

ActionTypes class 249

activities 11

Activity class 6768

adding speech to 345347

code design 6972

handling 6777

listening for new 310314

pinging 76

relationship changes 7273

sending 72, 316318

types 68

typing indicators 77, 7880

user data deletion 7576

Activity class 46, 5962, 6768

custom message Activity 6162

ActivityExtensions class 6062

ActivityType class 6869

ActivityType members 46

ActivityType.Message 46

Activity types 2425

ActivityTypes class 249

Adaptive cards 267276

handling actions 274275

layout with containers 271273

using controls 273274

AddRemainingFields method 175176

AddTieAsync method 56

Analytics tab 280283

AnalyzeImageAsync method 331

API Key 282

api/messages 36

Apple 6

Application ID 282

Application Insights 280283

artificial intelligence (AI) 45, 183, 321

ASP.NET MVC applications 21

ASP.NET MVC Web API project 18

assembly references 1920

attachments 112113

accepting from users 254255

sending 255257

working with 250257

Audio cards 265266

augmented/virtual reality (AR/VR) applications 7

Authenticate module 315

Autofac 19, 254

AutoFac 229


deploying chatbot to 3135

Azure Application Insights 280283

Azure Table Storage 253



searching with 321330

Bing channel

configuration 286288

BotAuthentication attribute 23

Bot Builder 19

Language.GenerateTerms method 172

Bot Builder dialogs. See dialogs

Bot Connector 9, 19, 24, 25, 35

relationship changes and 7273

services 1012

state management service 4759

Bot Emulator

activities handling 6777

ConversationUpdate Activity 7375

features 6567

Typing Activity 80

Bot Framework

architecture 814

Bot Connector 1012

channels 910

chatbots 1214

components 89

Direct Line API and 303320

InputHints class 353354

introduction to 314

Natural Language Processing 183202

voice services and 345360

Bot Framework Emulator

communicating with chatbot 2930

configuration 2729

installing 2627

testing chatbot with 2630

Bot Framework project 1538

default chatbot 2225

default code 1825

folder and file layout 21

initial testing with emulator 2630

publishing 3135

registering 3538

starter template 15, 1617

assembly references 1920

starting new 1718

steps in building 1516

template installation 1617

Bot Framwork State Service 4759

bots. See chatbots

BotState 4950

Bot State Service 102, 115, 253

browse dialog 243244

BrowseDialog 326329

BrowseDialog implementation 258263

BuildForm method 127, 153, 163, 168

Build method 178

BuildWineDialog method 131132


C# 11

Call method 209210

camelCase 127

CancellationTokenSource 318, 319

cancelToken parameter 318

CardElement class 272273

cards 237278

Adaptive 267276

attachments 250257

Audio 265266

BrowseDialog implementation 258263

building blocks 246257

creating 261268

displaying 257267

Hero 258, 261262

layout 261

with containers 271273

Suggested Actions 246250

Thumbnail 258, 262

using controls 273274

Case 222

Chain class 213225

Chain.ContinueWith method 223224

Chain.From method 219220

Chain.Loop method 220221

Chain.Switch method 220222

LINQ statements 225226

posting and waiting methods 223224

WineBotChain 214218

Chain.ContinueWith method 223224

Chain.From method 219220

Chain.Loop method 220221

Chain.Switch method 220222

ChannelId 46

Channel Inspector 289

channels 9

Bing 286288

configuration 279290

Console 303308

Cortana 355359

custom 303320

Email 291293

overview of 910, 279283

Teams 284286

Twilio 293294

types of 279

Webchat 295300


activities handling 6777

adding voice services to 345360

advanced conversations 7786

analytics 280283

benefits of 57

caching with multiple 48

channels 279290

characteristics of 1213

communications 1314

conversation and 45, 8, 1213, 3964, 7375


assembly references 1920

default chatbot 2225

folder and file layout 21

initial testing with emulator 2630

starting new project 1718

template installation 1617

