Chapter 8. Advanced Active Record

When building a new application, work out the data model first. A data model is a description of the models in your program, along with their attributes and associations. First, identify the models needed and the relationships between them, and then create tables for these models and test them in the Rails console. Once the data models are working properly, building the rest of the application is much easier.

Some people think of diagrams with boxes and arrows when they hear the words data model. These diagrams are unnecessary if you understand how the models relate without them. This chapter does include some basic diagrams, however, to illustrate different associations. In each diagram, the arrows point from the foreign key in a child model to the primary key in the parent model.

In this chapter, you’re going to start building a new application from scratch. The application is a social network in the style of Tumblr. Users create accounts and then post text and images for other users to see. A user can follow other users so their friends’ posts appear on the timeline on their home page.

First, I’ll discuss several advanced data-modeling techniques. Then we’ll work our way through the models needed for your new social networking site.

Advanced Data Modeling

When building the blog, you worked with has_many and belongs_to associations. Real-world applications often require more complex associations.

For example, you sometimes need to model an association between two models of the same type, or you might need to model a many-to-many relationship between models. You also might need to store an object hierarchy in the database, but relational databases don’t really support inheritance. Finally, you might need to model a class that can associate with multiple different types of models.

I’ll discuss these four situations in this section, starting with modeling a relationship between two models of the same type using a self join association.

Self Join Associations

Imagine an application for managing employees at a company. In addition to data such as each employee’s name, job title, and salary, you need to store each employee’s manager’s name. Each employee belongs_to a manager, and a manager has_many subordinates. A manager is also an employee, so you need to set up an association between two different models of the same type.

Recall that a belongs_to association means the model needs a foreign key to link it to another model. A foreign key is a field that identifies the model on the other side of an association. So the employees table needs a field called manager_id to link each employee to a manager. The diagram in Figure 8-1 shows how this relationship works.

A self join association allows you to model an organizational chart or other tree structure using a single table. The manager_id foreign key points to the id of the employee’s manager. This same type of association is also used to model other tree structures such as nested comments, where replies include a parent_id that points to the parent comment.

Self join association

Figure 8-1. Self join association

Once the manager_id field has been added to the employees table, you can define the associations in the Employee model:

  class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base
➊   has_many :subordinates, class_name: 'Employee',
➋                           foreign_key: 'manager_id'
➌   belongs_to :manager, class_name: 'Employee'

First, you add a has_many association for subordinates. Because this association refers to the Employee model, and not a model named Subordinate, you must specify class_name: 'Employee' ➊. You must also specify the foreign key name, in this case, manager_id ➋. Finally, add the belongs_to association for the manager. Again, you must explicitly state the model’s class name because Rails can’t figure it out based on the association name ➌.

With these associations in place, you can call the subordinates method to get a list of a manager’s subordinates. You can also use the methods manager and manager= to get and set an employee’s manager. Almost every employee should have a manager_id, as shown in Table 8-1. If your manager_id is nil, then you must be the boss!

Table 8-1. The employees Table










Notice that the manager_id for Bob is 1. That means Alice is Bob’s manager. Alice’s manager_id is NULL, which is nil in Ruby. She’s the CEO of this two-person company.

Many-to-Many Associations

Whereas a one-to-many association only involves two tables, a many-to-many association always involves a third table known as a join table. The join table stores foreign keys for each side of the association. It belongs_to each of the models in the association.

Rails provides two different ways to set up a many-to-many association.


If you’re using a join table strictly for the association and need no additional data, then use a has_and_belongs_to_many association. You still need to create the join table, but you don’t need to define a model for it. The join table must be named after the two models it joins.

For example, authors write many books, and some books have multiple authors. All of the data you need is stored in either the author or book model, so you can create a has_and_belongs_to_many association between authors and books, as in Figure 8-2.

has_and_belongs_to_many association

Figure 8-2. has_and_belongs_to_many association

Figure 8-2 shows the Author and Book models with the join table between them. Define the association between these models as shown here:

class Author < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_and_belongs_to_many :books

An author might write many books, but a book can also have many authors:

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_and_belongs_to_many :authors

For this association to work, the join table between authors and books must be named authors_books and must contain fields author_id and book_id. Use the rails generate command to create an empty migration file:

$ bin/rails g migration CreateAuthorsBooks
  invoke   active_record
  create     db/migrate/..._create_authors_books.rb

Then edit the migration file to remove the primary key and create the two foreign keys:

  class CreateAuthorsBooks < ActiveRecord::Migration
    def change
      create_table :authors_books, id: false do |t|
➊       t.references :author, null: false, index: true

        t.references :book, null: false, index: true

The t.references :author statement ➊ indicates this field is a foreign key that references an Author model. The field is named author_id. The null: false option adds a constraint so NULL values are not allowed, and the index: true option creates a database index to speed up queries on this field. The next line creates the book_id field, also with a NULL constraint and database index.

