
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


404.html file, The config Directory
422.html file, The config Directory
500.html file, The config Directory
&& (and) operator, Hashes
@, for instance variables, Methods
(backslash), for special characters, Strings
: (colon), for symbols, Strings
{ } (curly braces), Arrays, Iteration
for blocks, Iteration
for hashes, Arrays
:: (double-colon) operator, Modules
" (double-quotes), for strings, Strings
== (equal) operator, Hashes
! (exclamation mark), at end of method name, Strings
=> (hash rocket), Arrays
> (greater than) operator, Hashes
< (less than) operator, Hashes, Classes
and inheritance, Classes
<< operator, Arrays
<=> operator, include
<%= %> tag, Embedded Ruby
<% %> tag, Embedded Ruby
<%# %> tag, for comments, Control Flow
% (modulus) operator, Data Types
!= (not equal) operator, Hashes
|| (or) operator, Hashes
||= (conditional assignment) operator, Booleans
+ operator, to add arrays, Arrays
? (question mark), at end of method name, Strings
[ ] (square brackets), for array, Strings
_ (underscore), in partial names, CSRF Meta Tags Helper
| (vertical pipe), Iteration


Accessor class, defining, class_eval
Active Record, The Post Model, Read, Delete, Query Conditions, Advanced Active Record, Caching
cache_key method, Caching
calculations, Query Conditions
query conditions, Delete
relation, Read
ActiveRecord::Base, inheriting from, has_many :through
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound exception, Read, The has_many Methods
ActiveSupport::Cache::FileStore cache store, Caching
ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore cache store, Caching
ActiveSupport::TestCase module, Running Tests
Ada, Ruby Fundamentals
add command (Git), Getting Started
alert class, Sign Up
alert-danger class, Sign Up
alert message, Sign Up
alert-success class, Sign Up
all method, Read
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Virtual Private Servers
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Virtual Private Servers
ancestors class method, extend
and (&&) operator, Hashes
anonymous users, restricting page access, The Authentication System, Current User
Apache, Installing Ruby, Adding a Virtual Host
disabling default site, Adding a Virtual Host
installing, Installing Ruby
API controllers, API Controllers
api module, Authenticating Requests
API requests, Curl, Authentication
adding route for, Authentication
authentication credentials for, Curl
APIs (application programming interfaces), Render or Redirect, Authentication, Jbuilder
creating, Authentication
token-based authentication, Jbuilder
api_token string, Jbuilder
app/assets directory, Layouts, Layouts, stylesheet_link_tag, Authentication, Authentication, Built-in Optimization Features, Built-in Optimization Features, Built-in Optimization Features, Manifests
application.css file, Layouts, Authentication, Built-in Optimization Features
application.js file, stylesheet_link_tag, Authentication
javascripts directory, Built-in Optimization Features
stylesheets directory, Built-in Optimization Features
app/controllers directory, Paths and URLs, The Authentication System, Sign Up, Implementation, Show User, Create Post, Create Post, Authorization Attacks, Authorization Attacks, Preventing CSRF, Pagination, Log Levels, API Controllers, Generating Tokens, Authenticating Requests, Chapter 5, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 10, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 11, Chapter 13, Chapter 13, Chapter 13
api/posts_controller.rb file, API Controllers, Chapter 13
api/text_posts_controller.rb file, Authenticating Requests
application_controller.rb file, Implementation, Preventing CSRF, Generating Tokens
comments_controller.rb file, Chapter 5, Chapter 9, Chapter 11
destroy action in, Chapter 5
image_post_controller.rb file, Authorization Attacks, Chapter 10, Chapter 10
ImagePostsController methods, Chapter 10
posts_controller.rb file, Paths and URLs, The Authentication System, Pagination, Log Levels, Chapter 11, Chapter 13
index action, Pagination
logger statement, Log Levels
PostsController, Chapter 11
sessions_controller.rb file, Chapter 13
text_posts_controller.rb file, Create Post, Create Post, Authorization Attacks
users_controller.rb file, Sign Up, Show User, Chapter 10
app/helpers directory, Number Helpers, Number Helpers, Number Helpers
application_helper.rb file, Number Helpers
posts_helper.rb module, Number Helpers
application, view for, Don’t Repeat Yourself
ApplicationController class, Current User, Generating Tokens
authentication method in, Generating Tokens
ApplicationHelper module, Number Helpers, Modules
application programming interface, Render or Redirect (see API (application programming interface))
application.rb file, The config Directory
application server, for Ruby on Rails, Installing Ruby
app/models directory, Models, User Model, User Model, Post Models, Post Models, Post Models, Sign Up, Running Tests, Low-Level Caching, Chapter 2
comment.rb file, Low-Level Caching, Chapter 2
adding validation, Chapter 2
ext_post.rb file, checking for body text, Post Models
image_post.rb file, Post Models
post.rb file, Models
subscription.rb file, User Model
user.rb file, User Model, Post Models, Sign Up, Running Tests
has_many association, Post Models
app/views directory, Embedded Ruby, Embedded Ruby, Embedded Ruby, The Posts Index Page, Layouts, Collections, The Authentication System, Post Index and Show, Post Index and Show, Post Index and Show, Sign Up, Sessions, Current User, Show User, Show User, Create Post, Create Post, Authorization Attacks, Authorization Attacks, Authorization Attacks, Preventing CSRF, Pagination, Caching, Low-Level Caching, Issues, The debug Helper, Chapter 4, Chapter 9, Chapter 9, Chapter 9, Chapter 9, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 10, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 15
comments/_comment.html.erb file, Chapter 9, Chapter 11, Chapter 12
image_posts/edit.html.erb file, Authorization Attacks
image_posts/_form.html.erb file, Chapter 10
image_posts/_image_post.html.erb file, Post Index and Show, Low-Level Caching, Issues, Chapter 9, Chapter 9
ImagePost partial, Chapter 9
image_posts/new.html.erb file, Chapter 10
layouts/application.html.erb file, Layouts, Current User, Preventing CSRF, The debug Helper, Chapter 4, Chapter 10, Chapter 15
updating, Chapter 4
link_posts/_link_post.html.erb file, Chapter 13
posts/index.html.erb file, Embedded Ruby, The Posts Index Page, The Authentication System, Create Post, Pagination
will_paginate call, Pagination
posts/show.html.erb file, Embedded Ruby, Collections, Post Index and Show
sessions/new.html.erb file, for login form, Sessions
text_posts/edit.html.erb file, Authorization Attacks
text_posts/_form.html.erb file, Create Post
text_posts/_text_post.html.erb file, Post Index and Show, Authorization Attacks, Caching, Chapter 9, Chapter 9, Chapter 12
comment count in, Caching
TextPost partial, Chapter 9
users/new.html.erb file, Sign Up
users/show.html.erb file, Show User, Show User
apt-get system, for software install, Amazon AWS Setup
arrays, Strings, Hashes, Read
for all keys in hash, Hashes
returning first and last entries in, Read
ASC order, for retrieving posts, Delete
as_json method, API Controllers
assertions, Running Tests, Post Fixtures, Controller Tests
controller test, Controller Tests
in testing, Running Tests
asset pipeline, Layouts, Built-in Optimization Features, Built-in Optimization Features, Manifests, Manifests, Debug Mode
asset precompilation, Debug Mode
debug mode, Manifests
manifests, Built-in Optimization Features
viewing search path list, Manifests
assets, in Rails application, Layouts
assets:clobber rake task, Debug Mode
assets directory, Controller, The config Directory
assigns hash, Controller Tests
associations, Testing Data, Testing Data, Adding Associations, Adding Associations, The has_many Methods, Advanced Active Record, Self Join Associations, has_and_belongs_to_many, Single-Table Inheritance, User Model, User Model, N + 1 Queries, Low-Level Caching
adding, Adding Associations
belongs_to methods, The has_many Methods
defining, User Model
generating model, Testing Data
has_many methods, Adding Associations
has_many :through, has_and_belongs_to_many
many-to-many, Self Join Associations
polymorphic, Single-Table Inheritance
self join, Advanced Active Record
specifying in advance, N + 1 Queries
testing, User Model
touch option, Low-Level Caching
attr_accessor method, Classes, Modules, define_method
attributes of object, displaying, Log Levels
authenticated user, for TextPostsController, Create Post
authenticate_or_request_with_http_token method, Generating Tokens
authenticate_user! method, Current User, Chapter 10
authenticating over SSH (secure shell), Heroku
authentication, Authentication, The Authentication System, Sign Up, Current User, Security, Curl, Jbuilder, Generating Tokens
vs. authorization, Security
of current user, The Authentication System
with GitHub API, Curl
log in, Sign Up
of requests, Generating Tokens
token-based, Jbuilder
of user, Current User
authenticity_token token, Preventing CSRF
authorization attacks, Security
author migration, Adding a Column
average method, Query Conditions
AWS (Amazon Web Services), Virtual Private Servers