custom information storage 11

defined 3

deploying to Cortana 355359

deployment of 56

email 291293

ending conversations with 318320

FAQ 339344

fine-tuning 6588

FormFlow 124132

identity 4647

in Bot Framework 9

interruption handling 226229

Music Chatbot 237278

navigating between dialogs 204207

pinging 76

platform independence of 67

publishing 3135

registering 3538

relationship changes 7273

Rock, Paper, Scissors game bot 3945, 5156, 6062

sending independent messages 8086

sending user input to 316318

steps to building 1516

texting 293294

typing indicators 77, 7880

usage scenarios 78

use of LUIS by 183202

using voice 6

Webchat control 295300

WineBot 91118

chatbotState variable 54

ChoiceStyleOptions enum 147148

C# language 127

client-side coding

Webchat control 296297

CognitiveService class 322

Cognitive Services. See Microsoft Cognitive Services

command-line applications 4


configuration of FormFlow 160161

communication 5

chatbot 1314

multi-cultural 332339

out-of-band 226229

proactive 8086

voice 6

Compare method 42

condition parameter 164165


Application Insights 280283

Bing channel 286288

channels 279290

email channel 292293

FormFlow 154161

commands 160161

responses 156157

templates 157159

Teams channel 284286

Visual Studio 281

Webchat channel 295296

Configure class 315316

ConfigureFormBuilder method 156160

Confirm method 166168

ConnectorClient class 25

console applications 4

Console channel

code 305308

components 304305

ending conversations 318320

keeping conversation open 315316

listening for new activities 310314

overview of 303308

sending activities 316318

starting a conversation 308309

ContactRelationUpdate Activity 7273


with Adaptive cards 271273

ContinueWith method 223224, 224


using 273274

conversation 3964

Activity class 5962

Activity state 46

advanced 203234

advanced messages 7786

continuing 8586

criticality and 8

defined 45

designing 43

dialogs and 105107

dialog stack 203213

elements of 4547

email 291293

ending 318320

FormFlow 132137

handling interruptions 226229

identifiers 4546

identity 47

importance of 45

keeping open 315316


with chaining 213225

management of 1213

MessagesController class 4445

participating in 5962

responding to 59

starting new 86

starting, on custom channel 308309

state management 4559

bot state service capabilities and organization 4951

dialogs 106108

saving and retrieving state 4759

stray user input and 43

text output formatting 230232

updates 7375

user and chatbot identities 4647

with Music Chatbot 237246

conversational user interface (CUI) 3, 4, 13, 39, 183

Conversation property 47

ConversationReference.json file 8384

ConversationUpdate Activity 7375

Conversation.UpdateContainer method 229

Cortana 6, 345, 355359

CreateReply method 25, 59, 232, 249

criticality 8

CUI. See conversational user interface

custom channels 303320

ending conversations 318320

keeping conversation open


listening for new activities




sending activities 316318

starting a conversation


customer support 339


DefaultCase 222

default.htm file 21

DeleteScoresAsync method 55

DeleteStateForUserAsync method 50

DeleteUserData Activity 7576

dependencies parameter 164165


chatbots 56

Describe attribute 133134, 138

DetectAndTranslateAsync method 336

DetectLanguageAsync method 334


browse 243244

building 91118

calling 115116

conversation flow 105107

dialog class creation 102103

finishing 211214

Done method 211212

Fail method 212213

Reset method 212213

FormFlow. See FormFlow

IDialogContext parameter 103105

implementation of 98114

initialization and workflow 103

LINQ statements 225226

playlist 244245

profile 243, 250253

PromptDialog class 108114

root 242, 246248

search 245246

searches 114115

serializable 102, 111

WineBot 91118

WineForm 129132

dialog stack 203213

defined 203204

navigating to other dialogs 204207