You can also use the create_join_table method inside the migration to create the join table. This method takes the names of the associations and creates the correct table with no primary key and a foreign key for each association with a NULL constraint. This method does not automatically create indices for the foreign keys. You can add indices as shown here:

class CreateAuthorsBooks < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_join_table :authors, :books do |t|
      t.index :author_id
      t.index :book_id

After creating the join table, you don’t need to do anything to make the association work. There is no model associated with the join table. With a has_and_belongs_to_many association, Rails manages the join table for you.

has_many :through

If you would like to store additional information in the join table besides the foreign keys of the associated models, use a has_many :through association. For example, you could model the association between bands and venues using a join table named performances. Figure 8-3 shows the relationship among bands, performances, and venues.

has_many :through association

Figure 8-3. has_many :through association

Each performance belongs to a band and a venue. It also has a show-time. The models look like this:

class Band < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :performances
  has_many :venues, through: :performances

A band performs many times, and so the band is associated with many different venues through its performances:

class Venue < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :performances
  has_many :bands, through: :performances

A venue hosts many performances. The venue is associated with many different bands through the performances it hosts:

class Performance < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :band
  belongs_to :venue

Performances associate a band with a venue. A venue can also store additional data, such as the showtime of the performance, in the performances table.

Single-Table Inheritance

Sometimes you need to store a hierarchy of classes in the database. Most relational databases don’t support inheritance, but you can use single-table inheritance to create these models and store the inheritance structure in the database.

For example, imagine you are writing an application to manage a pet store. You need a way to model different types of pets such as dogs and fish. Pet dogs and pet fish share many of the same attributes and methods, so it makes sense for both of them to inherit from a parent class named Pet.

In Rails, you can create a single table for pets and then store records for the two child classes Dog and Fish in the same table. Rails uses a column named type to keep track of the type of object stored in each row. In addition to the columns needed by the parent model, you also need to add all columns needed by the child models to the table. You need this because all models are stored in the same table.

The parent model Pet is a normal Active Record model. The Pet model inherits from ActiveRecord::Base:

class Pet < ActiveRecord::Base

The Dog model inherits from Pet:

class Dog < Pet

The Fish model also inherits from Pet:

class Fish < Pet

With these models in place, you can store records of all three types in a single table named pets, shown in Table 8-2.

Table 8-2. The pets Table











Gold Fish




Cocker Spaniel


These three rows from the pets table hold data for the Dog and Fish models. You can now make calls like Pet.count to count the pets in the table. Calling Dog.count returns 2 and Fish.count returns 1. Because Rails knows teach record type, pet = Pet.find(2) returns an object of type Fish.

You’ll look at another example of single-table inheritance in the next section, when you create the post models for your new application.

Polymorphic Associations

With polymorphic associations, a model can belong to more than one other model using a single association. The classic example of a polymorphic association is allowing comments on multiple types of objects. For example, you might want to let people comment on both posts and images. Here is what your comment model might look like using a polymorphic association:

class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :commentable, polymorphic: true

Instead of using belongs_to :post or belongs_to :image, you specify that a comment belongs_to something called :commentable. This name can be anything you like, but the convention is to make it an adjective form of the model name.

The comments table will need two fields for this association to work, an integer field named commentable_id and a string field named commentable_type. The commentable_type field holds the class name of the object that owns this comment. This setup is similar to the type column in the single-table inheritance example you saw in the previous section. The commentable_id is a foreign key referring to the id of the object that owns this comment.

Include as: :commentable on the has_many :comments associations in models that can have comments:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :comments, as: :commentable

class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :comments, as: :commentable

The has_many association works the same as always. A method call like @post.comments returns a list of comments associated with the post. It works by looking for comments that match both the id of the @post object and the class name Post.

If your application grows and you need comments on other models, you can add the same has_many association to the new model without changing anything in the Comment model.

That’s enough theory for now. Let’s put some of this knowledge to work.

The Social Application

In this section, you’ll build the data model for a social networking service similar to Tumblr. You need models for users and posts. You also need to represent a user following another user as well as several different types of posts, and users should be able to comment on posts.

