© Adam Aspin 2020
A. AspinData Mashup with Microsoft Excel Using Power Query and Mhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6018-0_12

12. The M Language

Adam Aspin1 
Stafford, UK

Data ingestion and modification are not only interface-driven in Power Query. In fact, the entire process is underpinned and powered by a highly specific programming language. Called “M,” this language underlies everything that you have learned to do in the last 11 chapters.

Most users—most of the time—are unlikely to need to use the M language directly at all. This is because the Power Query Editor interface that you have learned so much about thus far in this book is both comprehensive and extremely intuitive. Yet there may be times when you will need to
  • Add some additional functionality that is not immediately accessible through the graphical interface

  • Add programming logic such as generating sequences of dates or numbers

  • Create or manipulate your own lists, records, or tables programmatically

  • Create your own built-in functions to extend or enhance those that are built in to the M language

  • Use the Advanced Editor to modify code

  • Add comments to your data ingestion processes

Before introducing you to these concepts, I need to add a few caveats:
  • The “M” language that underpins Power Query queries is not for the faint of heart. The language can seem abstruse at first sight.

  • The documentation is extremely technical and not wildly comprehensible for the uninitiated.

  • The learning curve can be steep, even for experienced programmers.

  • The “M” language is very different from VBA, which many Excel power users know well.

  • Tweaking a step manually can cause havoc to a carefully wrought data load and transform process.

Moreover, the “M” language is so vast that it requires an entire book. Consequently, I have deliberately chosen to provide only the most superficial (and I hope, helpful) of introductions here. For greater detail, I suggest that you consult the Microsoft documentation. This is currently available at the following URLs:

In this chapter, I am not going to presume that the reader has any in-depth programming knowledge. I will provide a few comparisons with standard programming concepts to assist any readers that have programmed in VBA, C#, or Java. However, rest assured, the intention is to open up new horizons for passionate Power Query users rather than spiral off into a complex technical universe.

All of this is probably best understood by building on your existing knowledge and explaining how (simply by using the Power Query graphical interface) you have been writing M code already. Then you can extend this knowledge by learning how to tweak existing code, and finally you will see how to write M code unaided.

What Is the M Language?

I should, nonetheless, begin with a few technical stakes in the ground to explain what the Power Query Formula Language (or M as everyone calls the language now) is and what it can—and cannot—do.

M is a functional language. It is certainly not designed to perform general-purpose programming. Indeed, battle-hardened programmers will search in vain for coding structures and techniques that are core to other languages.

At the risk of offending programming purists, I prefer to introduce M to beginners as being a functional language in three ways:
  • It exists to perform a simple function which is to load and transform data.

  • It is built on a compendium of over 700 built-in functions, each of which is designed to carry out a specific piece of data load and/or transformation logic.

  • It exists as a series of functions, each of which computes a set of input values to a single output value.

To complete the whirlwind introduction, you also need to know that
  • M is case-sensitive, so you need to be very careful when typing in function keywords and variable names.

  • M is strongly typed—which means that you must respect the core types of data elements used and convert them to the appropriate type where necessary. M will not do this for you automatically.

  • M is built on a set of keywords, operators, and punctuators.

I don’t want to get too technical at this juncture. Nonetheless, I hope that a high-level overview will prepare you for some of the approaches that you will learn later in this chapter.

M and the Power Query Editor

The good news about M is that you can already write it. By this I mean that every example that you followed in the previous 11 chapters wrote one or more lines of M code for you. Indeed, each step in a data load and transformation process that you generated when using the Power Query Editor created M code for you—automatically.

This means several (very positive) things:
  • You do not necessarily have to begin writing M code from a blank slate. Often you can use the Query Editor interface to carry out most of the work—and then tweak the automatically generated code to add the final custom elements that you require.

  • You do not have to learn over 700 functions to deliver M code as the Query Editor can find and write many of the appropriate instructions for you.

  • The Query Editor interface is tightly linked to the way that M code is written. So understanding how to use the interface helps you in understanding what M code is and how it works. Indeed, there is a one-to-one relationship between many Power Query interface elements and the underlying M function.

Modifying the Code for a Step

If you feel that you want to delve into the inner reaches of Power Query, you can modify steps in a query by editing the code that is created automatically every time that you add or modify a query step.

To get a quick idea of what can be done:
  1. 1.

    Open a new Excel file.

  2. 2.

    In the Data ribbon, select Get Data ➤ From File ➤ From Worksheet.

  3. 3.