backslash (), for special characters, Strings
BasicObject class, Ancestors
bcrypt gem, Post Index and Show, Chapter 9
BCrypt::Password.create method, Running Tests
before_action :authenticate_token! method, Authenticating Requests
before_action :authenticate_user! method, Chapter 9
before_action method (Rails), Paths and URLs, Current User
belongs_to association, Advanced Active Record, Self Join Associations, Single-Table Inheritance, User Model, Chapter 8
belongs_to methods, The has_many Methods
belongs_to statement, Adding Associations
between? method, include
bin directory, Rails Fundamentals, Controller, Views, Authentication, Post Index and Show, Sign Up, Testing in Rails, Model Tests, Testing a Flow, The debug Helper, Logging, Authentication, Jbuilder, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 15
bundle install command, Authentication, Post Index and Show, Logging
cap production deploy command, Chapter 15
rails console command, Chapter 8, Chapter 9
rails generate command, Testing a Flow
rails server command, Views
rake db:migrate command, Sign Up, Jbuilder
rake log:clear command, The debug Helper
rake routes command, Authentication
rake test command, Testing in Rails
rake test:models command, Model Tests
--binstubs option, for bundler, Getting Started
block of code, Iteration
blog posts, adding comments, Testing Data
body element (HTML), Layouts
Booleans, Hashes
Bootstrap, Authentication, Post Index and Show, Sign Up, Show User
form-group class, Sign Up
panel component, Post Index and Show
styles for links, Show User
bootstrap_sass gem, Authentication
branch command (Git), Other Useful Commands
branching, Variables
BrightBox, Amazon AWS Setup
build-essential package, Installing PostgreSQL
build tools, installing, Installing PostgreSQL
bundle command, The public Directory, Updating Your Gemfile, Installing PostgreSQL
bundle install command, Rails Fundamentals, Add to Git
Bundler tool, The public Directory, Updating Your Gemfile
flags in, Updating Your Gemfile
business logic, Don’t Repeat Yourself
byebug gem, Logging


