expected losses

accounting standards 41921

balance sheet treatments 389401, 40421

bank franchises 41519

concepts 385, 388423, 4567, 51819, 531

critique 389401, 41619, 4213

definition 385, 388, 3902, 397, 4013, 419, 4223, 456, 518

derivatives 397403, 40423, 51819, 528, 531

dynamic replication 40419, 545

funding benefit perspectives 3947, 401, 41014, 41623

positive recovery and liquidity risk 4024

replication considerations 399423, 545

debt writedown resolution tools 423

decision modelling, prepayments 28896, 31316

deep markets, definition 23

default intensities 2212, 225, 23347, 26270, 2979, 3003, 33770, 40623, 43846, 52137

see also reduced-form (exogenous) credit risk models

default probabilities see probability of default

defaults 11113, 1213, 1267, 146, 15263, 16970, 21924, 225, 22656, 25876, 2946, 2979, 3003, 33770, 385423, 42671, 52137, 5445

see also credit risk

taxonomy of cash flows 11113, 1213, 15263

deleveraging processes 389

delinquencies 34, 7, 1415, 25, 345

deltas 48891

deposit insurance 67, 25, 26, 445, 734

deposit SF, definition 18

depositors 212, 246, 28, 4950, 5674, 7581, 905, 11115, 11927, 144, 14598, 31637, 42571, 539, 541

see also sight deposits

costs 31637, 43271

models 31637

rate models 32037

deregulation factors 47, 824

see also securitizations

global financial crisis from 2007 47

derivatives 47, 1115, 21, 278, 34, 35, 379, 47, 612, 724, 7881, 859, 905, 96108, 11213, 18691, 1924, 1968, 2818, 31937, 3718, 397401, 40423, 42831, 473537, 53945

see also credit …; forward …; futures; FX …; options; swaps

banking conclusions 423, 53945

binomial model 47583

Black–Scholes option pricing model 220, 2923, 2979, 48691, 4969, 501

CEBS liquidity identity card 967, 100

collateral agreements 18691, 473537, 5405

collateral margining 18691

concepts 47, 723, 801, 967, 100, 18691, 1924, 1968, 397403, 40423, 473537, 53945

continuous time replicating portfolios 4803

costs of funding 473537, 5415

CSA agreements 186, 188, 4735, 4923, 496, 50911, 528, 5412

DVAs 397403, 40423, 51819, 528, 531

global financial crisis from 2007 47

LBs 18691, 1924

LCR and NSFR 723, 1968

Libor/Euribor 801

liquidity risk 473537

price/value distinctions 4213, 4735, 508

prices 2001, 204, 2057, 21011, 214, 21619, 220, 2868, 2929, 31937, 3748, 37981, 397401, 40419, 4213, 473537, 53945

pricing with funding rates different from investment rates 48391, 5025

pricing in simple discrete settings 47580

pricing when more than one currency involved 499517

regulators 186, 188, 4735, 4923, 496, 50911, 528, 5412

replication considerations 473537, 53945

repo rates 48991, 5045, 50911, 5401

desks of dealing rooms, conclusions and future prospects 53941

deterministic functions, CIR++ model 20911, 22547, 2506, 2716, 32037

deterministic taxonomy of cash flows 11113, 11841, 5201

Dexia 7, 1415

digital options 3078

Dillon Read 4

discount factors 2034, 2089, 212, 21519, 2313, 2808, 2916, 31116, 35662, 3712, 385423, 43371, 48391, 50117, 51937, 53945

discount windows, TLA 29, 33

discrete settings, derivatives pricing 47580

discrete version of the CIR model 21214

diversification 8, 23, 5462, 645, 68, 945, 967, 1023, 2407, 339, 34160

dividends 2001, 457

Dow Jones 45, 35

Dow Jones Euro STOXX 45

Draghi, Mario 20, 44

drawdown rates 5962, 656, 8995, 1978

drift 199201, 219, 3003, 341, 48691, 50811

duration gaps 5434

DV01 2828, 2946, 30816

DVAs see debit value adjustments

dynamic hedging 473537, 53945

dynamic price setting 88

dynamic replication 40419, 473537, 53945

early-warning indicators 75, 905

EBA 678, 957, 1434, 46970

see also Confederation of European Banking Supervisors

FTP 46970

ECB 34, 5, 1115, 18, 20, 445, 646, 734, 779, 945, 225, 2278, 243, 249

see also open market operations; standing facilities

Euro Money Market Survey of 2012 779

monetary policy operations 18

rescue perspectives 20, 445, 734

economic capital 42631, 43271, 5268, 5337

economic evaluations and deposit risk management 32437

economies of scale 25, 32

EEA see European Economic Area

effective resolution regime, definition 401

efficient markets 9, 246, 29, 312

eligibility considerations 646, 101, 1257, 18691, 1958, 4745

ELoP see expected loss on prepayment

emerging markets 8990

EMLs see expected market losses

empirical prepayment models (EMs) 27788

see also constant prepayment rates

end of bank activities, definition 3856

ENE see expected negative exposure

Eonia 801, 183, 1889, 2067, 21519, 2313, 291, 31116, 32637, 3612, 43346, 4959, 5434

EPE see expected positive exposure

equilibrium liquidity policies 141, 147, 158, 163, 1701, 1957, 43346, 4536

equity 45, 23, 26, 37, 41, 423, 4950, 5762, 64, 7982, 95, 11923, 1247, 12934, 199201, 224, 42571, 486, 48991, 5045, 542

see also stock …

ex post reform measures 41

market risk models 199201

statistics 45

Euler scheme 21213

EUR 12, 1415, 801, 23947, 31216, 32637, 3738

EUR/USD basis 1415

Euribor 13, 789, 801, 95, 1213, 183, 18891, 2067, 21519, 31116, 43846, 4959, 5434

definition 80

fixing systems 801

Euro Money Market Survey of 2012 779

European Banking Federation (EBF) 801

European Commission 67

European Council 67

European Economic Area (EEA) 51, 523

European iTraxx Crossover index 3, 95

European options 11213, 11415, 2057, 21011, 218, 37981, 48591, 5035

European Parliament 67

European payer swaptions 218

European Union (EU), reforms 423, 5374

Eurozone debt crisis 13, 20, 26, 445, 567, 5960, 634, 734, 8990, 24950

Eurozone reform proposals 20, 445, 5374

ex ante reform measures 415

ex post reform measures 415

exotic options 486

see also options; reverse knockouts

exotic swaps 31937

expectation value of a bond with selling probability and spread 261, 2706

expected cash flows 3068, 473537

expected loss on prepayment (ELoP) 292316, 37381

analytical approximations 2969, 3013, 37381

definition 292, 2956

valuations 2956, 299303, 30916

VaR 299303, 30916

expected losses (ELs) 15263, 2234, 22547, 2516, 26376, 2919, 30116, 3738, 388423, 42671

see also debit value adjustments; exposure at default

definition 2512

expected market losses (EMLs) 42731

expected and minimum LGC of available bonds 22456

expected negative exposure (ENE) 18691, 4969, 52937

expected positive exposure (EPE) 3738

expected value of a bank's position in a coupon bond 2267, 2612

exposure at default (EAD) 2516

see also expected losses

extreme events 3940, 4850, 8995, 136

F statistics/significance 32737

fair credit spreads 1528, 2234

fair dealing prices, definition 423

fair haircuts for repos and collateralized loans 24756

fair rate on investment, definition 42931

fair values 67, 9, 96108, 117, 25670, 2848, 2906, 3013, 30816, 32037, 3712, 386423, 42571, 473537