    Select the Excel file C:DataMashupWithExcelSamplesBrilliantBritishCars.xlsx.

  4. 4.

    Select the source table named BaseData.

  5. 5.

    Click Transform Data to open the Query Editor.

  6. 6.

    Select the column IsDealer and remove it.

  7. 7.

    Click the Remove Columns step in the BaseData query. You will see the “M” code in the formula bar. It will look like that shown in Figure 12-1.

Figure 12-1

“M” code for an applied step

  1. 8.

    In the formula bar, edit the M code to replace IsDealer with ReportingYear.

  2. 9.

    Press Enter or click the tick icon (check mark) in the formula bar to confirm your changes.


The step and subsequent data will be updated to reflect your changes.

The modification that you carried out in step 8 effectively means that you are adding back the IsDealer column and removing the ReportingYear column instead. You could have done this using the interface (by clicking the gear cog icon in the Applied Steps list for this step), but the whole point is to understand that both options are available and that the Power Query interface is only generating and modifying M code. So you can modify this code directly, if you prefer. Indeed, modifying M code is often faster than making a series of interface-based maneuvers.

If you are an Excel power user (as many Power Query aficionados are), then you can be forgiven for thinking that this is similar to Excel Macro development. Indeed, it is in some respects:
  • The core code can be recorded (VBA for Excel, M for Power Query).

  • The resulting code can then be modified.

This is, of course, an overtly simplistic comparison. The two approaches may be similar, but the two languages are vastly different. Yet if this helps as a metaphor to encourage you to move to M development, then so be it.

There are, inevitably, a series of caveats when modifying the M code for a query step in the formula bar. These include (but are far from restricted to)
  • Any error will not only cause the step to fail, it will cause the whole data load and transformation process to fail from the current step onward.

  • You need to remember that M is case-sensitive—and even the slightest error of capitalization can cause the entire process to fail.

  • The use of quotes to define literal elements (such as column names) must be respected.

  • M makes lavish use of both parentheses and braces. It can take some practice and understanding of the underlying logic to appreciate their use fully in various contexts.

Fortunately, M will provide fairly clear error messages if (or when) errors creep in. If you enter an erroneous field name, for instance, you could see a message like the one in Figure 12-2.
Figure 12-2

An “M” error message

I do not want you to feel that modifying M code is difficult or dangerous, however. So, to extend the example given earlier, this is what the M code would look like if you extended it to remove two columns, and not just one:
= Table.RemoveColumns(#"Changed Type",{"ReportingYear", "IsDealer"})

More generally, it is often best to look at the code for existing steps—or create “dummy” code using a sample dataset in parallel—to get an idea of what the M code for a particular function looks like. This will then indicate how best to modify the code.

M Expressions

To give you a clearer understanding of what each M “step” contains, Figure 12-3 shows the core structure of a step. However, only the Power Query interface calls this a step. M actually calls this an expression. So that is the term I will use from now on.
Figure 12-3

An M expression

There are several fundamental points that you need to be aware of here:
  • Each M expression is made up of functions. These can be any of the built-in functions (such as the Table.RemoveColumns) used here—or functions that you have defined (which is explained a little later in this chapter). They can also be calculations or simple logic.

  • As you learned in the course of this book so far, data mashup is essentially a series of individual actions (or steps as the Power Query interface calls them). These actions are linked in a “chain” where each expression is built on—and refers to—a preceding expression. In Figure 12-3, this specific expression refers to the output of the #“Changed Type” expression which preceded it.

  • M expressions can become extremely complex and include multiple functions—rather like complex Excel formulas. As functions can be nested, this can lead to quite complex expressions.

Writing M by Adding Custom Columns

Another way to write certain types of M code is to add custom columns. Although these are known as custom columns in Power Query, they are also known more generically as derived columns or calculated columns . Although they can do many things, their essential role is to carry out any or all of the following (and this list is far from exhaustive):
  • Concatenate (or join, if you prefer) existing columns

  • Add calculations to the data table

  • Extract a specific part of a column

  • Add flags to the table based on existing data

The best way to understand these columns is probably to see them in action. You can then extend these principles in your own processes. This can, however, be an excellent starting point to learn basic M coding—albeit limited to a narrowly focused area of data wrangling in M.

Initially, let’s perform a column join and create a column named Vehicle, which concatenates the Make and Model columns with a space in between.
  1. 1.

    Open a blank Excel file.

  2. 2.

    Connect to the C:DataMashupWithExcelSamplesBrilliantBritishCars.xlsx data source.

  3. 3.

    Click Transform to open the Power Query Editor.