cached_comment_count method, Low-Level Caching
cache_key method, Caching, Low-Level Caching, Fragment Caching
cache keys, Caching, Chapter 12
cache store, Pagination, Caching
Rails support of, Caching
caching, Pagination, Caching, Caching, Low-Level Caching, Fragment Caching
enabling, Caching
fragment, Low-Level Caching
issues, Fragment Caching
low-level, Caching
calc method, prepend
callbacks, eliminating, Putting Assertions to Work
canceling current operation, Interactive Ruby
cannot_feature! method, Chapter 6
Capfile, Getting Started
Capistrano, Debug Mode, Installing Gems, Getting Started, Getting Started, Configuration, Database Setup, Add to Git, Adding a Virtual Host
configuration, Getting Started
database setup, Configuration
deployment, Add to Git
secrets setup, Database Setup
setup, Getting Started
virtual host, Adding a Virtual Host
capistrano-rails gem, Getting Started
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Layouts, Authentication, Built-in Optimization Features
asset pipeline and, Built-in Optimization Features
including in application, Authentication
lists of application use, Layouts
case, Booleans, Variables
for constants, Booleans
for variables, Variables
cd command, Rails Fundamentals
centralized version control systems, Version Control
change_column method, Adding a Column
change method, Migrations
changes, pushing or pulling, Version Control
checkout command (Git), Other Useful Commands, Branches
child model, Advanced Active Record
classes, Methods, Classes, Classes, prepend, extend, Ancestors, Ancestors
adding new methods, Classes
ancestors, extend
assigning method calls to another, prepend
creating instance of, Classes
as instance of other class, Ancestors
methods, Ancestors
class_eval method, define_method
class methods, Classes
class statement, Methods
client error, Interactive Ruby, Status Codes
cloud application platform, Deployment (see Heroku cloud application platform)
code, Iteration, Turbolinks in Action, Debugger Commands
block, Iteration
executing inside debugger, Debugger Commands
optimization, Turbolinks in Action
CoffeeScript, Built-in Optimization Features, Turbolinks in Action
:collection option, CSRF Meta Tags Helper
collections, CSRF Meta Tags Helper
colon (:), for symbols, Strings
columns in database, adding, Adding a Column
combining strings, Strings
comment model, Comment Model, Chapter 8
comment_params method, Adding Comments, Chapter 4
comments, Testing Data, Adding Associations, The has_many Methods, Back to Controller Actions, Collections, Form Controls, Chapter 11
adding, Back to Controller Actions
adding to blog posts, Testing Data
belongs_to methods, The has_many Methods
form, Form Controls
has_many methods, Adding Associations
show page for, Chapter 11
showing, Collections
CommentsController#create method, Form Controls
commit command (Git), Getting Started
commit message, Getting Started
Comparable module, include
Concurrent Version System (CVS), Version Control
conditional assignment (||=) operator, Booleans
conditional statements, Variables, Fragment Caching
for Edit button, Fragment Caching
config.action_controller.perform_caching setting, Caching
config.assets.debug setting, Debug Mode
config directory, Controller, Routing, Restricted Resources, Show User, Preventing CSRF, Debug Mode, Caching, Issues, Getting Started, Configuration, Database Setup, Chapter 11
deploy/production.rb file, Configuration
deploy.rb file, Getting Started
environments/development.rb file, Debug Mode, Caching, Issues
routes.rb file, Routing, Restricted Resources, Show User, Preventing CSRF, Chapter 11
logout route, Chapter 11
secrets.yml file, Database Setup
console command, The bundle Command
constants, Booleans
continue command (debugger), Debugger Commands
control flow, Variables, Embedded Ruby
controllers, Controller, Controllers, The Root Route, Paths and URLs, Controller Actions, Render or Redirect, Controller Tests, API Controllers
actions, Paths and URLs
API, API Controllers
helpers for, The Root Route
parameters, Controller Actions
response formats, Render or Redirect
testing, Controller Tests
controls on forms, helper methods for, Showing Comments
convention over configuration, Your First Rails Application
cookies, Response Formats, Database Setup
secret key for, Database Setup
cookies hash, Controller Tests
count method, Query Conditions
create action, Representational State Transfer, Controller Test Assertions, Controller Test Assertions
controller test for, Controller Test Assertions
POST request for, Controller Test Assertions
create command, in Heroku, Updating Your Gemfile
create comment action, controller for, Back to Controller Actions
created_at field, Rails Scaffold
create_join_table method, has_and_belongs_to_many
create method, Create, Read, Update, and Delete, Back to Controller Actions, Implementation, Examining SQL Output
for login form, Implementation
in SessionsController, Examining SQL Output
createuser command, for PostgreSQL, Installing Apache and Passenger
cross-site request forgery (CSRF), Layouts, Cross-Site Request Forgery Attacks, Using Token-Based Authentication
token, Using Token-Based Authentication
cross-site scripting (XSS), Bypassing an Authentication System
CRUD functions, Create, Read, Update, and Delete, Representational State Transfer
CSRF (cross-site request forgery), Layouts, Cross-Site Request Forgery Attacks, Using Token-Based Authentication
token, Using Token-Based Authentication
csrf_meta_tags method, stylesheet_link_tag
csrf-token meta tag, stylesheet_link_tag
CSS, Built-in Optimization Features (see Cascading Style Sheets (CSS))
Curl, Status Codes, Curl, API Controllers, Jbuilder, Using Token-Based Authentication, Chapter 13
to check index action output, Jbuilder
testing API, API Controllers
for testing token-based authentication, Curl
curly braces ({ }), Arrays, Iteration
for blocks, Iteration
for hashes, Arrays
current user, The Authentication System, Implementation, Authenticate User
authentication, The Authentication System
identifying, Implementation
using, Authenticate User
current_user method, Implementation, The debug Helper, Authenticating Requests
output of, The debug Helper
custom routes, Restricted Resources
CVS (Concurrent Version System), Version Control


data, testing, Testing Data
database adding columns, Create, Read, Update, and Delete, Create, Read, Update, and Delete, Migrations, Adding a Column, Representational State Transfer, Representational State Transfer, Paths and URLs
adding records, Create, Read, Update, and Delete
CRUD functions, Create, Read, Update, and Delete, Representational State Transfer
current state, Migrations
HTTP verbs for actions, Representational State Transfer
retrieving posts from, Paths and URLs
database migrations, The config Directory, Rails Scaffold, Query Conditions, Updating Your Gemfile, User Model, Post Models, Testing in Rails
and application deployment, Updating Your Gemfile
for creating table, User Model
preventing creation of, Post Models
updating db/schema.rb with, Testing in Rails
database queries, reducing, Turbolinks in Action
database.yml file, The config Directory
data model, Advanced Active Record, Advanced Active Record, Polymorphic Associations
advanced, Advanced Active Record
for social networking service, Polymorphic Associations
data types, Data Types, Data Types, Strings, Strings, Strings, Arrays, Hashes
arrays, Strings
Booleans, Hashes
hashes, Arrays
numbers, Data Types
strings, Strings
symbols, Strings
dbconsole command, The bundle Command
db directory, The config Directory, Query Conditions, Migrations
migrate directory, Query Conditions
schema.rb file, Migrations
db:rollback statement, Migrations
debugger method, Entering the Debugger, Chapter 13
debugging, Debugging, The debug Helper, Entering the Debugger
commands, Entering the Debugger
Rails logger for, The debug Helper
debug helper, The debug Helper
:debug log level, The debug Helper
debug mode, Manifests
def_delegators method, extend
define_method method, Duck Typing
def statement, Methods
delegation, prepend
delete method, Controller Tests
DELETE request, Representational State Transfer, Restricted Resources, URL Helpers
delete_via_redirect method, Controller Test Assertions
deleting records, Read
dependent: :destroy option, User Model
deploy:check task, Add to Git
deployment, Deployment, Custom Deployment, Virtual Private Servers, Installing Gems
Capistrano, Installing Gems
virtual private servers, Virtual Private Servers
DESC order, for retrieving posts, Delete
destroy action, Representational State Transfer, Chapter 11
destroy method, Read, Back to Controller Actions, Implementation, Chapter 8
for user_id, Implementation
development environment, debug mode, Debug Mode
development.log file, The config Directory
development.rb file, Controller
diff command (Git), Basic Usage
digital signature, Heroku
directives, in manifest files, Built-in Optimization Features
direct manipulation, The Post Model
directory, Rails Fundamentals, Installing Apache and Passenger
creating for Ruby on Rails, Installing Apache and Passenger
for Rails project, Rails Fundamentals
display command (debugger), Debugger Commands
distributed version control system, Version Control
div element, class="container", Authentication
division, math operation, Data Types
doctype (HTML5), Layouts
documentation, Authentication, Installing PostgreSQL
for Bootstrap, Authentication
from gems, Installing PostgreSQL
document root, for Virtual Host, Adding a Virtual Host
do, end pair, for adding block, Routing
Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY), Don’t Repeat Yourself
do statement, Iteration
double-colon (::) operator, Modules
double-quotes ("), for strings, Strings
DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself), Don’t Repeat Yourself
duck typing, Duck Typing
duplication, eliminating, Putting Assertions to Work