navigating via call 209210

navigating via forward 207209

Direct Line API 11, 303320

ending conversations 318320

keeping conversation open 315316

listening for new activities 310314

sending activities 316318

starting a conversation 308309

Watermark property 307308, 313

DisplayAsync method 255256

distributed applications 14

DoChainLoopAsync method 220221

DoChainSwitchAsync method 220222

DoManageCase method 222, 223

Do method 224

DoneAsync method 229

Done method 211212

DoSearchAsync method 114115

DoSearchCase method 222, 223

DoSearch method 128, 176

duplicate messages 314


email accounts

creating 291292

Email channel 291293


communicating with chatbot 2930

configuration 2729

installing 2627

testing chatbot with 2630

EndConversationAsync method 319

EndOfConversationCodes class 177178


handling 196200

prebuilt 188189

simple 187188

specifying, in LUIS 187189

ExtractEntities method 197


Fail method 212213

FAQ chatbots 339344

Field method 171173

fields 168175

AddRemainingFields method 175176

dynamic field definition 171172

HasField method 175

validation 173175

FileService class 256

fluent interface

FormFlow 153154

formatting text 230232

FormBuilder class 127128

FormCanceledException 131

FormConfiguration class 156160

FormFlow 119152

attributes 132135

Describe 133134

Numeric 134135

Optional 135

Pattern 135

Prompt 135136

Terms 136137

basic chatbot 124132

BuildForm method 127

choosing between IDialog<T> and 150

conversations 132137

customization 153182

Build method 178

commands 160161

Configuration property 154161

Confirm method 166168

Message method 162167

OnCompletion method 176178

reponses 156157

templates 157159

working with fields 168175

features 119124

fluent interface 153154

help options 123

initialization 178181

input error correction 121

menu options 120

serializable 127

templates and patterns 137150

basic templates 139

configuration 157159

pattern language 137139

template options 146149

TemplateUsage enum 139146

using as dialog 129132

WineForm 124132

working with fields

AddRemainingFields method 175176

dynamic field definition 171172

field validation 173175

HasField method 175

Forward method 207209

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 339344

From method 219220

From property 46


Game class 4043

GameState class 5156

generateMessage parameter 166167

GetAudioCardsForPreview method 265266

GetConversationReference 8485

GetGenres method 241

GetMessage method 59

GetPreview method 241

GET requests 98

GetScoresAsync method 5354, 56, 7980

GetToken method 241

GetTracks method 241

GetUserImageAsync 98

GetUserInputAsync method 318, 319

GitHub 12

Google 6

graphical user interfaces (GUI) 45, 12

graphical user interfaces (GUIs) 237

Groove API 238242

GrooveService class 238241


HandleCanceledForm method 132133

Handle method 7172

HandleSystemMessageAsync method 116

HandleSystemMessages 24

Happy Path 237

HasField method 175

Help command 160

HelpScorable 226229

Hero cards 258, 261262

HttpOperationException 50

HTTP POST endpoint 22


IBotContext 104

IBotData 105

IBotDataStore<BotData> 253

IBotState 4950

IBotToUser 105106

IContactRelationUpdateActivity interface 7273

IDialogContext 103105, 177, 195

Call method 209210

Done method 211

Forward method 207209

IDialog<object> 102103

IDialogStack 104

IDialog<T> 130131, 210

choosing between FormFlow and 150

Id property 47

IFormBuilder<T> 154, 156

IFormDialog<T> 131132


interpreting 330332

IMessageActivity 207


FormFlow 178181

input controls 274275

input hints 353355

InputHints class 353354


Bot Framework Emulator 2627

project template 1617

Instrumentation Key 282


adding 195196

building, in LUIS 186187


handling 226229

Inversion of Control (IoC) 229

IScorable 226229

IsGroup property 47

IsRequired property 274

IStateClient 54


Json.NET 97

Json.NET package 49