  4. 4.

    In the Add Column ribbon, click Custom Column. The Add Custom Column dialog is displayed.

  5. 5.

    Click the Make column in the column list on the right, then click the Insert button; =[Make] will appear in the Custom column formula box at the left of the dialog.

  6. 6.

    Enter & “ ” & in the Custom column formula box after =[Make]. Note the space between the pair of double quotes.

  7. 7.

    Click the Model column in the column list on the right, and then click the Insert button.

  8. 8.

    Click inside the New column name box and enter a name for the column. I call it CarType. The dialog will look like Figure 12-4.

Figure 12-4

The Custom Column dialog

  1. 9.

    Click OK. The new column is added to the right of the data table; it contains the results of the formula. Inserted Column appears in the Applied Steps list. The formula bar contains the following formula:

= Table.AddColumn(#"Changed Type", "CarType", each [Make] & " " & [Model])

You can always double-click a column to insert it into the Custom column formula box if you prefer. To remove a column, simply delete the column name (including the square brackets) in the Custom column formula box.


You must always enclose a column name in square brackets.

You can see that this line of M code follows the principles that you have already seen. It uses an M formula (Table.AddColumn) that refers to a previous expression (#"Changed Type") and then applies the code that carries out the expression requirements—in this case adding a new column that contains basic M code.


The each keyword is an M convention to indicate that every record in the column will have the formula applied.

The Advanced Editor

The formula bar is only the initial step to coding in M. In practice you will nearly always write M code in the Power Query Advanced Editor. There are several fundamental reasons for this:
  • The Advanced Editor shows all the expressions that make up an M query.

  • It makes understanding the sequencing of events (or steps or expressions if you prefer) much easier.

  • It has a syntax checker that helps isolate and identify syntax errors.


The Advanced Editor, unfortunately, does not yet have IntelliSense built-in. This means that you cannot see M function popup as you type.

Expressions in the Advanced Editor

The M expressions that you can see individually in the formula bar do not exist in a vacuum. Quite the contrary, they are always part of a coherent sequence of data load, cleansing, and transformation events. This is probably best appreciated if you now take a look at the whole block of M code that was created when you loaded a table from an Excel file previously.

To see the M code, you need to open the Advanced Editor.
  1. 1.

    In the Home ribbon, click the Advanced Editor button. The Advanced Editor window will open, as shown in Figure 12-5. You can also see the Applied Steps list from the Power Query Editor to help you understand how each step is, in fact, an M expression.

Figure 12-5

Syntax checking in the Advanced Editor

This dialog contains the entire structure of the connection and transformation process that you created. It contains the following core elements:
  • A sequence of expressions (which are steps)

  • A let expression that acts as an outer container for a sequence of data transformation expressions

  • An in expression that returns the output of the entire query

If you look at Figure 12-5, you can see several important things about the sequence of expressions that are inside the Let…In block:
  • Each expression is named—and you can see its name in the Applied Steps list.

  • Each expression refers to another expression (nearly always the previous expression) except for the first one.

  • All but the final expression are terminated by a comma.

  • An expression can run over several lines of code. It is the final comma that ends the expression in all but the last expression.

  • The final expression becomes the output of the query.

Although this is a fairly simple M query, it contains all the essential elements that show how M works. Nearly every M query that you build will reflect these core principles:
  • Have a Let…In block

  • Contain one or more expressions that contain functions

The Let Statement

The let statement is a core element of the M language. It exists to allow a set of values to be evaluated individually where each is assigned to a variable name. These variables form a structured sequence of evaluation processes that are then used in the output expression that follows the in statement. You can consider it to be a “unit of processing” in many respects. Let statements can be nested to add greater flexibility.

In most let statements, the sequence of variables will be ordered from top to bottom (as you can see in Figures 12-5 and 12-6) where each named expression refers to, and builds on, the previous one. This is the way that the Query Editor presents named expressions as steps and is generally the easiest way to write M scripts that are easy to understand. However, it is not, technically, necessary to order the expressions like this as the expressions can be in any order.

Modifying M in the Advanced Editor

As with all things Power Query related, the Advanced Editor is best appreciated through an example. You saw in Chapter 3 how to create and modify connections to data sources. You can also modify connections directly in the “M” language. This assumes that you know and understand the database that you are working with.
  1. 1.

    Add a new query that connects to a SQL Server database. I am using a SQL instance and database on my PC.

  2. 2.

    Select this query in the Queries list on the left.