each method, Conditionals, Embedded Ruby
eager loading, N + 1 Queries
edit action, Representational State Transfer, Controller Actions
Edit button, conditional statement for, Fragment Caching
Eiffel, Ruby Fundamentals
Element class, instance methods of, Chapter 7
elements, Arrays, Layouts
adding to array end, Arrays
of web pages, Layouts
else statement, Variables
elsif statement, Variables
email address, The Authentication System, Post Index and Show
of current user, The Authentication System
storing, Post Index and Show
Embedded Ruby (ERB), Don’t Repeat Yourself, Views, Embedded Ruby, Control Flow
comments, Control Flow
Employee model, defining associations in, Self Join Associations
empty? method, Strings
end statement, Iteration, Methods, Modules
environments directory, Controller
equal (==) operator, Hashes
ERB (Embedded Ruby), Don’t Repeat Yourself, Views, Embedded Ruby, Control Flow
comments, Control Flow
error_explanation div element, Forms
error messages, The config Directory, Forms
code for displaying, Forms
files for, The config Directory
errors array, Testing Data
errors method, Chapter 4
/etc/apache2/sites-available directory, Adding a Virtual Host
eval command (debugger), Debugger Commands
exclamation mark (!), at end of method name, Strings
:exclusion validation, Validations
exit command, Interactive Ruby, The Post Model
extend statement, prepend


favcon.ico file, The public Directory
features, enabling and checking for, Duck Typing
fetch method, Caching
Fibonacci sequence, prepend
Fielding, Roy, Controllers
field_with_errors class, Form Errors method, passing block to, Iteration method, Inheritance
file.split method, Inheritance
find_by method, Authenticating Requests
find method, Read, Authorization Attacks
first method, Read
fixtures, Running Tests, Show User
flags, in Bundler, Updating Your Gemfile
flash hash, Controller Tests
flash messages, Response Formats, Sign Up
displaying, Sign Up
floating-point math, Data Types
flow between pages, testing, Controller Test Assertions
follow action, safety from CSRF attacks, Preventing CSRF
following? method, User Model
following! method, User Model
follow_redirect! method, Controller Test Assertions
foreign key, Advanced Active Record, has_and_belongs_to_many
in migration file, has_and_belongs_to_many
for loop, Conditionals, Form Errors
form builder object, Form Errors
form_for method, Form Errors, Form Controls
forms, Showing Comments
for comments, Form Controls
form_tag, Implementation
Forwardable module, prepend
Fowler, Martin, Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, The Post Model
fragment caching, Pagination, Low-Level Caching
friendly_date helper method, Number Helpers
full-stack web framework, Rails Fundamentals
functional tests, Controller Tests


garbage collection, optimization, Performance
gem command, The public Directory, Installing PostgreSQL
Gemfile, Heroku, Logging
adding debugger gem, Logging
updating for Heroku, Heroku
gems, Rails Fundamentals, Authentication, Authentication, Post Index and Show, Post Index and Show, Manifests, Pagination, Logging, Logging, as_json, Installing PostgreSQL, Installing PostgreSQL, Getting Started, Chapter 15
bcrypt, Post Index and Show
bootstrap_sass, Authentication
byebug, Logging
capistrano-rails, Getting Started
directories in asset pipeline searches, Manifests
documentation from, Installing PostgreSQL
installing, Installing PostgreSQL
jbuilder, as_json
updating installed, Authentication, Post Index and Show, Logging
will_paginate, Pagination
generate_api_token method, Generating Tokens
generate command, The bundle Command
get method, Controller Tests
GET request, Representational State Transfer, Restricted Resources, URL Helpers, Controller Test Assertions, Cross-Site Request Forgery Attacks
and state change, Cross-Site Request Forgery Attacks
test issuing, Controller Test Assertions
getter methods, Classes
get_via_redirect method, Controller Test Assertions
git add command, Getting Started
git branch command, Other Useful Commands
git checkout command, Other Useful Commands, Branches
git commit command, Getting Started
git diff command, Basic Usage
git --help command, Basic Usage
GitHub, Deploying Your Application, Database Setup, Chapter 5
account, Chapter 5
pushing code to, Database Setup
GitHub API, Web APIs, The GitHub API, Curl, Curl
authentication with, Curl
token generation, Curl
git log command, Getting Started
git pull command, Branches
git push command, Branches, Updating Your Gemfile
git remote add command, Branches
git status command, Basic Usage, Other Useful Commands
Git version control system, Deployment, Version Control, Version Control, Getting Started, Getting Started, Other Useful Commands, Branches, Database Setup
basic usage, Getting Started
branches, Other Useful Commands
getting started, Version Control
remotes, Branches
repository, creating, Database Setup
setup, Version Control
staging area of, Getting Started
greater than (>) operator, Hashes
greet method, Methods