Fannie Mae 6, 11, 36

FASB see Financial Accounting Standards Board

fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) 3427

FC see costs of funding

FCAVL see forward cumulated available liquidity

FDB 52437

the Fed 34, 67, 1011, 15, 337, 39

Fed Fund Effective Rate 81

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) 44

Feynman–Kac theorem 408, 4823

FFTs see fast Fourier transforms

fiduciary funds 108

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) 41921

financial institution customers, intraday liquidity 6971, 539

Financial Services Authority (FSA) 41, 513, 64, 4701

critique 523

FTP 4701

Financial Stability Board (FSB) 12, 13, 14, 402, 445

Financial Stability Review (2008) 12

Financial Stability Review (2011) 13, 14

fine-tuning operations (FTOs) 18

Finland 42

fire sales 256, 389

the first mover, global financial crisis from 2007 503

the first wave 47

fixed cash flows, taxonomy of cash flows 11113, 13841

fixed rate bullet loan prices, funding costs included in loan pricing 4502

fixed-for-floating IRSs 21718, 2946

fixed-rate payer swaps 2868, 372

floating-rate bonds 11113

floorlets 2067, 4934, 51213

floors 2067, 211, 21519, 2926, 306, 30916, 4934, 51213

Fortis 7

forward cumulated available liquidity (FCAVL) 1769

forward rate agreements (FRAs) 18691, 21519, 31116, 42731, 43646, 4914, 495, 51114, 541

definition 21517, 4924, 51112

prices 4914, 51113

replication 4914, 51113, 541

forward rate curves 281, 295, 313, 325, 3738, 43271, 4924

forward rates 21519, 2808, 2916, 30916, 32537, 3738, 43271, 4924, 52337

see also Libor market model

forward risk-adjusted measure 20413, 26376, 3003, 4416

forward starting swaps 2868, 372

forward swap rates 2926, 3738

forwards 100, 18691, 204, 26276, 397401, 41619, 48691, 50511, 51617

DVAs 397401, 41619

prices 204, 397401, 48691, 50511

Fourier transforms 2301, 3427

France 7, 11, 13, 14, 71, 77, 2359, 24850

FRAs see forward rate agreements

Freddie Mac 6, 11, 36

FSA see Financial Services Authority

FSB see Financial Stability Board

FTOs see fine-tuning operations

FTP see fund transfer pricing

Fubini's lemma 296

full-risk pricing

see also fund transfer pricing

definition 4301

fund management 769

fund transfer pricing (FTP) 53, 869, 42571, 545

see also funding curves; pricing

balance sheets 42571, 545

Basel regulations 4689

best practices and regulations 432, 46871, 545

charging processes 45768, 545

costs of liquidity 42571, 545

critique 45861, 46871

definition 868, 42531, 4578

EBA guidelines 46970

FSA regulations 4701

funding policies 452, 46571, 545

principles 42531

funding benefit perspectives of DVAs 3947, 401, 41014, 41623

funding cost risk

see also costs of funding

definition 11617, 5445

funding curves 425, 431, 43271, 545

building methods 43246

definition 431, 432, 458, 461

multiple funding curves 45861, 46371

single funding curves 458, 46171

weighted average funding curves 432, 446, 45871

funding gaps (FGs) 14484, 42831, 433

funding liquidity 15, 1732, 5474, 859, 11618, 141, 14669, 1719, 1958, 31637, 3602, 36770, 385423, 42571

see also cash management; term structure …

concepts 15, 1718, 1932, 55, 856, 11618, 3601

definitions 17, 1923, 24

funding liquidity risk 1923, 245, 28, 859, 11618, 42571

see also haircuts; margin …; redemption …; short-term borrowing rollover …

definition 1923, 245, 85, 11617, 469

leveraged traders 23

funding mix 4312, 4546, 46371

funding policies 452, 46571

funding rates, derivatives pricing 48391, 5025, 5401

funding sources of inflows/outflows for SIFIs 212, 246, 4950, 5674, 7581, 905, 11115, 11834, 14498, 31637, 42571, 477537, 539

funding spreads 14994, 25770, 3602, 386423, 42832, 43646, 4536, 46371, 48399, 50214, 52137, 5405

see also funding value adjustments

funding value adjustments (FVAs) 484524, 5405

see also funding spreads

definition 4849, 491, 4934, 4989, 5037, 51011, 514, 5401, 5424

non-collateralized interest rate swaps 51837, 5405

future liquidity from many bonds, expected and minimum LGC of available bonds 2407

future liquidity from single bonds, expected and minimum LGC of available bonds 23942

future probability distribution of deposit volumes 172

future prospects in the liquidity risk area 3945, 53945

futures 100, 204, 263, 4745

FVAs see funding value adjustments

FX derivatives 1112, 1415, 21, 905, 200, 50517

FX forward (outright) contracts 5058, 516

FX markets 1112, 1415, 21, 513, 567, 905, 98, 199, 200, 4745, 486, 499517

CEBS liquidity identity card 98

derivatives pricing 499517

market risk models 199201

repos 5045

FX rates, derivatives pricing 499517

FX swaps 1112, 1415, 21, 905, 200, 50911, 517

concepts 12, 50911, 517

definition 12, 50910

G-SIFI regulations 3945, 734

G10 group of central bank governors 5

gamma functions 3235, 3317

Gauss–Legendre quadrature scheme 489

Gaussian noise 209

GBP 12, 801

GDP 2778, 32837

Geithner, Timothy 34

geometric Brownian motion (GBM) 199201, 220

Germany 3, 6, 7, 45, 2389, 24650

Gil-Pelaez formula 230

global financial crisis from 2007 315, 17, 2930, 3345, 47, 4850, 83, 11617, 126, 21819, 316, 4312, 471

causes 37, 348, 47, 83, 471

the first mover 503

historical background 37, 348, 47, 4850

lessons learned 368, 4312

responses 915, 2930, 3545, 4774, 75, 4312

globalization factors, global financial crisis from 2007 47

GMRA 128

going long in a bank's own bonds 40919

going concern principle 412, 4850, 915, 3856, 4834, 525

Goldman Sachs 67, 10

government bonds see sovereign bonds

granularity 50

Greece 13, 20, 26, 64, 75, 24950

greedy investors 2930

the growing avalanche 7

guarantees 25, 29, 34, 42, 445, 62, 905, 99108, 144, 1779, 1924

haircuts 20, 23, 278, 4950, 5662, 8995, 96108, 1267, 12834, 141, 18791, 22456, 407, 474537