  3. 3.
    In the Home ribbon, click the Advanced Editor button. The Advanced Editor dialog will appear, as shown in Figure 12-6.
    Figure 12-6

    The Advanced Editor dialog to alter a database connection

  1. 4.
    Alter any of the following elements:
    1. a.

      The server name in the Source line (currently “ADAM03SQL2017”).

    2. b.

      The database name in the second line (currently Name=“PrestigeCars”).

    3. c.

      The schema name in the third line (currently Schema=“Data”).

    4. d.

      The table name in the third line (currently Item=“Sales”).

  2. 5.

    Click Done to confirm any changes and close the Advanced Editor.


This approach really is working without a safety net, and I am showing you this more to raise awareness than to suggest that you must always code M in this fashion. However, it does open the door to some far-reaching possibilities if you wish to continue learning all about the “M” language.


You can, of course, click Cancel to ignore any changes that you have made to the M code in the Advanced Editor. The Query Editor will ask you to confirm that you really want to discard your modifications.

Syntax Checking

If you intend to write and modify M code, you are likely to be using the Advanced Editor—a lot. Consequently, it is certainly worth familiarizing yourself with the help that it can provide. Specifically, its syntax checking can be extremely useful and is entirely automatic.

Suppose that you have (heaven forbid!) made an error in your code. The Advanced Editor could look something like the one in Figure 12-7.
Figure 12-7

Syntax checking in the Advanced Editor

As you can see, in this case the Advanced Editor no longer displays a check box under the code and the reassuring message “No syntax errors have been detected.” Instead you see an error message. Clicking the Show error link will highlight the source of the error by displaying it on a blue background.

Basic M Functions

The M language is vast—far too vast for anything other than a cursory overview in a single chapter. Nonetheless, to give some structure to the overview, it is worth knowing that there are a few key categories of M functions that you might find useful when beginning to use M.

The following list is not exhaustive by any means, but can, hopefully, serve as a starting point for your journey into M functions. The elementary categories are
  • Text functions

  • Date functions

  • Time functions

  • DateTime functions

  • Logical functions

  • Number functions

I am focusing on these categories as they are probably the most easily comprehensible in both their application and their use. Once you have seen some of these functions, we can move on to other functions from the range of those available.

Most of the more elementary M functions can be applied in ways that will probably remind you of their Excel counterparts. For instance, if you want to extend the formula that you used to concatenate the Make and Model columns so that you are only extracting the leftmost three characters from the Make, you can use code like this:
= Table.AddColumn(#"Changed Type", "CarType", each Text.Start([Make], 3) & " " & [Model])
The result is shown in Figure 12-8.
Figure 12-8

Applying a first text function

As you can see, wrapping the Make column inside this particular text function has added an extra layer of data transformation to the expression.

Text Functions

Rather than take you step by step through every possible example of text functions, I prefer to show you some of the more useful text functions (at least, in my experience). These code snippets are given in Table 12-1, where you will doubtless recognize many of the functions that you have been accessing up until now through the Power Query user interface. Indeed, you may have used equivalent Excel functions when writing formulas in spreadsheets.
Table 12-1

Text Function Examples


Code Snippet




Returns the first three characters from the Make column



Returns the last three characters from the Make column

Up to a specific character

Text.Start([Make],Text.PositionOf([Make]," "))

Returns the leftmost characters up to the first space

Up to a delimiter

Text.BeforeDelimiter([InvoiceNumber], "-" ,"2")

Returns the text before the third hyphen

Text length


Finds the length of a text

Extract a substring

Text.Range([Make], 2, 3)

Extracts a specific number of characters from a text—starting at a specified position

Remove a subtext

Text.RemoveRange([Make], 2, 3)

Removes a specific number of characters from a text—starting at a specified position

Replace a text

Text.Replace([Make], "o", "a")

Replaces all the o characters with an a in the text or column

Trim spaces


Removes leading and trailing spaces in the text or column

Convert to uppercase


Converts the text or column to uppercase

Convert to lowercase


Converts the text or column to lowercase

Add initial capitals


Adds initial capitals to each word of the text or column


You have probably noticed if you looked closely at these functions that any numeric parameters are zero based. So, to define the third hyphen when splitting text in a column, you would use 2, not 3.

There are, as you might expect, many more text functions available in M. However, the aim is not to drown the reader in technicalities, but to make you aware of both the way that M works and what is possible.

You may well wonder why you carry out operations like this in Power Query when you can do virtually the same thing in Excel formulas. Well, it is true that there is some overlap; so you have the choice of which to use. However, remember that there is no need to copy formulas down over a column in M, as the formula will apply, by definition, to an entire column.