Hansson, David Heinemeier, Rails Fundamentals
hashed version of password, Post Index and Show
hashes, Arrays, Iteration, Getting Started
for commit, Getting Started
iteration over, Iteration
hash rocket (=>), Arrays
has_many association, Advanced Active Record, Self Join Associations, Polymorphic Associations, User Model, Running Tests
has_many :leaders association, Authenticate User
has_many method, Adding Associations
has_many :through association, has_and_belongs_to_many, User Model
has_secure_password method, Post Index and Show, Running Tests
head element (HTML), Layouts
head method, Controller Tests
help command, for debugger, Debugger Commands
--help command (Git), Basic Usage
helpers, Don’t Repeat Yourself, The Root Route, Control Flow, Number Helpers, Showing Comments, Controller Tests, Controller Test Assertions
adding methods, Number Helpers
for controllers, The Root Route
controller test, Controller Tests
integration, Controller Test Assertions
methods for form controls, Showing Comments
helpers directory, Controller
Heroku cloud application platform, Deployment, Heroku, Heroku, Updating Your Gemfile
deploying application, Updating Your Gemfile
Gemfile update for, Heroku
heroku run command, Updating Your Gemfile
Heroku Toolbelt, installing, Introduction, Heroku
hex method, Generating Tokens
home page, The Root Route, Authenticate User
root route setting for application, The Root Route
timeline for, Authenticate User
HTML, partials for shared code, CSRF Meta Tags Helper
HTML5 field types, helper methods for, Form Controls
HTML page, Don’t Repeat Yourself, Layouts
Rails layout for, Layouts
Ruby code and, Don’t Repeat Yourself
HTTP, The GitHub API, The GitHub API
status codes, The GitHub API
HTTP verbs, Representational State Transfer, URL Helpers
for database actions, Representational State Transfer


identifiers, symbols as, Strings
id field, Rails Scaffold, Read
retrieving record by, Read
if statement, Variables, Chapter 10
ImagePost, User Fixtures, Model Tests, Authorization Attacks
editing, Authorization Attacks
fixture files for, User Fixtures
validation test, Model Tests
image_post_params method, Chapter 10
image_tag helper, Post Index and Show
img-responsive class (Bootstrap), Post Index and Show
include statement, for methods, Modules
:inclusion validation, Validations
index action, Representational State Transfer, Paths and URLs, The Authentication System, API Controllers
index for array, Arrays
index page, Number Helpers, The Authentication System
for post model, The Authentication System
for posts, Number Helpers
indices, creating for foreign keys, has_and_belongs_to_many
inheritance, Classes, Modules, has_many :through
in Ruby, Modules
single-table, has_many :through
initialize statement, Methods
injection attacks, Authorization Attacks
insecure direct object reference, Authorization Attacks
inspect method, Log Levels
installing, Introduction, Introduction, Introduction, Heroku, Amazon AWS Setup, Installing Ruby, Installing Apache and Passenger, Installing PostgreSQL, Installing PostgreSQL, Installing Gems
Apache, Installing Ruby
build tools, Installing PostgreSQL
gems, Installing PostgreSQL
Heroku Toolbelt, Introduction, Heroku
PostgreSQL, Installing Apache and Passenger
Rails, Introduction, Installing Gems
Ruby, Introduction, Amazon AWS Setup
instance, Classes, Virtual Private Servers
of class, creating, Classes
instance methods, Classes
instance_methods method, Ancestors
instance_of? method, Class
instance variables, Methods, Classes
accessing, Classes
assigning value to, Methods
instantiating objects, Create, Read, Update, and Delete
integer division, Data Types
integration tests, Controller Test Assertions
Interactive Ruby interpreter (IRB), Interactive Ruby
Internal Server Error code, Status Codes
introspection, Class
IRB (Interactive Ruby interpreter), Interactive Ruby
irb command, Interactive Ruby
is_a? method, Class
is-a relationship, Classes
:is validation, Validations
iteration, Conditionals


JavaScript, Layouts, Authentication, Built-in Optimization Features, Turbolinks in Action
asset pipeline and, Built-in Optimization Features
events, Turbolinks in Action
including in application, Authentication
list of files in use, Layouts
javascript_include_tag method, stylesheet_link_tag
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), Don’t Repeat Yourself, Render or Redirect, Web APIs, The GitHub API, API Controllers
customizing output, API Controllers
messages, Web APIs
jbuilder gem, as_json
join table, Self Join Associations, has_and_belongs_to_many, User Model
creating, has_and_belongs_to_many
for many_to_many association, Self Join Associations
jq (JSON processor), API Controllers
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), Don’t Repeat Yourself, Render or Redirect, Web APIs, The GitHub API, API Controllers
customizing output, API Controllers
messages, Web APIs
json.array! method, Jbuilder
json.extract! method, Jbuilder


Kernel class, Ancestors
keys method, Hashes
key-value pairs, Arrays


label helper, Form Errors
last method, Read
layouts for views, Layouts
leader_ids method, Authenticate User
leaders method, User Model
length method, Strings
:length validation, Validations
less than (<) operator, Hashes
lib/assets directory, Manifests
lib directory, The config Directory
libpq-dev package, Installing PostgreSQL
limit method, Delete
link_to helper, Control Flow
Lisp, Ruby Fundamentals
list command (debugger), Debugger Commands
local variables, Debugger Commands
log directory, The config Directory, User Fixtures, The debug Helper
development.log file, The debug Helper
test.log file, User Fixtures
logger (Rails), The debug Helper
log in, Restricted Resources, Sign Up, Sessions
custom routes for, Restricted Resources
implementing, Sessions
logout, custom routes for, Restricted Resources
low-level caching, Pagination, Caching


mailers directory, Controller
manifests, Layouts, Built-in Optimization Features
many-to-many associations, Self Join Associations
margins, for page, Authentication
master branch, Other Useful Commands
Math module, Modules
math operations, in IRB, Data Types
Matsumoto, Yukihiro, Ruby Fundamentals
maximum method, Query Conditions
:maximum validation, Validations
memcached server, Caching
memoization, include
Memoize module, calc method, prepend
Mercurial, Version Control
merge method, Hashes
metaprogramming, Advanced Ruby, Duck Typing
method_missing method, class_eval
methods, Hashes, Methods, Modules, Ancestors
include statement for, Modules
passing named parameters to, Hashes
migration files, rails generate command to create empty, has_and_belongs_to_many
migrations, Query Conditions
(see also database migrations)
minimum method, Query Conditions
:minimum validation, Validations
MiniTest framework, Testing, Post Fixtures
mistakes, Debugging (see debugging)
mixins, modules as, Modules
mkdir command, Rails Fundamentals
models, Models, Advanced Active Record, Post Models, Eliminating Duplication with Callbacks
adding validations to, Post Models
relationship between two of same type, Advanced Active Record
testing, Eliminating Duplication with Callbacks
model-view-controller (MVC), Don’t Repeat Yourself
module Api statement, API Controllers
module keyword, Modules
modules, Classes, Advanced Ruby, Modules, Modules, Modules
as mixins, Modules
as namespaces, Modules
modulus (%) operator, Data Types
MVC (model-view-controller), Don’t Repeat Yourself
MySQL, Installing Apache and Passenger