definition 23

fair haircuts for repos and collateralized loans 24756

modelling 2278, 24756

hard lessons 368

hazard functions 28890

hedge funds 4, 10, 23, 26, 35, 41, 55, 107

hedging 4, 10, 23, 26, 35, 41, 55, 107, 115, 18691, 278316, 31837, 3718, 40519, 42731, 43846, 473537, 53945

derivatives 473537, 53945

non-collateralized interest rate swaps 51928

prepayment models 278316, 3718

prepayment risk hedging strategies 285316, 3718

sight deposits 31837

heuristics 2778

high liquidity assets (HLA)

see also liquidity buffers

LCR definition 1958

high-quality liquid assets (HQLAs) 5862, 656, 724, 935, 1958

HLA see high liquidity assets

hoarding 24, 26, 28, 38

houses, subprime mortgage markets 39, 335, 905, 11617, 126

HQLAs see high-quality liquid assets

hurdle rates 3917

hyperinflation 19

Hypo RE 7

IAS 32 967

IAS 39 4201

IASC see International Accounting Standards Committee

Iceland 7

ICs see intermediation costs

idiosyncratic risk 246, 47, 513, 5462, 8995, 1023, 1057, 1456, 222, 225, 234, 2506, 2716, 3367, 3401, 34858, 45471

IFRS 7 967

IKB 3, 6

ILAA see Individual Liquidity Adequacy Assessment

ILAS see Individual Liquidity Adequacy Standard

ILG see individual liquidity guidance

illiquid assets 4850, 824, 945, 96108, 17185, 25670

concepts 25670

value adjustments 25670

illiquid bond values

see also liquidity adjustments

adjustments 25676

illiquidity 67, 8, 9, 1826, 2732, 4750, 81, 824

IMF 13, 22, 56, 64

imperfect collateralization 4745

implied volatilities 18791, 2001, 292, 31316

in-the-money options 47891

incomplete markets 2431, 3345, 756

incremental pricing, credit lines 36870

indexed/contingent cash flows, taxonomy of cash flows 11113

Indie Mac 6

Individual Liquidity Adequacy Assessment (ILAA), FSA 513

Individual Liquidity Adequacy Standard (ILAS) 512

individual liquidity guidance (ILG) 513

industrial approaches, production costs 4213, 545

inflation 7, 19, 199

initial margin 473537, 5423

insolvencies 13, 256, 2931, 3345, 116

insurance 69, 25, 26, 30, 445, 734

insurance companies 35, 789

interbank funding 615, 1832, 405, 47, 73, 7681, 905, 1056, 1247, 224, 285, 386423, 43346, 4536, 45971, 52437, 5445

interbank wholesale business, CEBS liquidity identity card 1056

interconnectedness aspects of SIFIs 401

interest payments 212, 11213, 1203, 1304, 1489, 168, 1825, 2906, 36170, 3927, 41019, 42571, 47580, 48991, 5045, 52337

interest rate derivatives 2926, 3748, 4919, 51114

see also forward rate agreements; interest rate swaps

definition 4912

FX 51114

prices 2926, 3748, 4919, 51114

interest rate risk 859, 199, 20119, 250, 31017, 31837, 5423

interest rate swaps (IRSs) 18691, 21519, 2313, 2818, 2926, 31116, 3718, 41619, 42731, 43646, 4912, 4949, 511, 51317, 51837, 543

see also cross-currency …; swaps

concepts 21719, 2313, 2926, 4949, 51317, 51837

confidence levels to measure unexpected funding costs 5268, 5337

costs of funding 51837

counterparty credit risk 519, 52837

definition 4949, 51315

FX 51314

hedging strategies 51937

non-collateralized interest rate swaps 51837

practical examples 5317

prices 2926, 3748, 4912, 4949, 51315, 51837

spread options to measure unexpected funding costs 52537

unexpected funding costs 52537

interest rates 7, 910, 18, 33, 859, 11213, 115, 1213, 1267, 13041, 145, 14768, 18691, 199219, 2212, 2234, 22547, 25774, 277337, 3417, 36070, 3738, 37982, 42571, 474537, 5435

see also funding curves

options 2057, 21011

prepayments 277316

sensitivity of the interest margin 5434

term structure 20213, 2313, 2828, 2916, 43371

interest rate models 1389, 199, 20119, 2212, 2234, 22547, 25774, 28090, 2979, 31937, 3417, 36670, 3738, 37982, 43346, 4536, 5278

see also Cox, Ingersoll and Ross …

concepts 20119, 22547

expected and minimum LGC of available bonds 22547

LMM 201, 21519, 2808

Monte Carlo simulations 212, 214, 320, 32434, 3738

one-factor models for zero rate 201

Vasicek model 201, 202, 209, 319

intermediation costs (ICs) 40323, 4312

internal controls 41, 425, 75, 889, 4526

internal model simulation engines 3738

internal prices 88, 4701

International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) 41921

see also IAS …

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank (ISP) 2379, 2536, 26470

intraday liquidity, definition 6971, 901

intraday liquidity risk 6971, 859, 905

intragroup exposures, CEBS liquidity identity card 98

investment banks 67, 23, 3345, 7984

investment rates, derivatives pricing 48391, 5025

Ireland 13, 20, 24950

IRSs see interest rate swaps

ISDA Master Agreement 4735

Italy 13, 45, 578, 64, 65, 23450, 2536, 32637

Ito's lemma 275, 4045, 499500, 5056

see also stochastic differential equations

Japan 9, 15, 76, 80, 202

joint distributions of usage of more than one credit line 34770

JPMorgan 10

JPY 80

jump diffusion models 21112, 3401

see also Brownian motion; Poisson process

‘jump to default’ behaviours of Lehman 35

jumps 2001, 21112, 21922, 289, 3035, 3401, 34360, 36770, 382, 47580, 52137

see also Poisson process

Kálmán filter 2089, 2319, 2536, 326

Keynes, John Maynard 5

‘know thyself’ maxim 75108

Korea Development Bank 34

large corporates/governments (LCs), CEBS liquidity identity card 104

LAs see liquidity adjustments

LBCs see liquidity buffer costs

LBs see liquidity buffers

LCR see liquidity coverage ratio

LEAs see liquid equivalent adjustments

least squares procedure 236

Lehman Brothers 67, 14, 25, 29, 345, 369, 57, 63, 95

lemons, banks as lemons 715

lender-of-last-resort support (LLR) 67, 18, 2932, 41

LEQ (loan equivalent) credit lines monitoring tool, definition 339

lessons learned 368, 544

letters of credit 62, 108, 1924

leverage ratios 278, 345, 39, 834

leverage trends 47, 1415, 23, 38, 7982, 834

leveraged traders

see also dealing; hedge funds; investment banks

funding liquidity risk 23

LGC see liquidity generation capacity

LGD see loss given default

liabilities 25, 759, 88, 14498, 277, 278337, 389423, 42571, 53945

see also asset …

liabilities side changes 759

liability guarantees 25

Libor 14, 789, 801, 95, 11113, 11415, 11617, 1213, 13741, 183, 2067, 21519, 2808, 2956, 3035, 30910, 3738, 43846, 4929, 51337, 5434