Start by creating a new, empty Rails application in your code directory:

$ cd code
$ rails new social
$ cd social

I’m calling my application social, but call yours whatever you like. Who knows, you may launch this app and sell it for a billion dollars someday!

Now let’s work through the models needed for this application.

User Model

If this is to be a social site, the first thing you need is a model for users and the relationships between them. Tumblr, like Twitter, doesn’t use the idea of friendship between users. Instead, you subscribe to another user’s updates by “following” that user.

Start by creating a new resource named User. For now, add string fields for name and email. You can always add more fields later by creating another database migration. The following command creates a controller, model, database migration, and other files for users:

$ bin/rails generate resource User name email

Create the users table by running this new database migration:

$ bin/rake db:migrate

Next, you need to create a model to represent the idea of subscriptions. A subscription is a type of self join, but it is a many-to-many association, so you need a join table. What should this model contain? You subscribe to another user’s posts by following them. You can call the user you are following a leader. So you need to store a leader_id and a follower_id in the subscriptions table.

When one user follows another user, the following user’s id is stored in the follower_id field and the other user’s id is stored in the leader_id field. This setup allows you to find a list of a user’s followers and leaders easily.

$ bin/rails g model Subscription leader:references follower:references
  invoke  active_record
  create    db/migrate/..._create_subscriptions.rb
  create    app/models/subscription.rb
  invoke    test_unit
  create      test/models/subscription_test.rb
  create      test/fixtures/subscriptions.yml

Because this is a join table, use the model generator to create a database migration and model for subscriptions. Don’t forget to update your database:

$ bin/rake db:migrate

Now that you’ve created the tables, you need to update the model files to define the associations. First, open the file app/models/subscription.rb in your editor:

class Subscription < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :leader, class_name: 'User'
  belongs_to :follower, class_name: 'User'

You used leader:references and follower:references when creating the model, so the Rails model generator added two belongs_to associations to the Subscription model for you. Both :leader and :follower actually refer to a User, so you need to add the class name User. By default, Rails looks for model names that match association names. If you don’t specify a class name, Rails looks for models named Leader and Follower. Figure 8-4 shows the tables for users and subscriptions.


In reality, these tables also include created_at and updated_at timestamps, but I left these out of the diagrams in this chapter for brevity.

Subscription associations

Figure 8-4. Subscription associations

In the subscriptions table, both leader_id and follower_id are foreign keys referring to a user. Now that the Subscription associations are done, let’s add the User associations. Open the file app/models/user.rb in your editor:

  class User < ActiveRecord::Base
➊   has_many :subscriptions, foreign_key: :follower_id,dependent: :destroyhas_many :leaders, through: :subscriptions

Start with the fact that a user has many subscriptions. In this case, you need to specify the foreign key to use. Normally, you would call this user_id, but you’re modeling leaders and followers, so call it follower_id instead ➊. Also specify what happens if this user is deleted with dependent: :destroy ➋. This tells Rails to destroy any associated subscriptions if this user is ever destroyed. Finally, add the has_many:through association to leaders ➌.

Next, add a few methods to the model to make working with the associations easier. You can also use these methods to test the associations in the Rails console:

  class User < ActiveRecord::Base
    has_many :subscriptions, foreign_key: :follower_id,
                             dependent: :destroy
    has_many :leaders, through: :subscriptions

➊   def following?(leader)
        leaders.include? leader
    enddef follow!(leader)if leader != self && !following?(leader)
        leaders << leader

First, add a predicate method, a method returning a true or false value, called following? ➊ to see if the current user is following another user. This method checks to see if the current user’s leaders collection includes the leader passed as an argument to the method.

Then, add the follow! method ➋ to indicate that the current user is following another user. This method ensures the current user isn’t trying to follow himself or herself and isn’t already following the other user ➌. If neither case is true, the leader passed to this method is inserted into the current user’s leaders collection with <<, the insertion operator.

With these methods in place, you can now launch a Rails console and test your associations:

$ bin/rails console

Start by creating two users:

irb(main):001:0> alice = User.create name: "Alice"
   (0.1ms) begin transaction
  SQL (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "users" ...
   (0.8ms) commit transaction
 => #<User id: 1, name: "Alice", ...>
irb(main):002:0> bob = User.create name: "Bob"
   (0.1ms) begin transaction
  SQL (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "users" ...
   (0.8ms) commit transaction
 => #<User id: 2, name: "Bob", ...>