Overall, you can perform certain operations at multiple stages in the data preparation and analysis process. It all depends on how you are using the data and with what tool you are carrying out the analyses.

Table 12-1 is only a subset of the available text functions in M. If you want to see the complete list, it is on the Microsoft website at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerquery-m/text-functions.

Number Functions

To extend your knowledge, Table 12-2 shows a few of the available number functions in M. Here I have concentrated on showing you some of the numeric type conversions as well as the core calculation functions.
Table 12-2

Number Function Examples


Code Snippet


Returns an 8-bit integer


Converts the text or number to an 8-bit integer

Returns a 16-bit integer


Converts the text or number to a 16-bit integer

Returns a 32-bit integer


Converts the text or number to a 32-bit integer

Returns a 64-bit integer


Converts the text or number to a 64-bit integer

Returns a decimal number


Converts the text or number to a decimal

Returns a Double number value from the given value


Converts the text or number to a floating-point number

Takes a text as the source and converts to a numeric value


Converts the text to a number

Rounds a number

Number.Round(5000, 0)

Rounds the number up or down to the number of decimals (or tens, hundreds, etc. for negative parameters)

Rounds a number up

Number.RoundUp(5020, -2)

Rounds the number up to the number of decimals (or tens, hundreds, etc. for negative parameters)

Rounds a number down

Number.RoundDown(100.01235, 2)

Rounds the number down to the number of decimals (or tens, hundreds, etc. for negative parameters)

Removes the sign


Returns the absolute value of the number

Raises to a power

Number.Power(10, 4)

Returns the value of the first parameter to the power of the second


Number.Mod(5, 2)

Returns the remainder resulting from the integer division of number by divisor

Indicates the sign of a number


Returns 1 if the number is a positive number, -1 if it is a negative number, and 0 if it is zero

Gives the square root


Returns the square root of the number


If you are an Excel user, you can probably see a distinct similarity with how you build formulas in Excel (in pivot tables in Power Pivot) except that here (as in Power Pivot) you use column names rather than cell references.

Table 12-2 is only a minor subset of the vast range of number functions that are available in M. If you want to see the complete list, it is on the Microsoft website at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerquery-m/number-functions.

Date Functions

M has many date functions. Table 12-3 contains a potentially useful sample of some of the available functions.

Table 12-3 is only a subset of the available date functions in M. If you want to see the complete list, it is on the Microsoft website at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerquery-m/date-functions.
Table 12-3

Date Function Examples


Code Snippet




Returns the number of the day of the week from a date



Returns the number of the month from a date



Returns the week from a date

Day of week


Returns the day of the week from a date

Name of weekday


Returns the weekday name from a date

First day of month


Returns the first day of the month from a date

Last day of month


Returns the last day of the month from a date

First day of year


Returns the first day of the year from a date

Last day of year


Returns the last day of the year from a date

Day of year


Returns the day of the year from a date

Week of year


Returns the week of the year from a date



Returns the number of the quarter from a date

First day of quarter


Returns the first day of the quarter from a date

Last day of quarter


Returns the last day of the quarter from a date

Time Functions

M also has many time functions. Table 12-4 contains a potentially useful sample of the available functions.
Table 12-4

Time Function Examples


Code Snippet



Time.Hour(#time(14, 30, 00))

Returns the hour from a time


Time.Minute(#time(14, 30, 00))

Returns the minute from a time


Time.Second(#time(14, 30, 00))

Returns the second from a time

Time from fraction


Returns the time from a fraction of the day

Table 12-4 is only a subset of the available time functions in M. If you want to see the complete list, it is on the Microsoft website at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerquery-m/time-functions.

Equally, as they are so similar to the date and time functions, I have not shown here the datetime functions and the datetimezone functions. These are also available on the Microsoft website.

Duration Functions

M can also extract durations—in days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Table 12-5 shows some of the basic duration functions.
Table 12-5

Duration Function Examples


Code Snippet



Duration.Days(#duration(10, 15, 55, 20))

Duration in days


Duration.Hours(#duration(10, 15, 55, 20))

Duration in hours


Duration.Minutes(#duration(10, 15, 55, 20))

Duration in minutes


Duration.Seconds(#duration(10, 15, 55, 20))

Duration in seconds

Table 12-5 is nearly all the available duration functions in M. If you want to see the remaining few functions, they are on the Microsoft website at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerquery-m/duration-functions.