definition 80

fixing systems 801

forward rate spreads 21819, 2808

Libor market model (LMM) 201, 21519, 2808

Liffe Euribor 80

Liikanen report 42

linear behavioural functions, deposit volume models 3214, 32637

linear regression 236, 280, 321, 32637

liquid assets 256, 4850, 5562, 724, 101, 115, 1719, 18091, 1958, 22447

CEBS liquidity identity card 101

returns 256, 53

liquid equivalent adjustments (LEAs)

definition 257, 25861

illiquid bond values 25776

liquidity 15, 1732, 35, 4774, 7597, 11441, 14398, 25770, 3602, 36770, 385423, 42571, 473537, 53945

see also central bank …; funding …; market …

banking activities 1108, 4312, 4526, 53945

causes of liquidity definition 118

concepts 15, 1732, 47, 849, 11418, 42571, 53945

conclusions and future prospects 53945

costs 2932, 35, 53, 779, 889, 11618, 143, 144, 14998, 25770, 3602, 36770, 385423, 42571, 473537, 5415

definitions 1722

framework 869

funding plans 869, 5435

historical background 315, 47

solvency contrasts 22, 302, 3345, 47, 116

sources of liquidity definition 118, 4323

types 15, 1732

liquidity adequacy rules 50

liquidity adjustments (LAs)

see also liquid equivalent…; price volatility …

definition 2578, 265

illiquid bond values 25776

liquidity buffer costs (LBCs) 15798, 42831

derivative collateral 18891

general formula 1638

NML pricing 1825

OBSs 1934

liquidity buffers (LBs) 25, 39, 50, 523, 5566, 723, 923, 945, 967, 101, 1223, 124, 130, 141, 14398, 24950, 31819, 3389, 36070, 42831, 432, 4546, 46871, 5234, 533, 535

see also counterbalancing capacity; liquidity coverage ratio

actual severer-than-predicted scenarios 16970

Basel III 1948

characterizing features 144

collateral margining 18691

composition features 144

costs 143, 144, 14998, 42831

credit lines 36070

critique 713, 1434

definition 1434, 1956

derivative collateral 18691, 1924, 1968

ENE 18691

funding assets with several liabilities 1689

general formula for costs 1638

maturity mismatch framework 14568, 1978

needs 144, 14568, 18691, 1924, 432

NMLs 17985, 1968

off-balance-sheet transactions 1924

oversized LBs 15863

PFE 18691

size features 144, 15863, 17285

term structure of available funding 1719

time horizons 144, 14569, 17185, 18891, 1958

TSFCFu 1759

liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) 5474, 75, 945, 1948

see also liquidity buffers; unencumbered assets

critique 713

definition 5462, 1956

implementation dates 601, 734

inside details 636, 1958

visual representation 63

liquidity generation capacity (LGC) 12341, 1434, 22447, 257

see also balance sheets; counterbalancing capacity; term structure of cumulated LGC; term structure of expected cumulative cash flows

definition 1237

expected and minimum LGC of available bonds 22456

market risk models 22447

TSLGC 12534

liquidity identity card, CEBS 94, 95108

liquidity management, credit lines 3379, 34160, 36570, 545

liquidity options 11415, 1213

liquidity preference theory 3224

liquidity premium costs (LPCs) 4024, 414, 419, 483

‘liquidity proposal’ of the BCBS 5462, 678

liquidity ratios 39, 5474, 75, 8995, 1078

liquidity risk 15, 1732, 47, 4874, 75108, 11441, 18691, 1948, 277, 31637, 3447, 40223, 46871, 473537, 53945

see also funding …; market …

conclusions and future prospects 3945, 53945

definitions 11518

derivatives 473537

diversification links 68

intraday liquidity risk 6971, 859, 905

other risks 849

pricing 383545

liquidity risk management 47, 4874, 75, 81, 8895, 97, 109382, 46871, 53945

liquidity risk measures 4874, 75, 81, 869, 957, 11841, 1948, 5435

liquidity risk metrics, definition 867

liquidity risk tolerance 8695, 967

liquidity value adjustments (LVAs)

concepts 476517, 53943

definition 4767, 4845, 4879, 4915, 5025, 5067, 510, 513, 53941

‘living wills’ 41, 91

LLR see lender-of-last-resort support

LMM see Libor market model

Loan To Value (LTV) 578

loans syndication 21

log-likelihood functions 209

lognormal distributions 21619, 2916, 3003, 3738, 37981

long positions 25770, 2878, 3712, 404, 40919, 47991, 4929, 5078

long-term funding 12, 18, 4850, 64, 967, 105, 108, 116, 1223, 14568, 1978, 42571, 5435

see also asset–liability management

long-term funding ratio 4850, 967

long-term refinancing operations (LTROs) 12, 18, 64

longer-term rollover risk 105, 108, 116, 1223, 14568, 1978, 43171

loss given default (LGD) 1528, 2234, 22547, 26070, 386423, 42731

see also credit spreads; credit value adjustments

loss modelling, prepayments 2906, 545

loss spirals 278, 29, 3345

LTROs see long-term refinancing operations

LTV see Loan To Value

LVAs see liquidity value adjustments

macroeconomic liquidity 19, 3940, 44, 713, 97

macroprudential perspectives 3940, 44, 97, 543

main refinancing operations (MROs) 1112, 15, 18, 95

maintenance margin 473537, 5423

margin 4, 10, 23, 25, 26, 278, 345, 47, 62, 8595, 99108, 1267–, 18691, 2313, 31837, 41623, 42931, 45868, 473537, 5425

marginal costs

see also matched maturities

funding costs 46871

marginal distributions of usage of credit lines 3508, 36570

marginal lending SF, definition 18

mark-to-market valuations (MTM) 7, 9, 278, 100, 1978, 3748, 38997, 401, 40719, 4213, 4567, 46071, 543

market interest rates, deposit models 31937

market liquidity 6, 15, 1732, 859, 101, 116, 117, 46871

see also pricing of complex instruments

concepts 17, 2232, 116, 117

definition 17, 223, 24

market liquidity risk, definition 23, 26, 856, 116, 117, 469

market losses (MLs) 42731

see also expected market loss; market VaR

market risk 5662, 859, 136, 197, 199276, 2916, 31837, 42571, 5425

see also credit spreads; FX …; interest rate …

concepts 197, 199276, 2916, 42531, 46871, 5425

definition 250, 542

expected and minimum LGC of available bonds 22447

fair haircuts for repos and collateralized loans 24756

illiquid bond values 25676

models 1389, 1648, 1978, 199276, 2916, 5435

types 199, 542, 5435

market VaR (MVaR) 42731

market-wide stressed scenarios 5162, 69, 8995, 967, 1057

see also systemic risk

martingales 219, 2969, 320

Marxist economic theory 421

matched maturities

see also marginal costs; maturity mismatch framework

funding costs 46871

maturity ladders 4850, 967, 11941

see also cash flow analysis; term structure of expected cash flows

definition 11923

maturity mismatch framework 25, 389, 47, 4850, 523, 638, 945, 99, 105, 107, 1223, 14568, 1745, 1978, 31617, 46871