Now, call the follow! method on alice and pass in bob. Then call the following? method on alice to confirm that follow worked correctly. Finally, call following? again to see if bob is following alice:

irb(main):003:0> alice.follow! bob
  User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT ...
   (0.1ms) begin transaction
  SQL (16.1ms) INSERT INTO ...
   (20.4ms) commit transaction
  User Load (0.3ms) SELECT ...
 => #<ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy ...>
irb(main):004:0> alice.following? bob
 => true
irb(main):005:0> bob.following? alice
User Exists (0.2ms) SELECT ...
 => false

The call to alice.follow! bob adds bob to collection of leaders for alice. Next, the call to alice.following? bob checks to see if the alice.leaders collection includes bob. It does, so the method returns true. Of course, it doesn’t actually look for bob, but the id of the User referred to as bob. The call to bob.following? alice returns false. The bob.leaders collection is empty, so bob is not following alice. Table 8-3 and Table 8-4 show the users and subscriptions tables after Alice follows Bob, again with the timestamp fields omitted.

Table 8-3. The users Table










The users table holds records for alice and bob.

Table 8-4. The subscriptions Table







The subscriptions table holds a single record representing the association between alice and bob. The leader_id is 2, the id of bob; and the follower_id is 1, the id of alice. This means alice is following bob.

At this point, you can get a list of every user that alice is following by calling the leaders method. Having this list is helpful, but it’s only half of what you need. You also want to be able to list a user’s followers. To do this, use the subscriptions table again, only this time going in the opposite direction.

You need another has_many association on the Subscription model that is the reverse of the existing association. You can then use that association to find followers.

  class User < ActiveRecord::Base
    has_many :subscriptions, foreign_key: :follower_id,
                             dependent: :destroy
    has_many :leaders, through: :subscriptions

➊   has_many :reverse_subscriptions, foreign_key: :leader_id,class_name: 'Subscription',
                                     dependent: :destroyhas_many :followers, through: :reverse_subscriptions

    def following?(leader)
      leaders.include? leader

    def follow!(leader)
      if leader != self && !following?(leader)
        leaders << leader

This association is the reverse of the existing :subscriptions association. There’s no clever word for the reverse of a subscription, so name the association :reverse_subscriptions. This association uses the leader_id field as the foreign key ➊. Because the association name doesn’t match the name of the model, you also need to specify a class name ➋. As with the subscription association, also specify dependent: :destroy so you aren’t left with orphan records in the subscriptions table if a user is destroyed. After adding the :reverse_subscriptions association, you can use it to add another has_many :through association for :followers ➌.

Restart the Rails console for these changes to take effect, and then try the new association:

➊ irb(main):001:0> alice = User.find(1)
    User Load (0.3ms) SELECT ...
  => #<User id: 1, name: "Alice", ...>
  irb(main):002:0> bob = User.find(2)
    User Load (0.3ms) SELECT ...
  => #<User id: 2, name: "Bob", ...>
➋ irb(main):003:0> alice.followers
    User Load (0.2ms) SELECT ...
  => #<ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy []>
➌ irb(main):004:0> alice.followers.to_a
  => []
  irb(main):005:0> bob.followers.to_a
    User Load (0.2ms) SELECT ...
  => [#<User id: 1, name: "Alice", ...>]

Because you restarted the console, you first need to find your users in the database ➊. Call the followers method on alice to see if she has any followers ➋. This method returns a type of relation called an ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy. I made the output a little easier to read by chaining to_a after followers, which converts the output to an array ➌.

The output shows that alice has no followers and bob has a single follower—alice. The User associations and methods are working correctly so far. Now that users can follow each other, let’s move on to posts.

Post Models

People don’t just want to share plain text on a social network—they also want to share images, links, and videos. We should allow our users to create a different kind of post for each type of content, though the post types will share some common functionality. This sounds like a perfect use for inheritance.

First, create a base model called Post, and then inherit from that class to create models for TextPost, ImagePost, and so on. You can use singletable inheritance to create these models and store the inheritance structure in the database. Because the posts table holds records for all types of posts, you must add columns needed by the other models to the posts table. In addition to the usual title and body fields, add a url field to store the address of an image for image posts and a type field for single-table inheritance.

With those requirements in mind, generate the post resource and update your application’s database:

$ bin/rails g resource Post title body:text url type user:references
$ bin/rake db:migrate

The user:references option adds a user_id field so you can associate posts with users. Don’t forget to update your application’s database.

Now you’re ready to create resources for the different types of posts.

$ bin/rails g resource TextPost --parent=Post --migration=false
$ bin/rails g resource ImagePost --parent=Post --migration=false

Here, I’ve passed two options to the resource generator. The --parent=Post option indicates that these models inherit from Post and the --migration=false option tells the generator to not create a database migration for this resource. A database migration is not needed because these resources are stored in the posts table you created earlier.