keep-alive messages 313


Language.GenerateTerms method 172

language translation 332339

Language Understanding Intelligence Service (LUIS) 14, 183202, 321

continuous model improvement 200201

essential concepts of 183192

publishing model 192

setting up 185188

building intents 186187

model creation 185186

specifying entities 187189

training and deploying 189192

adding utterances 190192

model testing 191192

using in chatbots 193200

adding intents 195196

entity handling 196200

Last-In First Out (LIFO) 203

LINQ statements 225

Linux operating systems 303

localization 66, 332

Loop method 220221

LUIS. See Language Understanding Intelligence Service

LuisIntent attribute 195

LuisResult method 197


MainAsync method 306

Markdown 230232

Material Design 6

Message class 307

Message method 127128, 162167

condition parameter 164165

dependencies parameter 164165

generateMessage parameter 166167

prompt parameter 165

MessageReceivedAsync method 107108, 115, 212, 271, 329330


duplicate 314

keep-alive 313


receiving 310314

sending independent 8086

translating 334339

MessagesController class 4445, 5759, 115116, 129132

MessagesController.cs file 21, 22

MessagesController.Post method 7172

messaging apps 34, 5, 910

MicrosoftAppId 241

Microsoft App ID 36

Microsoft App password 36

MicrosoftAppPassword 241

Microsoft.Bot.Builder 19, 20

Microsoft.Bot.Connector 19

Microsoft Bot Framework. See Bot Framework

platform independence and 67

Microsoft Cognitive Services 45, 6, 14, 321344

LUIS 183202

QnA Maker 339344

Search service 321330

Text Translation API 332339

Vision service 330332

Microsoft Direct Line SDK 303, 308

multi-cultural communication 332339

multi-threading 306307, 308

Music Bot

using search with 321330

Music Chatbot 237246

attachments and 250257

Audio cards 265266

BrowseDialog 243244, 258261

channels 279290

FileService class 256

Groove API 238242

PlaylistDialog 244245, 263265

ProfileDialog 243, 250253

PromptDialog 350353

RootDialog 242, 246248

RootMenuItem 248

SearchDialog 245246, 267271


naming conventions 127

natural language processing (NLP) 4, 14

Natural Language Processing (NLP) 183202, 321

training models 185192


dialog stack and 203213

to other dialogs 204207

via call 209210

via forward 207209

.NET Framework 310

NewsDialog 323326, 330

ngrok 36, 37

NLP. See Natural Language Processing

None intent 195196

NuGet 19, 20, 97, 303, 308

Numeric attribute 134135


OnCompletion method 127128, 176178

Optional attribute 135

out-of-band communication 226229


PascalCase 127

Pattern attribute 135

pattern language

FormFlow 137139

Ping Activity 76

platform independence

chatbots and 67

Playlist Dialog 244245


implementation 263265

PlayList enum 43

Play method 4243

PlayScore class 53

PlayType enum 3940, 45

polling 310

port numbers 45

PostAsync method 177

POST messages 75

Post method 22, 23, 24, 44, 51, 57, 61, 7172, 76, 130, 179, 204, 213, 218, 335, 347

PostToChain method 221

PostToUser method 222

prebuilt entities 188189

proactive communication 8086

ProfileDialog 243, 250253

Program class 304

programming languages 11

PromptAsync method 347

Prompt attribute 135136, 138, 139, 165

PromptAttribute 159

Prompt class 316318

PromptDialog 350353, 354

PromptDialog class 108114

Attachment method 112113

Choice method 109110

Confirm method 111112

Number method 110

Text method 111112

PromptDialog method 207

PromptOptions 353

promptOptions parameter 108

prompt parameter 165


QnA maker 339


Rating property 164

RatingType enum 125126

ReceiptCards 267

ReceiveAsync method 312

Recipient property 46

ReconnectToConversationAsync method 316

RefreshTokenAsync method 318

RefreshTokensAsync method 316

RegexCase 222223

ReplyToId parameter 61

Representational State Transfer (REST) interface 22

Reset method 212213

REST. See Representational State Transfer (REST)