N + 1 Queries, Examining SQL Output
named parameters, passing to method, Hashes
names, Embedded Ruby, CSRF Meta Tags Helper, Modules
for modules, Modules
for partials, CSRF Meta Tags Helper
for templates, Embedded Ruby
namespaces, modules as, Modules
namespace :api block, Authentication
nano editor, Adding a Virtual Host
nested resources, Routing
network communications, Curl for, Status Codes
new action, Representational State Transfer, Controller Actions, Controller Test Assertions
controller test for, Controller Test Assertions
New Image Post form, button linking to, Chapter 10
newlines, in strings, Strings
new method, Classes, Implementation
for login form, Implementation
new post form, Render or Redirect, Back to Controller Actions, Showing Comments
params from, Back to Controller Actions
from Rails scaffold generator, Showing Comments
next command (debugger), Debugger Commands
nil, Interactive Ruby, Arrays, Arrays, Methods
from [] method, Arrays
from accessing nonexistent key, Arrays
for method definition, Methods
NoMethodError exception, Ancestors, Duck Typing, class_eval
not equal (!=) operator, Hashes
“not” form, of assertions, Post Fixtures
notice message, Sign Up
not operator, Conditionals
NOT operator, define_method
number helpers, URL Helpers
numbers, Data Types
number_to_currency method, URL Helpers
number_to_human method, URL Helpers
number_to_human_size method, URL Helpers
number_to_percentage method, Number Helpers


Object class, Ancestors
object_id method, Strings
objects, Methods, Create, Read, Update, and Delete
instantiating, Create, Read, Update, and Delete
state of, Methods
odd numbers, Data Types
offset method, Delete
one-to-many relationships, Testing Data
one-way hash, Post Index and Show
open-source software, collaborating on, Deploying Your Application
Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), Summary
operation, canceling current, Interactive Ruby
optimization, Performance, Built-in Optimization Features, Built-in Optimization Features, Turbolinks in Action
asset pipeline, Built-in Optimization Features
built-in features, Built-in Optimization Features
of code, Turbolinks in Action
garbage collection, Performance
or (||) operator, Hashes
order clause, for timelines, Use Current User
order method, Delete
output tag (<%= %>), Embedded Ruby
output to screen, Interactive Ruby
OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project), Summary


Paas (Platform as a Service), Heroku
page rendering, speed of, Pagination
paginate method, Pagination
pagination, and optimization, N + 1 Queries
parameters, Hashes, Methods, Controller Actions
for methods, Methods
passing named, to method, Hashes
params, from new post form, Back to Controller Actions
params hash, Controller Actions, Create Post
:text_post key in, Create Post
parent model, Advanced Active Record
partials, CSRF Meta Tags Helper
password attribute, checking for, Running Tests
password_confirmation attribute, checking for, Running Tests
password digest, Post Index and Show
passwords, Post Index and Show, Examining SQL Output
authentication, Examining SQL Output
hashed version, Post Index and Show
patch method, Controller Tests
PATCH request, Representational State Transfer, URL Helpers
patch_via_redirect method, Controller Test Assertions
path helpers, The Root Route
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (Fowler), The Post Model
PDF format, Render or Redirect
percentages, Number Helpers
performance, Performance, Built-in Optimization Features, Pagination
(see also optimization)
caching and, Pagination
of Ruby on Rails, Performance
Perl, Ruby Fundamentals
Personal Package Archive (PPA), Amazon AWS Setup
pg (PostgreSQL gem), Updating Your Gemfile, Installing Gems
installing, Installing Gems
Phusion Passenger, Installing Ruby
pipe character (|), Iteration
plaintext files, reading in Ruby, Inheritance
Platform as a Service (PaaS), Heroku
pluralize helper method, Low-Level Caching
polymorphic associations, Single-Table Inheritance
@post, Form Controls, Form Controls
post.comments.find method, The has_many Methods
PostController, logger statement, Log Levels
post fixtures, User Fixtures
PostgreSQL, installing, Installing Apache and Passenger
PostgreSQL database server, Updating Your Gemfile
PostgreSQL gem (pg), Updating Your Gemfile
post_id field, Testing Data
Post index view, Post Index and Show
post method, Controller Tests
post model, Models, User Model, The Authentication System
index and show pages for, The Authentication System
post_params method, Parameters
post:references option, Testing Data
POST request, Representational State Transfer, Restricted Resources, Render or Redirect, Authentication
adding repository with, Authentication
posts, Number Helpers, Show User, Authorization Attacks, Low-Level Caching
authorization to edit, Authorization Attacks
index page, Number Helpers
updating when comment is added, Low-Level Caching
user’s ability to add, Show User
PostsController, respond_to method, Authentication
PostsHelper module, Number Helpers
posts table, The Post Model, Adding a Column
adding string column to, Adding a Column
posts_url, Response Formats
post_via_redirect method, Controller Test Assertions, Testing a Flow
PPA (Personal Package Archive), Amazon AWS Setup
predicate method, User Model
prepend statement, include
:presence validation, Validations
presence validation, for email field, Sign Up
<pre> tags, for debug helper output, The debug Helper
pretty-printing, API Controllers, Chapter 6
JSON data, API Controllers
in Ruby, Chapter 6
printing Ruby code, Debugger Commands
print messages, by log levels, Log Levels
privileges, of users, Authorization Attacks
production environment, Debug Mode, The debug Helper
asset precompilation, Debug Mode
default log level, The debug Helper
production.rb file, Controller
programmer, ERB comments for notes, Control Flow
prompt, Interactive Ruby, Interactive Ruby
return to working, Interactive Ruby
protect_from_forgery method, Preventing CSRF, Using Token-Based Authentication
public/assets directory, Debug Mode
public directory, The config Directory
public key, Heroku
pull command (Git), Branches
pulling changes to server, Version Control
push command (Git), Branches, Updating Your Gemfile
pushing changes to server, Version Control
push method, extend
put method, Controller Tests
puts method, Interactive Ruby
put_via_redirect method, Controller Test Assertions


Queries, N + 1, Examining SQL Output
query_by_attribute method, class_eval
question mark (?), at end of method name, Strings
quit command (IRB), Interactive Ruby
quotation marks, for strings, Strings


