
First of all, I would like to thank my wife, Shannon, for her support while I wrote this book. Without her help and understanding, it simply would not have happened. I also have to thank my children—specifically my daughter—who would regularly come into my office and ask if I was working on the book and scold me if I answered otherwise.

I would also like to thank the folks at Enkitec—specifically Kerry Osborne and Veronica Stigers—for their support throughout this project. This book would simply not be possible without their understanding of what it takes to write a technical book as a “side project” while starting a new job.

I’d also like to thank my technical reviewer, Alex Fatkulin. Alex is a brilliant individual whose insight on APEX security is shared throughout this book. Individuals like Alex are living proof that you can always stand to learn more on any subject, no matter how well you think you know it.

I would be remiss if I did not mention Doug Gault here, too. Doug and I have been working together in one way, shape or form for the past few years. While we don’t always initially agree on things, the “discussions” that we have as a result of this makes us both better developers.

Lastly, I would also like to acknowledge the entire Oracle APEX team, led by Mike Hichwa and Joel Kallman. This group of professionals has produced and continues to enhance one of the most revolutionary and innovative pieces of software that I have ever seen or used. The past 10 years of my career has focused around their innovation, and I am both grateful and privileged to have been a part of their journey. Special thanks also goes out to Christian Neumüeller from the Oracle APEX team for being so willing to help me clarify some of the murkier parts of APEX security.

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