Appendix B. Matrix Operations

This appendix implements a class called Matrix3x3 that encapsulates all of the operations you need to handle 3×3 (nine-element) matrices when writing 3D rigid-body simulations.

Matrix3×3 Class

The Matrix3x3 class is defined with nine elements, eij, where i represents the ith row and j the jth column. For example, e21 refers to the element on the second row in the first column. Here’s how all of the elements are arranged:

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The class has two constructors, one of which initializes the matrix elements to zero, and the other of which initializes the elements to those passed to the constructor:

class Matrix3x3 {
     // elements eij: i -> row, j -> column
     float     e11, e12, e13, e21, e22, e23, e31, e32, e33;

     Matrix3x3(float r1c1, float r1c2, float r1c3,
               float r2c1, float r2c2, float r2c3,
               float r3c1, float r3c2, float r3c3 );

     float         det(void);
     Matrix3x3     Transpose(void);
     Matrix3x3     Inverse(void);

     Matrix3x3& operator+=(Matrix3x3 m);
     Matrix3x3& operator-=(Matrix3x3 m);
     Matrix3x3& operator*=(float s);
     Matrix3x3& operator/=(float s);

// Constructor
inline     Matrix3x3::Matrix3x3(void)
     e11 = 0;
     e12 = 0;
     e13 = 0;
     e21 = 0;
     e22 = 0;
     e23 = 0;
     e31 = 0;
     e32 = 0;
     e33 = 0;

// Constructor
inline     Matrix3x3::Matrix3x3(float r1c1, float r1c2, float r1c3,
                                float r2c1, float r2c2, float r2c3,
                                float r3c1, float r3c2, float r3c3 )
     e11 = r1c1;
     e12 = r1c2;
     e13 = r1c3;
     e21 = r2c1;
     e22 = r2c2;
     e23 = r2c3;
     e31 = r3c1;
     e32 = r3c2;
     e33 = r3c3;


The method, det, returns the determinant of the matrix. The determinant of a 2×2 matrix:

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is as follows:

det [m] = e11 e22 − e21 e12

We find the determinant of a 3×3 matrix by first expanding the matrix by minors, and then resolving the determinants of the 2×2 minors. Here’s how you expand a 3×3 matrix by minors:

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Here’s how this all looks in code:

inline     float     Matrix3x3::det(void)
     return    e11*e22*e33 -
               e11*e32*e23 +
               e21*e32*e13 -
               e21*e12*e33 +
               e31*e12*e23 -


The method Transpose transposes the matrix by swapping rows with columns—that is, the elements in the first row become the elements in the first column and so on for the second and third rows and columns. The following relations are true for transpose operations:

(Mt)t = M
(s M)t = s (Mt)
(M N)t = Nt Mt
(M + N)t = Mt + Nt
det[Mt] = det[M]

Here M and N are matrices, t is the transpose operator, and s is a scalar.

Here’s the Transpose method for our Matrix3x3 class:

inline     Matrix3x3     Matrix3x3::Transpose(void)
     return Matrix3x3(e11,e21,e31,e12,e22,e32,e13,e23,e33);


The method Inverse computes the inverse matrix such that the following relation is satisfied:

M M−1 = M−1 M = I

Here M−1 is the inverse of matrix M, and I is the identity matrix. For a 3×3 matrix, we find the inverse as follows:

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Here Eij represents the cofactor of element eij, which we can find by taking the determinant of the minor of each element. Only square matrices, those with the same number of rows as columns, can be inverted. Note, however, that not all square matrices can be inverted. A matrix can be inverted only if its determinant is nonzero.

The follow relation applies to matrix inversion:

(M N)−1 = N−1 M−1

Here’s how matrix inversion looks in code for our Matrix3x3 class:

inline     Matrix3x3     Matrix3x3::Inverse(void)
     float     d = e11*e22*e33 -
                   e11*e32*e23 +
                   e21*e32*e13 -
                   e21*e12*e33 +
                   e31*e12*e23 -

     if (d == 0) d = 1;

     return     Matrix3x3(     (e22*e33-e23*e32)/d,
                              (e11*e22-e12*e21)/d );

Matrix Addition: The += Operator

This operator simply adds the passed matrix to the current one on an element-by-element basis. For two matrices to be added, they must be of the same order—that is, they must have the same number of rows and columns:

inline     Matrix3x3& Matrix3x3::operator+=(Matrix3x3 m)
     e11 += m.e11;
     e12 += m.e12;
     e13 += m.e13;
     e21 += m.e21;
     e22 += m.e22;
     e23 += m.e23;
     e31 += m.e31;
     e32 += m.e32;
     e33 += m.e33;
     return *this;

Matrix addition (and subtraction) is commutative, associative, and distributive; thus:

M + N = N + M
M + (N + P) = (M + N) + P
M (N + P) = M N + M P
(N + P) M = N M + P M

Matrix Subtraction: The −= Operator

This operator simply subtracts the passed matrix from the current one on an element-by-element basis. For two matrices to be subtracted, they must be of the same order—that is, they must have the same number of rows and columns:

inline     Matrix3x3& Matrix3x3::operator-=(Matrix3x3 m)
     e11 -= m.e11;
     e12 -= m.e12;
     e13 -= m.e13;
     e21 -= m.e21;
     e22 -= m.e22;
     e23 -= m.e23;
     e31 -= m.e31;
     e32 -= m.e32;
     e33 -= m.e33;
     return *this;

Scalar Multiplication: The *= Operator

This operator simply multiplies each element by the scalar s:

inline     Matrix3x3& Matrix3x3::operator*=(float s)
     e11 *= s;
     e12 *= s;
     e13 *= s;
     e21 *= s;
     e22 *= s;
     e23 *= s;
     e31 *= s;
     e32 *= s;
     e33 *= s;
     return *this;

The following relation applies for scalar multiplication (and division):

s(M N) = (sM) N = M (s N)

Scalar Division: The /= Operator

This operator simply divides each element by the scalar s:

inline     Matrix3x3& Matrix3x3::operator/=(float s)
     e11 /= s;
     e12 /= s;
     e13 /= s;
     e21 /= s;
     e22 /= s;
     e23 /= s;
     e31 /= s;
     e32 /= s;
     e33 /= s;
     return *this;

Matrix Functions and Operators

The functions and overloaded operators that follow are useful when you are performing operations with two matrices, or with a matrix and a scalar, or a matrix and a vector. Here, the matrices are assumed to be of the type Matrix3x3, and vectors of the type Vector, as discussed in Appendix A.

Matrix Addition: The + Operator

This operator adds the two matrices together on an element-by-element basis:

inline     Matrix3x3 operator+(Matrix3x3 m1, Matrix3x3 m2)
     return     Matrix3x3(     m1.e11+m2.e11,

Matrix Subtraction: The − Operator

This operator subtracts matrix m2 from m1 on an element-by-element basis:

inline     Matrix3x3 operator-(Matrix3x3 m1, Matrix3x3 m2)
     return     Matrix3x3(     m1.e11-m2.e11,

Scalar Divide: The / Operator

This operator divides every element in the matrix m by the scalar s:

inline     Matrix3x3 operator/(Matrix3x3 m, float s)
     return     Matrix3x3(    m.e11/s,

Matrix Multiplication: The * Operator

This operator, when applied between two matrices, performs a matrix multiplication. In matrix multiplication, each element, eij, is determined by the product of the ith row in the first matrix and the jth column of the second matrix:

inline     Matrix3x3 operator*(Matrix3x3 m1, Matrix3x3 m2)
     return Matrix3x3(m1.e11*m2.e11 + m1.e12*m2.e21 + m1.e13*m2.e31,
                      m1.e11*m2.e12 + m1.e12*m2.e22 + m1.e13*m2.e32,
                      m1.e11*m2.e13 + m1.e12*m2.e23 + m1.e13*m2.e33,
                      m1.e21*m2.e11 + m1.e22*m2.e21 + m1.e23*m2.e31,
                      m1.e21*m2.e12 + m1.e22*m2.e22 + m1.e23*m2.e32,
                      m1.e21*m2.e13 + m1.e22*m2.e23 + m1.e23*m2.e33,
                      m1.e31*m2.e11 + m1.e32*m2.e21 + m1.e33*m2.e31,
                      m1.e31*m2.e12 + m1.e32*m2.e22 + m1.e33*m2.e32,
                      m1.e31*m2.e13 + m1.e32*m2.e23 + m1.e33*m2.e33 );

Two matrices can be multiplied only if one has the same number of columns as the other has rows. Matrix multiplication is not commutative, but it is associative; thus:

(M N) P = M (N P)

Scalar Multiplication: The * Operator

This operator, when applied between a matrix and a scalar, multiplies each element in the matrix m by the scalar s. Two forms are given here, depending on the order in which the matrix and scalar are encountered:

inline     Matrix3x3 operator*(Matrix3x3 m, float s)
     return     Matrix3x3(     m.e11*s,

inline     Matrix3x3 operator*(float s, Matrix3x3 m)
     return     Matrix3x3(     m.e11*s,

Vector Multiplication: The * Operator

This operator, when applied between a vector and a matrix, performs a vector multiplication where the ith column in the matrix is multiplied by the ith component in the vector. Two forms are given here, depending on the order in which the matrix and vector are encountered:

inline     Vector operator*(Matrix3x3 m, Vector u)
     return Vector(     m.e11*u.x + m.e12*u.y + m.e13*u.z,
                         m.e21*u.x + m.e22*u.y + m.e23*u.z,
                         m.e31*u.x + m.e32*u.y + m.e33*u.z);

inline     Vector operator*(Vector u, Matrix3x3 m)
     return Vector(     u.x*m.e11 + u.y*m.e21 + u.z*m.e31,
                         u.x*m.e12 + u.y*m.e22 + u.z*m.e32,
                         u.x*m.e13 + u.y*m.e23 + u.z*m.e33);
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