Rails, Introduction, Rails Fundamentals, Rails Fundamentals, Your First Rails Application, Don’t Repeat Yourself, The public Directory, Rails Scaffold, Testing in Rails, Installing Gems
architecture, Don’t Repeat Yourself
commands, The public Directory
confirming install, Rails Fundamentals
installing, Introduction, Installing Gems
principles, Your First Rails Application
scaffolding, Rails Scaffold
testing in, Testing in Rails
rails_12factor gem, for Heroku, Updating Your Gemfile
Rails application, Rails Fundamentals, Controller, Layouts, Advanced Ruby
assets in, Layouts
first, Rails Fundamentals
modules in, Advanced Ruby
structure, Controller
Rails.application.config.assets.paths setting, Manifests
Rails.cache.fetch method, Caching, Low-Level Caching
rails command, The bundle Command
Rails console, The Post Model, Chapter 8
launching, Chapter 8
starting, The Post Model
Rails counter cache, Low-Level Caching
Rails development environment, preparing, Testing in Rails
rails generate command, Rails Scaffold
Rails generator, Adding a Column, Back to Controller Actions, Showing Comments
for controller for comments, Back to Controller Actions
new post form from, Showing Comments
Rails logger, The debug Helper, The debug Helper
levels, The debug Helper
rails new command, Controller, The bundle Command, Chapter 5
directory structure created by, Controller
rails scaffold command, Chapter 6
rails server command, Rails Fundamentals, Form Controls
rake command, The config Directory, Rails Scaffold, Migrations, Debug Mode
to precompile assets, Debug Mode
rake db:migrate command, Updating Your Gemfile
random-number generator, Generating Tokens
read-eval-print loop (REPL), Interactive Ruby
read operation, Read
ready function (jQuery), Turbolinks in Action
records, Create, Read, Update, and Delete, Read, Read, Query Conditions
adding to database, Create, Read, Update, and Delete
counting, Query Conditions
deleting, Read
updating, Read
red-green-refactor, Testing a Flow
redirect? helper method, Controller Test Assertions
redirection, vs. rendering view, Parameters
redirect_to method, Render or Redirect
refactoring code, The public Directory
reflection, Class
regular expressions, method_missing
remainder, Data Types
remote add command (Git), Branches
remote repository, making local copy, Other Useful Commands
remove_column method, Adding a Column
rename_column method, Adding a Column
render action method, Render or Redirect
render command, CSRF Meta Tags Helper, Create Post
for form partial, Create Post
partials and, CSRF Meta Tags Helper
rendering view, vs. redirection, Parameters
repetition, avoiding, Don’t Repeat Yourself
REPL (read-eval-print loop), Interactive Ruby
repository, Deployment
Representational State Transfer (REST), Controllers
require directive, Built-in Optimization Features
require_self directive, stylesheet_link_tag, Built-in Optimization Features
require_tree directive, Built-in Optimization Features, Manifests
require_tree . statement, stylesheet_link_tag
resource route, Routing
resources :user sessions statement, Restricted Resources
respond_to :json method, Authenticating Requests
respond_to method, Back to Controller Actions, Authentication
respond_to? method, Duck Typing
respond_to_missing? method, method_missing
respond_with method, API Controllers
REST (Representational State Transfer), Controllers
restricted resources, Restricted Resources
return statement, Methods
reverse of subscription, User Model
robots.txt file, The public Directory
root route, The Root Route
route for sign-up page, Sign Up
routes.rb file, The config Directory
routing, Routing, Restricted Resources, The Root Route
custom routes, Restricted Resources
root route, The Root Route
Ruby, Introduction, Ruby Fundamentals, Interactive Ruby, Amazon AWS Setup
installing, Introduction, Amazon AWS Setup
interactive, Interactive Ruby
Ruby object model, Advanced Ruby, extend
Ruby on Rails, Rails Fundamentals, Performance, Installing Ruby, Installing Apache and Passenger, Chapter 15
application server for, Installing Ruby
creating directory for, Installing Apache and Passenger
performance, Performance
resources on, Chapter 15
Ruby Toolbox, Chapter 15


Sass, Built-in Optimization Features
schema, Migrations
schema_migrations database table, Migrations
schema.rb file, The config Directory
screen, output to, Interactive Ruby
secret key, for cookies, Database Setup
SECRET_KEY_BASE environment variable, Adding a Virtual Host
SecureRandom class, Generating Tokens
secure shell (SSH), authenticating over, Heroku
security, Security, Security, Authorization Attacks, Bypassing an Authentication System, Cross-Site Request Forgery Attacks
authorization attacks, Security
cross-site request forgery (CSRF), Cross-Site Request Forgery Attacks
cross-site scripting (XSS), Bypassing an Authentication System
injection attacks, Authorization Attacks
Seeds.rb file, The config Directory
self join associations, Advanced Active Record
server, Rails Fundamentals, Status Codes, Virtual Private Servers
(see also virtual private servers)
error status codes, Status Codes
launching, Rails Fundamentals
session hash, Controller Tests
sessions, Sign Up
set_post method, Paths and URLs
setter methods, Classes
setup method, Putting Assertions to Work, Model Tests
short circuit operators, Booleans
show action, Representational State Transfer, Paths and URLs, The Authentication System
show method, Controller
show page, The Authentication System, Testing a Flow, Chapter 11
for comments, Chapter 11
for post model, The Authentication System
for users, Testing a Flow
sign-up form, adding, Sign Up
sign-up page, adding route for, Sign Up
sign-up process, for users, Post Index and Show
single inheritance, Classes
single-table inheritance, has_many :through
size method, extend
sleep method, Fragment Caching
slice, in array, Arrays
Smalltalk, Ruby Fundamentals
snake case, Variables
snapshot, by Git, Getting Started
social networking application, Polymorphic Associations, Polymorphic Associations, Polymorphic Associations, User Model, Comment Model
comment model, Comment Model
data model for, Polymorphic Associations
post models, User Model
user model, Polymorphic Associations
software install, apt-get system for, Amazon AWS Setup
spaces between words, Strings
special characters, in strings, Strings
SQL, Create, Read, Update, and Delete, Injection Attacks, Turbolinks in Action, Examining SQL Output
commands, Create, Read, Update, and Delete
examining output, Examining SQL Output
injection attack, Injection Attacks
program optimization and, Turbolinks in Action
SQLite database, The config Directory
square brackets ([ ]), for array, Strings
SSH (secure shell), authenticating over, Heroku
stages in Capistrano, for application deployment, Installing Gems
staging area, of Git, Getting Started
state of application, Don’t Repeat Yourself
status codes, HTTP, The GitHub API
status command (Git), Basic Usage, Other Useful Commands
step command (debugger), Debugger Commands
stepping into application, Logging
strings, Strings
Strong Parameters, Parameters, Back to Controller Actions, Adding Comments
stylesheet_link_tag method, Layouts
submit helper, Form Controls
subscription, model to represent, User Model
subscriptions table, User Model
Subversion, Version Control
sum method, Query Conditions
symbols, Strings