see also liquidity coverage ratio

maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) 2089, 2319, 2536, 326

maximum losses (MLs) 2526, 25770

mean reversion 20213, 2736, 341, 43446, 4536, 5268

means 18791, 20213, 22931, 26376, 341, 43446, 4536, 5268

medium-term notes (MTNs) 1

mergers and acquisitions (M&As) 36

Merrill Lynch 6, 34

Merton's structural (endogenous) credit risk model 21920

meta-swaps 2936, 51837

microprudential perspectives 3940, 44, 97, 543

see also Basel III

minimum transfer amounts (MTAs) 4734

missing cash flows, taxonomy of cash flows 11213, 127

MLs see market losses

MMF see Money Market Fund

models for the behavioural approach 869, 11113, 1213, 136, 277382, 42831, 45771, 5435

see also behavioural models

models for market risk factors 1389, 1648, 1978, 199276, 5435

see also market risk

monetary corridor, definition 18

monetary policy 17, 1819, 2932, 41, 84, 905

see also central bank liquidity

‘monetization’ factors 4850, 64, 69, 769, 834, 925

Money Market Fund (MMF) 1314

money markets 7, 9, 1114, 1819, 37, 7682, 8995, 97108, 31837, 43346, 5405

see also commercial paper; medium-term notes

money multiplier, definition 17

moneyness 47891, 508

see also at-the …; in-the …; out-of-the …

monitoring tools 19, 312, 3845, 5374, 75, 82, 867, 937, 11141, 1948, 22447, 33741, 4526, 4735, 5435

see also term structure …

credit lines 3379, 545

funding costs 4526, 5445

Monte Carlo simulations 212, 214, 296, 320, 32434, 3738, 37981

Moody's 489

moral hazard 79, 19, 256, 2830, 312, 3345

Morgan Stanley 67

mortgage credit risk, prepayments 2946, 545

mortgage maturities, prepayments 31116, 545

mortgage pricing including prepayment costs 30816

mortgage rate approximation accuracy 37381

mortgage-backed securities (MBSs) 45, 8, 11, 5762

see also asset-backed …; securitizations

movie revenues 8

MROs see main refinancing operations

MTAs see minimum transfer amounts

MTNs see medium-term notes

multilateral netting and margining of derivatives contracts 18691

multiple defaults, correlated firms 222, 225

multiple funding curves, critique 45861, 46371

MVaR see market VaR

national central banks (NCBs) 20, 41

see also central banks

NCBs see national central banks

NCO see net cash outflow

Nederlandsche Bank 20

negative cash-flow-at-risk 13641, 385423, 5201, 52437

negative externalities, failing firms 389, 73

net autonomous factors, definition 1819

net cash outflow (NCO), LCR definition 1958

net funding requirement (NFR), definition 4950

net present values (NPVs)

derivatives 18691, 41921, 473537

prepayment models 2828

net stable funding ratio (NSFR) 5562, 668, 734, 945, 967, 195

see also available …; required …

critique 724

definition 55, 667

implementation date 74

netting 39, 967, 18691, 4745

network externality, definition 389

new business model of credit, risk transfer techniques 28, 4950, 824

the new framework 4774, 75

new-business cash flows, taxonomy of cash flows 11113, 1223

Newton–Raphson numerical procedure 2379

NINJA mortgages see ‘no income no job (or) assets’ mortgages

NMLs see non-maturing liabilities

‘no income no job (or) assets’ mortgages (NINJA mortgages) 8

non-collateralized interest rate swaps 51837, 5405

see also interest rate swaps

non-maturing liabilities (NMLs) 17985, 18891, 1968, 277, 31637

see also sight deposits

costs 31637

definition 17980

models 31637

pricing methods 1825

nonlinear behavioural models, deposit volume models 3214, 3307

normal distributions 201, 220, 22931, 3045, 339, 3467, 48691

Northern Rock 6, 26, 501, 68

note issuance facilities 1924, 46871

Noyer, Christian 64

NPVs see net present values

NSFR see net stable funding ratio

numerical methods 21214, 2301, 2379, 26070, 2969

see also Monte Carlo simulations

OAS models see stochastic factor models

objective aspects of prices 422

off-balance-sheet transactions (OBSs) 9, 212, 289, 47, 4850, 678, 889, 96108, 1924

LBs 1924

types 1923

OIS rates 15, 81, 188, 2067, 21619, 291, 2936, 3013, 3612, 43346, 4745, 4934, 511, 51937, 544

OMOs see open market operations

ON index 81, 95, 99

one-factor interest rate models 20119

one-size-fits-all approach, ratios 713

one-touch options 11213

‘open issues’, treasury functions 53945

open market operations (OMOs) 1819, 212, 29, 64

see also fine-tuning …; long-term refinancing …; main refinancing …

operational risk 859

opportunity costs 117, 319

optimal portfolio allocations 23

options 100, 11115, 1213, 18791, 2001, 2057, 21014, 21719, 2868, 2929, 30917, 31837, 36570, 372, 401, 40419, 42831, 47791, 5258, 5337, 541, 545

see also American …; barrier …; call …; European …; liquidity options; put …; reverse …

Black–Scholes option pricing model 220, 2923, 2979, 48691, 4969, 501

bonds 2057, 21011

definitions 11415

interest rates 2057, 21011

moneyness 47891, 508

prices 2001, 2057, 21011, 214, 21619, 220, 2868, 2929, 31937, 37981, 40419, 47791, 4969, 5035, 5258, 5337

swaptions 21719, 2868, 2926, 30916, 4969, 514

originate-to-distribute business model (OTD) 824

see also securitizations

OTD see originate-to-distribute business model

out-of-the-money options 47891

Outright Monetary Transaction (OMT) 20

over the counter transactions (OTC) 22, 39, 81, 100, 397401, 473537

overhedge strategies, prepayments 31016

oversized LBs 15863

Papoulias, Karolos 26

Pareto-efficient allocations 1

partial differential equations (PDEs) 40719, 4823, 50611

see also Black–Scholes option pricing model

passive risk concepts 42631

path-dependent options 214

Paulson, Hank 36, 37

payer swaps 2868, 372, 4969, 514, 52037

payment and settlement systems 1922, 6971, 905, 98100

PD see probability of default

PDCF see Primary Dealer Credit Facility

PDEs see partial differential equations

PDFs see probability density functions

peer-monitoring supervision 31

penalty rates 30, 434, 2789

pension funds 769

PFE see potential future exposure

the phantom menace 4

pipeline risk 834, 106

Plato 75

PNS see probability that the bond is not sold

Poisson process 21112, 2212, 3401, 3437, 36770, 382, 521, 529

see also jump …

portfolio of credit line liquidity management results 342, 34760, 36870

portfolios of mortgages, prepayments 31116, 545

Portugal 13, 20, 64, 24950

positive cash-flow-at-risk 13641, 385423, 5201

potential future exposure (PFE) 18691, 4969

PRDV01 see prepayment-risky annuity

precautionary hoarding 24, 26, 289, 37, 38

predatory trading 278

prepayment risk hedging strategies 285316, 3718

prepayment-risky annuity (PRDV01) 30816

prepayments 11113, 115, 1213, 141, 277316, 37181, 42831, 545

see also behavioural models

concepts 277316, 37181, 428, 545

conclusions on models 288

CPRs 27888

decision modelling 28896, 31316

double rational prepayment extension 3035, 31016

ELoP 2926, 37381

empirical prepayment models 27788

expected cash flows 3068

hedging 278316, 3718

loss modelling 2906, 545

models 277316, 37381, 545

mortgage maturities 31116, 545

mortgage pricing including prepayment costs 30816

mortgage rate approximation accuracy 37381

penalties 2789

portfolios of mortgages 31116, 545

RPMs 278, 288

TPCs 30516

present value of the sum of expected cash flows (PVECFs) 30816, 473537

present values (PVs) 18691, 2001, 26070, 30816, 36370, 386423, 44971, 473537

price volatility adjustments (PVAs)