M Concepts

The time has now come to “remove the stabilizers” from the bicycle and learn how to cycle unaided. This means, firstly, becoming acquainted with several M structural concepts.

This means moving on from the “starter” functions that you can use to modify the contents of the data to creating and modifying data structures themselves. M is essentially focused on loading and presenting tabular data structures, so tables of data are an essential data structure. However, there are other data structures that it can manipulate—and that you have seen in passing in previous chapters. In this chapter, then, we will look at the three core data structures. Collectively, these are classified as structured values—as opposed to the primitive values such as text, number, or date and time. Some of these are
  • Lists

  • Records

  • Tables

However, before delving into these structured data elements, you need to understand two fundamental aspects of the M language. These are
  • Data types

  • M values (also referred to as variables or identifiers)

So, without further ado, let’s start your journey into M.

M Data Types

If you are creating your own lists, records, and tables, then it will help to know the basics about data types in M.

When beginning to use M, you need to remember that primitive data values must always be one of the following types:
  • Number

  • Text

  • Date

  • Time

  • DateTime

  • DateTimeZone

  • Duration

  • Logical (Boolean if you prefer)

  • Binary

  • Null

There are other types such as function, any, or anynonnull, but we will not be covering them in this chapter.

All data types expect to be entered in a specific way. Indeed, you must enter data in the way shown in Table 12-6 to avoid errors in your M code.
Table 12-6

Data Type Entry

Data Type

Code Snippet






Do not use formatting such as thousand separators or monetary symbols


"Calidra Power Query Training"

Always enclose in double quotes. Use two double quotes to enter the actual quotes text



Dates must be year, month, and day in the #date() function



Times must be hour, minute, and second in the #time() function



Datetimes must be year, month, day, hour, minute, and second in the #datetime() function



Datetimezones must be year, month, day, hour, minute, second, day offset, and hour offset in the #datetimezone() function



Days, hours, minutes, and seconds comma-separated inside the #duration() function



True or false in lowercase

M Values

Before diving deeper into actual coding, you really need to know a few fundamentals concerning M values:
  • Values are the output of expressions.

  • Values are also variables.

  • The names of values are case-sensitive.

  • If the value name contains spaces or restricted characters, they must be wrapped in #”” (pound sign followed by double quotes).

This fourth bullet point clearly begs the question “what is a restricted character?” The simple answer—that avoids memorizing lists of glyphs—is “anything not alphanumeric.”


The Power Query Editor interface makes the steps (which are the values returned by an expression) more readable by adding spaces wherever possible. Consequently, these values always appear in the M code as #”Step Name”.

Defining Your Own Variables in M

As the values returned by any expression are also variables, it follows that defining your own variables in M is breathtakingly simple. All you have to do is to enter a variable name (with the pound sign and in quotes if it contains spaces or restricted characters), an equals sign, and the variable definition.

As a really simple example, take a look at Figure 12-9. This M script defines the three parameters required for the List.Numbers() function that you will see in Table 12-7 and then uses the variables inside the function.
Figure 12-9

User variables in M

There are only a few things to remember when defining your own variables:
  • They respect the same naming convention as output values in M.

  • A variable can be referenced inside the subexpression where it is defined and any expressions that contain the subexpression.

  • A variable can be a simple value or a calculation that returns a value.

Writing M Queries

Before actually writing M, you need to know how and where to write your code. Suppose that you need an environment to practice the examples in the remainder of this chapter:
  1. 1.

    Open a new, blank Excel file.

  2. 2.

    In the Data ribbon, click Get Data ➤ From Other Sources ➤ Blank Query. The Power Query Editor will open.

  3. 3.

    Click Advanced Editor. An Advanced Editor dialog will open containing only an outer let expression, as shown in Figure 12-10.

Figure 12-10

Preparing the Advanced Editor to write M code


Technically, a let clause is not required in M. You can simply enter an expression. However, I prefer to write M “by the book”—at least to begin with.


You met M lists in Chapter 11 when creating popup lists for query-based parameters (showing, once again, that everything in the Query Editor is based on M). Lists are nothing more than a series of values.

Lists have specific uses in M and can be used directly in a data model. However, they are more generally used as intermediate steps in more complex data transformation processes. If you have a programming background, you might find it helpful to consider lists as being something akin to arrays.

