The Assets Class

Well, You've done this before, so don't expect any surprises. Listing 12–1 shows you the code of the Assets class.

Listing 12–1., Loading and Storing Assets as Always

package com.badlogic.androidgames.droidinvaders;

import com.badlogic.androidgames.framework.Music;
import com.badlogic.androidgames.framework.Sound;
import com.badlogic.androidgames.framework.impl.GLGame;

public class Assets {
    public static Texture background;
    public static TextureRegion backgroundRegion;
    public static Texture items;
    public static TextureRegion logoRegion;
    public static TextureRegion menuRegion;
    public static TextureRegion gameOverRegion;
    public static TextureRegion pauseRegion;
    public static TextureRegion settingsRegion;
    public static TextureRegion touchRegion;
    public static TextureRegion accelRegion;
    public static TextureRegion touchEnabledRegion;
    public static TextureRegion accelEnabledRegion;
    public static TextureRegion soundRegion;
    public static TextureRegion soundEnabledRegion;
    public static TextureRegion leftRegion;
    public static TextureRegion rightRegion;
    public static TextureRegion fireRegion;
    public static TextureRegion pauseButtonRegion;
    public static Font font;

Have a couple of members storing the texture of the UI elements, as well as the background image. Also, store a couple of TextureRegions, as well as a Font. This covers all of your UI needs.

    public static Texture explosionTexture;
    public static Animation explosionAnim;
    public static Vertices3 shipModel;
    public static Texture shipTexture;
    public static Vertices3 invaderModel;
    public static Texture invaderTexture;
    public static Vertices3 shotModel;
    public static Vertices3 shieldModel;

Use textures and Vertices3 instances to store the models and textures of the game's objects. An Animation instance can hold the frames of the explosion animation.

    public static Music music;
    public static Sound clickSound;
    public static Sound explosionSound;
    public static Sound shotSound;

Finally, a couple of Music and Sound instances can be used to store the game's audio.

    public static void load(GLGame game) {
        background = new Texture(game, "background.jpg", true);
        backgroundRegion = new TextureRegion(background, 0, 0, 480, 320);
        items = new Texture(game, "items.png", true);
        logoRegion = new TextureRegion(items, 0, 256, 384, 128);
        menuRegion = new TextureRegion(items, 0, 128, 224, 64);
        gameOverRegion = new TextureRegion(items, 224, 128, 128, 64);
        pauseRegion = new TextureRegion(items, 0, 192, 160, 64);
        settingsRegion = new TextureRegion(items, 0, 160, 224, 32);
        touchRegion = new TextureRegion(items, 0, 384, 64, 64);
        accelRegion = new TextureRegion(items, 64, 384, 64, 64);
        touchEnabledRegion = new TextureRegion(items, 0, 448, 64, 64);
        accelEnabledRegion = new TextureRegion(items, 64, 448, 64, 64);
        soundRegion = new TextureRegion(items, 128, 384, 64, 64);
        soundEnabledRegion = new TextureRegion(items, 190, 384, 64, 64);
        leftRegion = new TextureRegion(items, 0, 0, 64, 64);
        rightRegion = new TextureRegion(items, 64, 0, 64, 64);
        fireRegion = new TextureRegion(items, 128, 0, 64, 64);
        pauseButtonRegion = new TextureRegion(items, 0, 64, 64, 64);
        font = new Font(items, 224, 0, 16, 16, 20);

The load() method starts off by creating the UI-related stuff. It's just some texture loading and region creation, as usual.

        explosionTexture = new Texture(game, "explode.png", true);
        TextureRegion[] keyFrames = new TextureRegion[16];
        int frame = 0;
        for (int y = 0; y < 256; y += 64) {
            for (int x = 0; x < 256; x += 64) {
                keyFrames[frame++] = new TextureRegion(explosionTexture, x, y, 64, 64);
        explosionAnim = new Animation(0.1f, keyFrames);

Next, create the Texture for the explosion animation, along with the TextureRegions for each frame and the Animation instance. Simply loop from the top left to the bottom right in 64-pixel increments, and create one TextureRegion per frame. All the regions are then fed to an Animation instance, whose frame duration is 0.1 second.

        shipTexture = new Texture(game, "ship.png", true);
        shipModel = ObjLoader.load(game, "ship.obj");
        invaderTexture = new Texture(game, "invader.png", true);
        invaderModel = ObjLoader.load(game, "invader.obj");
        shieldModel = ObjLoader.load(game, "shield.obj");
        shotModel = ObjLoader.load(game, "shot.obj");

Next, load the models and textures for the ship, the invaders, the shield blocks, and the shots. This is pretty simple with your mighty ObjLoader, isn't it? Note that you use mipmapping for the Textures.

        music = game.getAudio().newMusic("music.mp3");
        if (Settings.soundEnabled)

        clickSound = game.getAudio().newSound("click.ogg");
        explosionSound = game.getAudio().newSound("explosion.ogg");
        shotSound = game.getAudio().newSound("shot.ogg");

Finally, load the music and sound effects for the game. You can see a reference to the Settings class, which is essentially the same as in Super Jumper and Mr. Nom. This method will be called once when your game is started in the DroidInvaders class that you'll implement in a minute. Once all assets are loaded, you can forget about most of them, except for the Textures, which you need to reload if the game is paused and then resumed.

    public static void reload() {
        if (Settings.soundEnabled)

That's where the reload() method comes in. Call this method in the DroidInvaders.onResume() method so that your textures will be reloaded and the music will be unpaused.

    public static void playSound(Sound sound) {
        if (Settings.soundEnabled)

Finally, the same convenience method you used in Super Jumper will ease the pain of playing back a sound effect. When the user disables sound, don't play anything in this method.

NOTE: Although this method of loading and managing assets is easy to implement, it can become a mess if you have more than a handful of assets. Another issue is that sometimes not all assets will fit into the memory all at once. For simple games, like the ones You've developed from this book, the method is fine. We often use it in our games, as well. For larger games, you have to consider a more elaborate asset management strategy.

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