Chapter 22. Email

Email on a switch? Hell yes! Arista switches allow emails to be sent from the EOS command line, from Bash, from scripts, and from all sorts of interesting places. After you see this in action, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it. Ever have to copy the output of a show tech from flash:, to a TFTP server, and then to your laptop? You’ll never need to go through that nonsense again with email configured on your Arista switch. Ever copy and paste from the screen, only to discover that your scroll-back buffer wasn’t big enough? With email on an Arista switch, just email the output directly to your (or anyone’s) inbox. But enough hype, let’s dig in and see how it’s done.

Arista switches contain an email configuration mode that is accessed with the email command:


When you’re there, type a question mark (?) and see what’s available:

  auth       Email account authentication
  from-user  Send email from this user
  server     Email relay
  tls        Require TLS
  comment    Up to 240 characters, comment for this mode
  default    Set a command to its defaults
  exit       Exit from Email configuration mode
  help       Description of the interactive help system
  no         Negate a command or set its defaults
  show       Show running system information
  !!         Append to comment

In its simplest form, mail on an Arista switch requires configuration of a from address and an email server to send through. This is done by using the from-user and server commands. Here, I’ll configure the from-user to be [email protected], and the server to be If DNS is configured, I could also use a fully qualified domain name such as

Arista(config-email)#from-user [email protected]

While within the email configuration mode, the command show active displays what’s currently configured for email. With the addition of Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) support, the server command now shows the default VRF, unless otherwise configured:

Arista(config-email)#show active
   from-user [email protected]
   server vrf default

For more advanced scenarios, email in EOS supports username and password authentication using the cleverly named username and password commands:

Arista(config-email)#auth username gad
Arista(config-email)#auth password ILikePie

If a password is entered in plain text, as I’ve done here, the switch will convert it to an encrypted string. Show active displays this encrypted string, as will the configuration:

Arista(config-email)#sho active
   from-user [email protected]
   server vrf default
   auth username gad
   auth password 7 MHTq67ztWA9dQOfAwOWOqQ==

Passwords encrypted within configurations using MD5 are not very secure, and MD5 is what’s used in the email configuration section even on EOS 4.21.1F where sha512 is used for local EOS user passwords. Remember that given this configuration, the username and password will be sent over the network in clear text, as well.

If your mail server supports Transport Layer Security (TLS), you can enable that with the tls command:


My lab is not set up for TLS, so it won’t show up in later command outputs. TLS will solve the problem of passwords being sent in clear text, so it’s a recommended solution to use wherever possible.

With my email set up, I’ll now flex my new power by sending the output of a command to my inbox. I can do this with any show command by using the pipe (vertical bar) character followed by the word email. Note that this option does not show up if you search for it:

Arista#sho run | ?
  LINE      Filter command by common Linux tools such as grep/awk/sed/wc
  append    Append redirected output to URL
  begin     Begin with the line that matches
  exclude   Exclude lines that match
  include   Include lines that match
  json      Produce JSON output for this command
  no-more   Disable pagination for this command
  nz        Include only non-zero counters
  redirect  Redirect output to URL
  section   Include sections that match
  tee       Copy output to URL

Rest assured, though, that it works. By now it shouldn’t surprise you that email is actually a command in Bash that’s referenced from EOS. To see the possible options, drop to Bash and issue the email –-help command:


Arista Networks EOS shell

[admin@Arista ~]$ email --help
Usage: email -- send email through the configured SMTP server

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ATTACHMENT, --attachment=ATTACHMENT
                        send the named file as an attachment
  -b, --binary          force encoding attachments as binary
  -d, --debug           debug interaction with SMTP server
  -i, --interactive     force interactive mode even if stdin is not a TTY
  -r REF, --ref=REF     specify case ref
  -s SUBJECT, --subject=SUBJECT
                        specify subject
  --sysname=SYSNAME     specify Sysdb sysname

Let’s get back to EOS and try some of those. First, I pipe the output of the show run command to my email with a subject of Show Run. I specify a subject for the email by using the –s flag and then list the email address of the intended recipient:

Arista(config-email)#sho run | email -s "Show Run" [email protected]

No output is displayed because it’s all been redirected to the email program. A quick jump over to my email client, and there’s the email! Note that the output is stored as an attachment and is not sent in the body of the email:

Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2017 18:40:20
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: [SPAM] Show Run
   1 Shown      2 lines  Text
   2          3.8 KB     Application

see attachment

    [ Part 2, Application/OCTET-STREAM 3.8 KB. ]
    [ Cannot display this part. Press "V" then "S" to save in a file. ]

This time, I send the output of the command show interface e24 to my email, but without specifying a subject. Without a subject specified, a generic subject is inserted on my behalf:

Arista(config-email)#sho int e1 | email [email protected]

Here is the resulting email, with the subject line in bold, and, yes, check your spam folders if you don’t see it in your inbox! This was triggered as spam by my system because the email server does not have reverse DNS configured.

Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2017 18:42:07
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: [SPAM] Support email sent from the switch
   1 Shown     2 lines  Text
   2          46 KB     Application

see attachment

    [ Part 2, Application/OCTET-STREAM 46 KB. ]
    [ Cannot display this part. Press "V" then "S" to save in a file. ]

The email feature used to send the command output in the body of the message (see Arista Warrior, first edition), but now the default is to send it as an attachment. Here is the file contained in the last email that was sent:

Ethernet1 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
  Hardware is Ethernet, address is 001c.7390.93d0 (bia 001c.7390.93d0)
  Description: [ ESXi ]
  Ethernet MTU 9214 bytes , BW 1000000 kbit
  Full-duplex, 1Gb/s, auto negotiation: on, uni-link: n/a
  Up 24 days, 23 hours, 50 minutes, 53 seconds
  Loopback Mode : None
  3 link status changes since last clear
  Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
  5 minutes input rate 0 bps (0.0% with framing overhead), 0 packets/sec
  5 minutes output rate 636 bps (0.0% with framing overhead), 1 packets/sec
     0 packets input, 0 bytes
     Received 0 broadcasts, 0 multicast
     0 runts, 0 giants
     0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 alignment, 0 symbol, 0 input discards
     0 PAUSE input
     1898042 packets output, 194708151 bytes
     Sent 747067 broadcasts, 1150975 multicast
     0 output errors, 0 collisions
     0 late collision, 0 deferred, 0 output discards
     0 PAUSE output

Flummoxed by email failures after you’ve configured your switch for this feature? You can specify the –d option with email, after which you will be rewarded with pages of debug information reflecting every detailed interaction performed by the email process. Let’s take a look:

Arista#sho int e24 | email -d [email protected]
connect: ('', 25)
connect: (25, '')
reply: '220 ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)
reply: retcode (220); Msg: ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)
connect: ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)
send: 'ehlo []
reply: '
reply: '250-PIPELINING
reply: '250-SIZE 30000000
reply: '250-VRFY
reply: '250-ETRN
reply: '250-STARTTLS
reply: '250-8BITMIME
reply: '250 DSN
reply: retcode (250); Msg:
SIZE 30000000
[---output truncated--]

In this case, everything went through fine, but be warned that this can create a lot of output depending on what’s going on. This output would be invaluable during a failure. Here, I’ve misconfigured the server’s IP address in my email configuration in order to generate a failed connection:

Arista#sho int e24 | email -d -s "Show Int e24" [email protected]
connect: ('', 25)
connect: ('', 25)
% Failed to send email: [Errno 101] Network is unreachable

Because email is actually a Bash command, you can use it for redirecting output in Bash, too. Here, I’ve redirected the output of ls -al to my email address:

[admin@Arista ~]$ ls -al | email -s "ls -al" [email protected]


If you’re like me, you’ll find yourself using this feature a lot more than you ever thought you would. But then, I’ve been told there aren’t a lot of people quite like me. The worst thing is that after you get used to all these cool Arista features, it can be absolutely maddening to use any other vendor’s switch.

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