tabs, in strings, Strings
tasks directory, The config Directory
TDD (test-driven development), The public Directory, Testing a Flow
adding features with, Testing a Flow
teardown method, Putting Assertions to Work
templates, in ERB, Embedded Ruby
test case, Running Tests
test directory, The public Directory, The public Directory, Testing in Rails, Running Tests, User Fixtures, User Fixtures, Controller Test Assertions, Controller Test Assertions, Testing a Flow, Testing a Flow, Show User, Create Post
controllers/posts_controller_test.rb file, Controller Test Assertions
controllers/text_posts_controller_test.rb file, Show User, Create Post
controllers/users_controller_test.rb file, Controller Test Assertions, Testing a Flow
fixtures/posts.yml file, User Fixtures
fixtures/users.yml file, Running Tests
integration/user_flow_test.rb file, Testing a Flow
models/user_test.rb file, Testing in Rails, User Fixtures
test_helper.rb script, The public Directory
test-driven development (TDD), The public Directory, Testing a Flow
adding features with, Testing a Flow
testing, Testing Data, The Root Route, User Model, Testing, Testing in Rails, Running Tests, Eliminating Duplication with Callbacks, Controller Tests, Controller Test Assertions, API Controllers
API with Curl, API Controllers
associations, User Model
controllers, Controller Tests
data, Testing Data
helpers, The Root Route
integration, Controller Test Assertions
models, Eliminating Duplication with Callbacks
in Rails, Testing in Rails
using fixtures, Running Tests
test log, User Fixtures
test.rb file, Controller
text field, helper for creating, Form Errors
text post, Create Post, Authorization Attacks, Authorization Attacks
button for creating new, Create Post
edit view for, Authorization Attacks
update method for, Authorization Attacks
TextPost, User Fixtures, Model Tests, Show User
creating posts of, Show User
fixture files for, User Fixtures
validation test, Model Tests
TextPost partial, Authorization Attacks, Fragment Caching
conditional statement for Edit button, Fragment Caching
link to edit section, Authorization Attacks
text post partial, editing, Chapter 9
text_post_params method, Create Post, Using Token-Based Authentication
therubyracer gem, Installing Gems
timeline, for home page, Authenticate User
timeline_user_ids method, Authenticate User
tmp directory, The public Directory
token-based authentication, Curl, Jbuilder
tokens, stylesheet_link_tag, Jbuilder, Generating Tokens
for current session, stylesheet_link_tag
generating, Jbuilder
for request authentication, Generating Tokens
Torvalds, Linus, Version Control
touch option, for associations, Low-Level Caching
touch tmp/restart.txt command, Configuration
t.references :author statement, has_and_belongs_to_many
Tumblr, Polymorphic Associations
turbolinks, Asset Precompilation


Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS, Virtual Private Servers
Ubuntu Linux setup, Amazon AWS Setup
underscore (_), in partial names, CSRF Meta Tags Helper
undisplay command (debugger), Debugger Commands
:uniqueness validation, Validations
uniqueness validation, for email field, Sign Up
unique words, Inheritance
unit tests, Eliminating Duplication with Callbacks
unless statement, Conditionals
update action, Representational State Transfer
update method, Read, Render or Redirect, Back to Controller Actions, Authorization Attacks
for text posts, Authorization Attacks
updated_at field, Rails Scaffold
updating records, Read
URL helpers, The Root Route, Control Flow
URLs, Routing, Post Models
and mapping actions to verbs, Routing
validation, Post Models
User associations, User Model
User.authenticate method, vulnerability to SQL injection, Injection Attacks
User class, creating instance of, Chapter 7
user fixtures, Running Tests
user_id in session, storing, Sign Up
user interface, Don’t Repeat Yourself (see views)
user model, Polymorphic Associations, Jbuilder
api_token string, Jbuilder
for social networking application, Polymorphic Associations
user:references option, Post Models
users, Post Index and Show, Sign Up, Current User, Authorization Attacks
action for creating new, Sign Up
authentication of, Current User
privileges of, Authorization Attacks
sign-up process, Post Index and Show


validation, Validations, Post Models, Chapter 2
adding to app/models/comment.rb file, Chapter 2
adding to model, Post Models
valid? method, Testing Data
valid user, Running Tests
values method, Hashes
values of object, displaying, Log Levels
var command (debugger), Debugger Commands
variables, Booleans, Booleans, Debugger Commands
examining values, Debugger Commands
initiating only if nil, Booleans
var instance command, Debugger Commands
VCS (version control system), Deployment
vendor/assets directory, Manifests
vendor directory, The public Directory
version control system (VCS), Deployment
vertical pipe (|), Iteration
views, Don’t Repeat Yourself, Views, Layouts, Low-Level Caching
caching parts of, Low-Level Caching
layouts, Layouts
view templates, creating, The Authentication System
virtual host, Adding a Virtual Host
virtual private servers, Virtual Private Servers, Virtual Private Servers, Amazon AWS Setup
Amazon AWS setup, Virtual Private Servers
Ubuntu Linux setup, Amazon AWS Setup


web APIs, Web APIs
web browser, JSON output on, API Controllers
weblog, creating, Rails Fundamentals
web pages, Layouts, Chapter 15
elements, Layouts
title of, Chapter 15
WEBrick server, Rails Fundamentals
web servers, Installing Ruby
where method, Read, method_missing
will_paginate gem, Pagination
--without production option, for bundler, Getting Started
words, counting in file, Inheritance
write_with_time method, Duck Typing


XML, Don’t Repeat Yourself, Render or Redirect
X-RateLimit-Limit, for GitHub API requests, Curl
XSS (cross-site scripting), Bypassing an Authentication System


YAML, Running Tests, The debug Helper, The debug Helper
dashes and dots for start and end, The debug Helper
yield statement, CSRF Meta Tags Helper, Authentication


zero index, for array, Arrays
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