REST endpoints 297

REST interface 303

ResumeAfterProfileAsync method 212

RetrieveMessagesAsync method 312, 319

Rock, Paper, Scissors game bot 3945

BuildMessageActivity method 6062

BuildTypingActivity method 78

deploying to Cortana 355359

Game class 4043

GameState class 5156

GetScoresAsync method 7980

MessageController.Post method 7172

MessagesController class 4445, 5759

PlayList enum 43

PlayType enum 3940

SystemMessages class 6971

RootDialog 205207, 209, 218, 246

RootDialog.cs file 21

RootMenuItem 248

routing 10


SayAsync method 347350, 354

ScorableBase class 227228

SearchArguments class 275

SearchDialog 245246, 267271

SearchingIntent method 196197

Search services 321330

BrowseDialog 326329

NewsDialog 323326, 330

Select method 222

SendAsync method 116, 130, 204

Send System Activity menu 72

SendToConversationAsync method 257

SendToExistingConversation method 8586

Serializable attribute 102

ServiceUrl 46

SetDefine 172

SetFieldDescription 172

SetType 172

SetValidation method 173175

ShowMenuAsync method 249251

SignInCards 267

Siri 6

SMS messages 293294

Speak property 345, 347

speech capabilities

adding to activities 345347

adding to PromptDialog 350353

adding with SayAsync 347350

Cortana 355359

input hints 353355

speech recognition 357

Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) 347

SSML. See Speech Synthesis Markup Language

StartAsync method 103, 105, 115, 210

StartConversationAsync method 309, 318

StartNewConversation method 86

StateClient 54

state management

conversations 4559, 106108

StockingType enum 125126

streaming 310314

SubmitAction 274275

Suggested Actions 246250

Suggested Utterances tab 200201

SuppressRepeatedActivities method 314315

Switch method 220222

SystemMessages class 6971


Task Parallel Library (TPL) 312

Teams channel

configuration 284286

using 286

Template attribute 139, 145

TemplateAttribute 157159

TemplateBaseAttribute class 146148


configuration 157159

FormFlow 137150

project 1625

TemplateUsage enum 139146

Terms attribute 136137

text chatbots 293294

text messaging 5

text output

formatting 230232

Text Translation API 332339

Then method 224

Thumbnail cards 258, 262

Timestamp 46

TranslateResponseAsync method 338339

TResult type parameter 103

Twilio channel 293294

Typing Activity 77, 7880

typing indicators 77, 7880


Universal Windows Programs (UWP) 6

UnWrap method 222

UploadAsync method 254255, 256

user data

deletion of 7576

user exits 319320

user identity 4647

user input

interpretation of 199

sending to chatbots 316318

utterances 190192


VideoCards 267

Vision services 330332

Visual Studio

configuration 281

template 1625

voice communication 6

voice services 345360

adding to PromptDialog 350353

Cortana 355359

input hints 353355

SayAsync method 347350


Wait method 104, 210

Watermark property 307308, 313

Webchat control 295300

client-side coding 296297

handling server requests 297299

web pages

adding chatbots to 295300

Web Sockets 310, 312

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 303

WineApi class 9697, 98, 124, 128


attachments 112113

calling dialog 115116

FormFlow chatbot 124132

implementation of 98114

introduction to 9192

MessagesController class 115116, 129132

PromptDialog class 108114

WineApi class 9697, 98, 124132, 128

WineCategories class 93 API 9298

WineForm class 126127

WineProducts class 9396

WineSearchDialog class 98114, 111, 114115

WineBotChain 214225

WineBotDialog class 193195

WineBotLuis 193200

WineCategories class 93 API 9298

WineForm 124132

Confirm method 166168

FormFlow fluent interface 153154

Forward method 207209

OnCompletion method 176178

Rating property 164

using as dialog 129132

working with fields 168175

WineForm class 126127

WineFormCompletedAsync method 231

WineProducts class 9396

WineSearchDialog class 98114, 111, 114115

WineType enum 124125, 198

WritePrompt 308


Xamarin 6

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