definition 257, 2616

illiquid bond values 25770


binomial model 47583

Black–Scholes option pricing model 220, 2923, 2979, 48691, 4969, 501

bonds 20113, 21519, 22476, 2926

credit lines 3379, 36070, 3879

definitions 4213, 425

derivatives 2001, 204, 2057, 21011, 214, 21619, 220, 2868, 2929, 31937, 3748, 37981, 397401, 40419, 4213, 473537, 53945

forwards 204, 397401, 48691, 50511

FRAs 4914, 51113

funding costs included in loan pricing 44656

futures 204

interest rate derivatives 2926, 3748, 4919, 51114

IRSs 2926, 3748, 4912, 4949, 51315, 51837

liquidity risk 383545

Monte Carlo simulations 214

mortgage pricing including prepayment costs 30816

objective aspects 422

options 2001, 2057, 21011, 214, 21619, 220, 2868, 2929, 31937, 37981, 40419, 47791, 4969, 5035, 5258, 5337

pricing of derivatives with funding rates different from investment rates 48391, 5025

pricing of derivatives when more than one currency involved 499517

repo rates 48991, 5045, 50911, 5401

swaps 2926, 3748, 4912, 4949, 50917, 51837

swaptions 2926, 4969, 514

value contrasts 4213, 4735, 508

pricing of complex instruments 46, 17, 47, 523, 75, 824, 879, 95, 117, 2001

see also market liquidity

critique 46, 824, 4213

Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF) 11, 33, 345

Prince, Chuck 5

private depositors, interbank market differences 212

private equity funds, limits 41

probabilities 6, 38, 656, 8995, 1267, 146, 15263, 16970, 18791, 1934, 1978, 2057, 21924, 22656, 25776, 2868, 2946, 299305, 308, 3223, 3309, 34170, 3718, 401, 419, 42671, 47791, 52737, 5445

probability of default (PD) 1267, 146, 15263, 16970, 21924, 22656, 25876, 2946, 3379, 3412, 35460, 36470, 401, 419, 42671, 52737, 5445

see also credit risk; credit spreads

concepts 21924, 2267, 24056, 2945, 3379, 35460, 401, 419, 5445

credit lines 3379, 3412, 35460, 36470

probability density functions (PDFs) 32337

probability distributions 201, 2057, 21112, 21619, 220, 2212, 22931, 2916, 3003, 3045, 339, 3401, 34270, 4416

probability of selling (PS)

conditional selling probabilities 26670

definition 259

illiquid bond values 25976

probability that the bond is not sold (PNS) 25970

production costs, definition 4213, 545

productive risk, concepts 42631

profit aims of banks 3856, 42631, 4526

proprietary trading limits 412

public sector entity (PSI) 55

put options 206, 211, 2868, 2989, 3079, 372, 48591, 5035, 5258

see also options

put–call parity 2868, 299, 372

PVAs see price volatility adjustments

PVECFs see present value of the sum of expected cash flows

qualitative information set, CEBS 967

quantile calculations, expected and minimum LGC of available bonds 22831, 23956

quantitative information set, CEBS 94, 967

quantitative liquidity risk 11617, 11841, 5435

see also liquidity risk

definition 11617

quantitative modelling needs, FTP 470

R2 values, economic evaluations and deposit risk management 32737

random walks 199201, 2078

RAROC see risk-adjusted return on capital

rate models, deposits 32037

rational prepayment models (RPMs) 278, 28890, 2916, 299303, 3068, 31016

rationality 277, 278, 28890, 2916

ratios 278, 345, 3940, 4750, 5474, 75

see also liquidity coverage …; net stable funding …

critique 714, 75

one-size-fits-all approach 713

RBS see Royal Bank of Scotland

RD/FD see risk-free/funding rate drift

real-time gross settlement systems 202, 98100

see also TARGET2

recapitalizations 389, 445

receiver swaps 4969, 514, 52037

recovery 415, 113, 118, 1528, 2234, 22547, 2946, 386423, 43871, 521

recovery of market value (RMV), definition 2234, 439, 521

redemption risk, definition 23

reduced-form (exogenous) credit risk models 219, 2202, 22547, 28999, 3013, 31016, 43846, 5317

refi rates 18

refinancing incentives (RIs) 278316

reforms 3945, 4774, 75, 46871, 53945

refunding risk 432, 44971, 5278

regulators 4, 13, 17, 25, 27, 2832, 3945, 4774, 75, 779, 925, 1948, 46871, 4735, 4923, 50911, 528, 53945

see also accounting standards; Basel …; Financial Services Authority; G-SIFI regulations; supervisors

costs of funding 432, 46871

CSA agreements 186, 188, 4735, 4923, 496, 50911, 528, 5412

derivatives 186, 188, 4735, 4923, 496, 50911, 528, 5412

reforms 3945, 4774, 75, 46871, 53945

reinvestments, LBs 150, 158, 1723

replicating conditions, definition 4813, 5001

replication considerations

derivatives 473537, 53945

DVAs 399423, 545

repo desks, conclusions and future prospects 53941

repos 18, 23, 33, 39, 4950, 57, 646, 7682, 95, 97108, 12434, 2001, 24056, 4079, 41723, 48991, 5045, 50911, 53945

definition 48991, 5401

derivatives pricing 48991, 5045, 5401

fair haircuts for repos and collateralized loans 24756

FX 5045

TSAA 12734

reputational risk 5662, 834, 859, 915, 967, 99, 1028

required stable funding (RSF) 668

rescues 47, 915, 2930, 334, 3545, 68, 734

reserve requirements 1719, 26, 115

residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBSs) 45, 8, 5762

residential mortgages 45, 8, 5762, 1023, 1623

resilient markets 23, 4774, 945, 967

resolution planning for G-SIFIs 405, 47, 734

resolvability assessments for G-SIFIs 401

responses to the global financial crisis from 2007 915, 2930, 3545, 4774, 75, 4312

retail deposit runoff, definition 196

retail funding 967, 108, 1247, 1538, 1745, 1968

returns 47, 256, 43, 53, 76, 905, 1203, 1568, 193, 20113, 42571, 48391, 5025, 52237

reverse knockouts 486

reverse repos 18, 4950, 12834, 48991, 5045, 541

reverse stress-testing 513

revolving lines of credit, OBSs 1924

RF/FU see risk-free/funding rate discounting

RFVaR, definition 44952

Riccati's equations 382

Richard and Roll EM 278

RIs see refinancing incentives


see also credit …; intraday …; liquidity …; market …; operational …; reputational …; Value-at-Risk