First, let’s update the newly created Post model in app/models/post.rb to make sure all posts have an associated user and type:

  class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
    belongs_to :user
➊   validates :user_id, presence: truevalidates :type, presence: true

All posts in our social application belong to an individual user. This validation ensures that a Post can’t be created without an associated user_id ➊. The type validation ➋ validates that all records are identified as either a TextPost or an ImagePost.

Now add validations to the TextPost and ImagePost models. First, edit app/models/image_post.rb and add a URL validation to the ImagePost model:

class ImagePost < Post
  validates :url, presence: true

The url field holds the address of the image for an ImagePost. Users can copy a URL from an image sharing site such as Flickr or Imgur. The application shouldn’t allow an ImagePost to be saved without an image url.

Then update the TextPost model in app/models/text_post.rb to check for a post body:

class TextPost < Post
  validates :body, presence: true

The application also shouldn’t allow a TextPost to be saved without body text.

While you’re editing models, also add the associations for the new post models under the rest of the has_many associations to the User model at app/models/user.rb:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :subscriptions, foreign_key: :follower_id,
                           dependent: :destroy
  has_many :leaders, :through => :subscriptions

  has_many :reverse_subscriptions, foreign_key: :leader_id,
                                   class_name: 'Subscription',
                                   dependent: :destroy
  has_many :followers, through: :reverse_subscriptions

  has_many :posts, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :text_posts, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :image_posts, dependent: :destroy


Now you can restart the Rails console and use these new models:

➊ irb(main):001:0> alice = User.find(1)
    User Load (42.0ms) SELECT ...
   => #<User id: 1, ...>
  irb(main):002:0> post1 = alice.text_posts.create(body: "First Post")
     (0.1ms) begin transaction
    SQL (0.7ms) INSERT INTO ...
     (1.9ms) commit transaction
   => #<TextPost id: 1, ...>
  irb(main):003:0> post2 = alice.image_posts.create(
                                   url: "")
     (0.1ms) begin transaction
    SQL (0.7ms) INSERT INTO ...
     (1.9ms) commit transaction
   => #<ImagePost id: 2, ...>
➋ irb(main):004:0> alice.posts.to_a
    Post Load (32.3ms) SELECT ...
   => [#<TextPost id: 1, ...>, #<ImagePost id: 2, ...>]
➌ irb(main):005:0> alice.text_posts.to_a
    TextPost Load (0.4ms) SELECT ...
   => [#<TextPost id: 1, ...>]

Because you restarted the console, first find the User representing alice ➊. Then create a TextPost and an ImagePost belonging to alice. The posts method on the User model returns all posts associated with that user regardless of type ➋. Note that the TextPost and ImagePost you just created are both returned in the same collection. The text_posts method returns only TextPost objects ➌.

Comment Model

Now that the models for users and posts are in place, create the comments model for the application. Add a text field to hold the body of the comment, a post_id to reference the post that owns this comment, and a user_id to reference the user who left the comment.

Note that I am not using a polymorphic association with these comments. Because my different post types all inherit from the base class Post, I can simply associate Comment with Post, allowing comments on any type of post.

$ bin/rails g resource Comment body:text post:references user:references
$ bin/rake db:migrate

Also add has_many :comments to the User and Post model to complete the associations among users, posts, and comments. Figure 8-5 shows the tables you created in this chapter and their associations.

The social application data model, with timestamps omitted

Figure 8-5. The social application data model, with timestamps omitted

With this, you have all of your models and are well on your way to building your new social network.


I covered some pretty advanced database modeling techniques in this chapter. The User model has several complex associations. The different types of posts demonstrate single-table inheritance. Luckily, the Comment model didn’t contain any surprises.

In the next chapter, I’ll talk about authentication, and you’ll start adding controller actions and views so users can sign up and log in to your social network.



1. You specified dependent: :destroy on all has_many associations in this chapter to ensure that dependent models would be removed. For example, because the Post model has a dependent: :destroy association with the User model, if a User is destroyed, then all of the user’s posts are also destroyed. What do you think would happen if you specified dependent: :destroy on a belongs_to association?


2. Add validations to the Comment model to ensure that every comment belongs to a User and a Post. Your application shouldn’t allow a Comment to be created without a user_id and post_id. You should also ensure that all comments have text in the body field.


3. Use the Rails console to create a new User. Create a TextPost or ImagePost belonging to this User and at least one Comment. Now destroy the User, and make sure the associated Post and Comment are also destroyed.

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