
This book will not try to change your attitude towards mathematics, which can be anywhere between hate and love. The sole objective of this book is to show you how you can use mathematics in your life as a database professional, and how mathematics can help you solve certain problems. We, the authors, are convinced that familiarity with the areas of mathematics that will be presented in this book, and on which the relational model of data is based, is a strong prerequisite for anybody who aims to be professionally involved with databases.

This book tries to fill a space that is not yet covered by the many books on databases that are already available. In Part 1, we cover just the part of mathematics that is useful for the practice of the database professional; the mathematical theory covered in this part is linked to the practice in Parts 2 (specifying database designs) and 3 (implementing database designs).

One thing is for sure: mathematics forces you to think clearly and precisely, and then to write things down as formally and precisely as possible. This is because the language of mathematics is both formal and rich in expressive power. Natural languages are rich in expressive power but are highly informal; on the other hand, programming languages are formal but typically have much less expressive power than mathematics.


Mathematicians are strange people. Most of them have all sorts of weird hobbies, and they all share a passionate love for puzzles and games. To be more precise, they love to create their own games and then play those games. Well, how do you create a game? You simply establish a set of rules, and start playing. If you are the creator of the game, you have a rather luxurious position: if you don’t like the game that much, you simply revisit the rules, implement some changes, and start playing again—until you like the game.

Mathematicians always strive for elegance and orthogonality—they dislike exceptions. A game is said to be designed in an orthogonal way if its set of components that together make up the whole game capability are non-overlapping and mutually independent. Each capability should be implemented by only one component, and one component should only implement one capability of the game. Well-separated and independent components ensure that there are no side effects: using or even changing one component does not cause side effects in another area of the game.

imagesNote For more information, see for example “A Note on Orthogonality” by C. J. Date, originally published in Database Programming & Design (July 1995), or visit

Why do things in a complicated way if you can accomplish the same thing in a more simple way? Why allow tricks in certain places, but at the same time forbid them in other places where the same trick would make a lot of sense? Exceptions are the worst of all. Therefore, mathematicians always explore the boundaries of their games. If the established rules don’t behave nicely at the boundaries, there is room for improvement.

High-Level Book Overview

Over time, mathematicians have spawned several formal disciplines. This book pays special attention to the following two formal disciplines, because they are the most relevant ones in the application of mathematics to the field of databases:

  • Logic
  • Set theory

The first part of this book consists of four chapters; they introduce the mathematics as such. While reading these chapters, you should try to exercise some patience in case you don’t immediately see their relevance for you; they lay down the mathematical concepts, techniques, and notations needed for the second and third parts of the book.

imagesNote Even if you think at first glance that your mathematical skills are strong enough, we advise you to read and study the first four chapters in detail and to go through all exercises, without looking at the corresponding solutions first. This will help you get used to the mathematical notations used throughout this book; moreover, some exercises are designed to make you aware of certain common errors.

The second part consists of Chapters 5 through 10, showing the application of the mathematics to database issues. Chapter 5 introduces a formal way to specify table designs and introduces the concept of a database state. Chapter 6 establishes the notion of data integrity predicates; we use these to specify data integrity constraints. Chapter 7 specifies a full-fledged example database design in a clear mathematical form. You’ll discover through this example that specifying a database design involves specifying data integrity constraints for the most part. Chapter 8 adds the notion of state transition constraints, and formally specifies these for the given example database design. Chapter 9 shows how you can precisely formulate queries in mathematics, and Chapter 10 shows how you can formally specify transactions.

The third part consists of Chapter 11 and Chapter 12. Chapter 11 goes into the details of realizing a database design, especially its data integrity constraints, in a database management system (DBMS)—a crucial and challenging task for any database professional. In Chapter 11, we establish a further link from the theory to the SQL DBMS practice of today. Chapter 12 summarizes the book, lists some conclusions, and provides some general guidelines.

imagesNote Chapter 11 is an optional chapter. However, if you’re involved in implementing database designs in Oracle’s SQL DBMS, you’ll appreciate it.

The book contains several appendixes:

  • Appendix A gives the full formal definition of the database design used in the book.
  • Appendix B contains a quick reference of all mathematical symbols used in the book.
  • Appendix C provides a reference for further background reading.
  • Appendix D provides a brief exploration of the use of NULLs.
  • Appendix E provides solutions for selected exercises.

We assume that you’re aware of the existence of the relational model, and perhaps you also have some in-depth knowledge of what this model is about (that’s not required, though). We also assume that you have experience in designing databases, and you’re therefore familiar with concepts such as keys, foreign keys, (functional) dependencies, and the third normal form (the latter two aren’t required).

This book’s main focus is on specifying a relational database design in general and specifying the data integrity constraints involved in such a design, specifically. We demonstrate how elementary set theory (in combination with logic) aids us in producing solid database design specifications that give us a good and clear insight into the relevant constraints.

Other authors, most notably C. J. Date in his recent book Database In Depth (O’Reilly, 2005), lay out the fundamentals of the relational model but sometimes assume you are knowledgeable in certain mathematical disciplines. In this book no mathematical knowledge is preassumed; we’ll deliver the theoretical—set-theory—concepts that are necessary to define a relational database design from the ground upwards.

We must mention up front that the approach taken in this book is a different approach (for some, maybe radically different) to the one taken by other authors. The methodology that is developed in this book uses merely elementary set theory in conjunction with logic. Elementary set theory suffices to specify relational database designs, including all relevant data integrity constraints. We’ll also use set theory as the vehicle to specify queries and transactions on such designs.

imagesNote We (the authors) are not the inventors of the methodology presented in this book. Frans Remmen and Bert de Brock originally developed this methodology in the 1980s, while they were both engaged at the Eindhoven University of Technology. Appendix C lists two references of books authored by Bert de Brock in which he introduces this methodology to specify database designs.

Database Design Implementation Issues

The majority of all DBMSes these days are based on the ISO standard of the SQL (pronounced as “ess-cue-ell”) language. This is where you’ll get into some trouble. First of all, the SQL language is far from an elegant and orthogonal database language; furthermore, it is not too difficult to see that it is a product of years of political debates and attempts to achieve consensus. In hindsight, some battles were won by the wrong guys. Indeed, this is one of the reasons why C. J. Date and Hugh Darwen wrote their book on what they call “the third manifesto.” A fully revised third edition was published in 2006: Databases, Types, and the Relational Model: The Third Manifesto (Addison-Wesley).

On top of this, several database software vendors have made mistakes—sometimes small ones, sometimes big ones—in their attempts to implement the ISO standard in their products. They also left certain features out and added nonstandard features to enrich their products, thus deviating from the ISO standard. As soon as you try to step away from mathematics (and thus from the relational model) and start using an SQL DBMS, you’ll inevitably open up several cans of worms.

This book tries to stay away as much as possible from SQL, thus keeping the book as generic as possible. Chapters 9 (data retrieval) and 10 (data manipulation) display SQL expressions; they serve only to demonstrate (in)abilities of this language in comparison to the mathematical formalism introduced in this book. Both authors happen to have extensive experience with the SQL DBMS from Oracle; the SQL code given in these chapters is compliant with the 10g release of Oracle’s SQL DBMS. Chapter 11 (implementing database designs) displays SQL expressions even more. We’ll also maintain the Oracle-specific content of Chapter 11; you can download the code from the Source Code/Download area of the Apress Web site (

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