
images  A

Application Express (APEX)

    administration console

        home page

        managing instances

        managing requests

        managing workspaces

        monitoring activity

    application builder



        PL/SQL and JavaScript


    database application


    developer tools

    export reports (see APEX export reports)

    foundation components


        APEX listener

        embedded PL/SQL gateway (EPG)

        Oracle HTTP server

    metadata-based architecture



    overview of








        session state

        WWV_FLOW.ACCEPT procedure




        schema mappings

        users and roles

Application settings

    availability attribute

        to developers only

        with edit links

        restricted access

        SET_FLOW_STATUS procedure


        via SQL developer

        unavailable status

    build status

    compatibility mode attribute


    definition section

    e-mails address


    global notification attribute


    security attribute

        authorization scheme


        cleanup PL/SQL code

        deep linking

        embed in frames

        HTML escaping mode

        initialization PL/SQL code

        parsing schema setting

        public user and authentication scheme

        run on public pages option

        session state protection option

        session timeout

    substitution strings

    user interface attributes

Authentication scheme

    Application Express users


        login processing settings

        post logout URL

        session cookie attributes

        session not valid settings

        source region


    database accounts

    HTTP header variable

    LDAP directory

    login page

        in APEX 4.0 and prior versions

        APEX 4.2



        get username cookie


        security attributes section

        session cookie

        set username cookie process

        user interfaces section

    no authentication scheme


    open door credentials scheme

images  B

images  C

Cross-site scripting (XSS) attack

    anatomy of

    data sanitization


        column formatting



        HTML regions and items

        restricted characters attribute

    persistent XSS attacks

    reflexive XSS attacks

Custom authentication scheme








    invalid session procedure

    legacy attributes section


    sentry function

images  D

images  E



        application computations


        data encryption

        DBMS_CRYPTO package

        encrypt_data and decrypt_data

        item-level attribute

        session state

    ASO (see Advanced security option (ASO))


        instance admin console/application development environment

        packet peeper

        secure cookie attributes section

images  F

images  G

images  H

images  I, J, K

images  L

images  M

Manage Instance section

    application activity log

    Database Monitoring

    demonstration objects

    enable application tracing

    enable service requests

    feature configuration

        packaged application

        PL/SQL program units

        SQL Workshop

        Websheet objects

    Instance Settings section

        delete uploaded files after (days) feature

        E-mail provisioning status

        E-mail section

        encrypted tablespaces

        message setting

        notification E-mail address

        provisioning status setting

        purge sessions region

        recent sessions report

        report printing options

        require new schema

        self service sign up

        session state

        session state statistics report

        verification code

        wallet password

        wallet path

    packaged application

    PL/SQL program units

    main page

    security attributes

        account password lifetime (days) setting

        allow public file upload setting

        allow RESTful Access

        disable administrator login

        disable workspace login

        domain names

        failed login

        File Browser APEX

        HTTPS setting

        inbound proxy servers

        instance proxy setting

        login controls section

        maximum session length and idle time in seconds

        method for computing the delay setting

        Outbound HTTPS setting

        password reset and locking policy

        restrict access, IP address

        set workspace cookie option

        workspace password policy setting

    Session State

        logs and files section

        message setting

        Purge Sessions region

        Recent Sessions report

        Self Service Sign Up

        session state statistics report

    SQL workshop

    websheet objects

    workspace purge settings


images  N

images  O

images  P, Q

images  R

Restricting records

    with PL/SQL

        application item

        application process

        authorization checks

        custom_export procedure

        disable built-in export controls

        download link

        error handling

        error message

        fetching static ID

        p1_emp_classic procedure

        PL/SQL package


        static ID

    with ROWNUM

images  S

Secure views

    in APEX

    benefits and drawbacks


        application context


        PL/SQL procedure


Security plan


        access control

        application management

        auditing and monitoring

        data access

        risk analysis

    breach simulation



    design phase


    review process



Shadow schema


        APEX application


        data schema

        DML APIs and processes

        grants and synonyms

        revoke system privileges

        system and user event triggers function

        table API processes

    concept of

    securing data

        application context

        PL/SQL initialization code



images  T



        application security

        data and privileges

        home security


    preventable threats

        cross-site scripting

        SQL injection

        URL tempering

    unpreventable threats

images  U

images  V

images  W, X, Y, Z



        application builder

        SQL workshop

        team development



    schema mappings


    technical benefits

    users and roles


        end user

        workspace administrator

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