Creating Lists Manually

A list is simply a comma-separated set of values enclosed in braces—such as
Once integrated into the structure of an M query, it could look like the example shown in Figure 12-11.
Figure 12-11

A list in the Advanced Editor

Once created—either as an intermediate step in a query or as the final output of the query—the list can be used by anything that requires a list as its input. Indeed, if you click the Done button for the example shown earlier, the Power Query Editor will display this piece of M code as a functioning list—exactly like the one that you created in Chapter 11. So you can now create custom lists for parameters (for instance) quickly and easily.

There is some technical information that you need to know about lists:
  • Lists are unlimited in size.

  • Lists can contain data of the same type (i.e., all elements are numeric values, dates, or texts, for instance)—or the data can be of different types.

  • Lists can be empty—that is, composed of a pair of empty braces.

  • Lists can be entered horizontally or vertically. That is, the list shown earlier could have been typed in as

Source = {

Generating lists is really easy; knowing when to use lists is the hard part.

Generating Sequences Using Lists

Lists have many uses in M, but there is one area where they shine, and that is generating sequences of numbers, dates, or texts. Rather than laboriously explain each approach individually, I have collated a set of examples of M code snippets for list generation in Table 12-7.
Table 12-7

List Generation

Code Snippet



An uninterrupted sequence of numbers from 1 to 100, inclusive

{1..100, 201..400}

An uninterrupted sequence of numbers from 1 to 100, then from 201 to 400

List.Numbers(0, 100, 5)

Starting at zero increments by 5 until 100 is reached


The uppercase letters A through Z

List.Dates(#date(2020, 1, 1), 366, #duration(1, 0, 0, 0))

Each individual day for the year 2020—starting on 1st January 2020, 366 days (expressed as a duration in days) are added

List.Times(#time(1, 0, 0), 24, #duration(0, 1, 0, 0))

Each hour in the day starting with 1 AM

Accessing Values from a List

If you move to more advanced M coding, you may well want to refer to a value from a list in your M script. At its simplest, this is done using positional references . Here is a short piece of M code that does just this:
    MyList = {"George","Bill","George W.", "Barack", "Donald"},
    source = MyList{3}

The output of this code snippet is the fourth element in the list—making the point that lists in M are zero based. That is, the first element in a list is the element 0.

List Functions

There are many dozens of list functions available in M. Far too many to go through in detail here. So, to give you an idea of some of the possible ways that you can manipulate lists, take a look at Table 12-8. All of them use the very simple list of that you can see earlier.
Table 12-8

List Functions


Code Snippet


First value


Returns the first element in a list

Last value


Returns the last element in a list

Sort list values


Sorts the values in a list

Extract range

List.Range(MyList, 4)

Extracts a range of values from a list

Return value(s)

List.Select(MyList , each _ ="Adam")

Returns the elements from a list that match a criterion

Generate a list


Creates a list of sequential values

Aggregate values


Aggregate the numeric values in a list

Replace values

List.ReplaceMatchingItems(MyList, {"Joe", "Fred"})

Replaces a range of values in a list

Convert to list


Returns a column from a table as a list

Table 12-8 is only a small subset of the available list functions in M. If you want to see the full range of functions, it is on the Microsoft website at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerquery-m/list-functions.


If lists can be considered as columns of data that you can use in your M code, records are rows of data. You might well find yourself needing to define records when creating more complex data transformation routines in M.

At its simplest, here is a sample record created in M:
    Source = [Surname = "Aspin", FirstName = "Adam"]
If you need to access the data in one element of a record, you append the record variable name with the field name in square brackets, like this:
    Source = [Surname = "Aspin", FirstName = "Adam"],
    Output = Source[Surname]
There are a few record functions that you may find useful. These are outlined in Table 12-9.
Table 12-9

Record Functions


Code Snippet


Add field


Adds a field to a record

Remove field


Removes a field from a record

Rename field


Renames a field in a record

Output field


Returns the value of the specified field in the record



Returns the number of fields in a record

Table 12-9 is only a subset of the available record functions in M. If you want to see the complete list, it is on the Microsoft website at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerquery-m/record-functions.


The final structured data type that you could well employ in M code is the table type. As you might expect in a language that exists to load, cleanse, and shape tabular data, the table data type is fundamental to M.

If you decide to create your own tables manually in M, then you will need to include, at a minimum, the following structural elements:
  • The #table() function

  • A set of column/field headers where each field name is enclosed in double quotes and the set of field names is wrapped in braces

  • Individual rows of data, each enclosed in braces and comma-separated, where the collection of rows is also wrapped in braces

A very simple example of a hand-coded table could look like this:
        {"Surname", "FirstName"},
However, the weakness with this approach is that there are no type definitions for the fields. Consequently, a much more robust approach would be to extend the table like this:
        type table
                        #"Surname" = text,
                        #"FirstName" = text

The data type keywords that you specify to define the required data type were outlined earlier in this chapter.