appetites 47, 28, 312, 37, 435, 513, 75, 8695

assessments 35, 47, 75, 859

aversion 523, 18791, 31937

definition 1719, 849, 11516

limits 27

links amongst risks 5435

reappreciation processes 37

types 849, 5425

risk management 47, 4874, 75, 81, 8895, 97, 109382, 46871, 53945

risk transfer techniques, new business model of credit 28, 4950, 824

risk-adjusted return on capital (RAROC)

see also value added

definition 4301

risk-free rates 11516, 126, 138, 14768, 1825, 18891, 1924, 201, 20913, 21519, 2206, 2313, 2506, 25870, 2916, 32037, 36170, 3738, 386423, 42531, 43271, 475517, 51937, 53945

risk-free/funding rate discounting (RF/FU) 48791

risk-free/funding rate drift (RD/FD) 48791

risk-neutrality 199218, 276, 289, 32037, 3738, 47683, 508

risk–reward profiles 6

risk-weighted capital requirements 9, 3940, 425

RMBSs see residential mortgage-backed securities

RMV see recovery of market value

Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) 6, 51

royalty payments 8

RPMs see rational prepayment models

RSF see required stable funding

runoff rates, LCR 56, 5974, 106, 1825, 1958

S&P 500 45

s-adjusted measure see forward risk-adjusted measure

Sachsen LB 6

sales aspect of ‘the three S's’ 935

sales of businesses, resolution tools 412

savings 212, 246, 28, 4950, 5674, 7581, 905, 102, 11415, 277, 432

see also deposit …

scenario analysis 48, 513, 5474, 75, 8995, 967, 106, 14498, 224, 22847, 337, 45471

SDEs see stochastic differential equations

the second wave 1315

second-round vicious circle effects of liquidity types 279

secured credit facilities 35

secured funding runoff, definition 196

secured lending and borrowing 35, 779, 99, 196

CEBS liquidity identity card 99

Euro Money Market Survey of 2012 779

securities lending and borrowing 1011, 278, 99, 101, 127, 12934, 48991, 5045, 5405

Securities Market Programme (SMP) 12, 13

securitizations 8, 212, 28, 668, 769, 824, 856, 90, 935, 96108

see also asset-backed securities; credit risk transfers

balance sheets 28, 824

bank lending channel 84

definition 8, 82

self-financing conditions 40519, 4813, 5001

self-fulfilling prophecies 26, 778

sell/buyback transactions 12734, 40914, 41723, 4912

selling intensity, illiquid bond values 25870

Severino, Emanuele 409

SF see stochastic factor models …

SFs see standing facilities

short positions 2868, 372, 404, 40919, 47991, 4929

short-term borrowing rollover risk 23, 513, 779, 834, 105, 116, 1223, 14568, 1978, 43171

short-term funding 23, 4850, 5674, 834, 1701, 224, 3357, 42571

see also commercial paper; treasury

short-term liquidity, definition 119

SIFIs see systemically important financial institutions

sight assets 656, 11415, 1213, 141, 17985, 277, 31637

sight deposits 17985, 277, 31637, 46371

see also behavioural models; non-maturing liabilities

bank runs 319, 3347

bond portfolio replication model 31719

concepts 31637

costs 31637

economic evaluations and deposit risk management 32437

linear/nonlinear behavioural volume models 3214, 32637

models 31637

stochastic factor models (OAS models) 317, 31837

volume dynamics 31937

significant counterparties/instruments/currencies, definitions 678

single credit line liquidity management results 34260, 36370

SIV-lites, definition 9

SIVs see structured investment vehicles

skills' requirements 541, 5435

SLRP see Supervisory Liquidity Review Process

SMEs 967

SMP see Securities Market Programme

social costs of systemic failures 30, 33, 41, 445

solvency 22, 27, 302, 3345, 47, 116

constraints 27

liquidity contrasts 22, 302, 3345, 47, 116

Sonia 81

sound and prudent management principle 394

sources of liquidity, definition 118, 4323

sovereign bonds 5664, 734, 95, 1548, 1958, 227, 23450

SP see survival probability

Spain 13, 45, 64, 2359, 24850

special information hypothesis, definition 415

Special Liquidity Scheme 11

special purpose vehicles (SPVs) 67, 9, 28, 824, 103, 1067

specialness of single bonds 22547, 26270

spot prices, options 47791

spread options 3379, 36570, 52537

SPVs see special purpose vehicles

standard deviations 199213, 341

standards 405, 967, 41921, 5423

standing facilities (SFs)

see also deposit …; marginal lending …

definition 18

stochastic differential equations (SDEs) 202, 40419

see also Ito's lemma

stochastic factor models (OAS models) (SF)

see also sight deposits

concepts 317, 31837

definition 31820

stochastic interest rate models 138, 1648, 20119, 2979, 3379, 37981, 3889, 3937, 40419, 43346

stochastic processes 19, 8995, 1024, 108, 11113, 11841, 1648, 17985, 20021, 22747, 26076, 28890, 2979, 31016, 317, 31870, 37982, 3889, 3937, 40419, 43346, 4813, 499517, 52137

stochastic taxonomy of cash flows 11113, 11841

stock prices

see also equity

market risk models 199201

stock ratios 4850, 636

see also liquidity coverage ratio

stockholders, banks 3856, 387, 38990, 42831, 4578

stress-testing 513, 8695

stressed scenarios 4953, 5474, 75, 8695, 967, 106, 14498, 224, 22847, 337, 45471

strike prices, options 47791

structural (endogenous) credit risk models 21920

structural liquidity, definition 119

structured credit products 47, 9, 345, 3940, 55, 100, 1267, 1978

structured investment vehicles (SIVs) 67, 9, 28, 612, 824, 106, 1978

subjective aspects of values 422

subprime mortgage markets 39, 335, 905, 11617, 126

definitions 7

statistics 34

substitutability aspects of SIFIs 401

the sum of two CIR processes 2078

supervisors 4, 13, 2832, 33, 3745, 4774, 75, 834, 869, 957, 1978, 46871, 4735, 4923, 496, 50911, 528, 53945

see also Basel …; regulators

CEBS 55, 63, 645, 88, 94108

reforms 3945, 4774, 75, 46871, 53945

securitizations 834

Supervisory Liquidity Review Process (SLRP), FSA 51

survival 8695, 144, 1528, 16479, 1805, 18791, 1958, 2234, 22647, 28990, 2956, 3005, 3068, 339, 35460, 36470, 3712, 43946, 52137

survival probability 22647, 3712, 43946

SwapClear 35

swaps 1112, 1415, 21, 35, 379, 801, 905, 100, 18691, 200, 21519, 2313, 2818, 2926, 306, 31116, 31937, 3712, 3738, 41619, 42731, 43646, 4949, 50937, 5435

see also basis …; credit default …; FX …; interest rate …; meta …

prepayment models 2818, 3718

prices 2926, 3748, 4912, 4949, 50917, 51837

swaptions 21719, 2868, 2926, 30916, 4969, 514

Swiss National Bank 11, 15

Switzerland 11, 15, 80, 202

syndication aspect of ‘the three S's’ 935

systemic liquidity risk 1732, 3345, 1267

systemic risk 1732, 3345, 8995, 1267, 1456

systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs) 212, 34, 3845, 53945

see also G-SIFI regulations

definition 40

regulations 3945

T-forward measures 26276

tail events 3940, 4850, 8995, 136

TARGET2 system 20

targeted liquidity assistance (TLA), central banks 29, 33

Tarullo, Daniel 39

TAs see total adjustments of a collateralized option

taxonomy of cash flows 11115, 11841

Term Auction Facility (TAF) 11

Term Securities Lending Facility 1011

term structure of available assets (TSAA) 12734, 13541, 17185, 22447

see also available …

contract-type effects 12734

definition 12734

formula 12930

term structure of cash flows (TSCF) 13741

see also cash flows at risk

term structure of credit lines 35270

term structure of cumulated LGC (TSCLGC) 1256, 13041

term structure of expected cash flows (TSECF) 11923, 12734, 13541

see also maturity ladders; term structure of LGC

contract-type effects 12734

definition 11923

term structure of expected cumulative cash flows (TSECCF) 11923, 12741, 22447

see also liquidity generation capacity

contract-type effects 12734

definition 11923

term structure of expected liquidity (TSLe) 13441, 23956

see also term structure of expected cumulative cash flows; term structure of LGC

term structure of expected and minimum future volumes 32838

term structure of expected and minimum levels of liquidity with and without credit events 23956

term structure of forward cumulated funding (TSFCFu) 1759, 1805

definition 1756

practical building methods 1779

term structure of forward rates 18991, 2828, 2916, 52137

term structure of funding liquidity (TSFu) 141, 14669, 17185, 1958, 32537, 42571, 5425

definition 1467, 173

practical building methods 1735, 325

term structure of interest rates 20213, 2313, 2828, 2916, 43371, 52037

see also Cox, Ingersoll and Ross …

term structure of LEA 26570

term structure of LGC (TSLGC) 12541, 22447

see also liquidity generation capacity; term structure of expected cash flows

contract-type effects 12734

definition 1257

term structure of liquidity 50, 5562, 88, 13441, 14568, 22447, 26570

term structure of liquidity-at-risk (TSLaR) 1401

term structure of minimum liquidity 22447

term structure of usage of credit lines 35270

three-notch downgrades 1967

time dimension, taxonomy of cash flows 11113, 11841

time horizons 6573, 8695, 11113, 11841, 144, 14569, 17185, 18891, 1958, 22547, 26376, 32434, 38997, 47791

definition 6573, 86

options 47791

TLA see targeted liquidity assistance

too-big-to-fail banks 7, 3345

total adjustments of a collateralized option (TAs) 48791

total prepayment costs (TPCs) 30516

toxic assets 36

see also Troubled Asset Relief Programme

TPCs see total prepayment costs

trade finance, CEBS liquidity identity card 108

trading books 1257, 141, 5425

conclusions and future prospects 5425

TSLGC 1257

trading intensity

definition 258

illiquid bond values 25870

transaction costs 23, 779, 28990

transition probabilities 6

transparent management practices 312, 33, 41, 99

treasury 53, 73, 869, 97, 1223, 13441, 42571, 53945

see also short-term …

ALM roles 5435

conclusions and future prospects 53945

FSA letter 53

organizational issues 53941, 5435

roles 1223, 53945

skills' requirements 541, 5435

Treasury bonds 10, 1958, 24956

Trichet, Jean-Claude 5

Troubled Asset Relief Programme (TARP) 11, 356, 38

see also toxic assets

trust funds 108

TSAA see term structure of available assets

TSCF see term structure of cash flows

TSECCF see term structure of expected cumulative cash flows

TSECF see term structure of expected cash flows

TSFCFu see term structure of forward cumulated funding

TSFu see term structure of funding liquidity

TSLaR see term structure of liquidity-at-risk

TSLe see term structure of expected liquidity

TSLGC see term structure of LGC


UFCs see unexpected funding costs

UK 67, 11, 12, 15, 41, 503, 578, 64, 68, 73, 801, 4701

underlying assets 475537, 53945

see also derivatives

unencumbered assets 4850, 5474, 99, 101, 1257, 14498

see also liquidity coverage ratio

unexpected funding costs (UFCs)

confidence levels 5268, 5337

spread options 52537

unexpected losses 15263, 42631, 432, 43871, 5258

see also credit VaR

unexpected market losses 42731, 43846

see also market VaR

Unicredit (UCG) 2379, 2536, 26470

unsecured lending and borrowing 779, 1247, 1968, 4901

unsecured wholesale funding runoff, definition 196

up-and-out call options 48891

US 315, 3345, 73, 76, 80, 81, 824, 95, 11617, 126, 51417

US Treasury 367

USD 12, 14, 80, 51417

USG (usage) credit lines monitoring tool 33941, 3437

definition 339

value, price contrasts 4213, 4735, 508

value added (VA)

see also risk-adjusted return on capital

definition 4301

Value-at-Risk (VaR) 12, 48, 81, 100, 299303, 30916, 42631, 432, 43846, 44772, 4735, 5268, 5337

see also credit VaR; market VaR

ELoP 299303, 30916

variances 25, 18791, 199201, 20213, 21519, 22931, 26376, 3045

variation margin 473537, 5423

Vasicek interest rate model 201, 202, 209, 319

vector of intensities, expected and minimum LGC of available bonds 22831

vegas 288, 30916

see also options; volatilities

the vicious circle of liquidity types 249, 312, 33

‘virtual’ banks 9

the virtuous circle of liquidity types 24

Visinelli, Luca 199

volatilities 5, 9, 18, 4850, 5684, 89, 100, 11617, 1267, 13541, 18791, 199213, 21519, 25770, 2746, 288, 292, 3003, 30916, 31837, 3602, 3738, 4312, 43471, 480537, 5435

see also implied …

forward risk-adjusted measure 2746, 3003, 4416

PVAs 25770

volatility risk 31016

Volcker rule 41

volume dynamics, deposits 31937

Washington Mutual 7

Weidmann, Jens 20

weighted average funding curves 432, 446, 45871

what-if analyses 75, 905

Wheatley Review in September 2012 801

‘when giants fall’ 345

wholesale funding 68, 76, 8595, 967, 103, 1058, 1247, 1968

crisis situations 68

definition 967

Wiener processes 341

see also Brownian motion

withdrawal intensity, credit lines 3379, 3401, 3427, 36270, 545

withdrawals 33770, 545

see also credit lines

wrong-way risk (WWR) 24970

YEN 202

yield curves 281, 295, 313, 325, 3738, 42571

yield to maturity (YTM), components 5445

yields 47, 95, 103, 1203, 15468, 281, 295, 313, 325, 3738, 41623, 42571, 480537, 5445

YTM see yield to maturity

zero-coupon bonds 145, 201, 20313, 21519, 2234, 2359, 2536, 26270, 2926, 40519, 43471, 4949, 51837

zero-coupon swaps 51837

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