There are many table functions available in M. I have outlined a few of the more useful ones in Table 12-10.
Table 12-10

Table Functions


Code Snippet


Merge tables


Merges tables of similar or different structures

Number of records


Returns the number of records in a table



Returns the first record in a table



Returns the last record in a table

Find rows


Returns the rows in the table that contain the required text

Insert rows


Inserts rows in a table

Output rows


Outputs selected rows

Delete rows


Deletes rows in a table

Select columns


Outputs selected columns

Table 12-10 is, as you can probably imagine, only a tiny subset of the available table functions in M. If you want to see the complete list, it is on the Microsoft website at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerquery-m/table-functions.

Other Function Areas

As I mentioned previously, M is a vast subject that could fill an entire (and very large) book. We have taken a rapid overview of some of the core concepts and functions, but there is much that remains to be learned if you wish to master M. If you are really interested in learning more, then I suggest that you search the Microsoft documentation for the elements outlined in Table 12-11 to further your knowledge.
Table 12-11

Other Function Areas

Function Area


Accessing data functions

Access data and return table values

Binary functions

Access binary data

Combiner functions

Used by other library functions that merge values to apply row-by-row logic

DateTime functions

Functions applied to datetime data

DateTimeZone functions

Functions applied to datetime data with time zone information

Expression functions

M code that was used for expressions

Line functions

Converts data to lists of values


Used by other functions in the library to replace a given value in a structure


Splits values into subelements


Returns M types


Handles URLs and URIs


Handles M values

Custom Functions in M

M also allows you to write custom functions that can carry out highly specific tasks repeatedly.

As an example of a very simple custom function, try adding the following code snippet to a new, blank query:
let DiscountAnalysis =
                        (Discount as number) =>
                                                if Discount < 10 then "Poor" else "Excellent"
in DiscountAnalysis
When you close the Advanced Editor, you will see that this query has been recognized as being an M function and appears as such in the list of queries. You can see this in Figure 12-12 (where I have renamed it to “DiscountAnalysis”).
Figure 12-12

User-defined functions in M

You can now invoke the function at any time interactively by entering a value as the discount and clicking the Invoke button. You can also use this function inside other M functions. Indeed, this is probably why you created a custom function in the first place.

If you want to see a more advanced function, take a look at the following code snippet, which pads out a date to add leading zeroes to the day and month if these are required:
      FormatDate = (InDate as date) =>
      Source = Text.PadStart(Text.From(Date.Month(InDate)),2,"0") & "/" & Text.PadStart(Text.From(Date.Day(InDate)),2,"0") & "/" &Text.From(Date.Year(InDate))

Adding Comments to M Code

Complex M code can be extremely dense. So you will likely need ways of remembering why you created a process when you return to it weeks or months later.

One simple way to make your own life easier is to add comments to M code. You can do this both for code that you have written and queries that have been generated automatically.

There are two ways to add comments.

Single-Line Comments

To comment a single line (which you can do either at the start of the line or partway through the line), simply add two forward slashes—like this:
//This is a comment

Everything from the two slashes until the end of the line will be considered to be a comment and will not be evaluated by M.

Multiline Comments

Multiline comments can cover several lines—or even part of a line. They cover all the text that is enclosed in /* … */.
/* This is a comment
Several lines */

Everything inside the /* …*/ will be considered to be a comment and will not be evaluated by M.


This final chapter completes this book on loading and transforming source data for analysis in Excel. In this chapter, you learned the basics of the M language that underpins everything that you learned in this book up until now.

You began by seeing how you can use the Power Query Editor interface to assist you in writing short snippets of M code. Then you moved on to discovering the fundamental M concepts such as expressions, variables, and values. Finally, you learned about data types in M and the more complex data types such as lists and tables that underlie complex data transformations. This involved learning to use the Advanced Editor to write and debug your code.

In this chapter and the 11 previous chapters, you have seen essentially a three-stage process: first, you find the data, then you load it into Power Query, and from there, you cleanse and modify it. The techniques that you can use are simple but powerful and can range from changing a data type to merging multiple data tables. Now that your data is prepared and ready for use, you can add it to the Power Pivot/Excel data model or directly into an Excel spreadsheet and start using it to deliver real-world analytics.

I hope that you have enjoyed reading this book, and that it will help you to master the art of finding, transforming, and loading external data into Excel using Power Query and M.

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